Beasts of Beyond
till sundown - open; creeping sand - Printable Version

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till sundown - open; creeping sand - rhosmari - 12-06-2020

His sense of time was getting better, at least that was what he was telling himself. As the sun went down things started to quiet down more. The temperature around him started to go down and it started to get much colder. Night was approaching and he had yet decided to try and make his way back to his house. He told himself that if he got this far on his own then he would make it all the way back on his own. Yet, he hadn't moved. He was remembering this scene, what it looked like to be able to see the ocean and the ways. His first time had been a marvel. He had never seen water so large and unfortunately for him so undrinkable. He remembered both Rhine, Nine, Vaas, Drifting, and Foam all clamoring to tell him that he shouldn't drink the water. To his horror it could literally make him thirst to death. The ocean did provide food though and he wanted to someday try and catch something. Well, back then he had wanted to try it. Now though it seemed like such a distant dream. Blind eyes lowered to the ground and he contemplated on how hard it would be to try now. How would he see the fish? Would he be able to sense them? A bubble of anger lifted up in him, so strong and hate filled that it surprised even him and he knew whom it was directed at. He knew who it was directed at and he steeled himself, breathing in deeply. "It was an accident..."

He had to tell himself that, he had to. He was just a child and that was not fair to hold such anger against him. Sharply he turned away from the ocean, the waves not soothing and he started to hesitantly make his way back to his home. Trudging across the sands he wasn't paying attention and the fine grains seemed to pull after each step he made. As if trying to get him to stop but he moved on till he felt something sliding and coiling around his leg. Or rather he had to stop considering it was a strong like tether to the ground. But the blind cat just thought it was someone playing a clever trick. "Haha, it's really funny. Now come on, let go of my leg. It's getting really cold and I wanna get home." But whomever it was didn't budge and the maine coon tried to swipe at them but it was just empty air. His fur fluffed up and he angled his ears forward but heard no breathing. The sensation of something crawling around his back leg came next and he cried out in panic, shaking hard and all the sand fell back to the beach floor in a soft gentle hiss. "What is that?!" He twisted trying to right himself so that he could flee and run home when he felt it again this time the sand wrapped around his tail and hung there. "Get off! I don't want what you're selling!"

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: till sundown - open; creeping sand - Grimm - 12-07-2020

To satiate the innate desire to expand once enclosed knowledge dictated by instinct was to be more than the skin, than the base needs that propelled one forth along predestined path. May well this is what permitted the shared information of the phenomenon natural to this world, which drove discovery for more. Unknown this, however, an instance within which child may offer little, yet that drive, the quiet voice seeking more, may not be silenced with ease.

Poor how he suited the cold weather, worse in the lowering range which dominated the night arising in a bright wash of warm hues about shifting horizon, still he lingered. Comfort the beach that spanned perimeter, protection and shelter, depths serene beneath spreading darkness. Grains parted about paws dug deep, loosened into grooves each was slotted into with ease, silent his observation of how the sand moved. He knew it best that he return for the night, torn was the child all the same, awaiting a place where Vaas may tend him and lacking his bedding within the nursery, between left adrift.

Almost did the thought of merely allowing himself to stay arose before it was discarded, still air welcoming of the voice risen in annoyance. Shift grew apparent, gone what seemed more light hearted as comments grew more frantic, upwards Foam surging and begun a stumbling walk. The scene upon which he came was odd. Submerged in part the other, though it seemed he deemed another was at fault for his imprisonment, a quick inspection showing no sign another had been present.

Closer did Foam move, still distance between, voice rising to be hopefully heard above the calls Dovah voiced as his panic grew. "Is sand. Stuck." The words felt wrong, even as the evidence of his situation was present before Foam and thus could not be denied in any fashion, paw slowly sliding forward. Strangle the manner grains moved, parting as though waves, surprised the yelp voiced as forcefully was his paw withdrawn. "Sand eat." Rationally such thought was preposterous, their lodging upon the shoreline would not have occurred if such was possible, but no other explanation seemed to fit the odd situation.
code by Reggan

Re: till sundown - open; creeping sand - RHINESTONE. - 12-09-2020

Recently, Rhinestone had been startled by a discovery of his own. It had been pretty shocking, finding out that he had elementals of any kind, considering how long he had seemed utterly mundane and plain compared to the rest of his groupmates. However, it hadn't exactly been a bad discovery. He had been somewhat unnerved at first, considering the howling winds that made up his air elementals had seemingly just responded to his emotions, rather than listening to any kind of command. However, as time had passed, he had sort of figured out how to deal with how they worked. He wasn't entirely sure how to make the air completely bend to his will, but he could form small snares and wind funnels, and it was fun to watch the waves arc around his controlled winds. He knew that there would probably be more practical uses for the power in the future, but for now he decided to keep to things that were small. He didn't want to over-exert himself and end up stuck in his den once again, especially so soon after recovering from his old illness.

Now, it seemed as though Dovah was discovering that he had elementals as well. Either that, or he was discovering something even more odd, considering the scene that Rhine came across as he walked along the beach that day. At first, he had just been enjoying the gentle breeze through his pelt, and the way that the water glistened beneath the moonlight – even if the beauty was a little tarnished by the red film his eyes put over everything. However, he was broken from his quiet contemplation when he heard frantic yelling from nearby, followed by a yelp and some quiet mutters from Foamkit. Immediately filled with concern, the legate sighed and changed course, moving across the beach and over to where Dovah was, his eyes widening when he saw the situation the other feline was in. Rhinestonestar had never seen anything like this, the serval admittedly wary about getting any closer and risking the sand grabbing onto him. However, he wasn't a coward, and Dovah clearly wasn't in control of the situation – and Rhine didn't want Dovah or Foamkit to get hurt – so he needed to get closer. Taking in a deep breath, he took the last few strides forward before he could settle next to Foam.

Tilting his head to one side, the male took in the strange situation before him for a moment, watching the way that the sand shifted and flowed with Dovah's struggling movements. After a long moment of thought, Rhine spoke up, a faint frown tugging at his muzzle, "Dovah, I know this might sound crazy, but... I think that you might be the one causing this." That seemed like the most reasonable explanation, as preposterous as that sounded. It was clear that elementals gaze those in the Beyond the ability to control different substances, and sand was a part of the earth. So, it stood to reason that the sand could be controlled as well. Although, that did call into question why Dovah would be trapping himself on the shore, and panicking so much.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: till sundown - open; creeping sand - VASS . - 12-11-2020

Vaas remembers Dovah before the injury, bright and aloof: naive in a way that Vaas doesn't remember being. It was sort of wistful to watch out for him, like a little brother almost, even if most of Vaas' memories of family were fake, the family here in the glades was so easy, so much more real in consideration to his own: like a bad dream waking from. Vaas felt partial responsibility for Dovah's injuries. Quasar's temper was just as bad as his- if not worse. And Vaas encouraged it, there was nothing wrong with anger, but there was a time to control it. With the powers they both held they needed to control it, that anger. Channel it into something, maybe not tame, never tame, but something you controlled rather than let yourself be controlled by.

When the Medicus legionis stalked along the beaches, wrapping up a patrol that he had set to more to find any stop to the frost or a place where spider webs could be collected when he spotted the trio. A budding group already, a low rolling current of amusement in the Tiger's frame only jumped when he spotted the current predicament. "shh, anna, breathe in deep. There ain't no need to panic, s' just sand." Vaas' voice tried to sooth, casting an amused grin towards foamkit's own words. The amusement still lingered as he stepped up towards rhinestonestar, a mutterings of a hello towards the other as he regarded the situation. Creepings sand hmm?

"it does no one any good to panic about it. You got stuck, let me see what i can do." Elemental were mostly emotional based until there was enough control- awareness of it. SO getting him to relax even in his own grips was first, and if it wasn't elemental? well- vaas remembers his own youth, setting quicksand traps by making mud of sand. Draining the water out of the sand until it became easy to move through wouldn't be a hassle.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "