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A LEAF ON THE WIND ☆ o, grief - Printable Version

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A LEAF ON THE WIND ☆ o, grief - RHINESTONE. - 11-15-2020

Rhinestone was tired. He was tired, and he was sick, and he was angry, and he was grieving. He had been holding back on mourning Medusa for a little while now, as if shoving his emotions down would somehow dull the pain, but he could tell that it wasn't working. Every day that passed just made him feel worse, as if his feelings were somehow draining the energy from his body, weakening it and making the sickness grip him faster. He had become used to worried glances being thrown his way, and he had even heard whispers amongst the gossips of the group, wondering if he would perhaps lose his first life. It was an awful thing to gossip about, but he couldn't say that he was terribly surprised. Everyone was eager to latch onto something especially given their recent situation with the storm and the unexpectedly harsh winter. Tanglewood's prey had helped somewhat, but it couldn't melt all of the snow, nor could it cure all the illness, or fight back the general unease following Medusa's death.

However, the talk of his first possible death did get him thinking. Thinking about Starclan, and whether they were still even watching over Palmclan in any capacity. These thoughts had eventually led to the leader leaving the nest of furs within his den, and making the long trek towards Connection Cave. Even with the cold wins and the illness weighing heavily on him, he didn't give up, eventually making it to the large cavern, along with the glittering structure of stone that rested inside. He hesitated for a moment, just staring up at the Starshell, before he pressed forward, his nose pressed up against the smooth surface of it. He closed his eyes, muttering desperately into the air, "Please, Starclan... please, tell me that Medusa is up there with you, somewhere. Please tell me that you haven't just forsaken us..." Of course, the tom was soon left with nothing but empty air. No feeling of the spirits around him, no voices in his head, no visions suddenly gripping him. Nothing but a cold, empty cave, and the feeling of his face pressed up against an uncaring rock.

It took a minute before Rhinestone pulled back, staring up at the Starshell with pale eyes glimmering with unshed tears. After a moment if merely staring, the ruddy feline felt rage beginning to bubble in his chest, an angered scream ripping from his lungs as he charged forward. He slammed into the Starshell, front limbs coming up, claws out, to drag down against the stone, producing scratches and unpleasant screeching sounds. He continued to shout, finally venting his frustrations into the air as tears rolled down his face, "FUCK! Fuck you, Starclan! Why won't you talk to me? Why won't you say anything? Tell me if she's up there! Tell me if we're gonna be okay! Why have you just left?" Gradually, his rage began to fade away, tears still flowing freely as he slumped down against the floor of the cave. He stared uselessly up at the Starshell, voice growing small as he pondered aloud, "Why'd you have to take her? Am I really such a bad leader...? You... you should've taken me."

Re: A LEAF ON THE WIND ☆ o, grief - SirDio - 11-15-2020


The words echoed from somewhere beneath the ground, coming from a hidden tunnel in the connection cave. Words filled with an anger that swallowed all other emotions. Quickly had a golden outline entered from behind, staring at the shell. Dozens of golden spirits filed in, ignoring Rhine, their bodies phasing through him, some vanishing. A larger spirit, a utahraptor, broke through the crowd, feather crest raised gently in anger. They, too, ignored Rhine. They simply stood before their congregation, staring over them.

"The lights dare stay silent as we weep and grieve the loss of our children. They dare leave us in shadow. Do they not remember that we created the belief? That WE held them in our hearts as we worked?" the raptor spoke, woman in voice, cold and angered. Their group whispers gently. The raptor, waiting, seems to stare at Rhine.

Re: A LEAF ON THE WIND ☆ o, grief - RHINESTONE. - 11-16-2020

With tears still rolling freely down his cheeks, Rhine initially didn't even hear the sharp sound of voices echoing around him. He figured that they were just in his head, pained gaze glaring down at the cold stone flooring beneath him. However, when he finally lifted his pale colorless gaze, the tom found himself frozen, staring at the crowd of spirits all around him. They definitely didn't seem as though they were from Starclan, instead representing a crowd of faces that were unfamiliar to him. Their words were harsh and unyielding, but Rhinestone also had a feeling that they weren't directed towards him. He stared for a long moment before his eyes met the raptor's, his blood running cold as he managed to choke out, "Who... w-who are you? What do you mean...?" He could sort of understand, but his grief and sickness addled mind was also suffering. They were angry at the light? Was that Starclan?

Re: A LEAF ON THE WIND ☆ o, grief - SirDio - 11-16-2020

"A child of one is the child of all. We have suffered greatly from the cave in. Yet the light does nothing. Healer, step up." The raptor barked harshly, turning their attention to an empty spot in the crowd. Slowly, the form of a witty, young feline appeared in the spot, and they gently padded up to stand beside their leader. "Dreams have been mundane, I hear no mourning from the breeze. It's been harder and harder for me to revive our young and injured." their voice projected, tail lashing.

The raptor barked again, "They have abandoned us! They have broken connection with us, and so shall we break connection with them. You may seek the light's thread at our mirror pond if you wish, but know that we as a whole may not follow the light anymore." her cold voice could cut through air. Glimpses of purple feathers appeared, though quickly disappeared as though an illusion.

Re: A LEAF ON THE WIND ☆ o, grief - RHINESTONE. - 11-19-2020

Rhinestone's confusion only grew as the meeting seemed to go on around him, his heart sinking and desperation setting in. The spirits that were present seemed so sure of themselves, so righteously furious, that he wasn't even sure how to respond. He opened his muzzle, more erratic pleas ready to fall from his lips, when the call for Healer rang out. The leader jumped in surprise, turning and allowing his eyes to widen when he saw the feline stepping up. His voice gained a sharp edge as he practically demanded, "What is going on? Please, can someone explain? I know that you're angry, but what is the light? Do you mean Starclan? Do they speak to you in your dreams?" His gaze moved towards Healer in the end, his heart aching with envy. Even if Starclan wasn't speaking to them now, had they heard from the group in the past? Did Starclan just not approve of him? He was so baffled and upset, tears still drying on his face.