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Death Trigger ;; Joining - Printable Version

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Death Trigger ;; Joining - SirDio - 12-03-2020

[Image: 5dXhOPh.gif]
[div style="background-color: white; color: #003333; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Powerful footsteps sounded from seemingly nothing, though something was definitely making footprints in the softer earth of the forest's border with the sandy beach. The stench of iron and sulfur hung in the air, seemingly coming from nothing. Invisible the scarred war soldier, searching for a prey item. He found a deer, rather small for the dinosaur, but his rumbling stomach showed that he would eat anything. Low to the ground, his scarred yet invisible form watched the deer as it exited the forest, grazing on beach grass. His weight bounced on his feet, and suddenly he moved from his position, quickly grasping the deer's neck in his jaws, his invisibility fading so show a battle scarred, blue Carnotaurus. The deer's cries were silenced as he crunched down on it's neck. The recent snow storm had caused most of the prey to leave, but as they slowly came back, he was among the first vicious predators to return. Or at least, that's what he thought.

He had no idea that the beaches were occupied by a group, as he had been hidden deep within the forest and had left when the snow hit. As he feasted upon the dead deer, he was alert, aware of his surroundings.


Re: Death Trigger ;; Joining - rhosmari - 12-03-2020

Here he had stayed, away from the battle that they had been called to arms in. He wouldn't have even of much use there, no help. Hell, he was sure that if push came to shove he would have been the weakest link and a liability. There were stronger individuals like Vaas, Rhine, or Medusa who were much more suitable to fighting and claiming victory for them. He left it up to them and he hoped greatly that things would go okay. He stayed home, walking and listening to the environment around him when the rumbling started. It was odd, his senses seemed to spiral as he pulled his ears forward. In tune with the ground and his blind gaze trailed up upwards as if watching something. What he was seeing was not normal, concerning even. Like rippling movements against the earth. He was confused because it was also moving. Vibrations reverberating outward to him from a moving location. With a small and timid frown he moved forward to try and piece this together. This had never happened before so what could it be.

As he neared the location he paused, fur rising in mild discomfort at the way a deer screamed. Oh man, he shouldn't be here alone. He knew better but he stepped forward anyway, eyes widening as he tried to piece together the echoes he was seeing. They had stopped though and he tilted his head a bit to figure this out. "H-Hello? Is someone there? Please don't eat me like you ate that deer. I'm not good, very stringy in fact." He rambles for a moment before his thick tail twitches back and forth. Maybe they are friendly. At least he hoped so. " name is Dovah and welcome to the Palm Glades. I can't see you but you sound huge!"

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Death Trigger ;; Joining - SirDio - 12-03-2020

[Image: 5dXhOPh.gif]
[div style="background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #003333; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]He sniffed the air, a low growl coming from him as he scented, aside from his own stench, a mammalian scent. He turned his head as Dovah spoke. Blood coated his maw and he listened to the feline as he spoke. Magenta eyes stared into Dovah's eyes, and for a moment the dinosaur snorted. Stringy or not, food was food. But Scorne was no longer hungry and by that fact was not eager to hunt the blind cat. "You are either very stupid or very brave to walk around blind, Dovah. My name is Scorne." The beast twitched gently. Palm Glades. "So there is a group here? I thought the forest and beach was vacant."


Re: Death Trigger ;; Joining - rhosmari - 12-03-2020

Well that made him a little miffed. He wasn't stupid. Right? His head lifted up then as he heard where the voice was coming from, feeling his movements into the ground. Sensing the shape of the other and his eyes widened at the shape his mind gave to him. That couldn't be right? Shaking his head a bit he tried not to think that it was truth what his senses were seemingly making up and instead he almost pouted. "Well, it isn't like I have a choice. Drifting will kill me if I keep staying in my house and mope around. I'm eating and stuff. Besides I like to stretch my legs a little." The rather small domestic compared to the dinosaur struggled his shoulders as he moved a bit closer sniffing and making a face. He smelled kinda bad but he definitely wouldn't say that to his face. "Um, yeah. We live here and as far as I know for a good while. You looking to join the Glades, Mister Scorn?"

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Death Trigger ;; Joining - SirDio - 12-03-2020

[Image: 5dXhOPh.gif]
[div style="background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #003333; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Scorne hummed slightly. Dovah's reasons for walking about weren't stupid, in all reality. "Seems you're more brave than anything else." The dinosaur squinted at the face Dovah made. If he wanted to make a comment, he damn well had the permission to. At the invitation, the dinosaur thought for a moment. Would he abandon his old territory for a larger force? Or was his territory part of theirs? Would they had found him after a while? After some solid thinking, Scorne nodded. "If your leader will allow it, I would not mind joining."


Re: Death Trigger ;; Joining - RHINESTONE. - 12-03-2020

Honestly, Rhine's time at the battle had not been the most productive time in the world. While it had kept up appearances, the leader had mostly just wandered around the battlefield, avoiding the fighting and covertly trying to assist any fleeing Typhoon members. He knew that last part could've gotten him in some serious shit with Stryker, but he really didn't care. They were just going to betray the asshole eventually anyways, and considering he hadn't really wanted to attack The Typhoon in the first place, it had made the most sense to him. However, once appearances were kept up and false grins plastered on faces, Rhine had immediately fled the battlefield, eager to lead the rest of the group back home. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy battle – The Palm Glades were a warbound group, after all – but he didn't enjoy a battle without a cause. They had no reason to attack The Typhoon, outside of obligation to that horrible bastard.

Either way, this had led to Rhine's eventual return being fairly quick, the serval shaking out his blue pelt as he strolled across the territory. He paused when the sound of Dovah's voice reached him, sounding rather unsure about something. As the feline grew close, he quickly became aware of what was wrong, black eyes widening at the sight of Scorne. It was far from the first time Rhinestone had ever seen a dinosaur, but the view never ceased to amaze and terrify him. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though Scorne was interested in causing trouble. Instead, the male seemed interested in joining. It really did seem as though their group had an uncanny ability to attract large reptiles. That didn't mean that Rhinestonestar had any complaints about it, though. So, after clearing his throat to grab the pair's attention, Rhine spoke up, "Hello... Scorne? I think I heard that right. My name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the leader around here. I heard you talking about joining... if you're interested, and willing to help out, then the Palm Glades will be more than happy to have you." It was never bad to have another warrior join them, especially one as big and powerful as Scorne appeared to be.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: Death Trigger ;; Joining - Grimm - 12-04-2020

Too long had he languished, choice removed by sickness that clung as final treatment was conducted, the very notion of allowing himself to further whittle time away without strenuous activity deplorable. Yet the issue was present in such desire, even the simple act of a short walk had grown laborious. Extensive the conversations staged to impart the progress necessary to tend his ailing body, slow the mend for ignored all until final moments when more extensive the care. Aside all placed, quietened his mind away from the enclosed walls, the largely abandoned den set aside for Vaas offering only a minimal respite.

Slow his progression across chilled grains, the run off of melted snow leaving sodden that it may reach, enjoyed in comparison to the heat scouring his skin. Begun winter with lacklustre fanfare, the departure of the blizzard heralding a more mild climate, exploited the days that the more dense creatures utilised as a final feast. Light the atmosphere most tried to maintain, beneath underlying the confliction of relishing a supposed victory and snuffing such for what was known a change in the coming days, observed they as on the child continued. Known how his temper flared with the slightest hint one suspected he may be incapable of coming along, thus wide the berths of some and silent the greeting of other. None of them mattered when voices arose, briefly impeded his slow walk, exercise meant only to begin strengthening his muscles once more.

Ache begun within shoulders and hips, wound about and crept along legs stretched to limits, pace quickened into a clumsy run. Peaceful the scene to which he entered with ragged pants, grown shaky on legs that threatened to fold beneath his meagre weight, chin tilting up until he may regard the reptilian beast with a hard glare. Or, at the least, he tried, the awe in those steadily widening depths undermining his attempt to appear imposing.

"You're big." Rather obvious the statement spoken in grating tone, ended with a cough that twisted his visage into a brief grimace, yet returned his attention once more to Scorne.
code by Reggan

Re: Death Trigger ;; Joining - SirDio - 12-04-2020

[Image: 5dXhOPh.gif]
[div style="background-color: #FFFFFF; color: #003333; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Scents of more mammals reached his nose, and he turned to look around, finding himself looking down at another feline. They introduced themselves as the leader, with Rhinestonestar as their name. Willing to help out? For a moment his nose twitched. "I would be more than happy to help out, Rhinestonestar. You aren't the first leader I've worked under." In fact, many a leader came before Rhinestonestar. Some wonderful, noble leaders. Others, the masters of torture. It would not be hard to list all the scars and where they came from, or more rather who.

As Foam entered the scene concern washed over the reptile. The child seemed sick, but also strong enough to get exercise in. A low rumbling chuckle left him, "I am indeed rather big."


Re: Death Trigger ;; Joining - RHINESTONE. - 12-06-2020

It was always a relief when someone agreed to join and help out around the group, even if they had been doing fairly well for themselves as of late. More warriors to help with the usual patrols, hunting, guarding, and everything else they had to worry about, was never a bad thing. Especially when Rhinestone had been forced to do less of all of the above as of late, too focused on both adjusting to his new body and dealing with his leader obligations. While the majority of the larger changes had already gone into effect, there was still a few things that he needed to work out, spending several evenings just resting and contemplating what would come next. Thankfully, it was beginning to look like they were no longer going to have to spend every moment petrified over their prey supply. Rhine then returned his mind to the situation at hand, dark eyes settling on Scorne once again before he smiled. With a chuckle, the serval purred approvingly, "Then I'm happy to welcome you into The Palm Glades, Scorne. You can feel free to settle down wherever you'd like – we have both a camp on the beach, and plenty of housing out on the boardwalk." He flicked his tail in the direction of the boardwalk as he spoke.

When Foamkit came over and spoke up, Rhine found himself chuckling, a warm and affectionate smile settling on his muzzle. Things had been difficult lately, considering Rhinestone's temporary death and Foam's still not entirely cleared up sickness, but the male was never displeased by the boy's presence. With his tail lightly flicking against Foamkit's side, the serval suggested encouragingly, "He is pretty big, but so are a lot of our members. Why don't you go ahead and introduce yourself?" Rhine would've done the heavy lifting of introducing Foam for him, but he decided against it. After all, Foamkit was beginning to grow up, and it wouldn't be too long until he became an apprentice. Once he did, he would have to introduce himself to others at the border much more often, since part of his apprentice duties would involve going on. Order patrols with the other warriors and apprentices his age.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades