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this love it is a burning sun [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - Printable Version

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this love it is a burning sun [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - Keona. - 11-14-2020

[align=center][Image: hCEbVK6.png]
The Ó Faoláin Family
♛ Raziel Ó Faoláin [ penned by ombre ]
Kian Ó Faoláin [ penned by fantom ]
Séamus Ó Faoláin [ penned by SPEK ]
Keona Ní Faoláin [ penned by misty ]
Suvi Ní Faoláin [ penned by misty ]
Conrí Ó Faoláin [ penned by pluto ]
Roan Ó Faoláin-Roux [ penned by stilly ]
Rowena Ní Faoláin [ penned by misty ]
[Image: ud5r6pP.png?2]

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Re: this love it is a burning sun [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - Keona. - 11-16-2020

. general .
name;; Keona Sibéal Ní Faoláin
-nicknames ; keo, sib, sibi

physical age;; 10 moons
ageing scheme;; roleplayer's discretion
birthday;; January 30, 2018

sex;; female
preferred gender;; she/her
sexuality;; demisexual

powers;; clairvoyance (undis.), air elemental, water elemental, mental manipulation and communication, enhanced senses (undis.), and mental bonds with Séamus and Ikaia
-many of her powers are used subconsciously; leaving her unaware she has them

child to;; Kian x Haliaka x Séamus
-gen 2
-half-sister to Valentine, Leonidas, and Roan

ally to;; The Typhoon [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]
-is distant to most, if not all and takes time and dedication to truly befriend
[you are amazing]
IDIR BRí IS IDIR MUIR . physical
rusty spotted cat.  small even for her species, with pale, unseeing sea-green eyes.  fur is short; gray-tan in color and covered in rusty spots over her back and flanks.  underbelly is soft white with darker splotches while her tail is longer, with thicker-fur.  six dark streaks run over her head; over her cheeks and forehead.

she smells like the sea on a stormy day.  her fur is well-kept but carries the salt.

dire wolf.  on the smaller side.  the same unseeing sea-green eyes.  misty fur; mixing black, gray, and white.  underbelly is soft and snowy in color.

accessories;; a shell necklace, carved into the shape of a flower, bound by a simple string.
[you are amazing]
TÁ MÉ I DTIÚIN . mental
+ | curious, earnest, focused
0 | determined, private, reserved
- | apathetic, sensitive, overthinker

tv tropes // blind seer // extra parent conception // big screwed up family //  long lost relative //  missing (dead) mom //  the ageless //  suger and ice // bookworm // beware the quiet ones // hates small talk

is not afraid to fight.  tends to avoid direct conflict however, due to her small stature and lack of shapeshifting.  [member=265]Keona.[/member]
tiny but quick.  will actively use her elementals.  blind and can be faked out with effort.  be aware of enhanced senses.
will respond swift and harshly to mental intrusion.
[you are amazing][table][tr][td][/td][td]

Re: this love it is a burning sun [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - Kian. - 11-16-2020

NAME Kian Ó Faoláin
BORN MALE Identifies as a male; he/him pronouns
AGE Appears 24 moons, June 13
THE TYPHOON He is a crewmate and member of the Grimrays

ORIENTATION Kian is demiromantic demisexual with no preference of gender.  He is widowed and not looking for any relationships.

FAMILY Kian is a member of the Ó Faoláin family.  He is the younger brother of the family head Raziel Ó Faoláin and twin to Séamus Ó Faoláin.  He is uncle to many, and father to Keona Ní Faoláin.
— He is cousins with the Ó Broin family; notably Gael Ó Broin and Aine Charlotte Ní Broin.
CURRENT BODY Kian is currently a rusty spotted cat with sea-green eyes.  Although not remarkable in size, he is notably fit and agile.
— His other forms include a polar bear dog

PHYSICALLY DIFFICULT Kian is very experienced and well-versed in combat.  He also has full mastery in many of his powers; most notably water elementals.  As such, he is a rather difficult opponent.
ESFP-T The Entertainer
"I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you surely don’t deserve me at my best." – Marilyn Monroe

Like the ocean, there is much to Kian — an often changing force of nature.  At his best, he is a simple pirate and soldier; a free and kind spirit who doesn't hesitate to step into the line of fire.  At his worst, he is a broken soul; torn asunder by much grief and hardship. 

He can jovial and welcoming, inviting as gentle waves, or cold and sad, harsh as a fierce storm.

POSITIVE TRAITS Calm, compassionate and steadfast
NEUTRAL TRAITS Determined, distant and smooth
NEGATIVE TRAITS Blunt, cautious and cynical

MENTALLY EXTREME While an often open individual, Kian's mind is a guarded place.  Growing up with trickier members of his own family and well-practiced in the art of mental manipulation himself, Kian is always prepared to protect his mind from attack.

BELIEFS & BEHAVIORS Kian is a pirate through and through; a true free spirit who firmly believes everyone deserves to be free too.  While he is also a soldier, and quick to fall into line, he only does so for someone who truly trusts and respects.  He will not follow someone he does not believe in.

Growing up a prince meant Kian was taught very early on how to be a gentleman and leader.  Despite turning to a free life on the open seas, this is still very evident in the way he treats others — unless he is given a reason to do otherwise, he is nothing but courteous and kind.  He trusts that the respect he offers will be returned, but is hardly put off when it is not. 

Even when something does get under his skin, he does his best not to let it show.  Kindness, to Kian, is real strength.  Furthermore, second chances are important to him, as he often refuses to believe someone is beyond saving.
Among the Fae of his home kingdom, Kian is called the TEMPEST PRINCE.
— Most notably for his affiliation with the ocean and fondness for sailing directly into storms

Kian is a full-blooded FAERIE, which is the cause of the apparent agelessness of his body.

POWERS Water elemental, clairvoyance, intangibility, invisibility, mental manipulation and communication, shapeshifting, teleportation, mental bond with Séamus, mental bond with Keona
But it hits me then
I don't quite remember
How your skin felt on my skin
I don't quite remember
All the little angles of your smile
It's been awhile
Thought that I'd always remember
But I don't quite remember

Re: this love it is a burning sun [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - suvi. - 12-29-2020

. general .
name;; Suvi Kiira Nί Faoláin
-nicknames ; Suvi, Su, Kiira, Ki

physical age;; 9 Moons
ageing scheme;; roleplayer's discretion

sex;; female
preferred gender;; she/her
sexuality;; demisexual demiromantic

— intangibility.  unstable.  part of her glitches.
— invisibility.  unstable.  part of her glitches.
— mental manipulation & communication.  discovered.  use is reserved.  can become unstable.
— possession.  discovered.  unpredictable.  how suvi and kiira came to be one individual.
— telekinesis.  discovered.
— teleportation.  unstable.  part of her glitches.

child to;;
-Raziel Ó Faoláin x Kaisa ; gen 2
-the soul of Kiira was created not born

ally to;; ???[table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]
-is distant to all.  generally kind to others but reluctant to truly trust or let anyone in.  takes a great deal of time to truly befriend.
[you are amazing]
arctic fox.  petite and rather scrawny.  fur is alabaster and white, soft and sometimes scruffy-looking but generally well-kept.  eyes are heterochromic; one amber and the other icy blue.  click.

dire wolf.  petite.  lithe, with golden-brown fur and heterochromic eyes.  click.

— a silver chain that carries a golden pocket watch.  she is never without it.  importance unknown.
— a friendship bracelet around her right paw.
— a necklace with a silver north-star charm.  a gift from torren.
[you are amazing]
+ | cheerful, inquisitive, intelligent
0 | quiet, reserved, soft
- | sensitive, wary, cynical

tv tropes // bookworm // beware the quiet ones // sugar and ice // missing (dead) mom // beware the nice ones // the ageless // the medic // actual pacifist // thou shalt not kill

tries to avoid fighting entirely.  pacifistic.  is a healer.  [member=2344]suvi k.[/member]
kiira has a hidden negative side; merciless, angry and less reluctant to fight.
glitches.  mind is broken and volatile; responds harshly to mental intrusion.
[you are amazing][table][tr][td][/td][td]

Re: this love it is a burning sun [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - rowena. - 02-22-2021

. general .
name;; Rowena Nί Faoláin
-nicknames ; rowa

physical age;; 2 moons
ageing scheme;; roleplayer's discretion
birthday;; REDACTED

sex;; female
preferred gender;; she/her
sexuality;; undeveloped

powers;; n/a

child to;; Séamus x Myra [ npc ]
-gen 2
-half-sister to Keona, Valentine, Leonidas, and Roan

ally to;; [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]
-is a very friendly and curious individual.  can be a little straightforward sometimes, but often means well and rarely views anyone hostily.
[you are amazing]
AS AN SLIOGÁN . physical
rusty spotted cat / american mink.  a tiny child.  sea-green eyes.  body is more elongated with webbed paws; built for swimming.  soft fur is snow white in color.  tail is long and somewhat tapering.

she carries the sea with her.  petrichor and salt.

accessories;; n.a
[you are amazing]
+ | cheerful, clever
0 | freewheeling, stubborn
- | erratic, impulsive

attention-deficet hyperactive disorder.

tv tropes //

born on a pirate ship.  not afraid of fighting, but generally avoids combat.  lacks much training.  playful but not very violent.
surprisingly quick.  very small and slippery.
responds harshly to mental intrusion.  unusually strong mind.
[you are amazing][table][tr][td][/td][td]

Re: this love it is a burning sun [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - SÉAMUS - 02-24-2021

NAME Séamus Ó Faoláin
BORN MALE Identifies as a cis male using he / him pronouns
AGE 24 moons physically, birthday is June 13
THE TYPHOON He is a crewmate of the Typhoon
— previously a privateer

ORIENTATION Séamus is bisexual demiromantic.  He is currently single and not currently looking for any relationships.

FAMILY Séamus is a member of the Ó Faoláin family.  He is the younger brother of the family head Raziel Ó Faoláin and twin to Kian Ó Faoláin.  He is birth father to Keona Ní Faoláin, Roan Ó Faoláin-Roux and Rowena Ní Faoláin, and birth mother to Valentine Ó Faoláin and Leonidas Ó Faoláin.  He is also uncle to Suvi Kiira Ní Faoláin.
Family tree recorded by misty
Séamus is an adaptive shapeshifter and alters form to suit his needs and comforts at any given moment.  He is most often a rusty spotted cat.

CURRENT BODY Séamus is currently a rusty spotted cat with sea-green eyes and a small notch in his right ear.

PHYSICALLY DIFFICULT Séamus has extensive training in combat and stealth, making him an experienced and difficult opponent.  He is also well-versed in his powers, including lighting elementals, invisibility and mental manipulation, which he uses to his full advantage.  Tag when attacking.

THE GOOD Confident, intelligent, adventurous
THE OKAY Deceptive, determined, artful
THE UGLY Cruel, flamboyant, envious

MENTALLY EXTREME A master of mental manipulation, the mind is another weapon in Séamus' arsenal.  Deceptively, his mind is often open to communication
Séamus is a FAERIE from a distant kingdom where he is known as the THE SHADOW PRINCE for his skills in stealth and espionage.

POWERS He possesses clairvoyance, electricity elemental, invisibility, shapeshifting, mental communication and manipulation, a mental bond with Keona and Kian, and telekinesis
Oh sinners come down
Come, gather round
Oh sinners come down
Yeah, yeah
Dancing on cold feet
Marching on cobbled streets
Oh sinners come down
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, I must be good for somethin'

Re: this love it is a burning sun [ Ó Faoláin hub ] - kaili. - 05-08-2021

. general .
name;; Kaili Ní Faoláin
-nicknames ; none

physical age;; 10 moons
ageing scheme;; roleplayer's discretion
birthday;; REDACTED

sex;; female
preferred gender;; she/her
sexuality;; bisexual

powers;; electricity elementals

child to;; Séamus x Nohea [ npc ]
-gen 2
-half-sister to Keona, Valentine, Leonidas, Roan, and Rowena

ally to;; The Coalition of the Condemned [table][tr][td][/td][/tr][/table]
-loyalty is flexible -- tends to put value on individuals more than a group.
-true friendship is difficult to obtain.  values strength and bravery.  have to be able to keep up with her.
[you are amazing]

accessories;; none.
[you are amazing]
+ |
0 |
- |

tv tropes //

enjoys a good fight.  does not take much to provoke.  will kill.  [member=18257]kaili.[/member]
athletic and powerful.  often uses a combination of force and electricity.
[you are amazing][table][tr][td][/td][td]