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atrocious - open; weeping - Printable Version

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atrocious - open; weeping - rhosmari - 11-15-2020

For the last few days he had done nothing. He had laid there and done absolutely nothing. No eating, no sleeping, no movement from the once too friendly and too nice large domestic. He used to have so much energy and now that was non existent. Save for the small movement of breath he had not once moved from the small home he had acquired. He had wanted to just go home after the incident. Didn't want to clog up Vaas' den. Had never wanted to be a burden like he had been to his brother. He recieved news of the outside world often enough. Someone letting him know that Rhine had gotten sick, that Medusa had died, that they had went off to fight the bandits. And none of it he could even find in himself to care about. It was like all the vigor and the restlessness that he had, the excitement and energy that he had possessed had all been taken away.

When the world had even taken away from him. It was just bleak and blank. There was nothing to make him gasp at. Nothing to make him yearn for life. How would he function? How did he replace? His sunset orbs slowly began to weep, fat tears sliding down sightless gaze as he turned his head to the side, stomach groaning and twisting with pain because of hunger. As if it mattered if he ate anything. He took away his sight, he took away something that until now he hadn't known how much he actually needed it. Ears pulled back against his skull as he swallowed thickly and pushed himself to sit up. Sluggish. Weak. He moved with no really notion of where he was going, head bumping harshly into the doorframe of his open door. A pained hiss escaping him before he gave up and leaned there against the frame that he could no longer see, feeling the wood grain against his skin. The tears fell slower...

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: atrocious - open; weeping - SirDio - 11-15-2020

The child only knew blindness when she first hatched, blinded by light that hit her formed eyes. That blindness had gone away after only a few minutes, though. Persistent blindness? That was something different. She had heard the commotion, but never saw Dovah again, really. Worry, grief, hollowness. While those three emotions clogged her senses, she had to do something. The clan could not handle another death.

With a mouse held firmly in the dinosaur's jaws, she went to find the youth. It didn't take long for her to find his home. Loud footsteps sounded from her as she walked up, dropping the mouse before her. "Hey..." She spoke in a quiet voice, "I hadn't seen you around after the incident.. wanted to make sure you're alive." She gently reached a hand forward, just barely able to feel at his fur before she pulled it away.

"I brought you a mouse.."

Re: atrocious - open; weeping - RHINESTONE. - 11-16-2020

Truth be told, Rhinestone's emotions had been a rollercoaster for the last few days, moving from grief to brief happiness to worry until they decided to do it all back over again. The sickness was making every day more difficult than it really had to be, and Medusa's death still lingered on his mind, the terrible sadness occasionally making itself known. Besides this, the raid on the bandits had been a brief moment of joy amongst it all, since it meant that he was able to truly help someone else. Alithís had them by their side, and that was enough to make Rhine smile, even if it was only for a little while. Of course, Dovah was another subject that occasionally wormed his way into Rhinestonestar's mind, filling the ruddy feline with worry, and sickness. He hadn't seen the overly excitable tom in several days, and that alone was enough to make him anxious. However, he hadn't yet had the chance to go and check up on the other. The busy winter waited for no one, not even the remorse filled leader of Palmclan.

Thankfully, it had finally seemed as though he had a bit of a temporary reprieve, and while he had considered just using it to rest, he had ultimately decided to go and seek out Dovah. He couldn't risk losing someone else, after all. Long strides eventually brought Rhine over to where Drifting was already standing, a frown pulling at his muzzle when he saw the tears rolling freely down Dovah's face. He sighed, waiting for Drifting to present her food before he spoke, heart aching, "Dovah... I figured I would come and check up on you, considering I finally had some time away..." He then looked the other over, wincing at the younger feline's unkempt pelt and devastated expression. He couldn't imagine what the other was going through, questioning weakly, "Vaas has been taking care of you well, right...?" He wished that he could've offered more support, but what was he supposed to say? It wasn't as if he could just clap it all into being better.

Re: atrocious - open; weeping - rhosmari - 11-20-2020

Steps was what he heard first, louder than what was normal. Bigger perhaps was the right word. He pulled his head up a bit and he gave a light sniff as if trying to identify whom it could be. But the voice met him first and he tilted his head a bit. She came to check up on him and see if he was still alive. The thought made him wince a bit, not because it was bad but because he was doing it again. Being a burden and others trying to make sure he was fine. Lifting a paw he brushed at the tears, dampening his fur before he gave a weak smile. So fake but he wanted to be reassuring. He was fine. He could pretend he was. It wasn't something that was too hard to do. "Yeah, I'm fine. I's been a little difficult with what's happened but I'm managing." Rather he was managing it good or bad he didn't say. The sudden brush of something against his fur made him jolt, his whole body tense up. But he realized that it was just her. He didn't need to be scared of everything. "You should keep it. I don't have much of an appetite these days..." Maybe she would get more out of the mouse than he would. The smile fell away then and he turned his gaze away from the frame of the door.

Another voice joining in and he tilted his head up though his eyes didn't move. He pulled his ears forward though. It was Rhinestone. A frown drew across his face that the leader wasn't trying to rest a bit. Wasn't he sick? "Thanks but shouldn't you be taking it easy? Being sick can turn into a problem if you aren't careful..." The black vitiligo marked domestic voice was concerned but he supposed that he couldn't make the leader rest. He just wanted to advise caution be guessed. Though things were brought back to him and he almost cringed with the renewel of his situation. "Doing the best he can...but I'm not sure there is a cure for blindness."

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: atrocious - open; weeping - SirDio - 11-21-2020

The sudden rage that surged in the dinosaur forced her lips to lift in a small, soundless snarl. She shoved the mouse closer, harsh in her movements. "Don't fake shit like that, you idiot. I won't let someone else die if I have anything to do about it. I'm not hungry and you need if more than I do." Her voice shook, suddenly aware that Rhine was there next to her. But she didn't care. She didn't care if Rhine scolded her. She did not care. Speaking of Rhine...

She whipped her head toward her leader, rage-soaked words leaving her mouth, "Yeah, you should be resting. We lost Medusa, and if you go, who knows what fucked up animal might take the leadership." Even with her angry words, she cared more for Rhine and Dovah than she did for herself now. Rhine was close with Medusa, and Dovah was really cool and she wanted to hang out with him more. if either of them died, who knows that the dinosaur would do.

Re: atrocious - open; weeping - RHINESTONE. - 11-22-2020

Seeing Dovah's condition at the moment caused Rhine's heart to ache, and he wanted to do nothing more than to pull the other close and give him a hug. Especially when the other rejected the food that was offered to him, obviously struggling to keep his motivation to continue on after everything that had happened. The leader winced upon hearing the concern for himself in Dovah's voice, wondering how the other could still be so kind and concerned after everything he had gone through. Shaking his head from the side to side, the ruddy tom muttered calmly, "I've been getting plenty of rest, I promise. I'll get even more rest after this. I just figured that you deserved some company, considering you've been holed up out here for so long." The news about Vaas was unsurprising, but it still made Rhinestone frown slightly. Deep down, he really wished that there was some kind of easy cure to Dovah's condition, so that he wouldn't have to suffer. Sighing a bit, Rhine spoke hopefully, "Well... you never know. In a world of powers, anything could happen." Maybe someday someone would be able to just... take the blindness away. It was wishful thinking, but that was all that Rhine had.

The sudden and harsh sound of Drifting's voice then caused Rhinestone to jump, mainly because he hadn't been expecting such ire. He was used to the child being carefree and happy, but it was obvious that Medusa's death had caused a change in her. Briefly, Rhine's ears pinned back, a frown curling on his muzzle as his pale eyes focused on her. Much like Dovah, he wished he could've comforted her, but he got the feeling she wouldn't appreciate it, at least not in the moment. Instead of reaching out, the feline responded calmly, hoping that his own soothing tone could ease Drifting slightly, "Like I said, I'll be getting more rest soon... I'm not going anywhere, alright Drifting? Nobody else is going to have to step up for me, I promise." Although, that did remind him of the fact that he no longer had a deputy. He would soon need to change that, although it would be especially hard without Medusa around.