Beasts of Beyond
WOKE THE FUCK UP ; disappearance - Printable Version

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WOKE THE FUCK UP ; disappearance - T. ROUX - 11-24-2020


He had closed himself from most of the world as he hacked up blood with body trembling violently, his eyes slightly teary as he stood there in his room within the treehouse. Trygve felt his entire body was hot and uncomfortable it wasn't due to the desert heat either, he had gotten accustomed to living there for a while now. He looked over at his reflection only to wince slightly at the sight of his fur having fallen out and in its place was several hard obsidian hued scales, he gritted his teeth as he lifted a shaky paw to scratch at his leg feeling the irritation in his skin. He could remember that Jaime had gone through the same symptoms and Ry felt like his world was collapsing. His first thought was that he was dying. He was going to die. A weak chuckle left his maw as he sat there looking down at his paws feeling the tears forming in his eyes dripping down his cheeks.

There was so many things he had to do yet so little time. He hadn't forgiven Michael, he didn't visit his mother or newest siblings, he hadn't seen Natyli, and he didn't make amends with Roan. "We... All die..." He heaved in a low voice as he began to make his way out of the treehouse but he paused as he crouched over only to feel like he needed to vomit yet he hadn't eaten anything in hours. His throat was burning and more blood dripped from his maw as well as nose, he stared down to see what it was but instead he saw was some lava with flames dancing within it and it burnt through the wooden floor. He swallowed with widened eyes. He was dying. And it hurt so much. He didn't want Aine, Kold, or Gael to see him in such a weak state. He wished they were here for when he died but he refused deciding to grab a slip of paper did he begin to shakily write.

He set the paper on the front of the treehouse only to place a rock on top of it so it didn't fly away. The draconic jaguar would spread his wings out feeling the tears still slipping down his cheeks, the burning getting worse but he flew away. If he was going to die, he didn't want everyone to see his broken body. He would die elsewhere though his pupils turned into dangerous slits. No. If he was going to die then he might as well die doing something that would rid the world of scum thus the draconid boy began his shaky flight and journey to find that damned white lion.

Sorry about the hole in the ground... I've been growing ill as of late and I don't think aloe vera is going to fix that... Thank you for all that you did for me, Gael. Kold, please take care and remember not to take anyone's shit. And Aine... I think it hurts the most knowing that I won't be able to know how you feel back but know that I've loved you for a while now... I don't know if I'm coming back but if I do, well, just know that I have hella feelings for you.

Sincerely, Trygve.

Re: WOKE THE FUCK UP ; disappearance - aine. - 11-24-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
It's hard not to notice.  That little sense of wrong.  The petite druid found it hard to discern sometimes... From the heaviness that sunk into her chest often.  So tense.  She was almost always a little... Tense.  But as she finished tending to her garden, Aine released a shaky breath.

Probably nerves.  The nightmares.  She was fine.  She could breathe.  There was nothing wrong with her lungs.  She sighed softly and begun trotting back home.  Maybe she could find something for her and Ry to do today.

Aine very nearly passed the paper, hazel hues not so sharp as some, only to nearly trip.  She couldn't recall a rock and note being there before she left the house.  Her ear flicked, puzzled look quickly crossing her face. 

No one had left a letter outside before.  With a blink, she gently pushed the rock off and held the paper down with a hoof to read...  Only to stumble away.  Her wings dropped like lead at her sides, something ice cold racing through her veins, her heart like a dull drum.


She didn't feel the tears beginning to trickle down her cheek.  What was she supposed to feel?  'I've loved you.'  What was she supposed to feel?

... When her heart ran away from her?


'I've loved you.'

Je t'aime.


It all felt numb and empty.

Re: WOKE THE FUCK UP ; disappearance - Kold - 11-24-2020

Kold - female - Wolf/Rottweiler - 7 months - Pittian
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
As the pup grew and aged, she was around Ry and Aine, the two like siblings toward her. Of course, she did leave the two alone at times, but when Ry grew sicker and sicker, she tried everything she could to help him. She spent time with him, gave him water, helped Aine. She hung around the treehouse a lot, although she had her own small spot for her and Chino, who was coiled up back there. She went to meet Aine, and that's when...

Seeing Aine so.. distraught? There were tears on her cheek. She saw the letter. Good thing the pup learned to read, right? Right?? As Kold read the letter, her body heated. Warmer. Warmer. Burning. Fire. She sharply inhaled through clenched teeth, and the feeling got worse. The pain got worse. She stumbled back, fell onto her haunches, then hunched over from the pain. Throbbing, pulsating heat.

".... why.... . . ."

The burning got worse.


Re: WOKE THE FUCK UP ; disappearance - gael - 11-25-2020

Gael never expected his family to alter the way it did during his time among the Pitt -- in the end it all circled back to Aine and those she drew in. If they brought smiles to her face, the vulpine supposed he didn't mind; the girl had suffered enough in life, he was grateful for every friend she had.

It started with Trygve, but the Ardent hardly minded the way Kold seemed to tail after the duo of friends; always eager to be there for them.  The community they formed simply between them was built on a true foundation of trust and love.

The vulpine had taken notice to his ward's degrading health, but there was only so much either he or Aine could do, when he suspected the root of the issue may be within the boy's unpredictable connection to the element of fire.  It's always fire with us, isn't it? 

The Ardent had a hunting patrol planned in preparation for the upcoming feast, but halted the second he spotted not only Aine, but Kold, both in dismay beneath his family's home. A cold fury briefly flashes in his eyes, promising a swift vengeance for any who could have caused such a reaction but he saw no one else present.

Had it been Aine alone, Gael may have had a few suspicions, most of which revolving around a mental, rather than a physical culprit.  Yet such would not provide an explanation for the clearly pained state Kold was in.

"Lottie?  Kold?" Gael speaks gently, brows creased as he stepped closer to the two, ever conscious of the empty look beginning to settle in his daughter's eyes.

The crinkle of paper catches him off-guard and he wastes no time scanning the words, analyzing the unsteady handwriting.  Does he think this is better?  The Ardent heaved a breath, glancing up, frowning at the burnt hole in the floor.  No, the boy did suffer an ordinary affliction, but that did not excuse leaving this way, with nothing but a letter and a charred place in the floor to see him off.

He would be having words with the boy -- assuming they could track him down and bring him home.

"Lottie, Kold, listen to me," he needed to bring them back -- stop the freefall.  "It's okay.  We can look for him -- he can't have gone too far."  Unless of course, he flew, but Gael knew such a thought would do little to console them.

"Talk to me, okay?  Lottie.  Kold's physically hurting -- we need to help, okay?"  He could see it was more than a breakdown for the younger pup.  "I need you both to breathe. Talk to me."
"I AM A STONE" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / ardent / lamby

Re: WOKE THE FUCK UP ; disappearance - Kold - 11-25-2020

Kold - female - Wolf/Rottweiler - 7 months - Pittian
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Hunched body hid wide eyes, ears pinned back, mind clogged. Whenever the pain seemed to leave, it rushed back when she drew a breath. Something screamed within her mind, IT'S JUST LIKE YOUR FATHER. She shook her head. This wasn't even remotely like her father. She wanted to scream, but that would cause more pain. Vision flashed into a blue hue, but only for a moment before her vision was back to normal. Somewhere, she heard Gael's voice. Muddied, but definitely there.

The screaming in her mind ceased just long enough for her to hear his words, and for a moment the burning was gone. She looked at Gael, hearing his words. A smile graced her lips, then the pain surged back and she doubled over. She bit her lip and whimpered gently, "It.. It hurts to breath...! I'm-I'm... I feel like I'm burning and it hurts to breath..!" She tasted something metallic. Blood. She released her bite, noticing the warm... no -- burning liquid against her lip. Was her blood boiling??


Re: WOKE THE FUCK UP ; disappearance - aine. - 11-28-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
Numb.  Her father's gentle voice is like ice.  Too clear.  Yet far off.  He was talking to her.  ... Find him?  Maybe...  But the cold doesn't fade away from her bones.  She had known false hope before.

Kold brings her back.  For a moment.  'Physically hurting.'  She was a healer.  Fleshweaver.  She had to help.  Her ears flick back, dull hues drifting.  Listening as the symptoms felt too familiar.

Everything burned around them.  Why did everything burn?

"Kold."  Her own voice sounded distant.  Did she even speak? "You can.  Jus-just focus an-and count.  In for four... Hold for seven... And out for eight.  Try-try that while da gets water, okay?"