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you never will . open , healing lessions - Printable Version

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you never will . open , healing lessions - VASS . - 11-16-2020

It was a time where destraction was necessary. Vaas had toed the line between necessity and cowardice for the past days. It was hard, to carefully push aside his mourning in favor of tending to the clan. Vaas had welcomed the role change with gusto as a chance of distraction. But the further he sank into the role the more out of depth he became. Medusa had died, attacked ruthlessly within the borders and their body without a trace of even something to bury. Rhinestone’s sickness only coming into his awareness with the passing gesture of warmth-feaverhot: Dovah blind by his own apprentice. It was a disgrace, a failure of a healer, and still he was needed to heal, to mend these breaks.

Gods he needed Rosemary more and more each day. The careful medic of the typhoon was his friend before she ever decided to declare her loyalty to her family again. Yet- bitter he was he could not show such weakness of his clan outwardly. He needed to be strong, to be resolute, but beyond the few sparce sparks of chaos Vaas found a struggle with gripping control for anything, much less his position.

Unlike most he didn’t look to the star’s for guidance, didn’t prey for things to get better as ancestors of a general scorned. No he looked around at the snow that encased the cage of his den and stumbled inside. A low contempt snarl along his maw as he gathered herbs, ingredients together. A small book looped with string hit his flank as he walked: the book he had managed to find steal of herbs within the area, in winter they were mostly gone and withered, but the few he had managed to store for the winter, dried and bottled away clinked away in a satchel as he walked back towards camp.

He had offered to teach the clan of remadies, simple ones last meeting. It would do well if he saw it through: even if he feared the fact he only knew simple remadies. He could not cure DOvah’s blindness, could not restard or even begin to look for medusa’s body, he could not…

He could teach the clan what to look for, in a sick clanmate. Could tell them what needed to be done before he arrived on a scene of one of his own clanmates screaming in agony. He could look for a promising member of the clan- maybe one who had a fragile trust in the stars as the clan had almost demanded of every medicine cat. Would he find an apprentice? To teach of healing? Would he even have anything to teach beyond the simple basics of this class?

A weary sign escaped Vaas as he settled in the snow, tail sweeping to clear it from around him. His water couldn’t do much to warm the area, but the bite of it served to wake him from his half asleep state. “Gather, for I’m about to medicine a lesson.” Well, almost.
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"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: you never will . open , healing lessions - Grimm - 11-18-2020

Idle hands a tempting resting place for foul deeds — dark the work one may attend to, however, achievement belittling method to which it is reached. Stagnant they, a weathered stone caught between raging forces, upon dual sides war raged, internal struggle reaching critical point, loss and sickness plaguing among the snow. Too much, idle grown from need, break sought yet hope soured on tongue weighed with grief.

He knew best kept his placement within subterranean den, though the melt had begun chilling still the gathered frost, biting the wind tracing short strands. Notion disregarded with ease, unwelcome among thoughts grown heavy, a gentle fuzz that crackled with static white noise. Too many the new faces, those not welcome to the change of two becoming one driven to the safety shore offered, alone as he lingered outside. Exhaustion left eyelids heavy over pale green depths, reddened the nose once more rubbed at. Disregarded each comment over his worsening health, maintained only through once kept up facade, broken with disappearance he refused to deem a death.

Vision caught, attention once fickle settling on burnished and ebony creature that stalked snow blanketed shore with a dwindling grace, heavy grown under a burden upon himself taken, welcome for reasons child might only guess at. Such he would not do, however, uninterested in the practise or what prompted his change of course, simply accepting it. At the least no ill will was present where concerned other, new to this and trusted, welcome respite which drew tentative smile to shaking lips.

Progress was slow, threading through the few that milled about, clumsy grown steps once more even as hoped suitable the excuse the path was Treacherous, unknown that smothered beneath the snow. Distance still was there when suitable placement was found, heavy the manner Foam allowed himself to sit, drawn in close as he looked to the other with open eyes. He may bear no wish to enter the career path Vaas had come to choose for himself, curiosity was enough to at least necessitate participation, if not as a mere distraction from all that had transpired.
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I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: you never will . open , healing lessions - RHINESTONE. - 11-19-2020

Rhinestonestar knew about the necessity of medicine, and had known about it since he was fairly young. The last time he had been sick was when he was an apprentice, stumbling over his own paws and groaning in agony. The sickness at the time had left him unable to train and hunt, until eventually the medicine cat had taken him in, mending the soreness and treating the illness that gripped him. Ever since then, he had felt a great deal of respect for the various medicine cats that had served the clan, their gentle paws and complex minds a boon that they could not afford to lose. Of course, for a time, Palmclan had been forced to lose that comforting presence. The hurricane had swept both their last medicine cat and her apprentice away, and her successor hadn't lasted long before disappearing. That rash of bad luck had left them defenseless when it came to the overall health of the group, and that had left Rhine wary. He had been infinitely grateful when the possibility of Vaas stepping up had emerged, knowing that the other would do a good job. He knew that the work the other had to do would by no means be easy, but Rhine trusted the tiger, more than the other male probably realized. However, that was a subject for another time.

Rhinestone had been even more grateful when Vaas had offered to host a general training session, knowing that it was for the good of them all. After all, a great deal of the clan still knew little to nothing about basic first aid, and that was something that simply couldn't stand. There was no way that Vaas could be everywhere at once, and people needed to know how to treat their basic scratches and bruises, as well as know how to leap in to hold the fort until Vaas was able to arrive. The leader had intended to attend from the start, knowing that his own knowledge of healing was rather lackluster. He had learned a bit from the few NPCs within the clan that knew how to heal, but it certainly wasn't a lot, and barely managed to scrape by and qualify as the basics. This was what motivated the rusty tom to make his way over, even as he sort of stumbled and hesitated in his step. Although some days were much worse than others, the sickness never truly just allowed him to be free of it, constantly needing to present him with little reminds of its presence. He wondered how long it would be until Vaas approached him about it, secretly hoping that the medicine cat simply wouldn't notice it. He doubted it, however – there was a reason why he had asked Vaas to step up to the position, after all.

Coming to a seat near Foamkit, Rhine was grateful to have the chance to sit, no longer having to limp his way along. Instead, he just curled his tail peacefully over his paws, offering Vaas a somewhat forced smile. He then muttered, his gaze taking in the supplies that the tiger carried along with him, "Thank you for doing this, Vaas... I'm sure that it'll be useful for all of us. And keep us all much safer..." The implication of that went unsaid, but still remained in the leader's silence. After all, perhaps if Medusa had known how to do first aid, she would've been able to support herself until another could arrive. In the back of his mind, however, Rhinestone knew this to only be wishful thinking.

Re: you never will . open , healing lessions - rhosmari - 11-20-2020

Unsettled, emaciated, thin. He had been struggling with his newfound detriment. Eyes prying to watch him and he understood why. He was not doing good. Not trying hard enough to improve but he was in a slump and he wanted things to go back the way that they had even. But the world had become cruel and cold. Damaging. He was lucky he had gotten this far without tripping over something or even his own paws. There was an incident where he has bump into a few others on his way but he muttered weakened sorries and continued on his way. He was starting to hate apologizes. Taking a deep breath in he would lift his head up, blinking slowly as if that could clear his vision for him. It did little and he tilted his head a bit to try and hear. It was really all he could do. He remembered what Vaas looked like. Remembered that he had called him Anna for some reason. He still wanted to know why. But other than that he was relying on hearing things.

As it stood he was talking about giving them a medical lesson. What joy that would have pulled through him was bitter and almost absent. He remembered the lesson his mother had given him because of the jew solitary living. To care for himself if he should need it. His eyes trailed down, resting on nothing in particular as he pulled his ears back. There was nothing really for him to say, he couldn't see the plants that Vaas wanted to talk about do why bother with learning it. He would just be in the way and so he decided to slowly lay down and curl up, thick tail resting over his face. Listening, he supposed he could do that.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: you never will . open , healing lessions - number nine. - 11-22-2020

Number Nine had never really been much of a healer, although that would hardly come as a surprise to those that had known him for some time. His borderline obsession with becoming stronger as a kit had caused him to focus mainly on hunting, and fighting. While those had definitely come in handy over the moons, this did mean that the jaguar had learned very little about actually healing others. That was a bit of a problem, since Nine's job often meant that he was right in the line of fire, and he needed to know how to mend himself. Not only that, but occasionally his bounties involved bringing a target in alive, and if he was a bit too rough with one, without the ability to then help them out... well, needless to say, it had never turned out very well for either of them. Nine now intended to change that, although that wasn't just because of his bounties. Instead, he had noticed that sickness and injuries seemed to be rather calm throughout Palmclan. Seeing as how Number Nine had initially arrived to have a home that he could help out, it was natural for him to want to learn at least basic healing, so that he'd have another avenue for assisting his clanmates.

The jaguar came trotting up not too long after the others that were already there, hidden gaze taking in all that were present. Foamkit and Rhine, two that clearly needed medical attention themselves, and wouldn't exactly be hurt from knowing how to take care of themselves. And Dovah... Nine honestly felt bad for the other. Despite his eyes being covered most of the time, the bounty hunter was far from blind, and he couldn't imagine what it must've been like, to suddenly have such a massive change in one's life. Lewis was technically blind as well, but the reaper at least had the ability to look at souls, which allowed him some kind of sight, in a way. Nine had still had to help him out a great deal when Lewis was initially getting used to things, but the winged warrior liked to think that his husband dealt with things fairly well these days. He still didn't exactly appreciate stumbling over his own paws in the woods, but progress was progress. Heart aching with sympathy for Dovah, Number Nine chose to sit near the other, one feathered wing reaching out to touch the blind male's back.

Gaze then moving to their illustrious teacher himself, Nine found himself asking, "Thanks for doin' this, Vaas... what are you gonna be teachin' us? Just the basics, or something more?" Nine was curious, mainly because he wanted to know how much information he would need to process very soon. Was this going to be relatively simple, or would he need a pen and paper to absorb it all? Vaas didn't seem like the type to give long lectures on herbs and treatments, especially with a kid like Foamkit listening, but Nine wasn't exactly sure. It wasn't as if all of them couldn't benefit from a bit more of a thorough teaching, considering how many of them were sick or injured at the moment. Vaas certainly did have his work cut out for him.

Re: you never will . open , healing lessions - VASS . - 11-22-2020

Vaas wasn’t a healer, but he was the medicine cat. There was a set of rules with the position, one should not lie with others, should believe in the stars, should consul the clan- the leader of the star’s wishes, of their omens. When Rhinestonestar had offered the position to Vaas, it was one of desperation. Winter was in it’s full swing. Foamkit was smelling of the cough, if not already knowing about his own sickness tells by then. Dovah was blinded not long after, Medusa was… missing. Desperate times called for desperate things, Vaas ruthlessly took the advantage, the prestige of such a distraction: but he was not a medicine man, he was not a healer at heart.

No, he was bred for violence.

A warrior of tooth and claw, it made Vaas proud to be one, even as other parts of his tribe had been known as wrong- he took pride in his strength, in his prowess. Now with his power he had just another tool up his sleeve- as slow going as the practice was for it: another weapon just on the cusp of lethality. A honed edge wouldn’t be dulled even as Vaas took to the craft he had known: he refused to let it, as his apprentice demanded: he had more than medicine to look after.

Looking out towards the few that had gathered, Vaas held a sigh. The sway of his tail stilling behind him as he set the bag down, the small satchel of herbs clinking rather together. Glass and porcelain and dried clay made against sand of the once beach now expenses of white.

The basics for now, There will be an extended lesion for thoese interested for a more extensive class.” Vaas silence for a moment, consideration lie heavily between the caged tongue before he unleashed it. Jade eyes watching the shuffle of wings behind the other big cat of the clan, one of the few. He nodded towards Rhinestone, a flicker-faint smile along his face. “We’ll discuss first with what are the symptoms for most sicknesses.” He decided, the tiger’s tail curled along his own paw.

First I would like to remind anyone, as a clan we look out for eachother: if you notice any of these symptoms, in yourself or another. Please send them towards the cage. It’s the large concrete building off the boardwalk.” While there was a traditional medicine cat den within camp, Vaas frequented the cage more than he could ever justify the use of the medicine den. “I’ll always be around the area of the cage, and most of the herbs to treat more common coughs are found there.” Vaas’ voice was firm, with give, he cast a worried glance at the entire of the group. Dovah, Foamkit, Rhine, Nine.

Sickness is infectious, and has many symptoms, feverish. Hot or cold flashes, weakness and lethargy- slowness in movement: apathy.” He pulled from his satchel a few herbs he had taken with him. Each one sealed propper with wet claw, carefully he dipped his claw into the seal and broke it evenly. The fresh scent of the herbs small but concrete. He set most of the bottles closer towards dovah. But he made sure to show them as he revealed and talked about them. The first one he was careful with, purple flower petals in the vial shown in contrast of large leaves about the size of a pearl. “Catmint, is a great cure for most coughs within the winter moons: a plant that aids in healing, sleep and has been recorded to smoke in the area of good dreams.” Vaas’ voice cut into a quieter voice at the end: the meanings of a herb were just as important as it’s common uses.  What may have once been controversal, no longer mattered to the tiger. He were the only one reliable information on most of the plants now, and the few he knew he would willingly give out. Knowlege once guarded within his tribe that burned away: open for the disposal of his clan.

[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: you never will . open , healing lessions - Grimm - 11-25-2020

The interval between his own settling upon snow laced grains and the slow pace which forth drew figure adorned in rust and cream hues minor, the mere closure of the eyes before parting once more. Or, at the least, it seemed such. It was during conducted blink he seemed simply to reside in expected placement, gentle the soothing presence, warmth heighted as sickness ravaged, yet unbeknownst child of that condition he struggled with in that moment. About head turning, regarded other with eyes pale in hue, the sea alight beneath gentle illumination until bright the shallows with emerald.

Confusion brief in flooding those widened depths, over other scouring as though detected issue previously ignored out of ignorance. In full he was not lost, the few pieces he gathered leaving impression wrong something even as closed his mouth when it concerned such topic, visit conducted by far off neighbour offering the only concrete knowledge. Closer did he shuffle, against leaning, cheek pressed to leg as paws reaching out to gently trap the tip of Rhine's tail.

A voice, presence unknown, quiet shade creeping along peripheral edge without the fanfare of announced arrival, vision turned and adorned was visage with ghost of a smile. From his depths taken, known the ailment that had struck Dovah only in part, the onset of vision loss more a odd notion mind could not grasp. Action spoke louder than word may ever, fallen his smile, reshaped until sorrow was etched into lowered brow, there too confusion.

Wrong inquisition seeking answer, sealed his own lips though his skin burned, poor the fit as it seemed his muscles grew lax, beyond the control he might exert over them. It seemed, in one fashion or another, all lacked in their health, plagued by something the frigid flakes had brought on a cold updraft without prior warning. Still there were others, the suffering expected of them outweighing the aching that grew into a cough barely surpressed, focus upon anything but Vaas as proceedings begun.

A heat scoured his skin, different from that which traced burning lines that had dulled with the breeze he shifted away from, behind closed teeth words arising, gathering on tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. The symptoms piled up and he knew them. Grains parted beneath the tips of his claws, lines carved and smudged, redrawn again, motion halting only with movement filling the space voice once occupied. Aloft held glass containers, thin but noticeable that which held stopper, broken with an ease that slightly widened eyes. Among them gargantuan the beast adorned in auburn and ebony, care was shown here, practiced movement making apparent the control he bor river everything he was.

Out was it held for a moment, inspection allowed, and heady the sweetness he caught. Such miniscule amount offered little, it was enough all the same, bridge of nose wrinkling, back pulling even as it was offered before the next. In turn each allowed their chance before it was placed before Dovah, once more voice arising, explanation woven wrltih an expertise Vaas may not think he held but the child believed entirely. "How help cough?" Gently prying the query posed, genuine the intrigue turned to other.
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when I was only twelve years old, my parents went walking, I hate those wicked words they'd say when they started talking. he was headed for the open road, she turned and slammed the door. learning love ain't easy child, when all you see is war
code by Wisker

Re: you never will . open , healing lessions - RHINESTONE. - 11-26-2020

Truthfully, Rhinestone had known from the beginning that Vaas wasn't really a beast of healing. It would've been difficult for him not to know, considering he had seen the other in action even before they had properly known each other. He had taken notice of the prey that had been pulled in at the boardwalk, as well as the general intimidating nature of the tiger. Despite this, the leader didn't regret offering Vaas the position. They had obviously needed someone to fill it, and the other male had shown time and time again how surprisingly gentle he could be with others in need – provided that they were family. It was because of this that Rhine had ultimately decided to attend this little lesson, wondering how exactly Vaas would do with teaching others about what he knew. He didn't think Vaas would do too bad, all things considered. The other could be gruff, yes, but he already had an apprentice, and Quasar hadn't come screaming immediately after being assigned to the tiger, so that was a good sign. It was because of this that the feline returned Vaas's short nod, a pleased purr leaving his throat.

Despite his best attempts to give Vaas all of his attention during the lesson, the ruddy feline did find himself looking behind him when he felt the light press of paws against the tip of his tail. He chuckled when he saw the guilty party there, neck stretching out to touch his nose lightly against Foamkit's head. He muttered softly, his voice slightly rough as he spoke to the child, "Try to pay attention, Foam. All of this can come in handy, in the future." He truly hoped that Foamkit wouldn't have to utilize first aid knowledge for a while, since he didn't want the boy getting himself into any situations where he could be hurt. However, Foam seemed to have an ever growing rebellious streak, and considering it wouldn't be too long before the other was an apprentice, Rhine knew that he couldn't protect him forever. He had already taken on Tree as an apprentice, and he wasn't sure it'd be very fair to Foamkit to assign the other as his own apprentice just so that he could keep an eye on him. In the end, it was better that he just learned this all now, so he could be prepared for the unpredictable nature of the future – even though Rhinestone really wasn't sure how much Foam would retain at the moment.

Pale gaze turning back to their large teacher, Rhinestonestar watched intently as Vaas pushed the bottles forward, his neck craning to take a sniff of them. In most cases, the leader was then forced to recoil slightly, taken aback by the strong scent of the various herbs. He kept his ears perked, listening as the medicine cat described the function of catmint, and showed it around to all of them. The tom couldn't help but stare for a moment, fascinated by the rather pretty purple flowers that the medicine consisted of. He almost wished that it wasn't so useful, just so that it could be used for decoration. He then shook this off, scolding himself inwardly – he was supposed to be paying attention. He caught Foamkit's question soon after, smiling faintly at the other's curiosity. It was probably just childish fascination, but that could certainly turn to genuine desire to help out down the road. Not that Foam particularly seemed like the medical type. Lots of things could change between now and when he had to make a choice, however. Not wanting to interrupt the flow of Vaas's class with too many questions, Rhinestone just muttered casually, "I'm honestly a bit surprised by your spiritual knowledge of the herbs, Vaas. It's very interesting." The tiger hadn't seemed like the type to grow invested in the more enchanting elements of plant life, but looks could be deceiving.
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tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades