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SO THERE YOU GO | First Meeting 12/15 - Printable Version

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SO THERE YOU GO | First Meeting 12/15 - sykes - 12-14-2020

Meetings were usually held within the safety of Silver Cove, lit up by the soft blue glow of the glow worms covering the walls lined with silver and several other types of ores.

Today was no different, except that... It was. Hungrydogs himself seemed more excited, more rambunctious in the face of change; and it's not like their small group didn't know what it was about either. Or, they did, as the discussion had been held but no date had been specified.

Simply put, what was to come in this meeting would be a surprise, and by the looks of the large Borzoi's face, a good one. "Everyone, gazer for a meeting!" he called, settling back with a satisfied smile as his unmistakable voice echoed down the many halls of The Enigma's cave system.

Re: SO THERE YOU GO | First Meeting 12/15 - jezabil pyre - 12-14-2020

there will come a time when -
jezabil pyre
The serval moved forward, dropping her food as she did so. The feline moved fluidly, her gold eyes flashing under her pointed pirate hat. As she settled down closer to where the male was, Jezabil took a moment to examine him.

He seemed excited, eager almost. Of course, she'd heard just as everyone else had that further, bigger change was imminent, so the inkling was there as to what this meeting was for. It was no question, in fact. Not with how Hungrydogs was acting.

- you'll have the chance to do the right thing

Re: SO THERE YOU GO | First Meeting 12/15 - SirDio - 12-14-2020

Tracking because she'll be joining soon

Re: SO THERE YOU GO | First Meeting 12/15 - Cygnus V.C - 12-15-2020


Honestly, Cygnus was already ready to go. The pup sat near the back, white chin on white paws, light blue eyes hovering on her father. Probably the most withdrawn of her siblings, the young borzoi would welcome the end of this meeting as soon as most would welcome the beginning. At least nobody was paying much attention to her.

cygnus vivienne carmichael

Re: SO THERE YOU GO | First Meeting 12/15 - wifewoof - 12-15-2020

Miles lifted his head and looked up, his hazel eyes narrowed as he prowled forward, his bead and fang necklace jangled. His dark gray stripes stark against his creams and white fur. Miles took to a shadow, and made sure his body language wasn't too aggressive or too approachable. He had a good idea what this was about, "About time," he grumbled to himself, lifting a paw to start grooming his ears.
-- Mysterious ways of dealing with a couple of down days
It's like you're stealing what I had for a while and using it yourself
In my mind I see what I wanna see and if it goes wrong
I think I'll never be the same, but I know it's only make believe

Re: SO THERE YOU GO | First Meeting 12/15 - sykes - 12-15-2020

Now that some people had gathered as instructed, he could continue with the meeting like he'd planned. His ears twitched at the sides of his head excitedly, the tip of his tail moving as if it were begging to shake back and forth frantically with his eagerness.

But first, the usual. "Ze Enigma 'az been wizout proper 'igh ranks vor some time now, save for me. For zat reazon... I vould like Jezabil to step up as Ambassador of zeir chozen field." he began, after clearing his throat loudly, yellow-orange eyes roaming over the few figures before him. "With ze proper experience and attention to your newfound... Ah, I forgot ze vord. Emm... Responsibilities! Zat one yes, attention to your new responsibilities, you may find yourself promoted again very soon."

Hungrydogs paid no attention to his stumbling, it was a daily experience for those of The Enigma and it came with his personality. "And zere is more, yes. As you all know, I 'ave been venturing to ze surface world for ze past month and I 'ave found zat there are many more groups zan we originally thought. Many more. Zat said, ve vill be extending our territory to the above, and I 'ave been busy eh... Finding our territory? Examining it? I 'ave set up our boundaries, anyway. With that, as ve 'ave also discussed, ve vill be reinstating our shop system on the above. Starting vith my tea shop." he finished, smiling happily, caring not for his eccentricities, wondering what the others would have to say.

Re: SO THERE YOU GO | First Meeting 12/15 - jezabil pyre - 12-15-2020

there will come a time when -
jezabil pyre
Jezabil offered a small smile. "Aye, mark me down for Smithing." she answered simply. And they were officially moving up? That would be interesting to see. The serval adjusted her pirate hat gently, eyes flashing as she considered. A shop? She could sell some of her wares. The feline had a vast collection from before she had arrived in The Enigma.

- you'll have the chance to do the right thing

Re: SO THERE YOU GO | First Meeting 12/15 - wifewoof - 12-16-2020

The tiger/tundra wolf hybrid snorted, glad he was in no high position. He wasn't quite ready for that much responsibility. His hazel gaze wondered over to the serval, narrowed eyes as he took a second to process and look away thinking, 'She'll do alright.'

His huge paws shifted in contained excitement at hearing they will be moving above ground. Miles had been looking forward to it, as he was sick of feeling trapped. He swept his tail across the ground and curled it around his paws to keep his happiness hidden. He schooled his features to stay unimpressed as he crossly stomped on his tail to keep it from flicking about and looked back up at Hungrydogs, a question on his tongue. Miles bit the question down and reminded himself he did not like to talk, it was too exhausting and led to miscommunication.
-- Mysterious ways of dealing with a couple of down days
It's like you're stealing what I had for a while and using it yourself
In my mind I see what I wanna see and if it goes wrong
I think I'll never be the same, but I know it's only make believe

Re: SO THERE YOU GO | First Meeting 12/15 - Grimm - 12-17-2020

Beneath the shallow illumination cast in rich pools, as though molten the gold that trace walls embedded with metals of varying quality, he grows to the proportions of a giant. Whimsical the thought, vision trailing along shade cast and warped beneath those jutting points, languid grown steps that may otherwise quickened at beckons. Yet his own the pace set, assured arrival may herald no reproach, beyond such by own decree.

Entrance was conducted without a deal of fanfare, waste upon those few present, afixed about pale lips the delicate curl, smile as faux as the words that fell from it. "Oh, how wonderful, I am sure you earned it." Sickeningly sweet the words spoken in a quiet croon, bile the false praise against his tongue though unknown such for easily had they flown forth. Attention fixated upon father and the mask began to fall, widened eyes paired with ears arising as though wrong heard the words, teeth catching tongue tip and swallowed the response laid atop.

Within grand scheme ever short his time, be it among those that occupied a minimal space in the light shed by placid insects or simply that spanning first breath and that which slipped by parted lips, subterranean space all he had known. The prospect of widening those boundaries ignited embers of excitement that sparked in chest stilled with a held breath, tight held his minimal smile. Dizzy has he grown, exhilaration pulsing until it seems no mere blood flows through his veins, tempered as he masks it with a cough. Time enough would there be to indulge within a flight of fancy, for now silent stood Cepheus, carefully built and maintained a calm serenity, illusion broken when one found the tell tale hunger rooted in dark eyes fixated upon Hungrydogs.
[Image: Fv7-Bj3-M9-ZGDW.gif]
I had this feeling that you'd betray me if I gave too much and you took too much, but here we both stand a gun in your hand, there's blood on the leaves, there's blood in the sands. I feel his grace slowly running out, give me truth, give me away out. I've got a bone to pick somebody showed you all of the horror you weren't born with it
code by Wisker

Re: SO THERE YOU GO | First Meeting 12/15 - SirDio - 12-17-2020

The Utahraptor was late... again. They had really bad track of time and low motivation to move from their resting spot, give them a break. At least they caught the tail end of most of the announcements. Turning to Jezabil, they let out a soft call, [color=#507992]"Nice! You'll do great, I'm sure of it!" They chuckled and messed with their arm feathers, taking a moment to look at Cepheus, rolling their contrasting eyes.

It was time to move up. It had been far too long.
