Beasts of Beyond
FALLING FOREVER - Maye - Printable Version

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FALLING FOREVER - Maye - SirDio - 12-15-2020

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Maye is an african lion with flowers covering various parts of her body, disguising a bloodied, mangled jigsaw of wounds. She is undead and lives on with a vengeance, even if she killed her lover who started this entire issue. She is an adult, omnisexual, and demiromantic.

Currently she resides in tanglewood.

Re: FALLING FOREVER - Maye - SirDio - 12-16-2020

Long lost words whisper slowly to me.
I still can't find what keeps me here.

When all this time I've been so hollow, inside.
I know you're still there.

Re: FALLING FOREVER - Maye - SirDio - 12-16-2020

Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken.
Hello. I'm the lie, living for you so you can hide.
"Don't cry.." — Tangler — Undead — Foliage-based Earth Elementals — Penned by Astral