Beasts of Beyond
ARE YOU READY ♡ MEETING - Printable Version

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There wasn't much time as she strode out onto the beach with both of her ears perked forward, she was attentive and well, Rox was aware that she would need to make this quick before anything happened to her home and people. "Everyone, get your asses over here!" She would call out to her crewmates, there wasn't time to go to the biome and she felt if they all gathered there... Their defeat would be certain so she decided that it would be best to have the meeting on the beach that and Roxanne did not belong on the throne, that's where Goldie would always sit not her. Keona had been lucky enough to have escaped and warned them all of Stryker, their captain being captured but as Quartermaster... Roxanne would have to step up and take charge until Goldie returned to them.

Her claws swiped across the sand as she sat there in front of the ocean as it touched the shores and lapped at her fur. The sun rising slowly behind her, Roxanne Roux would do everything in her power to retrieve Goldenluxury... Alive. And Stryker, she would make sure that he died a gruesome death for ever thinking about messing with her family and home. Her ears flicked and twitched as she kept alert, she had to be cautious. This was all on her and it was a lot of weight on her shoulders, she breathed out slowly as she closed her eyes before reopening them.

Re: ARE YOU READY ♡ MEETING - trojan g. - 12-02-2020

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[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]Torsten hadn't been at the border when Keona had arrived back home without his cousin, but he had felt the change in the air, hear the whispers from crewmates and the concern in their voices whenever it went a while without her home. Torsten had noticed her missing as well, though had simply thought it was her own choice, and that nothing was wrong. And then Roxanne spoke to call the attention of all the Typhooners, spoke so they would come to the beach. That's when he knew something was wrong.

Ears pinned to his head, the usual bounciness of the child wasn't there as he came forward, slinking his way through the crowd of slowly gathering crewmates before coming to a stop beside his mother. Confusion clear on his face and in his body language, Torsten would attempt to climb in between her feet and settle himself there, hoping for the comfort of the other before ears pricked, watching the surrounding area, and waiting for her to speak.

Re: ARE YOU READY ♡ MEETING - SirDio - 12-02-2020

The newcomer was next to arrive after the call, looking to Roxanne with a questioning tilt. Everyone seemed on edge, something the wrangler was familiar with. With the crowd filling in she found a slightly elevated spot to sit at, adjusting her hat.


Re: ARE YOU READY ♡ MEETING - Keona. - 12-02-2020

Keona Ní Faoláin — the blind dealer
[div style="width: 490px; font-size: 9pt; line-height: .1.1; color: #386bab; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 2px;"][i]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The tiny dealer had to dig her paws into the sand to stop from pacing, her spotted tail flicking to and fro behind her in agitation.  While they waited for everyone to quickly gather, her mind buzzed.  They had enough time for something of a plan but... Seas.

Like Goldie, Keona preferred to be prepared.  For anything.  For everything.  But none of Goldie's plans had accounted for that ambush.  We'll get her back.  We'll make him fall.


Natyli wasted no time scrambling to the beach.  On alert.  It was her mother calling this meeting, not Goldie, and the youth felt uncertain.  Wary.  Keona looked antsy; a look the jaguar didn't see often at all.  Something bad had happened.

Her mitch-matched hues flickered and bounced.  As if things weren't already... She still felt off.  Ry was... ... Natyli chewed the inside of her cheek, tail lashing once behind her.  She raised her chin, ears perked and attentive.
come and fly away with me!
[align=right]Natyli Roux — the chimera


[Image: b8HzBLA.png]
The ocelot walked in with heavy pawsteps, trudging through Stryker himself sat upon her back. She had seen Goldie hurt, injured, and worse when the captain had grown from child to lady, but she never got used to seeing her niece suffer so. But now she understood a new pain; not being able to see Goldie as she struggled, to tend to her wounds, and watch over her. Rosemary shivered to think what was happening to Goldie at the hands of Stryker and his thuggish gang.

She sighed as she sat down, coiling her forked tail around her torso. Her ears flicked back against her skull, up again, and back down in an endless cycle. 
roleplayed by axiom + template © star


Once some of her crewmates had gathered over, Roxanne would nod lightly and was about to speak until Torsten had climbed in between her legs, she let him sit there as she briefly touched his forehead with her nose and proceeded to wrap her wings around her before she would clear her throat and speak clearly to all of those that were currently gathered before her "As you all know... Goldenluxury had gone to visit our ally, Tanglewood, due to their absence and lack of interaction with the Typhoon. During this visit, there had been an unexpected ambush leaving us without our captain and Keona having warned us just in time." The draconic feline would that sink in as she shifted her shoulders a bit and lashed her tail within the sand, her eyes narrowing into dangerous slits as she continued "Stryker might have our captain but he will not win against us. We've dealt with worse before. A tsunami, the volcano, and a meteor shower that tore at our beaches. We've survived the impossible and completed impressive feats. Stryker and his swarm of roaches are absolutely nothing compared to us. We're the fucking Typhoon for fucks sake and he will go down, he will not win." She rose to her paws now as her wings spread out to make herself look a bit bigger as she glanced over her people.

"That's why I ask you all to stand by me, take our captain back, and kill that son of bitch that decided to fuck with us. Are you with me?" She wasn't the captain that Goldenluxury was nor would she ever be like Pincher but the Quartermaster would do her best in defending her people and only lifting them into victory. A few NPCs glanced at one another before they agreed in unison as the Quartermaster took the reigns, Roxie took a deep breath "If you are with me... I ask everyone to do these tasks in preparation to whatever is thrown at us." Keeping her son close, Roxanne glanced over to Keona only to let out a soft breath "Keona, tell everyone to be on high alert and to get their weapons prepared." Her gaze shifted over to Rosemary as she continued "And Rosemary, I'll need you to be ready with herbs for future injuries. I'll send out a few crewmates out with you to gather as much as we can..." There was a pause as she trailed her claws over the sand with a shake of her head.

"There's going to be a war..."

Re: ARE YOU READY ♡ MEETING - michael t. - 12-05-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
As Michael slowly approached where Roxanne was holding her first meeting, the dealer looked significantly more rattled than usual. The thief wasn't used to Goldie of all people being vulnerable, and he had to admit that he had some amount of fear lingering in his chest. Despite this, he wasn't willing to just run away from it all. His entire life, he had been a coward and a cheat. He had turned his back on everything he cared about just so that he could come out alive, but not this time. Perhaps this would turn out to be what finally actually killed him one of these days. If it did, he could at least die proud that he had actually gone down fighting. Fighting to protect The Typhoon, and fighting to protect his family. Taking a deep breath inwards, the bobcat flicked his ears forward, listening intently to what his sister had to say. Once she was finished, he lifted his chin slightly, a determined look in his mismatched eyes as he spoke, "I'm with you until the end, Rox. What do you want me to do?" He assumed any task she would assign him would be similar to what she had asked Keona to do, although that might not necessarily be the case. Despite holding the same role within the group, both he and Keona had very different skill sets.


Roan found his way over to where the meeting was being held as well, a grim expression on the tabby's face as he briefly dug his claws into the earth. He was frustrated by this whole situation, furious that his home was being threatened with injuries and deaths once again. He had thought that things were finally winding down, and that maybe they would be granted some peace, but apparently fate had decided otherwise. If he ever met fate personally, he was going to make sure to slap her across the face – claws out. Even with a mixed expression of unease and anger on his face, the soothsayer still found himself muttering, dipping his head in Roxie's direction, "I've got your back, mama. I'll make sure that our herb stores are organized and ready for any kind of fight... and I'll try and see if there's anyone around who wants to help out with things. That way, if the worst case scenario does happen, Rosemary and I aren't overwhelmed." He was sure he could find some volunteers to help out within the temple, even if he would only go over the basics with them. He had no time for anything more, quite frankly.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!


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Rosemary inhaled deeply, her deepest inhale of the entire day, and half-closed her eyes. The stress wore at her bones, nipped at her paws, and weighed upon her heavier than her satchel ever could. The last times she felt this way were marked by the death or disappearance of family: Pincher, Vandal, and Coldblue. But Goldie was still alive—she believed this, Rosemary would believe this unless presented with overwhelming evidence to the contrary—and gritted her teeth. If they recovered Goldie and defeated Stryker, there would be enough time to mourn and collect herself. She couldn’t wallow in self-pity now.

The sage looked up from her white paws to Roxie as her sister addressed her by name, and the witch nodded reflexively. “Of course I’m with you. Ointments, herbs, bandages… war requires so many healing supplies.” The necro mambas’ stores had been depleted after the last raid, and Rosemary understood the importance of replenishing them. No, more than replenishing them, they needed to stock the items until the storage room burst at the hinges. Better to have a surplus and too little sleep for Rosemary herself than to allow anyone to die or suffer from negligence.

As Roan approached, she glanced at him and nodded. She’d almost forgotten the hierarchy—well, what did it matter, when the bleeding started? “Good thing there’s two of us, hm? If only we could train our crocodiles to sniff out infections.” She chuckled, grimly, but sighed. Unfortunately, Eri was about as helpful as an assistant as a rock; he was only useful at holding down squirming patients, and only then because he liked to soak up body heat and sunlight more than anything else in the whole wide world.

peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night