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New Desires -- Joining, mf snake - Printable Version

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New Desires -- Joining, mf snake - SirDio - 11-13-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — It was really cold. Enough said. How he was even able to get around was beyond him. But what was worse: outside, or this big building he found himself in? With the smell and the overly clumsy NPCs that stumbled around, usually finding themselves in a corner, almost stepping on him, he was probably betting the outside. But like, there was warmth and outside didn't have that. In fact, the outside had snow and snakes don't do well with snow. Gently finding his way into a cluster of furs and warmer bodies that didn't seem alive, he coiled up and nestled into the surroundings. His bloodred scales would probably give him away.


Re: New Desires -- Joining, mf snake - RHINESTONE. - 11-15-2020

Truth be told, snakes weren't all that uncommon around Palmclan, at least not as of recently. Despite the clan's previous proclivity towards felines, they had certainly branched out over time, and they had, in the past, had both actual snakes and snake hybrids within their memberbase. So, when Rhine had first stumbled upon Cherry while looking for a fur to add to his nest, he had at first wondered if the other was simply a new member that he had missed. However, new members usually also came with plenty of gossip, which led Rhine to believe that was not the case, at least not this time. It was because of this that he tentatively teached a paw out, poking at Cherry's bright red scales before he questioned, "Hello? Are you aware of where you are...?" Truthfully, he didn't even know if the reptile was sentient or not, so his words could've been falling on completely deaf ears. Or, deaf ear holes, rather.

Re: New Desires -- Joining, mf snake - VASS . - 11-15-2020

Vaas heard the small lul in rhinestone’s voice and followed shortly along, the tiger’s form a large contrast to the chill of the outside, both their pelts a more vibrancy that bleak white. Jade eyes looked down to the small note of red, a small smile curling along the tiger’s maw. Wry amusement more to cover the fond amusement of Rhine’s attentions.  kind in a way few others were. polite- the tiger sat down next to the illustrious leader, a wave in his tail that showed more of the same: amusement.

Today was one of the good days, between withdrawls and well slept- if not a little bit tired. “Of course she is, rey.” The king of the jungle replied his form moving to jostle the other lightly, almost playfully. Even if his form lingered a little closer than normal- for the sake of keeping the leader a bit warmer. He had stopped to notice the almost feverish sense of warmth on them: pulling closer.

rubi found someplace warm, in this snowscape we’ve become, there is kudos to that.” Vaas voice was milld, but he leaned in closer, paw coming to try and allow the other to slither up amudst the fur that Vaa had started to keep around him.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: New Desires -- Joining, mf snake - SirDio - 11-15-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The sudden tap from Rhine's paw caused Cherry to let out a startled hiss, though slow and sluggish in his movements as he shrinked back. Too cold to speak, his emerald eyes simply stared up at Rhine before Vaas showed up and the snake shrank back even further. Then he reconsidered his actions. Warm blooded bodies were much better than heatless furs. Slowly he reached forward, flicking his tongue against Vaas' paw before slowly moving up his foreleg, tail loosely wrapping around him as the snake found his way around Vaas' neck and coiled around it. Loose enough to let Vaas breath, but tight enough to prevent falling. Still not comfortable enough to speak, he kept quiet.


Re: New Desires -- Joining, mf snake - number nine. - 11-16-2020

The sound of speaking from the bedding den had caused Number Nine to grow curious, mainly because he was used to nobody needing to talk in there. In most cases, they just came in, grabbed a few pelts for their nests, and then left. Driven by his newfound interest, the winged large feline had slipped into the den, surprised to see that both Rhinestone and Vaas were already in there, speaking about a third party. The expression on Rhine's face was one of slight confusion, and Nine couldn't help the snort that left him, hidden gaze searching the den before it landed on Cherry's slithering form. He paused, caught off guard by the bright reptile's movement, before another bit of rumbling laughter left him, "Well, that's certainly an interesting addition to the furs den. I almost didn't even notice him..." He then glanced back over at Vaas, voice slightly teasing as he spoke to the larger tiger, "Well Vaas, I guess this means that you've got a new companion to spend your time with. Hopefully Rhinestone doesn't grow jealous." A faintly amused titter left Nine after that, his wings shifting upon his back. He hoped that he wouldn't be too severely reprimanded for joking around, considering how obvious the pair's crushes were.

Re: New Desires -- Joining, mf snake - RHINESTONE. - 11-16-2020

Rhinestone hastily pulled his paw back upon hearing Cherry's startled hiss, having not meant to frighten the snake with his prodding. Honestly, he had mostly just been checking to make sure that he was still alive, rather than trying to be a nuisance. The leader was about to question further, but then Vaas and Number Nine stepped inside, causing him to glance over the both of them. Vaas's words caused a faintly embarrassed blush to crowd onto Rhine's face despite himself, glancing down at his paws for a moment before he spoke, "I suppose that is true... I just never expected to see a snake within this den. Or any of them, really... not that he's not welcome." He then watched as Cherry worked his way up and onto Vaas's neck, a startled and surprised little gasp leaving the tom as the reptile coiled around it. He was still staring when Nine spoke up, causing Rhinestone's blush to grow even worse. He sent a flustered glare off in the jaguar's direction, before hastily trying to move on, "Nine is right about one thing, it does look like you've made a new friend Vaas... do you think they've got a name?" He still wasn't sure whether Cherry was sentient or not, considering he hadn't said a word.