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Once Upon A Time -- O; Return! - Printable Version

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Once Upon A Time -- O; Return! - SirDio - 11-17-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Seven days. Well, she was awake for only 3 of those seven, the first four days she was stuck in a limbo, watching a dark world. With each day within the limbo, she felt her body grow warmer and warmer until she was suddenly back in her body. Greeted by an old cat who called themselves Healer, she began to relearn how to walk and use her hind legs. It was how she realized that her hind legs would not work properly anymore. Her hind legs would move in stuttering motions, sometimes just locking up painlessly for a good minute before resuming movement. Despite this, she did not give up. Healer told her that another feline was questioning them on who their patient was. When they described the feline, she almost got up and left to see Rhine.

The final day had been filled with a hollow sorrow. Healer wasn't going to be able to join her for the reunion. They made a pact with their old group -- they could not pass until they healed one more animal. With Medusa's revival and healing complete, they could move on, join their family. Even though she felt happiness for them, she was saddened that she would have to leave her new friend. But on a loving note, a song, she parted for the camp. She knew exactly where to go -- her paws guided her, hind legs moving at odd angles. Home. Her fear of the ocean was non-existent now. She was going home.

But her body faltered at the edge of the forest, the sudden fear kicking in again. No. She could not, absolutely could not, let fear override this. She was going home. She was going to her family. Family over fears.

It seemed no one was out for patrols yet, so going to camp was easy. Even with her permanently injured legs. Stopping mere feet from the camp entrance, she took a deep breath. Home. Family. Safety. She took the final steps into the arms of camp, head held high. The silence that swallowed camp was enough.

"Palmclan, I have returned. I'm finally home. I have so much to say.. So much to tell all of you."[i] Instantly palmclan members surrounded her, questioning, welcoming, concerning. She stood in a way that only a rabbit could stand, hind legs tucked halfway in. She had so much to say, and judging by those who questioned her injuries, so much to explain. But she was [i]home.


Re: Once Upon A Time -- O; Return! - fujita - 11-17-2020

home, huh? it would be his too, eventually, despite his dismay at the idea. in truth, it scared him, shook him to his core. accepting palmclan as his new address meant leaving behind the certainty of life before the union of his former group and this one. being absorbed into a bigger pool of faces also invited more danger. once he shook off his unease, the feeling would lie in wait for him anew. should he befriend some of these palmclanners, he risked losing them to a silly war another group might involve them in. his mind buzzed with every lethal possibility as he neared the one whom called.

"welcome back, miss."
as he responded, he took a seat away from the bustle of bodies. a story couldn't hurt. at worst, it would eat up some time he might have spent worrying.

Re: Once Upon A Time -- O; Return! - RHINESTONE. - 11-19-2020

Medusa's "death" had taken a toll on Rhinestone, one that he hadn't truly been able to deny if anyone were to ask about it. The senior warrior had been one of his close friends, and he had not only trusted her with information and friendship, but also with a chunk of the clan. He didn't promote someone to senior warrior lightly, and Medusa had clearly meant a lot to him, earning her position relatively fast. Then, everything had just collapsed, with the hybrid disappearing in a flurry of blood and scents with nothing left behind but marks on the ground. For several days, he had remained within his den, not only because of his sickness, but also because of his misery. He knew that he needed to attend to the group, and be a leader, but it was just so hard, knowing that they had lost someone so important. Not only lost her, but lost her in a time where he had said some extremely stupid things to her. He had never wanted her to have to leave them, but he certainly hadn't wanted her to leave them angry. Thankfully, everything had changed on the day he had met Healer out on the beach.

It had been an incredible relief, to know that Medusa wasn't dead, but he couldn't help the feeling of bitterness that had come at the time. Not at Medusa, but at Healer, mainly for the other's secrecy. The ruddy tom had immediately wanted to go and see Medusa, but Healer just wanted the herbs that they needed, and had been rather intentionally vague about everything. It had been frustrating, but at least it was something. Ever since then, the leader had just been waiting, struggling to fight off his sickness as he awaited the senior warrior's eventual return. It was a good thing that she had come back so soon, seeing as the leader wasn't sure of how much longer he could hold out. He didn't really think he would actually die from the illness that currently gripped his body, but things weren't exactly getting any better. He didn't know how much longer he'd be able to carry on, even if he hesitated to admit that to anyone within the clan – he didn't want them to worry about him.

As soon as he heard Medusa's voice, Rhinestone practically dragged himself forth from his den, stumbling over his own paws. A sickly purr broke forth from his throat, his rush bringing him forward and into the fray with the others, who thankfully shifted around to let him through. He would have stayed back with Fujita in any other circumstance, but this was a special case. The tom found himself speaking in a rough mutter, a smile curled on his muzzle and his pale gaze bright despite how his condition was worsening, "Medusa... Medusa, I'm so glad you're back. I met the one who healed you... I wanted to go see you, but I didn't know where you were. We missed you so much... I missed you so much." He wanted desperately to hug her, but he refrained, at least for the moment. He didn't want to risk passing on his sickness to her, especially with how fragile she still seemed.

Re: Once Upon A Time -- O; Return! - SirDio - 11-21-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She sent a small smile to Fujita, not wanting to intrude his personal space while everyone was crowding around her. She felt many eyes at her haunches and hips, most examining the shattered-glass markings on her now. Her heart lurched. Golden eyes settled on Rhinestonestar's sickly figure as he walked forward. After such a while.. he had gotten worse with the sickness. How longer would he make it?

Words searched for escape, ears pressed against her skull and head down cast for a solid minute. They missed her. The relief and anguish mixed. But finally, "Rhine.. I.. I missed you too. I've missed everyone.. I'm so, so, so sorry, so very sorry... for having been gone for this long.." She said through thick words, light catching on the new golden marking on her face. She didn't know it was there. Her face lifted, eyes met Rhine's own, golden eyes warm like honey and fire.


Re: Once Upon A Time -- O; Return! - SirDio - 11-22-2020

Commotion had driven the dinosaur from her nest and outside the nursery, rubbing her eyes gently with a small grunt of displeasure. What was so important as to start such... a... crowd....

As eyes settled on the familiar body of the hybrid, tremors shook the child. How? That- No! But- Maybe- NO! She had to see for herself. Slowly, so very slowly, the dinosaur walked to the crowd, weaving through legs before settling on them. It. It was not Medusa. it was an imposter dancing in her body. An anguished, angered snarl ripped from her before she ignored all else, any attempts to halt her would prove to be in vain, and she tore out of camp, headed distinctly for the cliffs.

//Out, if someone wants to follow her in a separate thread, it'll be up soon

Re: Once Upon A Time -- O; Return! - number nine. - 11-22-2020

Medusa's death hadn't taken as much of a toll on Number Nine as it had on some, but the warrior had certainly still felt it. Truthfully, it was impossible not to, considering the whirlwind of emotions that had passed throughout the group in the follow up. Rhinestone had fallen into a deep depression, and even Drifting had been on the constant verge of snapping, despite the child usually being rather happy go lucky. Nine had mostly just tried to keep his mind off of the loss by throwing himself into his duties as a warrior. He needed to make sure that no one else ended up suffering in the way that Medusa evidently had, if the bloody scene she had left had been anything to go by. He had gotten to work, hunting and patrolling constantly, and even sitting in for one of Vaas's medical lessons. The latter was way out of his wheelhouse, but he had still opted to attend, mainly because he wanted to be able to help others if they were injured, just as Medusa had ended up being. Even if, in a way, Nine knew that he really wouldn't have been able to do much to help the hybrid at the time, considering how far away he had been.

The sound of Medusa's voice once again within camp had nearly given Number Nine whiplash, the jaguar immediately raising his head from his paws and looking around until he caught sight of her. Grinning broadly, Number Nine got up to his paws, slinking up beside the small and sickly form of Rhinestone. He offered a nod to both Fujita and Rhine himself, although his focus remained on Medusa, his voice warm as he greeted her, "Medusa... it's good to see you back. I'm pretty sure all of us were losing it, while you were gone." That was fairly undeniable, considering the emotions that had hung in a dark cloud over the camp ever since her disappearance. Hopefully, things would be able to brighten up a little bit in the wake of her return. Things weren't perfect, obviously, considering the fact that they were still struggling with prey and the cold, but Palmclan wasn't easy to knock down. They weren't about to give up, as evidenced by Medusa standing right there despite having been presumed dead. Unfortunately, it seemed as though not everyone was as delighted by Medusa's return, considering the way that Drifting tore out of camp like a bat out of hell.

Re: Once Upon A Time -- O; Return! - VASS . - 11-22-2020

Even in winter, there were traces of warmth. It came curling along his pelt: flush under the cloak Vaas had taken to carry with him now, hiding the stark contrast his pelt had with the new bleached landscape into a more softer brown. The tiger had been absent the last day or so, and as he reared his head the morning it was with the quiet finality of his breath: Alive, whole. When one of his own was gone, when his family was sick and horrendous. Guilt swam in his eyes, throughout the week he had refused to meet most of the gazes of the ones around him, including rhine. His eyes drifted from snow to more snow, even at the shouts of Medusa's name he could manage to look up, his eyes watching the fimiluar shift of scales and fur of memory fade. Spiderlike patterns along their form flickering.

He blamed the exhaustion for the delayed reaction, but as soon as recognition flickered into his features, there wasn't much that would stop the medicine cat. "Medusa! hermosa !" Vaas laughed joyishly, and made no hesitation in moving closer, yellowed fangs a contrast to the dull garb of the tiger. "Don't you ever do that again, okay? you scared the shit out of me" THe medacine cat admonished, with a wave of his paw he pulled the dull cloak from his form and bullied medusa into wearing it. Fixing the clasp with freezing the water to hold the fabric steady.

Closer than before, he didn't lower his voice, but his words held back the emotion, instead taking to jovial, even at the strain his words held. "I thought you was gone, i don't cope well when my family dies, Hermosa" The first time his family had passed away had left him crumbling, even under the strain of their relatioships- their hurt towards him. But this family was different: the one he chose- and for it to be gone so quickly, for medusa to just leave, as quick as she game and reappear? it hurt
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: Once Upon A Time -- O; Return! - Grimm - 11-25-2020


An oasis tempered by the comfort of peace, open arms that beckon and voiceless call. Tangible the protection offered in material shelter, fragile all the same, a cage gilded at times though welcome those constricting bars for only the respite it gives. Rotten the core beneath golden surface, turmoil raging through internal structure, maintained the image.

Dull the lightly hued vision that skirted along the few occupants spaced throughout shallow duvet, occupied each by task selected to keep busy, ignored the hunger that seemed inescapable. No matter their number harsh the edges that scoured slowed heart, grown lonely in the wake of departure. Refusal staunch when it came to deeming that which had adorned the upturned soil with blood death, the reality of what transpired incapable of settling among thoughts, her lack a dwindling flame of hope. Time had slowly allowed it to flicker out, the slowed search parties and talk of memorial making apparent few believed his hastily put together story.

Beneath paws was nose buried, stirred the grains he lay upon by deep sigh. Relative the normality they had once more allowed their lives to become, death apart of proceedings, to be accepted and dealt with not dwelt upon to fester alongside grief. Thoughts spiralled, wound about her even as the clamour arose, her name repeated by differing tongues, over her others speaking as if this were their only chance. Confusion arose in half shut eyes and he turned, prepared seemingly to express a rage that had lodged beneath his skin days prior, stilled those words, however, realisation settling heavily.

She was back.

Halting momentum, rise almost discounted by tumble as paws grew entangled, half a jog his approach. There was no words from Foam, the others filled the air with their own ceaseless chatter enough, only the child moving closer. Before did he stop, outward reaching a tiny paw, atop her own settling. Chin tilted back and he regarded the hybrid with the frail edges of a shaky smile, briefly alight eyes before the tears began to fall, a silent and slow cascade as he seemed robbed of all else.

Too many had he lost, those faceless few who had deemed him unworthy and thus deposited kitten on the shoreline to act as burden for another, those who came and departed out of need, thinned their numbers over time. Different had been this, the talk she had been killed enough to burn the memory into his mind in a way no other departure had. Yet here she was, the serpentine goddess once known only for such by a name bestowed yet carved her godhood from the world by her own volition.
[Image: Ufxnwlgih4-BC.gif]
when I was only twelve years old, my parents went walking, I hate those wicked words they'd say when they started talking. he was headed for the open road, she turned and slammed the door. learning love ain't easy child, when all you see is war
code by Wisker

Re: Once Upon A Time -- O; Return! - RHINESTONE. - 11-26-2020

Even as the sickness made it difficult for Rhine to focus on most things, he found it easy to focus on Medusa, a happy grin on his face as she spoke. He hardly seemed to be the only one that was delighted, considering the warm words from both Number Nine and Vaas. Although, it was fairly easy to hear the hidden threat in Vaas's heavy words. The only one who didn't seem delighted was Drifting, but that was understandable. The child had been hit the hardest by the other's disappearance, and it would probably be some time before she could cope. Rhinestone watched her run off with a faint frown on his muzzle, making a mental note to go and check on her later – possibly when he was feeling less weighed down. Turning his gaze back to Medusa, the ruddy feline let out a rough purr, "As you can see, we were all a wreck while you weren't here... some of us might need a little while, to adjust." He flicked his tail in the direction that Drifting had gone, making it quiet clear who he was talking about. It was mainly so that Medusa wouldn't think to follow her, since he wasn't sure how the other would react just yet. There was a chance she could feel better, but there was also the chance she could feel that much worse.

Either way, Rhinestone's happiness was hard to dampen, far too eagerly fueled by his friend and senior warrior's return. When his delight subsided slightly, he took notice of the marking on her head, pale blue gaze focusing on it briefly. As he tilted his head to one side, he found himself muttering, "That's new... actually, all of these markings are new. Are those part of what brought you back? Or... who brought you back?" He could remember meeting Healer, as well as hearing their cryptic words, and feeling excitement when they let slip that it was Medusa that they were treating. However, he still didn't know how exactly this had come to be. It was pretty clear from the blood that had been present outside of the hybrid's home that she had suffered some sort of injury. So, what had it been, and how had Healer managed to treat it so effectively? Rhinestone could hardly see any markings or scars, save for the strange golden bits that now decorated Medusa's pelt at various spots. Were they some kind of magic? A gift from Starclan, or something more?
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades