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twinkle in your sleep [] corrupttimeline's storage - Printable Version

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twinkle in your sleep [] corrupttimeline's storage - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 12-09-2020


1. Posting Template
2. Bio
3. Inventory
4. Human AU Bio
5. Room Reference

DISCLAIMER: Corrupttimelines actions are not to be condoned or encouraged. He has malicious tendencies regardless of whether they are intentional or not. I do not condone or agree with the malicious things he has done and may do in the future.

Re: twinkle in your sleep [] corrupttimeline's storage - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 12-09-2020

testing ding dong
code by spacexual

Re: twinkle in your sleep [] corrupttimeline's storage - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 01-03-2021

— general
NAME ORIGIN. In his former life, Cory was named by a loveless mother who would come to abandon him. His name is in reference to the eventual turmoil his mother expected him to endure.
SEX. Male
AGE. 9 yrs
GROUP. Tanglewood & Legion of the Stars
RANK. Tangler
ORIENTATION. Demiromantic Pansexual
OTHER RELATIONS. Adopted Vintara
— important notes
- cory has amnesia
- their former life is presumed to be in a band of rogues
- they are experiencing a severe form of PTSD
- his faceclaims are Dexter Morgan and Will Graham
- He has evident commitment issues stemming from his past experiences.
- Cory has almost an alter ego where he becomes extremely violent that is triggered by the word "Exile" or any form of recollection from his past life.
- Cory blacks out often.
— appearance
CURRENT SIZE. 9 ft tall, 20 ft wingspan
INJURIES. None yet
DESCRIPTION. large does not even begin to describe the scale backed creature. he's currently taking upon 9 feet of height, which is not a very common occurrence for his species. upon first glance, one may realize his wingspan of 20 feet on his wings, which are typically shaped for his kind, branch out from where shoulders would lie. branching out of his wings are five fingered forelimbs, then, someone could observe his smaller set that only expand a mere 10 feet, falling short of his main set. despite their ordinary shape, they draw a lot of attention seeing as that set often appears with little particles of a shimmering light around them. when trailing amongst his largely scaled figure, one would never guess the 6000 lb mass was such a gentle giant. with two sets of horns that angle sharply, all of which are a stunning ivory hue, he could be considered rather intimidating. teal diamonds creep up the dragon’s neck, stopping as an intersecting line with enlongated diamonds cuts them off. speaking of hues, his entire body is a very deep teal color, with haphazard lighter teal stripes running up his legs. this teal is offset by a stunning gradient along his scaled belly, fading from a light lavender hue closest to his head, all the way to a deepened pink color at his tail tip. Cory also has a long strip of purple fur from the front of his head to the top of his tail.

CURRENT SIZE. 16 in tall
INJURIES. scarred over eye/on face
DESCRIPTION. His feline form is of significantly smaller stature than his wyvern form. His body stands at a mere sixteen inches long and a taller variety of height than most domestic cats. His frame is large for his species, and his legs are built with muscle in mind. This build gives him a near perfect opportunity to escape during battle or when danger is present, as his legs are very strong. This allows him to propel into trees much easier.

The muscle that trail along him are shadowed by a rather unkempt pelt of a variety of hues. It is mostly a solid brown-gray color with minimal orange flecking throughout. Creeping up his chest into his face, there is almost a pale tan and a bright ivory. Half his face is an orange hue, and the other is a deep ebony. His eyes are a stark yellow and he has a scar across his left eye along with two scars on his left cheek. He is long haired with a very fluffy tail, which curls slightly upward at all times. It’s as if Corrupttimelines is permanently stuck at attention.

— personality
BEHAVIORS. doesn't sleep, bites at lips while talking, avoids eye contact, puts up a tough façade, keeps secrets, is in a sense of denial, eats when stressed or sad, refuses to cry in front of people
- Cory doesn't like to sleep because he has an unwavering paranoia that someone is going to kill him in his sleep.
- He bites at his lips because it's a subconscious reminder that he is awake and still himself.
- Eye contact makes Cory nauseated.
FAVORITES. a lot of his favorites center around his past that he faintly remembers.
- His favorite color is burnt orange
- His favorite food is venison
- He enjoys red wines
When one first meets him, he is best described as a gentle giant. He is constantly ensuring the safety and welfare of those around him. Sometimes, he can find himself in danger solely to protect those that are around him from even trivial issues. His heart is clearly plagued with a newfound loyalty in his home and those he considers close.

However, deep inside he is plagued with an unwavering sadness. It has caused him to trail down a journey of guilt since his mind was manipulated to do evil. A long while ago, Cory was captured and subjected to brutal things he cannot recall, Cory’s mind was corrupted into committing crimes against those he cares about. He has gone so far as to commit murder thanks to the word "Exile" being permanently implanted into him to cause an uncontrollable rage.

Paranoia creeps up every once in awhile due to his past trauma. Being tortured and having his mind and memories manipulated has clearly taken a toll on the older male’s psyche. He does not appear as enthralled with life nor willing to socialize as much as he used to. In spite of it all, he tries to uphold his morals and appreciate everyone that comes into his life.

As of recent things have gotten more difficult. He finds himself tumbling away from his typically pacifistic mindset and instead following one of a vigilante in a sense. He seeks out wrongdoers in order to eliminate them for what they've done wrong, regardless of whether his punishment is suitable or not. Menial crimes such as stealing are good enough cause to kill in his eyes.

In short, Corrupttimelines can best be described as a very empathetic monster.
— other
POWERS. Health Transfer, Mental Bond w/ Aesior, Shapeshifting, X-Ray Vision
RELIGION. Believes in something he calls "Dherog of Darkness"
very hard physically
medium mentally
will initiate if necessary
will taunt
will maim
will kill
will not torture
AWARDS. None Yet
ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Neutral
HUMAN AU. He is roughly mid-30's and takes upon the appearance of Dexter Morgan in a majority of AU's. In all of them he is a very successful blood splatter analyst and takes upon the form of a true workaholic. He also struggles with heavy alcoholism in and out of human AU's.
— history
- joined the Typhoon
- alcohol was stolen
- Cory murdered again
- vanished
- joined tanglewood
- adopted vintara
- stuck in cat body
- became ambassador for typhoon
- developed feelings for firefly
- developed complicated feelings for aesior
- promoted to legionary
- disappeared & stepped down from leadership
- mysteriously reappeared
code by spacexual

Re: twinkle in your sleep [] corrupttimeline's storage - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 01-04-2021


Re: twinkle in your sleep [] corrupttimeline's storage - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 01-09-2021

— general
NAME. Cory Morgan Erebus
NAME ORIGIN. His name was given to him by his mother before she was murdered.
SEX. Male
AGE. 36 yrs
FIELD. Criminal Justice
OCCUPATION. Blood Spatter Analyst
ORIENTATION. Demiromantic Pansexual
PARENTS. Unknown
— important notes
- cory has amnesia
- He has evident commitment issues stemming from his past experiences.
- Cory has almost an alter ego where he becomes extremely violent that is triggered by the word "Exile" or any form of recollection from his past life.
- Cory blacks out often.
- Cory is a raging alcoholic despite appearing high functioning
- Cory appears to have a low sense of empathy
- Cory is often found doing odd things at odd hours of the night
- He works as a blood spatter analyst to hide the fact he’s experiencing homicidal thoughts.
— appearance
CURRENT SIZE. 5'10" tall and 174 lbs
DESCRIPTION. Cory is a very simple looking man. He lacks much in terms of facial hair, but the hair he does possess is a dusty auburn. His eyes are a beaming shade of hazel, however it always seems they look through you rather than at you. One could almost dip themselves into the grace of his eyes without second thought. Trailing from his eyes now, you would see tightly drawn lips that manage to barely pull themselves into an intrincately etched smile. Although this smile is not genuine, it is apparent that Cory fakes it well. Moving on, one can see rather broad shoulders, arched out in either direction. They support the weight of his built arms, which he typically keeps drawn into himself. Other than that, Cory is rather standard in appearance. He's a mere 5'10", making him about average height for his age. Although he's in his mid-thirties, the Caucasian male could be mistaken to be a bit younger, as age has not fully caught up to him yet.
— personality
BEHAVIORS. doesn't sleep, bites at lips while talking, avoids eye contact, puts up a tough façade, keeps secrets, is in a sense of denial, eats when stressed or sad, refuses to cry in front of people
- Cory doesn't like to sleep because he has an unwavering paranoia that someone is going to kill him in his sleep.
- He bites at his lips because it's a subconscious reminder that he is awake and still himself.
- Eye contact makes Cory nauseated.
FAVORITES. a lot of his favorites center around his past that he faintly remembers.
- His favorite color is burnt orange
- His favorite food is venison
- He enjoys red wines
Cory, when one first meets him, sees his demeanor as that of a gentle and relaxed person. He is constantly ensuring the safety and welfare of those around him. His heart is clearly plagued with a newfound loyalty in his home and those he considers close. However, deep inside he is plagued with an unwavering sadness. It has caused him to trail down a journey of guilt since his mind was manipulated to do evil. You see, Cory is a pacifist whose mind was corrupted into committing crimes against those he cares about. He has gone so far as to commit murder thanks to the word "Exile" being permanently implanted into him to cause an uncontrollable rage. Paranoia creeps up every once in awhile due to his past trauma. In spite of it all, he tries to uphold his morals and appreciate everyone that comes into his life. However, as of recent things have gotten more difficult. He finds himself tumbling away from his typically pacifistic mindset and instead following one of a vigilante in a sense. He seeks out wrongdoers in order to eliminate them for what they've done wrong, and can be considered a very empathetic monster.
— other
RELIGION. is not religious
FIGHTING. will initiate, will not run, will finish fights
AWARDS. None Yet
ALIGNMENT. Chaotic Neutral
— history
- born in a small town
- mother was murdered at a young age
- moved to a bigger city with his foster dad
- began to have murderous urges
- foster dad taught him how to properly and safely handle these urges
- became a detective
- became a blood spatter analyst
code by spacexual

Re: twinkle in your sleep [] corrupttimeline's storage - CORRUPTTIMELINES - 01-12-2021


Due to Cory being a creature of such a large size, his room is not the same as many of those who may remain in the same homeland. His is separate from the rest, a rather large hut with double doors and a plain porch. His bedding consists of many blankets in blue hues amongst his low-rise makeshift bed, quilts he has kept for almost an eternity. However, it is apparent he has kept them in rather good condition. Just over top of his bed lie the first set of plants amongst a shelf, all of the pots containing herbs he uses for medicine.

Cory's room has a large carpet on his floor just off the foot of his bed that stretches in all directions amongst his room. To one's right, just off from his door, you can see a shelf full of alcohol. Bottles after bottles line this shelf, and there is one of the exact same size across from it, full as well. Beside the shelves of alcohol are plants of varying sizes and a table that houses his belongings, such as his scarf.
pinterest with items:
code by spacexual