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EVERYTHING STAYS ; dried lava + small fire - Printable Version

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EVERYTHING STAYS ; dried lava + small fire - T. ROUX - 11-25-2020

His entire felt tired as he flew through the moonlit skies with half closed eyes, he landed onto the sand letting his body sink into the cool sand yet it was short lived as the uncomfortable heat engulfed him once more. It drove him nuts but the bleeding draconid boy was already making his way across the sand, dragging his tail along, and his paws with each step shook slightly. Blood dripped from his nose and maw yet his tired mind wished to see that place which held a special spot within that heart of his, Trygve pushed through the foliage as his body wobbled to the sides. Just a little longer, he thought feeling his wings growing heavy against his spine yet he did his best to ignore it as he trudged along until he came into the clearing with several butterflies that were perched upon several hibiscus flowers."I'm here... I'm here..." He mumbled out as he fell over unable to hold in a pained wheeze, he curled up there feeling his insides continuing to bubble.

"Aine... Aine... Aine... Je t'aime," He wheezed out only to burst into a fit of coughing as he covered his mouth to muffle the said coughs not wanting to draw attention to himself, he glanced down at his paws seeing the blood mixed with bits of lava that began to burn at his paws. He could die here. A pained smile on his maw as his eyes grow hazy, the tears more frequent as they fell down his face. He deserved to die alone, he was a piece of shit, after all, it was only natural for him to burn away and decay alone. But the boy pushed himself to his paws reaching out to grab one of the hibiscus flowers that grew from one of the trees, he held it gently in his paws before bringing the flower to his nose despite how it was bleeding and blood already was beginning to dry slightly "L-Lottie..." Blood and salty tears dripped onto the flower though he realized a bit late that his paws had been burning away at the flower itself causing him to frown as he set it down. Destructive. He left the place leaving traces of blood, dried lava, and a few obsidian hued scales.

He managed to pick himself off the ground once more making his way to Haven Island where he and Natyli had decided to stay. It was their place and no one could ever take that from them. Once he landed into the sand with scales, fur, and blood falling from him did the draconid boy begin to make his trek towards the shared homes. He began to reminiscence and recall the memories they had made together, he finally came to the porch of the home. He glanced up to the window of the highest room that belonged to Natyli. He pulled out the blade that Michael had given him for his birthday only to find himself staring at his reflection and noticing for the first time how frail he appeared. He set it down on the porch only to reach on his skin and pluck out one of the scales that dug into his skin, he threw it at the window.

"Nat-" He wanted to call out before he burst into another coughing fit, he decided that it was best if he left now. So, without another thought. Trygve would spread his wings and flew into the night sky only briefly glancing over his shoulder to look at his former home, the pains in his chest not only physical but now emotional pain gripped and squeezed at his heart. It would be okay. They wouldn't see his broken body and they would never find it, he was determined. His eyes already locking onto a nearby island did he dive down to not be seen.

/ he isn't there so you won't find him, just a fyi

Re: EVERYTHING STAYS ; dried lava + small fire - michael t. - 11-28-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
It wasn't often that Michael found himself venturing out to Haven Island, which was largely unsurprising. The dealer had never done the jungle juice entrance ritual – and had no intention of doing so – and he also knew that Trygve no longer frequented the place. Natyli still stayed there, yes, but the thief was often rather unnerved in his niece's presence, understandably guilty and awkward about the grief he had caused previously. However, recent events had caused a seed of worry to begin growing in Michael's stomach, causing the bobcat to feel rather weighed down as of late. Just recently, Natalie had been struggling with a burning feeling all over her flesh, leaving her feeling antsy and unable to calm down. That alone had been worrying enough, but when Michael had put two and two together to realize that the feeling was probably coming from Ry, his racing mind had grown even worse. So many things could've been happening, and there was little that the dealer would've been able to do about it. He could go and visit Trygve again, but there was little chance that the other would even show, or that anybody there even knew where he was. The most likely suspect to ask was Aine, but Michael didn't exactly have the time to leave either, trying to help out Roxie while Goldie was off at Tanglewood.

The fugitive had ended up stumbling upon the blood and scales left behind by Ry entirely on accident, having been out for a walk when he grew near the clearing. The sight of them, along with the scent on the air that smelled strongly like Trygve, immediately caused Michael's heart to race. Trying not to hyperventilate at the sight of his nephew and apprentice's blood, the bobcat immediately began to look around, eventually following the scent trail towards Haven Island. He was, of course, considerably slower in trying to track Ry down, considering he needed to take one of the boats out to the island, rather than fly. Once they finally touched down though, he immediately scrambled forth from the boat, short legs carrying him after the slowly fading scent. He could feel the rush of static in his ears, a clear sign of an oncoming panic attack if he didn't eventually find Trygve and get him help. Something was clearly wrong, considering the burning smell on the air that intertwined itself with Ry's scent, not to mention the blood that splattered the ground at irregular intervals.

Eventually, Michael came to the home that Trygve and Natyli had shared, mismatched blue eyes scanning over the porch before he froze. The sight of the blade that he had given to Ry, along with a bloodied scale that had been haphazardly flung, caused the thief's chest to clench painfully. He immediately began to look around, ignoring the unpleasant stinging feeling of tears beginning to well up in his eyes. His mind was racing as he looked around everywhere, questions overflowing and making the static worse. Why had Trygve left his birthday present? Why did the air smell of flames? Why was there so much blood? Every additional question made Michael feel more and more hopeless. When the dealer ended up coming up with no other signs of Trygve's presence, he found himself falling back onto the porch, his head spinning. He could feel the sting in his eyes grow worse as tears began to stain his fur, staring down at the familiar blade that rested in front of the house.

Tilting his head back, Michael let out a pained and surprisingly emotional wail, his lungs clenching and aching with the effort of it. The panic attack had already begun, and he could tell from the roar of buzzing static in his mind, and the way that his vision darkened at the edges. He needed Roxie, or Trevor, or any of his children. He needed Trygve. Where was his nephew, and what the fuck was happening to him? With pained gasps leaving him, the bobcat managed to shout, risking passing out entirely as he spent more precious breath on shouting, "Natyli! Roxie! Anyone! Trygve needs... Ry needs help..." His voice grew smaller at the end, a harsh and shaky intake of breath leaving him as he stared down at the birthday present he had given Ry. His mind raced with a million possibilities of what could've happened, making the entire situation even worse.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!