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a health to the company — picnic + temp. leaving - Printable Version

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a health to the company — picnic + temp. leaving - Kian. - 11-19-2020

Kian Ó Faoláin
The pirate felt at ease beside the waves -- the ocean had always been a home to the faerie.  He breathed along with the steady rhythm of push and pull.  Though the island had seen dramatic change, it had been his home for well over two years now.  But I'm not going far.  Nor forever.

Kian heaved another breath, gathering his thoughts and raising to his paws.  Settled back into his birth form, the small wildcat trotted away from the waves, a large basket hanging in his jaws.  He had spoken to Keona already, quietly, the night before -- settling details and reassurances.  But while the most important individual in his life may be accounted for, the Irishman was not the type to simply walk away without a word.  He did not like the idea of disappearing like that.

Raising his chin, the faerie decided it was time to get his farewells in order.  With his usual jovial smile, he set a basket down onto the sand just outside the Capricorn Tavern.  The Irishman did not enjoy goodbyes -- temporary or otherwise, so he hoped to make this something of a lighter occasion.

"Hey everyone -- 'm having something of a picnic over 'ere if you'd like some food!" He waved his tail happily, carefully unpacking everything onto a spread out blanket.  He kept it simple; mostly Kolaches and rolls, alongside some sweets he prepared.

"I'd also like to say somethin'.  Explain a little."  Kian sat back on his haunches, releasing another breath.  "'m not a fan of farewells, so I thought I could share a meal with everyone before headin' off.  'm not leavin' forever by any means -- there are just some bonds I mean to mend with some of my family."

"The Typhoon is my home and that isn't changin' anytime soon."  Done with the serious part, the Irishman grinned.  "Now I made more than enough for everyone, so you're welcome to dig in."

"'m more than happy to answer any questions too."  He had nothing to hide from his crew, nor any reason not to trust them to understand his reasons for his temporary departure.
We'll all be returning, if we sail together

Re: a health to the company — picnic + temp. leaving - trojan g. - 11-20-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]Torsten had never seen anyone leave from the Typhoon before, whether it be through death or through their own accord. When he had seen Kian holding the picnic and had made his way over, Torsten was confused at first. Leaving? Why would someone want to leave the Typhoon for a little while, other than to just visit some other place for a day. It was safe in the Typhoon and they lived by the pretty ocean. Of course, other places lived by the ocean as well, but he didn't know that. "Where you going?" The child would ask at last as he sat down, paws picking at a sandwich before placing a small chunk in his mouth.

Re: a health to the company — picnic + temp. leaving - michael t. - 11-22-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
Initially, Michael was just drawn over by the promise of food. The dealer still hung around the tavern often, despite the fact that he didn't drink all that much anymore, so he had been one of the first to hear Kian's call. Interest piqued, the thief had made his way over, despite not knowing Kian all that well. He knew of the other, and also knew he was related to Roan, but beyond that, the other was mostly a mystery to him. Figuring this might be an opportunity to get to know the other, Michael came to a seat nearby a few others, including his young nephew. The bobcat was already eying the myriad of treats and sweets before him, but his ears were perked up, and listening. Kian's words were initially lighthearted, but the twist that the conversation took caused Michael to lift his head, the dealer caught off guard. Kian was leaving? That seemed like a pretty big deal, even if it was only temporary. So much for getting to know the guy, at least for now. At least it didn't seem as though the other was making his last goodbyes, or just trying to put on a brave face that hid the fact that he was really going to be gone for good.

Glancing over at Torsten, Michael hesitated for a moment before asking his own question, mismatched gaze focusing back on Kian, "...You going to The Pitt? I know that you've got some family there." It would've been hard for the male not to know, considering he had gone there to visit Trygve, and had heard about the extra family from Roan. Briefly biting down on the inside of his own cheek, the thief then added on, "If you are, be careful. Even with family there, it's still The Pitt, and there's no need to take unnecessary risks." As always, Michael was choosing to air on the side of caution. Although he had loosened up throughout his time in The Typhoon, the fugitive had always been more of the plan ahead type. He didn't enjoy going into things unprepared, and all experience had taught him that The Pitt wasn't exactly good news. Hopefully, they wouldn't end up hearing about Kian getting attacked, or something worse happening. Eager to get his mind off of such a possibility, Michael grabbed one of the smaller treats, sinking his fangs into it.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!

Re: a health to the company — picnic + temp. leaving - Keona. - 11-22-2020

Keona Ní Faoláin — the blind dealer
[div style="width: 490px; font-size: 9pt; line-height: .1.1; color: #386bab; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-top: 2px;"][i]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
Despite being informed ahead of time, the tiny dealer didn't want to miss her father's departure.  Restless, Keona's ears perked up instantaneously, at the sound of his voice.  A picnic? ... Sounded like him.  Her tail flicked behind her as she trotted over, not particularly interested in food.

She took a close seat besides her father, humming softly as Michael spoke.  She already knew after all.  With Gael in command, she suspected the Pitt was as safe as it could be.  Even then.  She didn't know much about the other members.

At least, their healer was family too.  And if she remembered right, Trygve was a member.  Kian would not be without allies.  Moreover, she suspected that, like her, he was linked to Séamus mentally.  A clear line of communication.

So it should be fine... Even if a part of her didn't really want him to go.  Simply to keep him around.


Natyli had been conscious of the smaller dealer's antsy energy, only to turn her head at the sound of food.  A picnic sounded nice.  The chimera grinned brightly as she bounded over, only pausing as she nabbed a kolache at the mention of the Pitt.  Her ear flicked absently at Michael's concern.

Kian would be fine.  Trygve was there after all.  "You gonna say hi to Ry for me?"  Her whiskers twitched idly in amusement, since the truth was there was no need.  If she thought the word particularly loudly in her mind, she was certain it would reach her brother.
come and fly away with me!
[align=right]Natyli Roux — the chimera