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OH ICARUS, YOUR WINGS OF GOLD ☆ old body return - Printable Version

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OH ICARUS, YOUR WINGS OF GOLD ☆ old body return - roan ; - 12-05-2020

Frustration. The emotion was an unhealthy ooze that coated the medic's entire body, making him feel suffocated and antsy all at once. Ever since the raid, Roan had been feeling trapped, unable to do what he truly wanted to do. Not only were they literally trapped, but he felt confined within his own skin as well, pacing back and forth within the temple. He was sure that his paws were beginning to wear valleys in the stone of the ground, his claws occasionally slipping out to drag along and remind him that he was alive. Well, alive in a way, at least. He didn't feel as though he was truly living, considering there wasn't much he could do to help The Typhoon at this moment. He had been working hard to treat each and every injury that passed through his door, but now things were slowing down again. Now there was nothing except for silence, and he really wasn't sure that he could handle that. Rosemary was out restocking their herb stocks, and Galaga was asleep, so it wasn't as if he could turn to his usual companionship for support this time, either. He considered going to Paintbrush, but... he felt anxious about doing so, considering his recent surprise confession.

Eventually, Roan decided that he needed a bit of time outside. Free from the far too close walls of the temple. So, he moved out slowly, his satchel resting against his side as he resisted the urge to grind his teeth together. All he wanted was the sense of freedom that his birth body's wings had provided, but he was still stuck in this undying shell. With his anger mounting, the soothsayer let his nose nearly touch the ground, hissing as his tail lashed behind him, "Gods damn it... let me in control of this one thing. Let me free in this one way... why can't my body just listen to me!" As he shouted, there was a crackling and rippling noise of power through the air, and suddenly Roan's body was consumed by a glow, electricity arcing off of him and circling his body. There was a shout of surprise from within the seeming "ball" of shocking rays, along with the sound of bone and muscle shifting and popping as the soothsayer's form slowly twisted and changed at his command.

After a minute or so had passed, the episode finally seemed to end, with the electricity arcing off of Roan fizzzling and dying out before it was finally gone. Where the awkwardly patched and stitched up blue tabby had once stood, there was now Roan's birth body. With the same cream pelt and grey-blue accents, along with a large pair of green wings upon his spine. His horns had finally grown out, forest green and curled fully around his ears. After a moment of stunned shock, the siamese finally muttered out, blue eyes wide as he gazed down at himself, "That... that actually worked?" Through his shock, Roan was able to feel a sense of joy bursting in his chest, for several reasons. Not only was he finally back in the body he felt most comfortable in, but the scent of death no longer followed him around like a cloak.

Re: OH ICARUS, YOUR WINGS OF GOLD ☆ old body return - COSMIIX - 12-08-2020

Well, it was safe to say that Paintbrush had decided to stay at the worst time yet he didn't seem to mind even after the raid. He had been placing around inside of his treehouse with a frown on his maw as several thoughts circled within his mind, he tried to stop his overlapping thoughts and managed to concentrate on a memory. One that was recent within his mind and it made him hold his breath as he stood there, his eyes looking down at his wooden floor. "Maybe even love you..." He mumbled out with his ears flicking and pressing flat against his skull, the warmth from his chest rising and brushing against his cheeks. The only sound he could hear was the thumping of his heart, he closed his eyes slowly with a soft sigh leaving his maw. He lifted a paw and rubbed at his cheek slightly as he tried to think of what he was going to do, he looked to the entrance of his home deciding he should go check on the other. He would need some help treating patients and Paintbrush was quite knowledgeable so without another thought, the liger would leave his treehouse.

He was already making his way over to the Temple but when a light in the corner of his eye caught his attention, he would turn slowly and continued to walk forward though with each step... He couldn't help but have a feeling of being watched as he turned around quickly to see a pair of eyes watching from the jungle. Oh yeah, that was strange. The eyes would continue to stay fixated on him for a moment until they turned in the direction of the light, Paintbrush felt his fur begin to rise when he suddenly heard a loud snarl coming from the rain forest. The eyes disappeared. With the unease still there, Paintbrush quickened the pace in the direction of the bright light and saw that there was a winged feline. The liger was aware of shapeshifting though he didn't want to make the assumption that this was Roan even if the smell of death lingered in the area. He held his breath standing there for a moment deciding that he was going to play stupid in case, this wasn't Roan.

Taking a deep breath, Paintbrush would find his voice "Hey there," He began to speak as his striped tail lashed to the sides behind him. "Have you seen Roan? Cute but angry little guy. Several stitches but BIG personality. Odd timing probably into dramatics, not certain gotta find out. The one whose bad at sailing and responds to my nickname of sailor," Now, there was a stupid grin on his maw being well aware that the satchel on the winged feline belonged to Roan and he was speaking to him right now. "So, my sailor... I didn't realize that it was possible for you to be cuter than you had been before... Though I'm unaware of many things, I'd like to know more... If possible,"

Re: OH ICARUS, YOUR WINGS OF GOLD ☆ old body return - roan ; - 12-09-2020

Roan knew that, honestly, he probably should've expected Paintbrush to come by sooner or later. After all, he had admitted something pretty big during the raid, and although it had certainly been a weight off his chest, it had also heaped a whole new serving of anxiety onto his plate. How was he supposed to act, when he was faced with the person he had confessed to? Part of them had hoped that they could just skip over the whole talking part, and just go straight to the dating thing, just so that he wouldn't make more of a fool of himself. Still, he wouldn't be able to avoid Paintbrush forever. The larger feline was practically his only non-family friend within The Typhoon, and he really couldn't stay away if he wanted to keep himself sane. The other was perfect for venting to, not to mention that he made a great assistant when things really came down to it. Not that Rosemary wasn't a great assistant, but he didn't always wanna bother her with the little things, and that was where Paintbrush seemed to happily volunteer his services. Although, these days, Roan wasn't sure whether Paint did it out of liking the work, or liking Roan. To be fair, it was probably a mix of both.

Needless to say, when Paintbrush first approached him, the draconic feline felt all of the air rush out of his lungs. Gone were his brief feelings of triumph from finally being able to shift back, instead replaced with a sense of anxiety and nervousness. Thankfully, the larger male always seemed to know what to say, considering the joking tone that easily slipped forth from his muzzle. His compliments made Roan's face go red beneath his cream fur, a strange rush of heat and affection passing through him. That feeling only got worse when Paintbrush referred to Roan as his sailor, making the siamese want to rush into his fluffy chest and hug him. However, he refrained. After all, he did still have some sense of dignity. Albeit a muted one, considering the events of the raid, but it was still there. After taking a deep breath inwards to soothe his terrible blush, Roan found himself muttering, "Ah, well... this is my birth body. That other one... the zombie one. It was actually a result of accidental shape-shifting. I was only able to go back... well, now. As you can see." He lifted up one of his large green wings, shifting and twisting it in order to give Paintbrush a clear view.

After another brief moment of hesitation, Roan stepped forward, moving just the faintest bit closer into Paintbrush's personal space. He lowered his voice, as if worried about someone nearby eavesdropping. With his head tilting to one side, the medic questioned, "Although... I do maybe get the feeling that the body switch isn't the only thing you're asking about. Would you care to enlighten me, PB?" It was partially an attempt to be sly, but also partially an attempt to wring some straightforward questions out of the other. That way, Paintbrush could get the ball rolling, and Roan could stop feeling like he was floundering out in an unfamiliar sea of emotions.