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SHOTS FIRED ☆ pumpkin ring toss - Printable Version

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SHOTS FIRED ☆ pumpkin ring toss - michael t. - 11-22-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
Michael had admittedly been a bit surprised, when Roan had come up to him and asked if he could host one of the November events. He wasn't surprised because he didn't know how to run events – he did, and rather enjoyed doing so – but because it was Roan who was asking about it. The antisocial soothsayer, who seemed the absolute opposite of the type to go and host a bunch of different events for the group. However, Michael was glad to see his nephew getting out a bit more and trying to be more social, so he was eager to agree, just needing to ask what he was doing. Of course, the thief was rather excited to see that it was a game of chance. Well, there was some skill involved, in a way, but not all that much. It was essentially up to the winds whether or not your ring throw was actually good or not when it came to the ring toss. The winds, and whoever had rigged the game so that you couldn't win. In this case, however, Michael had no intention of rigging anything, knowing that Roan – and by extension Roxie – would wring his neck if he did so.

It had taken some effort to get the thing all set up, but that was mostly because of the pumpkins. Michael had enlisted the help of his husband to drag all the various pumpkins out to the beach, nestling them in the sand and making sure their stems were sticking straight up. The ones in the back were the easiest to carry, but the hardest to actually land on, considering they were far back and smaller than the others. As one got closer to the line in the sand that Michael had drawn, the pumpkins got both bigger, and closer, and thus easier to land on. Once the entire thing was set up, the dealer had dumped a bunch of the colorful rings in front of the line in the sand, sitting nearby with Trevor. The lanky coyote's chin was resting atop Michael's head as the fugitive called out, "Gather 'round, everybody! Roan asked me to host one of these things, so here I am. What we're doing today is a pumpkin ring toss. Rules are simple: take one of those rings there, and try to throw them onto the pumpkin stems there behind the line. The farthest pumpkins are worth five points, the second farthest three points, and the closest are worth one point. Oh, and no cheating and going over the line. I promise I'll see you, and I'll dump a bunch of sand on your head." The bobcat then gained a bit of an amused smirk at the end of the explanation, making it quite clear that he was being serious.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!

Re: SHOTS FIRED ☆ pumpkin ring toss - trojan g. - 11-24-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]At first, Torsten wasn't sure how to feel about the game before him, confused by the thought of having to throw a ring for fun, and then he heard there were points, and points sometimes meant prizes. Even if it was just the prize of bragging, the child wanted to play, and he wanted to win... even if his coordination was lacking.

Truth be told, the Roux child had never thrown anything before, so when he had run up to grab a ring and go to the line to throw it, he grabbed it with his mouth and turned his head before turning back quickly and releasing, watching as the ring fell short of the pumpkins in the front, gaining him a big fat zero for points. "This is hard." He would whimper to his uncle, ears pinning to his head for a moment before coming forward to try and grab his ring to bring it to the line once more. This time though, he would head back and wait for someone else to do it, see what he had done wrong.

Re: SHOTS FIRED ☆ pumpkin ring toss - Damiana - 11-26-2020

[div style="width: 300px; text-align: justify; font-family: comic sans ms; font-size: 14; line-height: 14px; color: #C0C0C0; margin-top: 6px"]Damiana had heard Michael. He walked over in time to see Torsten try. He watched seeing Torsten miss and walked over himself and picked up a ring before heading over to the line. Once at the line, Damiana looked at the pumpkins in front of him. He was a bit nervous of failing like Torsten, but he moved that out of his mind.

Damiana had the ring in his mouth and turned his head and tossed the ring, with his luck, he had hit the first row pumpkin, but had missed the stem. He's ears went back as he figured out how hard to throw it. He then moved out of the way and let someone else go before he would go again.

Re: SHOTS FIRED ☆ pumpkin ring toss - ROXANNE R. - 12-01-2020

With both ears perked forward, the Quartermaster would make her way over with a soft smile on her maw as she noticed that Torsten was already participating in the events that Roan had decided to hold. Roxie couldn't help but feel proud of Roan seeing as he wasn't the most social of beings, which was surprising since she was a social butterfly... Maybe he had gotten that from Seamus seeing as the male was hardly seen around anymore and only popped up whenever things were convenient. She noticed that Damiana wasn't successful in throwing their ring on a pumpkin stem either as she brushed up against Torsten and nuzzled his head gently with her nose "Hello sweetie," She glanced over to the pumpkins then her gaze shifted over to Michael as a small smirk formed on her maw "Hello there, tiny." Though before he could say something back to her, she reached forward to grab a ring with one of her claws.

Her eyes narrowed onto the pumpkins that were in front of her, Roxanne nibbled on the inside of her left cheek as she stood there for a moment with a concentrated expression on her face. It took her a moment but she would chuck the ring across in the direction of the pumpkins, it bounced off one of them before catching onto a stem on the farther pumpkins. Huh, she hadn't expected for that to actually work but she offered a grin nonetheless. Perhaps playing those bar games had made her better at these type of games or maybe it was just luck.

Re: SHOTS FIRED ☆ pumpkin ring toss - michael t. - 12-02-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
Michael honestly felt a bit bad for Torsten as he watched his nephew come trotting up excitedly, only to end up tossing his ring and missing the pumpkins by quite a margin. While the dealer hadn't rigged the game in any way, that didn't mean that it was easy, and the boy's inexperience in throwing anything certainly didn't help. Part of the whole situation almost made the bobcat want to rig things in Torsten's favor, but he held back that urge. Roan still wouldn't be happy about that, he had to imagine. With this in mind, the thief stretched out one of his short limbs, patting Tors on the head before he muttered, "Don't worry kid, you'll get better with time. You're at a bit of a disadvantage right now, considering you're still pretty young. Your throwing muscles haven't developed as much, you know?" He hoped that would actually encourage Torsten, rather than keeping him from playing entirely. Tors had already been taught that you built muscles up through using them, right? He wasn't too young for that? God, Michael had kids, he should've probably known stuff like that.

Glancing over when two more faces approached, Michael watched as Damiana tried and similarly failed to net himself any points, although he certainly got closer than Torsten. Chuckling lightly, the dealer motioned a paw towards the pumpkins before speaking, "I guess it's a good thing I didn't decide to go with the ultra hard mode, and have pumpkins with twirling stems." He then glanced over upon hearing Roxie's warm voice directed in Torsten's direction, ears pinning back when his sister called him tiny. A soft huff of frustration left him, and he grumbled as he stretched out his short limbs, "Well see, now I just hope you miss it." Of course, this wish ended up working against him, as Roxie's shot initially missed, only to bounce and land on one of the farther back pumpkins. The dealer began to curse, shaking his head before he snickered, "Are you sure you didn't manipulate that somehow? You don't have wind elementals that I don't know about, do you Rox?" Still, he wasn't seriously displeased. It wasn't as if he was betting on this silly round of ring toss.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!

Re: SHOTS FIRED ☆ pumpkin ring toss - Damiana - 12-02-2020

Damiana | 2 years | Fox | The Typhoon
Damiana watched Roxanne go and frowned. He wished he was that good at this and he wanted to go again. He looked at Micheal hearing and couldn't help but smile at the fact that he was called small. Damiana then watched to see how Roxanne would respond to what Micheal had said.