Beasts of Beyond

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Something was going to be thrown at them soon, Roxanne was already telling everyone to keep their guard up seeing as this feeling of unease didn't go away. They had taken their captain, her niece - no, her daughter from her. They would not be forgiven lightly if they ever showed their faces up in the Typhoon, the Quartermaster pacing in her office within the ship as she bit on her lip in some thought. Rox lacked in powers that would be useful to defend herself and the thought of herself living through whatever was about to come was rather slik yet she shook her head as she continued to pace around "You aren't a demi goddess or immortal... You can die," She mumbled out as she glanced over towards her mirror with both ears perked forward, she shook her head lightly as she lifted a paw to pinch at the bridge of her nose in that moment.

She stared at her reflection, she had outlived a tsunami... She should have some confidence that she was going to live through this too yet those feelings of unease still gripped at her chest making her let out a soft sigh. "But that's fine... You got time." Rox left her office not bothering to close the door behind her as she tried to think of something else or rather someone, the individual was enough to ease her thoughts and helped anchor her down. Roxanne knew that a shitshow would be unfolding eventually but had no idea of when but she figured that she might as well let her feelings be known. Something she wished to do before she possibly died, she was certain that everyone would be larger than her whilst she stayed as a small cat. A scrap of fur that was just barely clinging onto that thread known as life, it had always been hard at the beginning but now, she was home. A home that she would have to defend with her life. A family. Roots that she had planted within the Typhoon.

"They'll have to do everything to get rid of me," She snorted lightly as her confident demeanor began to return to her, she had something tucked into the pocket where she kept her blade that was given to her by someone whose name was simply a whisper in her mind. She wouldn't indulge much on it but the gift was something special to her yet she stood on the shores of the Typhoon feeling her breath slightly hitched. She could've planned this out a lot better but there wasn't much time, it was something that was slowly slipping through her claws like small grains of sand. She felt nervous but she was certain, this is what she wanted. Whether she lived or not didn't matter to her, she only cared for the present and what she was about to do. She reached into the blade holder retrieving a small box which she proceeded to hide in her fur as she sat down with tail laying on top of it.

Roxanne took a deep breath with half closed eyes as she glanced over to the ocean remembering the many times she had looked out to it with a longing weighing down on her heart. Now, that feeling was gone. She knew exactly what she was going to do as she sat there and called out in a rather firm voice "Diya, would you care to come over here please? I have important matters to discuss with you." Despite her solemn facade, the thumping of her heart was loud enough for it to echo within her ears. This was it. She was going to do it. It wasn't the best time or let alone set up nicely but she hoped it would be enough. Especially when Diya was enough for her.

/ wait til diya replies

Re: PINK IN MY CHEEKS ♡ DIYA NEEDED - Simon F.M. - 12-01-2020

Life, for much of it, had been cruel to the snowy feline. It had ripped family from her, only to toss them back for a day before taking them away once again. It had taken memories from her, taking away two years that she had yet to get back. But, in recent months it had been kind. While her passed family remained gone, it gave her a new family. Friends who she held dear, a brother who she couldn't do without, lovely children(both born and adoptive), and a girlfriend who she held dear to her heart. It had been a rough process to get here, filled with meteors that ripped islands apart and deaths that ripped her heart apart. But, no matter how hard the ride had been, she deemed it worth it. She was happy where she had ended up, no matter the turmoil that hung over her head.

She had been working hard ever since Keona had returned with the awful news, bouncing between caring for her children and preparing the group for whatever may come their way. When she had a moment to spare, she would go to Roxanne, bringing her food and drinks to make sure she was cared for while she worked herself into the ground. Gentle whispers as she coaxed the chocolate colored feline from her desk, just so she could get a small nap to later look over her plans with fresh eyes.

She had been surprised to see the other so early from her office, though not unhappy. She had already began to turn in her lover's direction when the other had called her over. Corcern covered the vampiress' face as she approached, taking a moment to nuzzle her muzzle against her girlfriend's soft fur. "What is it, dear?" she asked as she pulled back, settling herself into a seated position before the other. She momentarily thought this had to do with the ongoing turmoil but, surely she would have called over the others? Her head tilted to the side, worry and curiosity taking over her expression as she set her paw ontop of the Roxanne's.


Once Diya had come over, Roxanne couldn't help but smile a bit when the stark feline had nuzzled into her thick coat. She felt her gaze soften and she was sincerely happy that the other had come into her life, Rox had already experienced so much love and failed romances that had led to several heart breaks but that didn't matter now seeing as Diya wasn't going to leave her any time soon like everyone else had. And that's what Roxanne appreciated even if the fears of abandonment often plagued her mind, she knew that Diya loved her too much to go and Roxanne felt the same about the privateer that now sat in front of her. She could feel her face growing a bit hot and it didn't help much either when Diya had placed her paw on top of her own. It made her feel bad that she hadn't prepared something spectacular for her girlfriend yet time was slipping through her paws and everything was moving fast, Roxie knew that Diya would understand once she asked.

When Diya asked, Roxie would shrug lightly as she began to speak as she locked eyes with her girlfriend "Well, I had a lot in mind as of late..." Her mismatched gaze shifting away as she found herself staring out towards the ocean "I'm sure a lot of shit is going to go down and I have to stay levelheaded... Everything is on me and I have plans, I do... But I can't go through with them without knowing something important." She moved her paw away from Diya slowly lifting her tail from the small box as she took it into her paws finding a shaky smile on her maw as her eyes began to sting slightly but she took in a deep breath. "Diya Folie-Mikaelson," The Quartermaster began with a slow nod as she kept her eyes on her lovers, there was a pause before she continued "You have been the anchor in my life and have kept the storms at bay for the longest time. As a friend and lover. I don't know who else I'd rather spend the rest of my life with and here I ask you today... Will you marry me and make me the happiest gal on the planet?"

With that, she slowly opened the box to reveal a lovely ring just for her beloved Diya. "This is the worst timing but I'd rather let you know how much I want to spend an eternity with you rather than being flung into Super Hell without you knowing." She said at last with a soft breath leaving her.

Re: PINK IN MY CHEEKS ♡ DIYA NEEDED - Simon F.M. - 12-02-2020

The worry faded from the snowy feline's eyes as soon as her lover's gaze softened and she resisted the urge to press her muzzle against the other once more, adoration replacing any negative feelings. It took much restraint not to embrace the other, giving her room to speak as Diya struggled not to get herself lost in the quartermaster's eyes. She forced herself to focus as the other began to speak.

A small spike of anxiety shot through the privateer's heart as Roxanne began, were it not for to soft look she was being given, this would sound like a breakup. The tone quickly shifted though, and Diya found herself choking up. Somewhere in the back of her mind, a realization finally kicking into place. As Roxanne began to say her full name, tears began to spring to the vampiress's eyes and her throat began to close. She took a deep rattling breath, a wide smile on her face as her paws shook. She had already started to nod partway through Roxanne's speech and, once the other was done, she gave a soft "Oh, Roxanne, of course, I would be honored" as she quickly pushed forward to shove herself against Roxanne, unsurprised if she accidentally pushed the other over.

She nuzzled into the other, happy sobs leaving her as she tried to catch her breath. "Super hell...? she questioned with an uproarious laugh, shaking her head as she tried to calm herself. She took a deep breath, tears still streaming down her muzzle as she pulled back slightly. She was still pressed against her girlfriend, no, fiancée as she marveled at the ring, taking in the brilliant blue sapphire and the small flowers that sat beside the stone. She sniffled, using a paw to wipe at her tears, as she returned her gaze to meet Roxanne's. She sniffled once more, pressing her face into the other's fur. "I love you so much, Roxanne. So god damn much, I don't think I could ever put into words how much I love you. I cannot wait to spend our lives together."

Re: PINK IN MY CHEEKS ♡ DIYA NEEDED - michael t. - 12-02-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
It had been some time since Michael had gotten married to the love of his life, after a rather awkward and arduous journey. Much like his sister and her lover, the bobcat's life had not been kind to him, ever since the very beginning. He had been raised to think that his love was wrong, and that even if he did find something that he cared about, he would never be worthy enough of it. Thankfully, he had eventually gotten over those feelings, goaded on by a pair of wild brown eyes and a source of both endless mirth and chaos. Initially, Michael had thought he was crazy for falling in love with his now husband, Trevor. In fact, many people told him as much straight to his face – Roxie even still occasionally did, when Trev did something particularly annoying – but he wasn't sure he had ever felt happier in his life. Even through all of the hardships that he still had to face, such as the depression that seemed to come and go at random, and the anxiety that constantly terrorized his mind, he knew that he would always have Trevor. As the other said, Michael was stuck with him.

Now, to know that his sister had managed to find something like what he had? It was honestly an amazing feeling. He cared for Roxie more than he cared for most any other person in the world, and he knew that she was part of the reason that he had made it this far in his life. Without her, he would've never ended up in The Typhoon, and he might've never gotten married himself. He had so much of his life that he wouldn't have now if it wasn't for Roxanne Roux, and he honestly wanted the world for his sister. And in a way, he knew that Diya would be able to give that to her. Initially, he had been a bit uneasy about their relationship, not knowing his fellow vampire very well, and knowing that Rox had gone through some shit relationships in the past. However, as he had gotten to know Diya, he had realized that she was perfect for Roxie, and that the two of them could really be happy. That had brought a smile to his muzzle when he had first realized it, and it still brought a smile to his face now. Roxie deserved the world, and so did Diya, and they were ultimately the perfect ones to provide the world for each other.

Needless to say, the thief had been pretty curious when he heard his sister calling out for her now long-time girlfriend, but he had initially kept his distance. He didn't want to interrupt the moment, after all. However, as soon as Diya had said yes to Roxie's proposal, Michael felt a broad grin breaking over his face. His short legs carried him quickly over to the pair, shouting excitedly once Diya was done speaking, "Congratulations, you two! About time that you finally got hitched. I was beginning to think that T and I would be the only properly married couple around The Typhoon forever, and that just didn't seem right." His tone was teasing, and he couldn't help the warm feeling of happiness in his chest. It was honestly nice, having something positive to focus on when everything seemed so dire otherwise. With a sly look over towards his sister, the bobcat spoke in a purr of approval, "You finally met someone good enough... you know, I better get to be a best man! I don't even care if it's for you or Diya." He wanted to just wrap the both of them up in his arms and hug them, but he refrained for now. There would be plenty of time for excited hugging once they weren't in a loving embrace.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!