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THE INTERNET HAS RUINED ME;; open - tortoise - Printable Version

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THE INTERNET HAS RUINED ME;; open - tortoise - trojan g. - 12-02-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"][[ this takes place before the COTC takeover ]]

Every day, Torsten started off his morning with a walk. He had heard somewhere that walks were good for finding things, sometimes things that you really wanted to find, and since then, he had decided a walk would be part of his morning routine. The boy mainly liked to stay near the beaches of the Typhoon, listen to the waves hit the shore and smell the salt water that surrounded him and his crewmates.

That morning, his walk had been interrupted by the sight of shells, moving along in the sand. One big one going one way, two smaller ones going another, and a third, all by itself, walking away from the other three, until it was suddenly just... gone. Running over to where he had last seen it, Torsten looked around and found a small hole where it had fallen, a small tortoise rolled over onto its back. Climbing into the small hole, he'd carefully pick up the baby tortoise, wings flapping quickly at his sides. "Madre! Momma!" He would call out, quickly moving out of the hole and beginning to run back towards home, forgetting about the rest of his walk. "I found one! I found a tortoise! Can I keep it? Oh please oh please can I?"

Re: THE INTERNET HAS RUINED ME;; open - tortoise - michael t. - 12-05-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
Michael had been aware of Torsten's daily morning walks for a while now, mainly because the boy occasionally passed by his and Trevor's hut while he was out exploring. Today was one of these cases, with the dealer stretched out in front of his home with a various assortment of things in front of him. Instead of just his usual sunbathing nap, the fugitive had been cleaning some of his jewelry, having made a habit of doing so ever since he had gotten his first piece many, many months ago. After all, no one wanted gunk building up on the things they put on their body. Of course, Michael ended up distracted from his task when he heard Torsten's excited shouting, coming from the direction of Roxie and Diya"# house. After a moment of hesitation, the bobcat stuffed his half cleaned jewelry back in his jewelry box, stashing it just inside his hut before he turned and followed after where his nephew had gone. When he heard what the boy was asking about, his ears momentarily flicked back, and he questioned, "A tortoise? Don't those things get... kinda big once they're fully grown?" Of course, that wasn't guaranteed to be a deal breaker. After all, Roxie had a crocodile as a companion, and Kal wasn't exactly small.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!

Re: THE INTERNET HAS RUINED ME;; open - tortoise - ROXANNE R. - 12-07-2020

Roxanne had been home today not having spent her morning within her office like she normally did, Diya having insisted that she stayed in bed and well, Roxie couldn't really say no to that. She was within her living room when the sound of her son's voice made her ears perk forward, a small frown on her maw wondering what could've happened though the frown was eventually replaced by a smile when she heard the news of a tortoise knowing very well that was an animal that Torsten absolutely loved. When the Quartermaster opened the door of her home to be greeted by Torsten and his new little friend, Roxanne took a moment to look at the boy for a good long moment recalling when another little kitten had ran home with a creature that they wanted to keep long ago. Time sure goes by fast, she thought to herself as her ears pressed themselves flat against her skull. A sigh left her parted maw as she thought about dragging that boy out of the temple so he could spend time with them.

But her attention diverted back to Torsten as a soft smile appeared on her face, she would sit down with her tail curled over her paws. "I see no problem with you getting to keep them... But, you always have to make sure they're fed, stay hydrated, clean their shell, give them a living space... And most importantly, you gotta give them lots of love and attention." The draconid mother would say with a slow nod of her head before her eyes locked onto Michael as her whiskers twitched slightly, she would mew with a toothy grin "Scared that someone else will outgrow you, Mikey?" Roxanne snickered as she would lift a paw up and briefly lap at it before swiping her forked tongue across her fangs.