Beasts of Beyond
I'VE GOT AN LED, DON'T NEED THE TAN ☆ o, DEATH - Printable Version

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Been working to the bone, been burning both ends,

Rhinestonestar had been around for a good, long while. Not as long as many of the elders within the group, nor even some of the warriors, but he wasn't new. Palmclan had been his home for some time, and he had been doing everything he could for it ever since the day he had become an apprentice. It had been an exhausting life, admittedly, but also a fulfilling one. He wouldn't have traded any part of it, not for the entire world, and he still felt that way. He felt that way even now, with a chill embedded deep into his bones that he was fairly sure he would never be free of. The sickness had him in its grip, and he wasn't truly sure he'd ever be able to escape. After all, it had been weeks, and things still hadn't cleared up. This wasn't any simple cold, and deep down, he knew that. He knew that it was killing him, yet he kept silent, not wanting to be a bother on any of those around him. What kind of leader would he have been, if he put the burden on the shoulders of others? No, he needed to worry about himself, as well as the growing clan around him. He couldn't afford to focus on the pain, no matter how heavy his limbs had begun to feel. No matter how much his head had begun to ache every hour of the day, making his head spin. No matter how much he yearned for more rest, even as he worked his paws down to the bone and spent every moment worrying about his friends, and family.

Tirelessly, he had continued to give his life for Palmclan, even if it was now very much more in a literal sense. He hadn't known when exactly it would end up happening, but he knew that he couldn't keep things up for much longer. Not when every coughing fit brought blood with it, and when his vision occasionally blurred so much that he could barely take a step ahead. His ribs were beginning to press against his skin, and he certainly hadn't missed the gazes of worry and anxiety that were often being thrown his way. When he had woken up this morning, he had been able to tell that something was off. His body felt weaker than ever before, and the entire world looked and sounded as though it had been swallowed up by the sea. It was like his ears were full of cotton, and everything just bounced off of him without leaving an impact. He was fairly sure someone had come to wake him up, but he could barely remember, having stirred only slightly when he felt their paw upon his shoulder. Today was the day that everything was going to end, and truthfully? He knew it. It would've been borderline impossible for him not to, as if there was a clock steadily ticking down within his brain, reminding him that he wasn't about to make it to the next morning.

Trying to make them meet before we're hungry again.

Despite knowing that he was going to die, Rhine hadn't decided to go and see Vaas, or tried to tell anyone else. Instead, the tom just pushed himself up on unsteady paws, slipping out of camp without a word to anyone. The snow wet sand shifted beneath his paws, reminding him of why exactly he needed to leave. If he was going to die, then he was at least going to die doing something for the good of his clan. He was going to hunt, and he was going to bring something good. He was going to make sure that his family was well fed, before he was forced to say goodbye to them for the last time. In the past, he might've believed that Starclan would save him, and usher him into another life, but now he knew better. He knew that this would be his last hunt, and that he was going to end up wherever he would end up. Starclan didn't care about him, and frankly, he didn't care about them either. They had not only abandoned him, but they had also abandoned Palmclan, and that was the last straw for him. If they weren't willing to protect the clan, then they didn't deserve their worship – although he kept this opinion mostly to himself.

So it's left, right, left, down, the trail of the dead,

His steps led him into the Twisted Forest, as much as he usually hated it. He knew it to be the prime location for good prey, even if most prey had already started hiding beneath the cold earth. If there was anything good that he could catch, then it would be in the forest. However, it was difficult to push himself forward, not only because of his fear of the forest. Rather, the place still reminded him of Medusa's death. Of the scent of her fear on the air, and the chaotic splashes of blood that had been the only things remaining of her. Even with her eventually return, it was still difficult for him to think about. Every step further into the trees was labored, and not just because of the rattling breath that left his lungs with an ache. He was practically dragging himself forward through the foliage, brushing away leaves and slinking through the trees, his entire body aching. His pale gaze was full of pain, although it brightened when something came into view. A rabbit. A big, plump rabbit, right in the middle of a clearing. Sitting out there, searching for anything that it could eat, it was the perfect target. Immediately, he spring forward, claws out and jaws wide open, although this hunt would not be as easy as he had hoped. Not just because of the sickness slowly eroding his body, either.

Sometimes those six feet look tempting, I've gotta confess.

The rabbit heard him. It was a split second reaction, and suddenly the plump creature had bolted, rushing through the clumped together trees of the forest. However, even in his barely alive state, Rhine was stubborn. He refused to give up, running after the rabbit as fast as his legs could carry him. His chest was heaving and the world was spinning around him, feeling as though he was running straight down into his own grave. However, he kept giving chase, his eyes focused solely on the back of the rabbit in front of him, fleeing as fast as its legs could carry it. Occasionally, his jaws grew close to gripping down on the piece of prey, but ultimately he knew that he was fighting a losing battle. It wasn't long before the rabbit was gone, vanishing into the foliage and leaving Rhine standing there, the trees towering around him. The thick flees seemed to close him in, and as he stood there, he realized that he didn't know where he was. His race after the rabbit had brought him too far out, and now, he was lost. Lost to his clan, and ultimately, lost to Starclan as well.

Been working to the bone, been burning both ends,

The ruddy tom turned, ready to try and find his way back, but his body had decided it had enough. His legs gave out beneath him, and his chin cracked as it collided with the ground. The feline yowled in pain, his entire body aching in protest as he laid there, unable to move. It was a couple of seconds before violent coughing began to wrack his body, causing him to shake and tremble. His blood splattered in uneven patterns against the ground, glistening and bold against the vivid green of the forest around him. He felt tears welling up in his eyes as he tried to will himself forward, unable to get his limbs to move. He muttered desperately, frustration and agony rolling through his prone form in waves, "No, no, no... please... please... I don't want to die. I wanna go home..." His desperate muttering fell on the deaf ears of the forest, immobile and silent. There was nothing more in response than the rustling of the leaves, and... a sudden crack.

Trying to make them meet before we're hungry again.

Drool dripped steadily down from the jaws of the creature that approached, blue eyes gleaming and dangerous as it stepped closer and closer. The wolf looked unthinking and unfeeling, focused upon Rhinestone solely because it saw something to eat, and nothing more. Sharp fangs were shown off as the canine opened its mouth, a snarl breaking forth and causing a burst of adrenaline to rush through Rhine's form. Even in his exhausted and nearly dead state, the leader was able to stumble to his paws. His body was screaming in protest, but he knew that he couldn't just stay still and let the wolf devour him. Instead, he turned and ran, blood that was formerly just running down his jaws dripping onto the forest floor behind him as he bolted. It was sort of a divine and cruel irony, knowing that he was now the one being violently pursued through the forest. Behind him, he could hear the canine gaining on him, wild howls and barks echoing throughout the forest as he barely managed to dodge snapping jaws. However, he thought he might have a chance. If he could just get back to camp, then he'd have people who could back him up. He could get help, and he could be happy, and he wouldn't have to die in the jaws of a wild and ravenous wolf.

So it's left, right, left, down, the trail of the dead,

Fate was sick, and twisted, and didn't care for Rhinestone's wants, however. It wasn't long before the tom was finally able to break through the trees, but what he saw wasn't the welcome view of his camp. Nor was it the wooden boardwalk, presenting him with another escape. Instead, it was the cliffs, sloping downward in jagged edges that spared no mercy to those that fell down, left to be impaled on the sharp rocks below. Rhine had no way of escaping, with the cliffside going sharply downwards in front of him, and the snarling wolf among the trees behind him. Immediately, he felt himself deflate, the agony returning and the tears returning to his gaze. He looked upwards, knowing that it would only be a matter of moments before the wolf reached him, and his life would come to an end. Up above, the leader could've sworn that he could see stars twinkling in the sky, even though it was only midday. They stared back at him, as if many other souls were just watching, and waiting, seeing if he would prove himself worthy, or end up just another corpse decaying in the dirt. Perhaps to another, their eyes on them would've been inspiring.

Instead, the uncaring gaze of the stars above filled Rhinestonestar with rage. He knew it was Starclan, and he knew that they were just watching him, unwilling to help and unwilling to care. Even though he knew it would only attract the wolf faster, the feline found himself screaming at the sky above, "Is this what you wanted? IS THIS HOW YOU MEANT FOR IT ALL TO HAPPEN? WAS I JUST A PAWN TO YOU ALL?" The steps of the canine grew ever closer, but Rhinestone continued to scream, tears rolling down his cheeks and blood dripping down from his mouth, "I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY! I don't... I don't know why you abandoned me. I don't know why you abandoned them, but I hope you're fucking happy. Cause this is how I'm going to die. Alone and afraid, all because of YOU! I was a fool to ever think you'd save me. I was a fool to think you'd ever help my clan, when I should've been the one to help them..." His voice trailed off, raw and too hoarse for him to even attempt to scream any longer. Behind him, he heard the wolf emerge from the trees, gleaming with a savagery that he couldn't bear to face.

And only six feet between me and catching my breath.

He wondered, idly, what it would be like once he was dead. Would Starclan welcome him, even as he cursed their name, or would he end up somewhere else? Would he finally just get a chance to rest, as he had longed for, for so long? His mind wandered as the wolf grew closer, drool continuing to drip from its jaws. Rhine only managed to let out a shout as the canine stepped forward, and jaws clamped down onto his neck. Despite his earlier resignation, the feline still thrashed around in vain, shouting and kicking his back limbs against the wolf's neck. It was all for naught, as teeth began to pierce his flesh, and he found blood running freely down his throat. As he stared numbly upwards, he could've sworn that the faint stars were beginning to flicker out of the sky, abandoning him for the last time. Tears stung his eyes and blurred the clouds above, and there was another sickening crack. After that, Rhinestone was gone, merely a limp piece of prey hanging from the jaws of the creature that had caught him. Not only dead because of his downward spiral of health issues, but also because of the cats above that had left him to nothingness.

However, Starclan did not get their final satisfaction. The wolf was not able to just walk off with his body, and leave Palmclan with nothing. Instead, a hunting patrol began to approach the cliffs, a group of various felines and other animals who had gone out to try and catch anything. Their presence startled the wolf, who dropped Rhine's limp body onto the ground, snarling as it turned and fled back into the trees. There was utter silence for a moment, before the patrol emerged from the forest, all of them freezing at the sight before them. Rhinestonestar was unmoving, and one of the members of the patrol let out a wail, the others moving forward to gather him up. They knew that there was nothing more that they could do, most of them in shock as they turned and headed back towards the Palmclan camp. The entire walk back was silent save for the sound of their footsteps against the ground as they grew closer to the sandy incline.

Eventually, the patrol reached camp, and immediately excited eyes were on them. Questions began to swarm them, asking if they had found any prey, but the majority of the patrol was deathly silent. Only the leader of the patrol stepped forward, lowering Rhinestone's body to the ground in the middle of camp. Immediately, the crowd around them recoiled, growing silent in shock and devastation. The leader of the patrol hesitated for a moment before finally cracking his jaws open, letting out a mournful howl, "Palmclan! Rhinestonestar... is dead."

Only six feet between me and getting some rest.

(( 300th post, and rhine's first death + in case you didn't know, this is only temporary as part of the clanwide plot, so rhinestone will be returning in a different body for a big important meeting tmrw. please don't feel the need to match length in order to respond!
TL;DR: rhinestone can feel that the sickness is going to kill him, so he decides to go hunting one last time in order to feel useful before he dies. he finds a big plump rabbit in the forest and ends up chasing it, but ultimately collapses, with a large hungry wolf emerging from the trees. adrenaline kicks in and he flees from the wolf, but ends up getting trapped against the cliff edge, where he screams his frustrations at starclan before the wolf catches and kills him by breaking his neck. ultimately a patrol comes along and finds his body, returning him to camp and announcing his death ))

Re: I'VE GOT AN LED, DON'T NEED THE TAN ☆ o, DEATH - SirDio - 11-22-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Life was always cruel. Her body still recovering from atrophy and limited mobility, she couldn't move to go out and figure out what caused the scream. It made her want to scream.

There's no hate. There's no love. Only dark skies that hang above.

Golden fury surged in her. As she shoved her way out of her den. The howl... no.. NO.

I call your name as I walk alone. Send a signal to guide me home.

She shoved her way toward the front of the group, fury dampening by the sight. Her mangled leader.. Her dead friend. God, she should have stayed dead. Shaking breaths came from her. "What. Killed. Him." She spoke in a dead voice, aware of the fire that creeped up her paws.


Re: I'VE GOT AN LED, DON'T NEED THE TAN ☆ o, DEATH - VASS . - 11-22-2020

  Selfish – such a word directed at the boss would always elicit a smile along his maw: yellowed fangs flashing in a dangerous display. Neither agreement or defiance: but an acknowledgement, a fact that was known as he grew from too big stumbling paws. He knew what it was like to want but only of the shallow aspect of it: he got what he wanted, by influence or sheer power – Vaas was not a creature to be ignored- denied any one thing. He grew up sheltered and it showed in this, selfishness. Stark as the strips along his pelt, he wore it, and one decided to point it out he smiled with serrated fants and watched the other act on blurting their truth to the world. Would they withdrawl- would vaas let them?

The thing was that Vaas was selfish- yes. Greedy, hoarding thing wrapped in cowardice and battle scars from playfights that lingered- Vaas was selfish for the ones he held close, greedy of the few select that he could claim as his. When Vaas had stumbled into the boardwalk lust-drunk on power and eger to forget, to once again leave behind everything that lingered inside him that yearned for th wild-hunger : Junglefeavor in his soul he carved into the rigidness of his bones.

He lay now within the cage of his own making. Full of clan-cats who glared at the stripes along his back and looked up with a sneer at his size and he smiled, the same silent challenge to them all: Would they withdrawal to such a challenge? did they even see it? Drawl closer? – would Vaas allow them to?

There were some that Vaas had allowed, very few to slip through that challenge and see closer behind the teeth a smile. To meet eyes with the deep jungle jade his mother was always jealous of. Never had Vaas laid down his loyalty: his life was defined rather by the lack of it: but here it was stark as his strips, as the drag in his postures at the worry that nestled into his spine and refused to leave.

There is anything he would do for family. It was one of the few things that had held true, even if the definition of family had changed. afterall, without family, who the fuck are we?

The call had ame that night, during the patrol. Vaas had been one of the few to take notice. Slipping into camp as…

As his world broke.

Rhinestonestar was gone.

Without family, who the fuck was he?

It cut, sinking past knowledge or forthought, beyond his control, beyond medusa’s own wail Vaas came up unto the crumpled frigid form of his once leader. His family his everything




The tiger let out a snarl, even sightless with the tears, he openy wept them now, cutting through the few that dared stand between them. The cloak of fur that cloaked him was cut with a claw as he moved. Large paws tender, careful. loving as he settled the cloak over rhinestone’s form. His front paws on the sides as his head edged where the bundle of cloth didn’t meet the ground. Where rhiestone’s body lay still, cold dead.

apa yang telah mereka lakukan kepada anda, moy rey?” Vaas' voice was a whisper into the fur, as the cold crept along side his once covered pelt, his voice trembled, hoarse: when he spoke it again, it was a roar to the awning sky, blank of stars and full of nothing but the snow. apa yang telah anda lakukan

mobile gang:
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: I'VE GOT AN LED, DON'T NEED THE TAN ☆ o, DEATH - Grimm - 11-22-2020


Red twine woven about miniscule fingers, free of knowledge, grasping at concepts basic as awoken mind in trickle of first moments.


Suspended grains caught in glass prison, trickling through a created bottleneck.


Numerous the titles attributed to singular concept wound about the idea one lacked personal choice, upon the whim of another enacted preplanned steps. Amusement some deemed it, a force above in the winking light of untouchable celestial bodies playing a mere game of chess, each unique, damned life another piece moved at their discretion.


Upon itself the snake entwined, consumed in same breath as it lived, perpetual state between life and death. Such they were left to, birth and passing at opposite ends, joined for one without the other may not exist. Natural it was deemed, the cycle life must enact, a fractured, cruel process inescapable no matter the desire that arose in final seconds.

The predator and the prey.

Routine, simplistic the bare bones nature it had acquired over the weeks that bypassed with a small amount of fanfare, ignorance a blissful but clueless state he clung to. Expected, as always, no break permitted in actions repeated, a mere stage he acted upon. Thespian had he become by surviving, worn the grinning visage of forged comedy on the truth of tragedy that rendered heart stone. Easier to pretend than ever it was to allow the mask to slip, even as fine the cracks that splintered, a weight tender child may only bear for so long.

Forth limbs stretched from beneath accumulated weight, gathered numerous blankets and scraps of fabric, warmth of other welcome as soft cream strands were dug into. Moment of respite, peace in which shuddering breath may be released, hushed occupants filling the subterranean hollow. In comparison to those beyond meagre his time among their populace, a child to them even as the moniker grew restrictive and he wished it removed, among them, however, he was different. Far from eldest he was the longest present, a beacon in eyes his own, as his father was to the clan as a whole. Delusion such thought, one he kept close, however, even as stilled his tongue.

Roused his caretaker as the peace was broken, while soft the low tone it beckoned those who may assist, stilled paws that held fast, wished her presence to linger. Yet known was the fact she, among those others who watched over the youth, was most capable, unnecessary her constant watch even as dual hearts ached to stay. Rasp of tongue settled between down turned ears, murmured words lost on ears that rang with a faint buzz. They were words he knew, even lacking the ability to understand each she murmured against his forehead, agreed to with a tense nod.

After did he stumble, numb paws awoken with the prickling touch of pins and needles, a static pulse that slowed but did not dissuade. Caged behind closed jaws a call that fizzled out with the loss of her, vision striped bare, pale the illumination that seeped through dense cloud cover that obscured the belly of the sky. Placement familiar, taken without fuss, the edge between sand and snow indented with prior days well behind. Slow the manner time passed by, fitful the slump, body protesting the lack of proper rest and care, aside the notion of seeking assistance pushed.

Downfall may such be, the fire that burned ever brightly in stomach that churned about empty space seeking to be filled, proud even now. Sodden the paw that rose, chilled in manner that caused brief withdraw once contact was made, adjustment made and eyes rubbed at. Worsened his own sickness, different from that which plagued supposed father, ignored as was his. To show the other he was strong, proven his worth and dedication, the aching flames that tormented taunt muscle may be endured for that.

  What are we without family.

A lonesome ghost without purpose, surviving without living, feasting on the scraps that may be stolen or won. He knew the lack of it, how warmth and affection may be stolen within the dead of night, the midnight hour arising with a silenced clamour, found once more upon shores licked by foam laced waves. Foam. New the identity given, carved from stone worn beneath those beating waves, child once lost newly found. Yet, again may he taste that sorrow how it welled in an acidic film over tongue, salt and copper together mingling, at peace in his ignorance.

Light the doze in which he had fallen, propped against the outer rim of nursery entrance, tired even as his activity ontl extended to moving to his current placement. Harsh the break, forced once more into the conscious world, cruel the reality awaiting. Echoing notes, the pleased song of a predator that has been satiated during hunt, proven victor over lacking prey. Stilled prior action staged in sandy hollow, a divet in the earth protected from the elements that bore aloft spiralling ivory flakes, yet not from the lupine beast that sung with a dwindling voice.

Upwards chin shifting, observed the slow beginning of prior activity, nervous energy new to stilted movement, cast towards edge beyond vision frightful glances. To where they looked did Foam likewise cast his gaze, shuffling away from the nursery in full, yet the emerald canopy of needle lined branches all he may see from current vantage point. Rising among static interrupted thought the notion of closing distance, traversing edge to permit basic gathering of external clues as to what may awaken such shortly lived fear. Aside the notion placed, however, averted such path by vision that caught his own, knowing the ways his thoughts wove about mystery, too much already plaguing heavy mind.

  Blood on upturned soil. Nothing left, evidence apparent only in the smeared crimson and divets left in wake of forced departure, dragged until scoured the earth. His throat grown hoarse, the tears spilling until there was nothing left, warmth enveloping and calming as best it may.

Spine traced with a brief shudder, motion conducting approach not to the forest unknowingly had the one he sought slipped into with a wish to fulfil duty he had done so tenfold with each day that had passed, into the hollow he resided within alone the child peering. Shallow darkness pooled in the crevice and within he walked, enveloped in the tang of brine, the cloying heat and harsh note of sickness that lingered, beneath all something uniquely Rhine which quelled sparking nerves. No further may he venture, even as the desire wound about paws that slide along in dragging steps, over should briefly glancing before taken his place by opening.

Full investigation need not be staged, known his presence was lacking deeper within even as it was sought with fervour, stirred the grains near to head that lay between outstretched legs by a sigh. Early had he risen, before many, a man set upon a path even as it wound ever closer to the singular destination of his untimely end. He may not fault the other, bore no placement that may allow such commentary, even as it arose from a place of worry seemingly cast aside in favour of making light of the ailment that beset Rhine, alike his own actions.

  Like father, like son.

They were not such, however, sour grown smile briefly permitted placement across pale lips, downward curl carving a frown where it once pressed. Others bore such title, graced with that which he claimed by only matter of selfish desire, thoughts vocalised during time war called and beckoned him to the battlefield. Fear acted as ignition, words tumbling forth lacking forethought, yet answered, accepted in a way mind has reduced to empty comfort. Over muzzle paws settled, into snow laced grains chin pressed, stifled that particular line of thought. Comfort the notion, even as falsehood seemed to ring true, supposedly deemed unworthy once and with nothing that would not allow reality to mimic the past.

Distraction arrived, once more began commotion though different this, atmosphere lightened by a hope shared in a clamour that voiced queries his mind barely comprehended. Small and diverse those at forefront, lost among the throng that crowded, at odds with one another. Where bright the faux cheer those that had occupied the shallow valley prior the atmosphere grew sullen, darkened beneath a contained sorrow reflected upon carefully neutral expressions. One in particular stepped forth, that they carried eyed by some, reflected a hunger that dwindled while some seemed to realize the situation from the beginning, silence stretching out.

Ruddy the coat sickened by crimson stalled as the heart grew still, obscured the punctures by placement, reverent the one who tended him before voice arose. Strong their call, ringing in quiet that swelled and broke with vicious clamour, demanding answers some, others more focused on what was to come next.

Prospects that lay upon darkened horizon, even the grief that weighed on shoulders burdened by that dominated the attention of on lookers new to those already assembled, split their number by a fury that raged in rebirthed serpent. Had she heard the murmurs, the speculation of her own claim to that left in wake of sudden departure, a fact aside cast, her focus solely where once they too had looked. Sole focal point had she become, the hybrid graced with the title of a monster scorned for what another had done to her, as was this one bearing simmering rage. No reptilian crown graced her, scales reflected the bright light of her flames, however, addressed those that gathered and yet seemed to have lost their tongues.

Had been answer forthcoming stalled it with next, beast adorned in cost not his own, prize claimed and treated as such. Discarded it in movements bearing haste, settling with a weight he shouldered with ease, dwarfed the still body, almost peaceful. Lost his words, how their broke with unrestrained sorrow that welled within eyes obscured by tears, tongue accepting the languages no other may understand. They bore the grief of the masses that parted about them, allowed space where all may be permitted, shunned even in this moment, forgein beasts the seemed to intrude where they bore no place.

Unknown when arisen had the child left on outskirts, it may have been the third time, locked and weak joints giving until sand clogged nose further, falling from shirt strands with each unsure step. Reassurance worked through stilted thought, the possibility wrongfully deemed deceased, weak the smile he bore as he advanced upon bundled corpse.

  He was gone. Known this as fact, rejection a cover for that which left heart weeping, quickened as each heavy breath bypassed clenched teeth, threat of his own tears arising, quelled only by hope.

"Come on, gotta get up." Hushed words spoken as paws moved forth, nudged the cloaked figure. Warmth felt, ears swivelling forward with the supposed surety he was correct, unfounded as the residual body heat of Vaas allowed the cloak the residue heat he framed as a sign of life. "He isn't dead, he promised he'd be okay."

False those bitter-sweet words that adorned tongue held between his teeth, into the muscle dug as though the pain which flared across porous surface may awaken. A nightmare. Few those he experienced, this but one of those few, a new strike to add to the tally. More often than one may care to admit life grows cruel, callous to pleas that bubbled in closed throat, tears finally trickling along cheeks, following jawline that quivered. There was to be no coherent words, begun low the quiet sound, voiceless as it arose in volume, a scream that broke with irregular sobs and devolved into a fit of coughing. Again had he lost those he loved, asunder torn heart that seemed still in breast encased in liquid fire, seeking air he could only take in with tiny gulps.
[Image: Ufxnwlgih4-BC.gif]
when I was only twelve years old, my parents went walking, I hate those wicked words they'd say when they started talking. he was headed for the open road, she turned and slammed the door. learning love ain't easy child, when all you see is war
code by Wisker

Re: I'VE GOT AN LED, DON'T NEED THE TAN ☆ o, DEATH - rhosmari - 11-22-2020

The sudden yell into the air made the blind domestic jolt, made his figure shift as he turned his head toward the sound. The words slowly sinking in as if from a far off place. As if they were from another place, another time. His eyes slowly closed before opening back up and seeing nothing but emptiness. It used then that he tilted his head a bit, thinking. That couldn't be right. It didn't sound right. How could that even be? He was just talking to Rhinestone just the other day. There was no way that this was true. It had to be a cruel joke, someone trying to be funny with dark humor. He wanted to scorn that, reprimand such an action because it was most certainly not funny. Rising up to his paws he took a deep breath in, hearing a wheeze in his chest that he ignored and he slowly advanced from his home. Fear pulsed in his chest at not knowing where he was going. Not being able to see anything but it hardly mattered as he wanted to get to this bottom of this. Sand brushed his paws and his thin frame shifted across the beach ever so slowly.

The sudden feeling of someone's tail made him jolt but he was just being guided. Taken to the scene that he thought was just a horrible and cruel joke. Someone so kind, so strong couldn't be dead. Yet as he came closer the pungent smell of blood entered his nostrils, his blind gaze widened and he could smell torn flesh, the smell of a slowly decaying body and water rimmed his sunset orbs. It was true, it was so true. Why couldn't it have just been a joke? "Rhine...." He whispered gently as he stood there, ears pinned back and trying hard not to tremble. It wasn't fair. They were suffering already, with this snow and their prey so much harder to find. Rationing till the dropped and now fate had decided to take Rhine from them. What beast was watching over Palmclan that would allow for this to happen? Slowly he sank to his haunches and lowered his head a bit, taking in a deep breath to keep himself from sobbing.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: I'VE GOT AN LED, DON'T NEED THE TAN ☆ o, DEATH - SirDio - 11-22-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She who seemed so kind and loving to all now seemed as an angry goddess, the fire reaching her shoulders before she breathed and settled the flames into nothingness. While fire burned in her eyes she felt her body shake. She bit her lip until it bled, pressing her body toward Vaas. With another heavy breath she straightened herself, voice shaking but strong, "Tonight we will sit vigil. I will leave afterwards to give justice. Let your hearts grieve, my friends." She watched Foam and Dovah, and suddenly, she fell inward. Chest felt tight and constricted.

It took all of her strength. And even then, she broke. A pained sob came from her, and her tail searched frantically for hold. She found Dovah's leg and her tail coiled tightly around it. 'They gave praise to you. They trusted you and believed you and This is how you treat them?' The thought wracked her as she let out a other sob, angrier than the last. It should had been her. She should have stayed dead.



There was so much grief in the air that it was palpable. An entire group, grieving for their fallen leader. Most had been incredibly close to him, if not his best friends and family, so their deep seated sadness was natural. Still, that didn't make it any less hard to witness an entire group with their heads tilted down, mourning a leader that had led them through some of the roughest times of their lives. Most of the NPCs that had been milling about seemed horrified, even the ones that had previously spoken about Rhinestone behind his back. Just because they had spread rumors didn't mean they wanted him dead. He had still been their leader, and that was clear to see in the expressions that lingered on their faces. Several had to hide away in their dens, queens pulling their children gently into the nursery, unwilling to let them see the corpse. Rhine's body remained still and cold, even as the cloak of fur was draped over his shoulders. He looked almost peaceful, aside from the slowly drying blood that stained his neck and chest. If one hadn't known what was going on, it would've been easy to mistake him as just finally resting, sleeping off the sickness that had been haunting him.

The leader of the patrol had initially recoiled away from Medusa, shocked by the rage and sadness in her eyes. Not because he didn't understand, but just because he had thought it was directed at him. It took him a moment to answer the hybrid's question, shaky words leaving him as he cleared his throat, "A... A wolf. We believed that it may have been a wolf. There were several scents on the air, including Rhinestonestar's sickness, but given his injuries and the canine scent... a wolf attack seems like it's the most plausible. It must have run off when it heard us coming." The patrol leader's eyes were dark as he looked down at his paws, obviously similarly having trouble processing all this. At the mention of a vigil, the feline nodded stiffly, muttering, "He would've liked that..." He also would've liked seeing one of his senior warriors working with others, but the patrol leader didn't mention that. Instead, he just turned and headed for the warrior's den, head hung low. It was overwhelmingly clear that no one in the clan would be feeling the same for a while.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades