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gin and sea - open, joining/returning - Printable Version

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gin and sea - open, joining/returning - riftweaver - 12-06-2020


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The male was tired. He had been at sea for a seemingly endless amount of time, not knowing how or when he would return home. Four months at sea. His memory was fuzzy, he could barely recall details of the place he had once called home. All he knew for sure was that he would be safe with The Typhoon. They were his home.

Rif snapped out of his thoughts as his boat hit the shore. Leaping out, the large male grabbed up the rope and dragged his little boat further inland. Once it rested on the shore, tied securely to a nearby rock, the male made haste towards the camp. As he walked, Riftweaver thought about whether anyone would remember him. He didn't remember them, so it stood to good chance that they wouldn't remember him, either.

Upon his arrival in camp, the laguar shook out his leafy mane, two-toned eyes tracing the shapes of various living spaces and members. All he remembered was that his mother, Goldenluxery, was here somewhere. "Hello?"

- Hi! I recently adopted this character (formerly Brandypaw/Elduin) from Reggan. To make the transition between players smoother, I've changed his name and given him a small dose of amnesia!

Re: gin and sea - open, joining/returning - trojan g. - 12-06-2020

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[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]Four months ago, Torsten was living his full life indoors, unable to go outside due to how young he was, which meant that he had never met Riftweaver. Torsten didn't know too much about the family tree, only that Goldie was his cousin and that meant her children were related to him somehow - he had a large family, he knew that, and he didn't want it to change at all - but he wasn't too sure as to what they would be called. Looking up as he saw the unfamiliar face come into the camp, the child would shift his attention from his tortoise to the other, head tilting sideways in confusion for a moment before he stood up and walked forward.

"Hello," He would speak, offering a smile to the other for a moment before waving his tail and continuing to speak. "I don't think I know you, but you look a lot like Seapaw! Seapaw is part of my family, are you part of it too?" He would question the other, eyes glinting with curiosity. "My name's Torsten, and this is my tortoise, Perro! I named him dog because I heard some families in books have dogs, which is weird, but I didn't know what else to name him!"

Re: gin and sea - open, joining/returning - riftweaver - 12-06-2020


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Riftweaver heard the child's voice first, before spotting the youngling rushing up to him with a tortoise in tow. The laguar tilted his head slightly, raising one eyebrow as he listened. He named a tortoise dog? How odd. But then, was he not odd, as well? "I believe so. I'm Riftweaver Roux. You may call me Rif. My mother is Goldie." he answered smoothly.

The male straightened, gaze flickering around the camp. There was something different here. Things had changed since he'd gotten lost at sea. "Where is she, do you know?"


Re: gin and sea - open, joining/returning - ROXANNE R. - 12-07-2020

Walking over with both of her ears perked forward, Roxanne felt her frown deepen and her whiskers twitched in frustration. It had been a long time since he had seen the boy but she relieved that he was home even if he seemed shaken up, the draconic feline took some steps forward until she was standing beside her son glancing over at Riftweaver unsure of what to say at first. Finally, after some thought, the small femme would begin to speak with a slow nod of her cranium "I'm sorry to inform you, Rift... But during your absence, Goldenluxury, your mother... Has been captured by Stryker though worry not. We will get her back and the bastard that took her will die." The last few words that slipped from her maw dripped with venom though she cleared her throat slowly as she offered a tired smile as she continued to speak with a light nod of her head "But... I'm glad that you're home safe now,"

There was a pause before she added "And I'm certain that Seapaw will be delighted to see his brother once again. Poor boy has been without his siblings for a long while now," She uttered at last as she sat down curling her tail over her paws in a neat manner and used a wing to bring Torsten close to her body, she watched Riftweaver through her mismatched eyes only to mew "You must be exhausted from your adventures, we should get you some food and water from the tavern."

Re: gin and sea - open, joining/returning - riftweaver - 12-08-2020


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Rift didn't hear the last words she spoke. His ears rang at the mention of his mother's capture. Stryker? Wasn't that the Coalition leader? He let out a rattling breath, his brow scrunched in worry. He nodded, accepting her offer of food and water. "It was a long... trip."


Re: gin and sea - open, joining/returning - michael t. - 12-09-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
One of Goldie's sons? That was certainly a surprise, considering how long it had been since the entire family was together. It was certainly unfortunate that Seapaw had been left without his siblings for so long, considering how family oriented the kid was. After all, if it wasn't for Sea, then Michael wouldn't even be around The Typhoon anymore. However, the thief had to admit that he was pretty curious about what had gone on during Riftweaver's absence, at least on his side. The kid seemed pretty shaken up, and didn't seem as though he was entirely... there, at least in a way. Still, that was pretty understandable, considering how long he had been gone, lost at who knows where. The bobcat just hoped that Rift would be able to handle himself until they got Goldie back, since they couldn't exactly speed through the process. That would only lead to more death and destruction, and that was something that he knew Roxie wanted to avoid.

Coming up beside his sister, Michael hesitated for a moment before waving a paw, his jewelry jingling a bit as he spoke, "Hey there, kid. It's Michael. We met a couple of times before you disappeared off, but you might not remember me. You look like you took a bonk on the head, or something." He then nodded towards the tavern, getting to his feet and beginning to move towards the building as he spoke, "C'mon, let's get you some food. You look exhausted, and you won't be able to welcome your mom back with open arms if you're passed out." Truthfully, he didn't know how things would progress with the Coalition and Goldenluxury situation, but he had to believe they'd go well. After all, The Typhoon without Goldie... it seemed impossible.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!

Re: gin and sea - open, joining/returning - riftweaver - 12-09-2020


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Rift nodded slowly, following after the male. His head hurt trying to wrap around what had happened. His absence had been filled with changes all around, and the male wasn't sure if he could handle it. Part of him already missed the sea. "Yes... yes, of course." he muttered, softly agreeing. His eyes flashed as he stepped into the tavern, leafy mane prickling at the sight of the small room. "How'd it happen? Her capture, I mean."


Re: gin and sea - open, joining/returning - Seakit Roux. - 12-11-2020

tiguar . young . he/him
demigod of the deep
Seabound had heard the commotion and came forward, most of his typical joy and energy drained as he walked. So many emotions had been coursing though them, none of them good. THings had been nice, had been getting better. He'd had a nice birthday, getting a new tattoo and a new name. His earring, a symbol of his family, was latched onto his ear, other gifts put away nicely.

And then it went to hell. His momma was missing and his life was falling apart, he just wanted to back to when things were nice. When he set eyes on his brother, he didn't know how to feel. He stopped beside Michael, eyeing over the other Roux warily, unsure. They'd played this exact game before, hadn't they? "It's Riftweaver now, then?" he asked tiredly, wishing he had the energy to properly greet his brother. He was pretty sure he hadn't slept since his Momma had been taken.

He moved forward, gently pressing his forehead against his, furred shark tail hanging limply. "It's good to have you home again, brother"

Re: gin and sea - open, joining/returning - riftweaver - 12-11-2020


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Rift turned his two-toned gaze to his brother, relief filling him at the sight. He was less wary, but definitely weary. "It's a... long story." he answered, nodding slightly. He didn't quite feel like getting into all the details of his absence, nor lingering upon his name change. It was a long story, and one that he didn't feel the need to share. At least, not yet. The memories swam like sharks through his mind, and if he was to reclaim his place within the Typhoon, he needed the sharks to drift away into the depths of his thoughts. He was startled by the touch, as one could tell by the unconscious tightening of his muscles, though he didn't pull away. The connection felt nice, if not foreign to him these days. "It's good to be back." he agreed quietly.
