Beasts of Beyond
Avalon - Joining - Printable Version

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Avalon - Joining - SirDio - 12-15-2020

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[Image: Emily-74190.gif]
There was a dead air around the lioness, though the calm breeze hushed it away. Grey paws looked at the swamp, annoyance flicking in the flowers by her eyes. Hazy eyes blinked tiredly and she kept forward, fresh blood from her haunches dripping onto the ground, and a small trail followed her inland. Hidden wounds hurt little, their flowers acting as scabs and using her own blood to give them life was difficult, but she managed to keep them alive. A purple flower fell lazily to the ground before her.

Subconscious the persuasion of foliage growth, vines beginning to crawl up trees and hook in, multicolored roses sprouting from their anchors, an array of kaleidoscopic flowers creating a small sanctuary of a 5 foot radius. In the center she anchored herself with vines that loosely clung to her, able to be easily yanked away. Glazed eyes watched nothing, but she was aware of many things.


Re: Avalon - Joining - rhosmari - 12-18-2020

The woman was careless or perhaps uncaring, stuck in her head and swallowed by her own emotions. She was barely paying attention, watching the way the vines clung to the trees and rather it was unnatural or natural to her she had no real opinion of it. The twisted and seemed warped as the woman continued trudging through a swamp that she had once felt at home in. But since the Coalition's assault upon the place and whatever that mangy lion had done to her she had been absent of mind. Feeling things she had no idea how to explain. Seeing things she wouldn't breath a word to to anyone. Though it took her little time to realize that someone was here despite her absent minded wandering. And her gaze trailed to look at the oddly flowered individual. The tribal woman would slowly narrow her eyes. What did they want? Who were they? Maybe they were another enemy to be destroyed, taken care of.

The feeling of heat crawled up her spine and she could taste the fire on her tongue. Licking like a welcomed friend and she forced herself to swallow. No. This was not her, this was not how she had been taught. Taking a deep breath she would walk forward and try to keep herself composed despite the thoughts shaking her skull. "She is on Tanglewood lands. Does this one need something? We prefer the courtesy of waiting at the border."

Re: Avalon - Joining - SirDio - 12-18-2020

Long lost words whisper slowly to me.
I still can't find what keeps me here.
The plants shuddered with Elsweyr's arrival, while Maye seemed still and quiet. She slowly blinked, sluggishly lifting her head to look at the cheetah. Borders. The lioness let out a dead, airy chuckle. "Borders tend to matter little to those of the dead, or those who should be." Slowly the vines around her died and she shook those that clung to her body free, slowly looking to the fresh wounds she carried. Tired, she looked back at Elsweyr.

"Do I need something? Originally, no. But now, knowing that this is a group's land," She hesitated, soft voice falling away. "I do believe this dead woman seeks a new home, a new place to make sanctuary."

When all this time I've been so hollow, inside.
I know you're still there.

Re: Avalon - Joining - wormwood. - 12-20-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Maye was not the first plant-based beast that Aurum had met, but that didn't make her powers any less impressive. Especially when they were looked at in conjunction to the fact that she was undead. The angel knew very well just how draining occupying an undead form could be, his mind wandering back to when he had been a hellhound. While he had eventually grown used to it, the stench of death and the phantom pains that had echoed throughout him had been difficult to deal with, even on good days. However, considering how handily the lioness was gripping onto the foliage around her, it was clear she had grown used to this life. Perhaps she didn't have the same issues that he had once had, occupying a half rotted form that somehow held itself together.

The angel came padding up beside Elsweyr, shooting a silent glance in the cheetah's direction. He had certainly noticed her changes recently, but had been avoiding bringing them up. Whenever she zoned out, he figured she was just thinking over all that had happened. He didn't want to make things worse, or somehow upset her, so he just kept his mouth shut, waiting to see if she would come to him. For now, he let his focus drift over to Maye, intently listening to what she had to say. Like most who came onto their lands, she was looking to join, and that certainly wasn't an issue. So, with his thing tail flicking from side to side in a faux wave, Aurum rumbled, "If you're looking for a home, then you couldn't find a better place than Tanglewood. You'll certainly be welcomed here, if that's what you'd like. My name is Aurum... what's yours?" He couldn't help but be enchanted by the lioness's story, curious about her powerful elementals and undead form. However, it was probably best to just start off with names. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: Avalon - Joining - SirDio - 12-20-2020

Long lost words whisper slowly to me.
I still can't find what keeps me here.
Attention slowly drifted to Aurum, a vine breaking soil and hanging in the air, breath held in as he looked to her. Slowly she exhaled, the vine waving back before falling limp. Names. For a moment she hesitated, seemingly almost forgetting her own name.

"My name is Maye. Maye.." She considered adding her old surname, Evergardten, but refused. She wasn't with anyone now, that last name wasn't hers anymore. "Just.. Maye."

When all this time I've been so hollow, inside.
I know you're still there.