Beasts of Beyond
RETURN, WARNING [★] TIL IT'S OVER - Printable Version

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RETURN, WARNING [★] TIL IT'S OVER - Keona. - 12-01-2020

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Tiny legs strained against the harsh push against tired muscles, her entire body cut and battered from a reckless dash.  The shrieking caws of a raven sounding sharply above to both guide her race from the swamp to the island, and gather as much attention as possible as the dealer skidded onto the shores of the Typhoon.

Her chest is heaving but Keona doesn't stop to gather her breath, pale hues fierce with cold fury and determination.  She left to gather help, that's what she was going to do.  "I need a strike team on their feet now! Goldenluxury needs help!"

"We were ambushed at Tanglewood's border -- by Stryker.Ge bith dè a thachras, feumaidh Stryker tuiteam.  A declaration.  They'd make it happen.  They would.  First.  They needed an immediate response to the ambush.  Tanglewood probably needed help too, now that she had time to think.

[ translation: no matter what, Stryker must fall. ]


Roxanne had been alert and walking around the beaches though her attention turned in the direction of Keona feeling a frown forming on her maw, she rushed over with both ears pressed flat against her skull. Goldenluxury had been captured. She could feel her blood run cold and her heart drop in her chest, they had taken their captain and now, it was just all of them. Keona was talking about sending a strike team immediately and Rox would finally speak with a shake of her cranium "You're hurt, you need your wounds to be tended to." Her voice was firm but laced with concern as she glanced around for Roan though she would move away from Keona as she bit the inside of her right cheek. "That's probably what they want us to do... It's best if everyone stays here at the moment," The Quartermaster said as her gaze grew distant in that moment, they would be separated and she was sure that if their captain was taken then it would only be a matter of time before the Typhoon became targets.

"We need everyone here." Roxanne finally said turning to Keona even if she wanted to go rescue Goldie as badly as the dealer did, there was a feeling of unease in her guts. Capturing their captain was a start who knew what Stryker's group would do next. The thought unnerved her but she continued with a shake of her head "Keona, get your wounds treated and start getting everyone ready. Tell them to keep their guard up." The draconic feline would turn away for a moment as she called out "Michael, get your ass over here! You too, Roan." Her tail lashed to the sides as she stood there in that moment only to mumble under her breath "We'll get you back, Goldie..."

Re: RETURN, WARNING [★] TIL IT'S OVER - SirDio - 12-01-2020

Muscles rolled under scales and fur and skin as the hybrid sauntered toward the quartermaster and dealer, a dark anger in his golden eyes. Ambush. The urge to go and fight, help defend the captain, was strong, but he didn't know who was at the battle and who he would be able to fight, so he agreed with Roxanne. "They would want us to attack. I agree that it would be best to stay here, prepare for the fight that will surely happen." He stated calmly, hiding the rage that churned in him. His tail would slowly move from side to side, noting the wounds on the dealer.

"if they want a fight, they'll definitely have to do it on our grounds. Considering the boldness of this Stryker fellow, ambushing our captain, I'm certain he would plan it."


Re: RETURN, WARNING [★] TIL IT'S OVER - roan ; - 12-02-2020

Keona's voice. Panic. They weren't two things that normally went together, at least in Roan's mind. The soothsayer was used to Keona being a voice of reason and kindness, her soft tone matching the tiny body that the dealer inhabited. However, things were different this time. Something was clearly wrong, and even though Keona's words were garbled at a distance, the medic could tell that he was needed. Getting up to his paws, the zombified tom quickly moved further into the temple, grabbing his satchel of herbs before he bolted out into the open air. As he ran towards the border, he raised his voice to echo his mama's call, "Michael! Come on, mama and Keona need us!" Thankfully, he soon heard the sound of shifting within the hut that he knew the thief to inhabit, and it wasn't long before the bobcat was stumbling out, Trevor watching them run off with a wary gaze. It was obvious that the canine was worried for his husband, but didn't want to cause any more trouble for the moment.

It wasn't too long before both Roan and Michael showed up, Roan's eyes widening when he saw the state that Keona was in. Letting out a low hissing trail of curses, the soothsayer moved over to her, muttering, "Stars, Keona... mama is right. We need to at least take a moment to think about this, and to get you patched up. Please hold still..." He didn't wait for any further confirmation, beginning to pull out a few things from his satchel as he circled Keona, checking over her wounds. It didn't seem as though there was anything that was life threatening, but he needed to deal with the cuts that littered her body, lest they possibly get infected. With a soft sigh, the tom shook his head from side to side before he began to grind up the poultice with his paws.

At the same time, Michael seemed to be processing what had already been said, seemingly trying to come up with some kind of game plan. After taking a deep breath inward, the bobcat nodded his head and muttered, "Rox and Xhocoatl are right. This Stryker guy and whoever he's with are almost definitely making some preparations for a sudden rush in. We can't fall into their trap and end up with more people captured." His short tail twitched anxiously from side to side, claws briefly digging into the ground before he looked towards Roxie. He muttered to his sister, a frown on his face, "This guy is bad news, right...? He'll definitely try coming after all of us without Goldie here. We need to work on setting up defenses. That way when he comes, we'll be prepared. If we take him out then and there, we'll be able to rescue Goldie while also keeping this place safe." They couldn't just abandon their territory, even if it was Goldie who was in danger. If they sent their best warriors out as a strike team, then the main town and everything in it would be free for the taking.

Re: RETURN, WARNING [★] TIL IT'S OVER - Keona. - 12-02-2020

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The dealer took a breath.  Nodding.  No.  They were right.  She was smarter than this... No matter how much she hated it.  The cold fire that burned in her chest.  Fury.  If she were bigger or born with sight to see, then maybe she could've been more effective in an event like an ambush... Not just the messenger.

Her tail lashed to the side, but she remained where she was for Roan, nodding briefly in gratitude.  She felt more concerned over how the fighting went over in Tanglewood than over a few cuts and bruises from running blind.

"We need patrols.  Eyes in the sky if possible," they needed to be ready.  "We need a safe place for those who can't fight either.  I'd recommend the Colosseum, since it's hidden with a secret passcode, but it only has one vantage point..."  She didn't want anyone trapped inside amidst a fight gone wrong.

They needed contingences... Did they have enough time to plan them?