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MY FAMILY IS RIGHT HERE ☆ plush turkey diagnosis - Printable Version

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MY FAMILY IS RIGHT HERE ☆ plush turkey diagnosis - roan ; - 11-17-2020

The first of Roan's Thanksgiving events was, unsurprisingly, focused around medicine. It wasn't anything that one needed to be a medic in order to participate in, but it certainly helped. Near the middle of town, a bit away from the tavern, Roan had set up the event, involving a large bundle of plush turkeys, and a bit of... creative editing. The plush turkeys all had various different ailments, ranging from a bit of wood stabbed into their plush feet, all the way to messy slashes across their plush necks. Thankfully, none of it was exactly gory, considering the only thing that one would see pouring forth from the injuries was stuffing. Needless to say, the various injuries ranged from extremely easy to treat, to extremely advanced, with one only knowing how to properly treat them if they had prior medical knowledge. In addition to the turkeys themselves, the soothsayer had set out various medical supplies, including bandages and different kinds of herbs. Of course, he had only set out the things he had plenty of, since he didn't want to waste supplies on a simple little event.

Once everything was set out, Roan took a deep breath before turning to face outward, raising his voice, "Pirates! Come on, gather around for the first November event I've got planned!" He waited until a decent crowd had gathered before he continued, waving one of his forelimbs out in a large arc over the plush turkeys, "As you can see, we've got a bunch of plush turkeys right here. These turkeys have various injuries, ranging from small to quite serious. What I want all of you to do is to grab yourselves a turkey, and diagnose what is wrong with them! You can then tell me what is wrong, and tell me how you would treat it. However, don't worry if you get it wrong. I'll be sure to help you with a diagnosis. This is mainly just a fun little event, meant to put you all in the shoes of healers like Rosemary, Lawkit, and I!" He then took a step back, giving the crowd plenty of room to come and grab their turkeys.

( you can either decide what ailment the turkey that your character grabs has, or you can have me decide for you once your character grabs one! )

Re: MY FAMILY IS RIGHT HERE ☆ plush turkey diagnosis - trojan g. - 11-18-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]Excited for the different events that would be held for this month, Torsten had kept his ears pricked when wandering around, just in case one of the things he had been told about happening would be near him. He wanted to be the first one to arrive at each event if possible, and it seemed as though he was close this time, a few stragglers of NPC's coming forth just before the small boy.

He wouldn't let this get to him as he listened to the words his older brother spoke, eyes drifting over to the stuffed animals as they were mentioned. They each had something wrong with them, and Torsten had no medical knowledge. He wanted to get one that was easy - or at least looked to be - so when they were given free reign to grab one of the toys, he quickly ran to grab one of th eones with some wood stuck in their foot. He didn't know what it was called - he had yet to have experience with splinters, thank the gods - but he thought this would be something that was easy to take care of.

"It doesn't seem comfy Mr. Turkey, does it?" He would mutter to the toy he had grabbed as he sat down, eyes looking over the creature for a moment before a smile crossed his face. "Don't worry, I can help you! I just gotta take it out and you'll be all better!" Grabbing the wood with his teeth the boy would yank it out, eyes widening slightly as stuffing came out from the foot. A small amount, but enough to make tears well up in his eyes. "No, no, you're going to be ok! See! No more wood, so you're better, right?" He was panicking at this point, afraid for his new turkey friend, since losing stuffing was not what he had planned.

Re: MY FAMILY IS RIGHT HERE ☆ plush turkey diagnosis - ROSEMARY - 11-21-2020

[Image: b8HzBLA.png]
Rosemary adored cute ideas like this, so she’d been looking forward to this little plushie event. Sitting by her, in fact, was her own little stuffed turkey with a bandage wrapped around one wing. After the event, she planned on taking it back home and putting him in a cozy spot—he’d make a cute decorative piece.

She eyed, smiling into a paw, Torsten as he set to work on his plushie. “You’re doing a wonderful job with that splinter,” she called over softly, but he might not’ve heard her. Even she wouldn’t have been surprised.

When his voice turned panicked, she stood up and trotted over to her nephew. She attempted to lay her forked tails on his shoulder as she sat down next to him, pulling out a few materials from her satchel. “You did wonderfully, Torsten. Even when I’m treating real patients, it’s very hard to keep the blood—well, stuffing in this case—all inside. Since Mr. Turkey is a stuffed animal, we can put the stuffing back inside, and he’ll be right as rain.”

She held out a swath of bandages and a needle and thread. “After you put the stuffing inside, do you want to stitch him back up? It’s okay if he’s afraid of stitches, though, because we can bandage him right up.” Given his reaction to Mr. Turkey’s stuffing loss, she didn’t want to start suturing the stuffed animal right immediately.
roleplayed by axiom + template © star

Re: MY FAMILY IS RIGHT HERE ☆ plush turkey diagnosis - roan ; - 11-21-2020

It made sense that Torsten would grab one of the easier "patients," seeing as his younger brother didn't exactly have a wealth of medical knowledge to help him out. As others began to drag down their own plush turkeys to diagnose, Roan let his gaze linger on Torsten, head tilting to one side. He wondered how the younger male would deal with it, considering how soft and easily panicked Torsten could be. That wasn't a knock against his brother – Roan hadn't exactly been terribly brave or confident when he was little – but rather just a statement of fact. So, when the other pulled the splinter from the plushie's foot, the zombified feline felt a triumphant grin come to his muzzle, proud of how Torsten had handled it. Unfortunately, things could never be easy, so it wasn't long before the foot was losing stuffing, and Torsten began to panic. Heaving out a sigh, Roan glanced at the various turkeys that hadn't been taken yet before he made his way out from behind the table, intent on helping his brother.

Thankfully, it didn't seem as though he would be the only one chipping in this time. Rosemary came rushing over as well, the sage obviously having finished her own turkey without much fuss. Roan found a faint snort leaving him as he heard his aunt's words, chiming in with a rather blunt tone of voice, "Trust us, stuffing is much easier to deal with than blood is, Tors." It was a bit of a morbid comment, but the soothsayer had grown so numb to his work that he didn't see it that way. As he grew closer, he looked the turkey over, prodding one of his paws gently against the stuffed animal's foot. When he pulled his paw back, he muttered, "Even if he is alright with stitches, you can still bandage him up as well. Not everyone likes being able to see their stitches, and it makes it harder for them to get infected." This had been meant to be a simply fun event, but that didn't mean he couldn't be educational as well.