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a dance of colors and hues;; open - drawing - Printable Version

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a dance of colors and hues;; open - drawing - trojan g. - 11-14-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]Crude drawings of various animals - though mostly turtles - lay under small rocks so as not to be carried by the wind as Torsten lay drawing, two paws holding crayons still as they got smashed against the paper to form the pictures, tongue out in concentration. The brown cow-patterned feline would let his wings spread out and lay down on each side of him as he covered the crayons, protecting them from the sun's rays to make sure that they didn't melt, twisting and turning with each change of color to make sure they didn't roll away.

That morning, the small child had decided that he was going to draw, so when he had found crayons and a ton of paper, he had carried them out towards the sea, looking for a large rock to sit upon for a flat surface, and he drew. Some pages got wet and carried the strong smell of the sea on them, others crumpled under the weight of the stones that he placed upon them, though most were just scribbles of things that slightly resembled animals if you squinted your eyes and turned your head sideways. Torsten, of course, could see each animal clearly, and was very happy with how they were turning out, and though he had no plans for where he was going to put these creations, he continued to draw, watching as his stack of empty paper slowly diminished.

Re: a dance of colors and hues;; open - drawing - roan ; - 11-17-2020

Roan had really never been much of an artist, even when he had been just a kit still living within his mama's home. He had admittedly attempted some amateur drawings once or twice when he was feeling curious about what he could make, but they had always ended up coming out rather haphazard. The scrawling and shaky lines, combined with his own developing perfectionist attitude, had caused the young feline to abandon the hobby before he had ever truly started it. He hoped things would be different for Torsten, however, since his little brother deserved to have something that he could be passionate about, and enjoy doing in his downtime. Whether that ended up being drawing or something else, Roan would always be eager to support him, even if he occasionally didn't have the time to support him in a very hands on way. Thankfully, Torsten and his siblings did have each other and both of their moms for that support, so hopefully his absence wouldn't be too harshly felt.

At the moment, however, Roan had a bit of time off, seeing as things had slowed down in The Typhoon as of late. Without as much hustle and bustle throughout the group, there was less of a risk of injuries happening, which meant the soothsayer didn't need to spend every hour of the day treating wounds or searching for herbs. He still dedicated a large portion of his time to scavenging for supplies for the temple, of course, but he had some time to unwind and go check on Torsten. Curious about what his little brother had decided to draw with his time, the zombified feline made his way over, his tail twitching slowly behind him. Tilting his stitched up head to one side, Roan inspected the messy drawings before asking curiously, "Hello, Torsten. What is it that you're drawing? They're all very... unique." Even if Torsten's drawings had been a little bit more easily identifiable, the medic still probably wouldn't have known what to say. He was far from any sort of art critic.

Re: a dance of colors and hues;; open - drawing - trojan g. - 11-29-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]At first, the child hadn't heard Roan come forward towards him, so when he spoke at last to ask his question, his ears flicked back quickly as he was startled, head turning quickly to see who it was before a smile came to his maw. "Hi Roan!" He would squeak out, looking back down at his drawing for a moment to make sure it wasn't flying away in the wind before turning back towards his older brother, "I'm drawin' animals! This one's a turtle, and that one's a dog, and there's a cat and a fish!" He would continue to point out the different animals he had drawn, paws moving to motion towards the rock each one was under.

Looking over at the pile of paper that he had left - only a few sheets, four, maybe five - his smile would break for a moment as he thought. "Do you wanna draw with me? I got some colors and a little bit of paper left! We can draw sharks and bubbles for them!" Excitedly jumping onto his toes as he spoke this towards the other, he didn't notice until it was too late that his turtle drawing was now free from his weight, and floating away in the wind. "Hey! Turtles can't fly!" He spoke out, quickly tripping over his paws to try and catch it.

Re: a dance of colors and hues;; open - drawing - SirDio - 11-30-2020

Xhocoatl - Male - Yellow Anaconda/Cat Hybrid
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]

As the hybrid walked toward the duo, muscular form flowing under seamless scales and fur, he watched as the paper began to fly away. He leapt into the air and caught the drawing between his paws, falling onto his back with a umph.

Taking a look at the paper, at the drawing on it, he smiled. "You're quite the artist, kid. It's been a while since I drew." He smiled as he grabbed a spare rock and set the drawing under it. "I don't believe we have met. My name is Xho."


Re: a dance of colors and hues;; open - drawing - COSMIIX - 12-01-2020

Paintbrush was, unironically, an artist. His mother moreso having named him after the flower rather than a brush that helped create paintings but Paint at a young age would always find himself drawing whenever he had gotten the chance. When his younger siblings had been born, he had been eager to show them how to draw or paint considering it had become something he was passionate about. He noticed a paper flying into the air though it had already been caught by a snake hybrid, the liger perking up at the sight of both Roan and Torsten. With striped tail lashing to the sides, Paintbrush would draw near with a smile on his maw though he remained silent as he looked over the drawings before speaking "My, my, my... We have a Leonardo Da Vinci in the making. These are very good," He would sit down near Roan though gave the other space as he continued "Have you ever tried painting? I have a few canvases and paints if you'd like to try."

It took him a moment but he hastily introduced himself with a sheepish grin on his maw "I'm Paintbrush by the way, I'm Roan's friend." Paint was already having an easy time in settling down, he just needed to prepare his new home the way he wanted it. He curled his striped tail around his large forepaws as he nodded slowly "I can definitely let you borrow my art stuff, one artist to another."

Re: a dance of colors and hues;; open - drawing - roan ; - 12-02-2020

Despite Roan's rather sour usual nature, the soothsayer couldn't help smiling slightly when Torsten grinned up at him. His little brother seemed so delighted with his own drawings, and it wasn't as if the zombified feline wanted to bring him down. So, once Torsten had pointed out what he had been attempting to draw, the medic let out an appreciative little hum before mumbling, "Animals, huh? I guess it makes sense that would be your first choice, considering it's what you see the most of." Although, Roan did have to wonder if Torsten had actually seen a turtle outside of pictures. His kid brother seemed so obsessed with the tiny reptilian creatures, surely he must have encountered one out in the wild properly by now? However, the stitched up feline wasn't given too much time to dwell on that, since Torsten was asking him a question, and then there was drawing paper flying freely through the air.

Luckily for the both of them – since Roan wasn't sure of how easy it would've been for him to grab the paper – Xhocoatl managed to snatch it back out of the air. The soothsayer found himself tensing up slightly at the other's presence, not particularly liking strangers around his siblings, but he soon managed to calm himself down. After all, Xho was a member of The Typhoon, even if he was new. Taking a deep breath to let the fur along his spine settle, Roan temporarily glanced up when Paintbrush came to settle nearby. As usual, the liger's closeness caused his fur to itch, although he didn't say anything about it. The other calling himself "Roan's friend" did cause the medic to pause, however. Not because he didn't consider Paintbrush a friend, but rather because he was unused to making new friends these days, especially ones as quickly formed as his friendship with Paint. Shaking that from his mind for now, Roan turned back towards Torsten, muttering, "I think that drawing with you sounds like it would be nice, Torsten. Although, you might be better off with Paint. I have the artistic ability of a rock." That wasn't quite true, since he wasn't terrible, he just had a lack of practice. However, he had a habit of seeing anything he didn't have natural talent in as being unneeded.