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Wicked this way comes . open , Hunting - Printable Version

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Wicked this way comes . open , Hunting - VASS . - 11-16-2020

The bitter chill of a winter too soon. It had come at them without mercy, without a single end in it’s sight: just hope for a long summer. Already they were crippled, downed in a way that couldn’t should’t be known; there were errant whispers about the tiger when he was new. Vaas’ large visage demanded respect, demanded from the weak willed fear if nothing else: he had lived with scorn and now it was no longer different. A medicine cat did not mean he would sheathe his claws in war. Did not mean he was suddenly soft. The tiger was a walking threat to the weak willed, cutting tongue and simple presence: a threat.

He was a medicine cat without a thought or care about the stars, and it was a wonder he was even allowed the position. Beyond the careful outburst from his apprentice: Quasar didn’t want to learn to heal, which was fair- Vaas had been assigned his kid for the fact that Vaas was good at battle, but his knowledge of herbs was needed as well. When so few of the boardwalk member’s- now a part of the clan turned and abandoned the practice of being the medicine men.

Where the group had seen security in it, Vaas had hardened himself to the scrutiny. It was a careful facade some days, beyond the few and known others who would see him and knew of him personally, he was curt.

It was nightfall where the tiger stood out. A slinking shadow of blood having slipped into the boardwalk peers where some of the more ostracized member’s of the clan had found refuge. Clan cats and boardwalk member’s who still found comfort there- who knew of him as a character before his size and feared him for more than simple looks: simple breed. It was a few hours after the sun had sunk below the horizon, Vaas’ eyes were fever bright and the glow around his wrist of water mingled with bio luminescent algae.

Hunters, warriors, and apprentice’s. Gather for a hunting session.” Vaas’ voice was sharp, commanding and absolute. He left no room for hesitance, and he stilled as he waited for other’s to join in the search for some sort of hunt. Vaas had spent the last few weeks catching the scent of larger prey- larger than most would know what to do with beyond ignore. Where the clan was mostly of smaller felines, he had felt the awning of hunger for weeks. Meager rodents and rabbits would not satiate him for more than days, and with winter’s chill he had snacked more than he ate. Berries and herbs that curbed the appetite: they did not hold.

He was the medicine cat, yes. But he was a warrior before all else; he was hungry, and he saw the hunger of other’s. Eyes of other’s watched him from the shadows and planes of the boardwalk, and he waited for a few to skitter out, join him. “Large prey is within the vicinity, it’ll feed a great deal of us, if we can catch it.” The scent of a family of deer had been getting closer within the borders. Still outside of the sandy trenches, but within the forests for sure.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: Wicked this way comes . open , Hunting - RHINESTONE. - 11-19-2020

Winter was a cruel mistress, and that was something that Rhinestone was undeniably sure of. While previous winters within Palmclan had been mild and mostly uneventful, this year had been different, bringing with it a bitter chill and sharp frost that seemed to sink down into his flesh. The sickness that currently gripped him was a reminder of that sudden turn of events, something that he had very rarely, if ever, had to deal with before. The last time he could remember being sick was back when he was an apprentice, and it had never been like this. That had been a mere cold, while this had begun keeping him out of commission for days, making him feel lethargic and useless. It was hardly the way for a leader to feel, and it frustrated him to no end, making him want to lash out at those that didn't deserve it. However, he managed to resist that urge, instead commonly holing himself up in his own den. After all, if there was nothing that he could really do, there was no point to doing anything but resting. Hopefully, it would make the sickness go away faster, and then he would be able to lead his clan effectively once more.

Unfortunately, Rhine also had a habit of being stubborn. He commonly put the health of Palmclan as a whole above his own, and staying within his den all day eventually made him feel bored. There was only so many times a man could go over the patrol schedule in his head before he began to go crazy, after all. So, even when he knew that things weren't exactly taking a turn for the better – that heaviness still clung to his every step, after all – he had still decided to leave camp. He hadn't gone far, just shaking off some of the soreness from being cooped up inside all day and all night. His path had eventually brought him towards the boardwalk, figuring he might as well go and visit those that took up their residence there. Previously, he had gone back and forth between the camp and boardwalk quite often, but his self-imposed exile within his den had prevented that from happening. Of course, as soon as he ventured onto the massive wooden structure, he could already tell a few were skeptical about why he was there in his current condition. He wasn't blind, and he was certainly able to catch the faintly worried and uneasy looks thrown his way.

Even with a feeling of frustration coiling in his belly and distracting him, Rhine was able to hear Vaas's call, his ears immediately perking up in excitement. He was unsure of how much help he would be, considering his small stature and current condition, but he didn't want to just wait and see what happened. He wanted to participate, especially if Vaas was involved – even though he tried not to think too hard about the implications of that. So, the sickly tom made his way over, tail flicking behind him as he spoke up, "...I'll come along. I don't know how much help I'll really be, considering I'm not very big, but I can take something down with a group." The ruddy feline couldn't help the sheepish look that crossed his face, hoping that the medicine cat wouldn't deny him the chance to help.

Re: Wicked this way comes . open , Hunting - number nine. - 11-22-2020

Luckily for both Vaas and Rhinestonestar, Number Nine rather enjoyed hunting. While fighting was his true passion, and bounty hunting the job that he had chosen to channel that through, the jaguar would never deny himself the thrill of a good hunt. When he had been just a young kit, surrounded by those around her who had constantly boasted of their strength and prowess, he had been eager to join their ranks. He had constantly been training and trying to make himself better, oftentimes with Lewis standing right alongside him as he did so. This rigorous training, while in retrospect a bit of a mistake considering his young age at the time, had truly been a boon within his life. Fights had been made significantly easier, and hunting was a delight for the bounty hunter, who constantly saw every piece of prey as a new challenge. Admittedly, Palmclan's territory had taken some time to get used to, considering they didn't have very many large animals as prey hanging around. Those that were large were often scared away, all because the regular clan members weren't able to take them down.

However, it seemed as though things had changed. There was large prey out there, and they were practically the only ones who were still sticking around. Most smaller prey had opted to hide out in the ground, eager to get away from the ever-present chill in the air that had lingered ever since the snowstorm. Now, with all of the smaller prey gone, the clan was suffering, and Number Nine had to admit that was frustrating. He had joined Palmclan so that he could be of some use and feel like he had a driving purpose. With even the smallest scraps of prey beginning to rush off and flee at the moment, it was difficult for the winged warrior to even begin to accomplish that goal. Thankfully, Vaas was representing him with an opportunity, and Nine was eager to take it. He flew over immediately upon hearing the tiger's deep voice, coming to land a few steps away from Rhine. He found himself eying the leader warily, unsure if the other should've been anywhere near a hunting party at the moment. Even if he hadn't been sick, he wouldn't exactly be ideal for a deer hunt. However, Nine would let Vaas deal with that.

Instead of commenting on Rhinestone's presence, Nine folded his wings down casually against his back, speaking in a rumble to Vaas, "I'm definitely coming along. I've been itching to hunt something big for ages, and I can be of some real help. Flying is great for flanking prey, not to mention getting the surprise drop on them." Despite how Nine was hyping himself up, he didn't really think that Vaas would refuse to let him go. The medicine cat clearly wanted a big patrol in order to take down the deer, and anyone who was larger than the common housecat would clearly be a boon to that goal overall. Nine just hoped that they weren't barking up the wrong tree, since he wasn't sure he'd be able to take it if they got within biting distance of something big, only for it to get away the next moment.

Re: Wicked this way comes . open , Hunting - VASS . - 11-22-2020

A ruthless chill only cut by the fur cloak that Vaas had taken to pin around his throat. The clasp was of a mixed material, some sort of liquid he had rapidly froze over with his stuttering control: similar to the bracelet that crept along his wrist. Winter was a time of slowness, a consideration that most conserved their energy for things like this: hunting for food or patrolling the border, yet even in winter Vaas was a creature of activity. He could always be found moving around, thinkingdistracting himself from the things that bothered him.

When Rhine stepped up, there was a level glare on his expression: half mulish to flat out tell the leader no. Rhinestone was their leader but he was already sick. It wasn't about his size that caused the tiger to pause, but the hope- the open regard the other had as he met with pale jaded green. Vaas looked away, the frown dropping but he made no token protest beyond the initial reaction to their leader stepping up.

Nine was next to step up, and after  afew moments of consideration vaas spoke up for once. "I'll isolate the buck by chasing it, nine you flank it. Rey, you'll land the killing blow when either I or Nine manage to cripple it with a hit in the leg." It was a honnor to be the one to land the killing blow. With the assessment and their roles vaas made a motion to get the pair to follow him, the tiger twisting to face the boardwalk's border of the twisted forest.

At the edge of it, instantly the smell of turned earth and winter crept into his nose, he breathed out through his mouth, even in the chill of winter the want of hunting, the feel of it was always a harisbreath away from exhileraiting. He felt a smile along his maw as he reguarded his hunt-mates before nodding to them to follow him deeper. Where the scent of the forest fell to surround them, and the smell of a the herd came closer.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: Wicked this way comes . open , Hunting - RHINESTONE. - 11-26-2020

If Rhinestone were to look deep down inside, he probably would've been very surprised by the fact that Vaas was even allowing him to come along. He had fully expected the other to refuse on the basis of his heath, leaving the small and sick tom behind while he and Nine went to deal with it. However, Rhine was hardly upset about this development. He was glad to be included in something, and despite the glare that the tiger shot in his direction, the feline already had a determined grin on his muzzle. He wasn't one to give up easily, which was certainly something that Vaas would know at this point. The leader spared a quick glance towards Number Nine before his gaze focused on Vaas, practically purring out his enthusiastic words, "Alright, that sounds like it should work well to me. Thank you, Vaas." The thanks was for a multitude of things, not just limited to the fact that he was being given the killing blow. It was a thanks for the other watching over him, as well as thanks for allowing him to come along in the first place.

Not wanting to linger and give himself a chance to grow embarrassed, the ruddy tom turned and followed quickly after Vaas, his tail flicking behind him as he took long strides to keep up. The earthy smell of the forest immediately set him on edge, his pelt prickling and his eyes narrowing slightly. He wasn't about to let himself be intimidated out of the forest this time, however. Even as there was a faint tremble to his legs and a sickly tickle in his throat, the male knew that he wasn't useless. He was no longer a kit, scared of the deathly rumors that he had heard about what laid past the trees. Now, he was a trained hunter, and a leader. Not only that, but he was being accompanied by two strong warriors who would never allow any harm to come to him, which meant that he had no reason to worry. Taking a deep breath, the feline slipped into the underbrush as they grew close to the herd, hiding himself away so that he could wait for the right chance to strike.
[Image: jGD2qw5.gif]
tags + roleplayed by stilly + the palm glades

Re: Wicked this way comes . open , Hunting - number nine. - 11-26-2020

Number Nine was similarly surprised by the allowance of Rhinestonestar into the hunting patrol, but he didn't make any move to stop it. He knew better than that, considering he was dealing with the medicine cat and leader of the entire clan. Rhine was a higher authority than him, and if Vaas had decided that Rhine could come along... well, Nine wasn't going to be the one to argue. He'd just be the one to say a quiet "I told you so" when the feline's condition got worse before it got better. Either way, the warrior just shook out his thick pelt, wings spreading wide as he muttered in response to the tiger, "Flank it, huh? I can do that. Just try not to be too slow about it, alright?" He shot a faint smirk in both Rhine and Vaas's direction, before taking a step forward and leaping up into the sky. His outstretched wings caught easily on the wind, and it wasn't long until he had come to a landing amongst the trees, long legs carrying him between the branches.

As the jaguar moved along, he made sure to only step on the tree limbs that seemed as though they could hold his weight, although he also kept his wings out, just in case one snapped unexpectedly. He moved as quietly as possible as he slipped from tree to tree above both Vaas and Rhine, a slow toothy grin coming to his muzzle as the scent of the herd reached him. As his tongue dragged slowly over sharp fangs meant for hunting, Nine let his gaze scan the forest floor below, looking for any proper sign of the large prey that they were tracking. The faint tracks marks in the dirt caused a rush of adrenaline, and Number Nine picked up the pace, soon finding his way beside the herd as he waited for Vaas to give chase. Once the other was driving them forward, Nine could leap down and make it effectively penned in, perfect for a quick hit and kill. The elegance of it excited the warrior, especially given the group's current situation. Such a large piece of prey would be a boon for everyone, and would no doubt result in quite a bit of cheering once they returned.