Beasts of Beyond
DON'T ROCK ME TO SLEEP ☆ turkey tag - Printable Version

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DON'T ROCK ME TO SLEEP ☆ turkey tag - roan ; - 11-21-2020

Turkey tag. It was a rather silly idea for an event, but that wasn't a bad thing, really. These November events weren't exactly meant to be serious, they were just meant to bring the group as a whole together. This would certainly end up bringing them together, even if that togetherness involved them tackling each other to try and grab things off of their groupmates. Needless to say, Roan wasn't exactly enthused by the idea of participating, but he had already asked Michael to host one of the events, and it seemed hypocritical for the host to not participate. So, the soothsayer now had one of the paper bands fit snuggly around his waist, several paper feathers sticking out from under the band. The zombified feline had made several different sizes of them, so that everyone would be able to participate without worry. Once he had all of the bands he believed that he would need, he carried them out to the beach, knowing the shore would have the most wide open space. That was ideal for a game like this, so that they wouldn't be slamming into things and giving themselves concussions.

Laying the various feather bands down in the sand, Roan raised his voice and called out, tail flicking back and forth behind him, "Typhoon members! Gather around, we've got another November event going on!" Almost immediately, a crowd began to gather, many looking curiously at the supplies that Roan had brought out. Snorting at the looks of confusion on their faces, the medic began to explain, "Today, we'll be playing turkey tag. Turkey tag is essentially regular tag, except you wear these around your waist." He tapped on the bands with one paw, before continuing, "The feathers in these belts are essentially your life points. If all of your feathers get pulled off, then you're out of the game. Pretty simple, right? We'll play until there's one victor left standing. Whoever that is gets bragging rights, and everyone who participates is one step closer to the Harvest Hunter title." He then fell silent, giving everyone some time to grab their feather belts and put them on before he started the game.

( this event will essentially involve nonlethal combat! so, your characters will attack each other like they would in a raid, except instead of trying to cause injuries, they're just trying to grab feathers off of others )

Re: DON'T ROCK ME TO SLEEP ☆ turkey tag - salem - 11-23-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]SALEM | Inky, vine-wrapped paws trotted forward with an air of hesitance.  While autumn was his time of year, the small wildcat still glanced at Roan with uncertainty in this event.  Reclusive as he was, Salem rarely found himself in a position of playing games -- his nose usually stuck in a book.  When was the last time he had played a game of tag?

Dark eyes hovered over the bands quietly, teeth grazing the inside of his cheeks.  These competitive, rough-house encouraging activities were more his siblings' forte.  Salem wondered if they played over in the Pitt; Jack would likely enjoy the competition.

In the spirit of the time, the feline decided he could give the game a shot.  Once he possessed a small band of his own, complete with three feathers, Salem stood by, antsy for the free-for-fall about to start.

Re: DON'T ROCK ME TO SLEEP ☆ turkey tag - trojan g. - 11-24-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]Tag was something that Torsten had never played, at least to his knowledge. Young as he was and as much as he played with his siblings, so far, they hadn't thought of playing something like this. He knew what tag was - what child didn't? - so understood the rules for this new version of it for the most part.

Padding forward to the event that his older brother had planned out, Torsten quickly grabbed one of the bands, tying it around his waist quickly, pulling it tight to make sure that it wouldn't fall off his small frame, before turning to face those that had gathered around, waiting and watching in preperation to didge any attack that would come his way.

He would try, at least.

Re: DON'T ROCK ME TO SLEEP ☆ turkey tag - Damiana - 11-26-2020

[div style="width: 300px; text-align: justify; font-family: comic sans ms; font-size: 14; line-height: 14px; color: #C0C0C0; margin-top: 6px"]Damiana had heard a commotion going on and decided to see what was going on. He listened to what Roan was saying. Damiana smiled a little, he liked the idea of tag, but was a little unsure since he had recently joined the Typhoon.

Damiana saw others joining and decided he would give it a try. He walked over and grabbed a band. As soon as he had one, he put it on tightly, not wanting it to fall off and then quickly moved a bit away and watched the others around him.

Re: DON'T ROCK ME TO SLEEP ☆ turkey tag - roan ; - 11-28-2020

As a few others began to gather around, Roan felt a crooked grin form on his muzzle, glad that this particular event seemed to be gaining traction. After all, it wouldn't be very fun to play tag without a bunch of people to do it with. Once most of the crowd seemed ready, the tabby let his tail flick from side to side behind him, grabbing their attention once more as he announced, "Alright, I think we're ready to start! Remember, the rules are simple. Run around the beach, try not to get caught, and try to grab feathers off of others. Oh, and try not to be too rough. I really don't want to be treating any injuries from this, alright? Now... go!" As soon as he said "go," the soothsayer watched as those before him scattered off in various different directions. He waited only a moment before doing the same, making sure that the band around his waist was suitably tight before he went sprinting off down the edge of the beach.

Re: DON'T ROCK ME TO SLEEP ☆ turkey tag - Damiana - 11-29-2020

Damiana | 2 years | Fox | The Typhoon
Damiana watched the others take off before taking off himself. He was hoping that he didn't run into anyone. He knew that sooner of later that he would run into someone and that he probably would end up losing. He just helped that he didn't get hurt from this and that no one else got hurt.

Damiana looked around him as he went about. He wanted to be sure, but he also wanted to try to catch someone by surprise and to see if he could get someone else's feathers. After finding a spot, he looked for a spot to hide and look for others whom he could easily over power.

Re: DON'T ROCK ME TO SLEEP ☆ turkey tag - trojan g. - 11-29-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]Watching those around him as they grabbed their own bands with the feathers attached to them, Torsten would prick his ears as he heard Roan begin to speak once more. The child let a smile come to his face as he narrowed his eyes in concentration, focusing in on Roan, and as soon as he shouted for the event to begin, the small feline would let his paws carry him forward towards the adult.

Lunging forward in an attempt to tackle [member=10663]roan ;[/member] Torsten would try and get to one of his feathers, not caring if any of his own got taken in the process, his mind focused on one thing only. He knew he wasn't going to be the best at a game like this, filled with other older and bigger members of the Typhoon, so all he was going to do was focus on getting at least one feather. If he got one feather he'd be happy.

Re: DON'T ROCK ME TO SLEEP ☆ turkey tag - ROXANNE R. - 12-01-2020

It seems she had arrived a bit late but she would slip a band around her waist with a soft sigh as she made sure that it was adjusted well before she glanced around to see that several people were already running away in multiple directions "Easy," She mumbled to herself as she ran from where she originally stood only to lock her eyes onto Damiana who seemed to be waiting for someone to have their feathers taken away. The Quartermaster had no plans of having her feathers plucked so she would prowl forward in quick and silent movements. Eventually, she would leap forward and lunge at Damiana aiming to take one of their feathers, if she succeeded she would roll away before the fox decided to retaliate and take one of her own feathers having a big grin on her maw.

Whether or not, her endeavor was successful, the draconic feline bounced away to find someone else for her to take a feather from. Her sights eventually locking onto Salem as a devilish grin stretched across her maw. Once more did she lunge and attempted to take one of Salem's feathers and it didn't matter if she got a feather or not, she would roll away before rising to her paws only to shake the sand from her coat "Your feathers. Hand em over."

Re: DON'T ROCK ME TO SLEEP ☆ turkey tag - SirDio - 12-01-2020

Xhocoatl - Male - Yellow Anaconda/Cat Hybrid
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]

Xho arrived late, it seemed. A bummer, since things were looking hilarious and he needed to be active. Slipping a feather band around his waist he slinked off to find underbrush to hide in, but decided that being out in the open would work just fine. Spotting Damania and Roxanne, he let a smile creep onto his face as he followed the draconic feline, waiting.

Seeing her go after Salem, he tensed his muscles. He leapt toward Roxanne, aiming to land on her back, grab a feather, and leap off with a powerful jump. Successful or not, he would roll head over tail, quickly getting back on his feet to meet Roxie's eyes. "Give me a feather, would you?"


Re: DON'T ROCK ME TO SLEEP ☆ turkey tag - Damiana - 12-01-2020

Damiana | 2 years | Fox | The Typhoon
Damiana was a bit nervous, but hadn't notice that Roxanne was around at all, which wasn't the best idea to not notice anyone around him. Once Roxanne had lunged at him, he jumped and moved not wanting his feather to be taken. After jumping, he took off away from the others as quickly as he could. Roxanne whether it was an accident, had scared Damiana.

Once Damiana was far enough, he looked behind him and still saw his feather. He let out a quick sigh and went to find somewhere to hide. This time he was going to find someone else whom he could take a feather from.