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patient is the night | story telling - Printable Version

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patient is the night | story telling - ETERNALKNIGHT. - 11-13-2020

envy /ˈenvē/
noun - a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.

Things were hell, to put it plainly. Things were awful and he felt endlessly helpless. He hadn't been sure for a while what to do but decided that a distraction was needed. So, he decided that a sharing of stories would be good. A distraction and a way to get to know each other.  He had already decided on his story and, if his cousin showed up anytime soon, she may recognize the story he was telling. He had headed towards the center of town, considering for a moment clambering onto the statue, before deciding against it and settling himself under the shade of a tree within the camp. "If anyone vould like to lisden, I'm telling ein sdory!" he would call out once he was settled.

He would wait for others to gather, watching as curious eyes settled on him. Once he had a decent crowd gathered, his tail would flick, a soft hum leaving him. He would chew the words over in his mind as he waited for others to get settled, a part of him nervous. It had been a while since he had talked about his past. It would be nice, he supposed. And with that, he began. 


Eternalpaw padded down the hall that lead to the armory, the clanging of swords ringing out from the training area behind him. A paw-shaped trail of sweat left the exhausted knight in training, tail held low but lashing. As he stormed into the armory, which was surprisingly empty, he shrugged his armor plating off into a haphazard pile. Frustration filled the young cat as he collapsed next to his pile of armor, hissing as he slapped front paws against the stone floor.the sound of quiet steps fell on unlistening ears, the squire uncaring of who found him at this point.

The pawsteps came to a hault beside him, the sound of someone shuffling paws or shifting their weight causing him to further bury his muzzle into his paws. "Young Edernalbaw? vat are vu doing? Schouldn't vu pe training?" asked the owner of the pawsteps, causing the albino feline to stiffen, the fur along his spine standing on end. Normally, he would stand up and show the speaker respect, as it was Sir Fitzgerald, the eldest of the knights, but he was simply so offput that he'd rather suffer the consequences.

The squire's thin white tail lashed as he refused to look up, instead huffing out "Vat's zee boint, Zir Liffidzea refuzes to zo much as look at me, vile he sbends all day zinging Tatderedbaw's braizes!" He couldn't help the wave of fury and envy he felt as he thought about how he had been pushed to the side. He couldn't help that he was younger, that he didn't know as much! He never would if Sir Lividsea continued to constantly toss him off to the side. And he couldn't help that he wore out quicker, the sun made his skin feel like it was on fire and made it damn near impossible to see!

A huff left the elder knight, causing Eternalpaw to finally look up at him. The small albino tom had expected some sort of punishment for his outburst, something similar to the actions Lividsea took when he spoke out of turn. Instead, Sir Fitzgerald simply seemed to study him, confusion in his eyes. After a moment, the other shook his head and stood. "Bick up your armor, zet it broper, und zen meet me in zee courtyard." With that, the older knight turned and left.

It had taken the squire a long moment to tidy up, wiping down and storing away his practice armor. It was a thick leather, unlike the strong metal of proper battle gear. It was already well worn, as he was far into his training, and he would need a new set soon. That was if Sir Fitzgerald didn't string him up by his ears. Could the knight even do that? Eternal was the son of the king after all.

With that in mind, the squire moved through the familiar halls of the castle, heading for the courtyard. It was massive, lined with trees of many types. Thick bushes created sections that separated the grounds into quadrants, a pond at the center. He could see the grey striped figure of Sir Fitzgerald sitting beside the pond, seemingly waiting for him. Ears pinned back like a chastized child, Eternalpaw crept forwards. The knight didn't acknowledge the squire verbally, simply greeting him with a quiet hum and glance, before looking back out to the pond. Eternalpaw settled beside him, tail flicking anxiously behind him.

After what felt like an eternity, the knight finally spoke, his words coming out as a sigh. "I sboke to Liffidzea." Eternalknight winced, looking away as he prepared for a full report of his wrong doings. Instead, a chuckle reached his ears and he looked up sharply, surprised by the amusement on the elder's face. Shocked into silence, he simply sat with his mouth open. Shaking his head, Sir Fitzgerald continued with a chuckle, "I called him ein itiot for not zeeing zee talent right unter his noze. Arh ! Afder our confferzazion, it's peen decided zat vu vill nein longer pe training unter him."

Nausea rolled in the pit of his stomach as the other spoke, Eternalpaw's head falling as his ears pinned against his skull and tears began to brim in his eyes. So this was it then? He was no longer training to be a knight? Would he be knocked down a few pegs, placed among the stableboys? Or would he be forced into doing studies all day, buried in books and writing. He was loosing the thing he loved, the thing he was so proud of, all because he'd been jealous and spoken out of turn. He hadn't understood why it was such an issue though! If anything, he thought he had a right to be upset! SO how could it be fair that they were punishing him?

"Vu vill train under me Hinstead." Oh. Oh, that was certainly something, now wasn't it? Eternalpaw looked up at the other, unsure if a joke was being played on him as another form of punishment. When he was met with a kind smile in place of some malicious expression, he quickly wiped the gathering tears from his pale colored eyes.

Uncertain, the albino looked down at his paws for a moment, the gears turning in his head as he tried to understand what was happening. Finally, after a long moment, he lifted his head to look up at the grey tabby. "Do vu mean it?" he asked, still a touch unsteady. The older knight would reach his head down to gently tap his muzzle against the top of the younger feline's head.

"I vould neffer lie apout zuch ein zing," the older one promised, returning his gaze back to the pond. A smile sat on his maw, one the young squire would soon come to mirror. There was a silent harmony between the two, both with things to think over. There would be many hard days ahead of them, but, today was one for resting and thought.


Eternalknight finished his story, a soft smile on his face as he looked over those still gathered around. The memory of sitting under the tree with the older grey tabby still played in his mind, one with a younger and unscarred Eternal. Hopefully nobody had left while he was speaking, bored of his story. He looked at those that had gathered while he was speaking, hoping they had heard most of his tale. "Any, uh, gueszions?" he asked, a tad unsure. "I could alzo tell Hanozer sdory? Or, if zomeone elze vants to tell ein sdory, ko ahead!"

//This is AFTER the takeover but BEFORE the revolt! While Eternal is telling it like a normal story, I decided to describe it for you, the real life person!!

Re: patient is the night | story telling - wormwood. - 11-13-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Aurum had seemed rather aggravated as of late, and it wasn't hard to see why. His home was once again facing a large threat that wanted them to be subservient for seemingly no reason, and he once again felt as though he couldn't do anything. Technically they had the revolt coming up soon, but there was no guarantee that would work, even if the angel refused to back down no matter what the odds were. Besides, until then he was forced to just wait around, feeling restless and frustrated as he paced circles around the inside of the bunker. He had gotten a little taste of relief when he had challenge Ninazu, managing to get a few good hits off on her and make his displeasure known, but that was in the past. For now, he was forced to just try and make the best of things, even as every bone in his body was telling him to bull rush the nearest Wanderer. Letting out a grunt to express his frustrations, the lion briefly pressed one large paw against his eyepatch, feeling the beginnings of a stress headache coming on. Knowing that he needed to get out for a bit, Aurum got up to his feet, shooting a withering glare in the direction of the nearest guard as he moved out of the bunker, and into the fresh air. Eternal's call reached him almost as soon as he stepped out into the sunlight, causing him to perk up with interest.

The other's tale was... familiar, at least in a sense. Aurum knew the salty tang of envy well, having spent a large portion of his life fighting against it, only for it to almost entirely swallow him in the end. He liked to think he was a far better person now than he was back then, but then again, he had thought he was a good man back then too. Sighing, the lion briefly shook his head, trying to drag himself out of the past before he fell in too deep. When he came back to the present, Eternalknight was questioning the crowd around him, asking about the story he had just told. The angel hesitated briefly, swallowing thickly before he spoke up, "It was a good story, Eternal. It certainly sounds as though that was a turning point for you, even if the day didn't start off so well." He almost winced at the fatherly tone his voice took on, not having meant for it to be there. He really had to stop letting his parental nature take over, since he knew it could he overbearing. He hastily decided to change the subject, claws briefly sinking into the ground, "I... I can tell a story, if people would like." He felt uneasy as soon as the words left his muzzle, but he could already feel a few interested gazes on him. He guessed there wasn't much of a way out now.

Taking a deep breath inward, Aurum kept his one eyed gaze focused on the ground as he told his story, knowing he would probably get emotional, "Our story starts... with a young prince. He was the first born, to a powerful queen and a loving king, and he was promised from the start of his life that he was going to be special." Images of himself lingered in his own mind, just a bright eyed and innocent young cub, with the whole world waiting before him. His teeth briefly clenched together, before he continued, "And for a while, it seemed like that promise was true. His mother was always very hard on him, yes, but he believed that would just make him a better king one day. But then... the king and queen had another child. A younger brother for the prince, plagued by sickness yet fawned over by the both of them. The young prince tried to be happy about the new addition to his family, but... it was hard. His parents paid attention to him less, and his mother grew even more harsh in her treatment..." There was Poetking's young face, staring up at him with a grin on his muzzle. At the same time, he could've sworn that he felt Judith's eyes boring into him, as if trying to burst him into flames. He had to stop himself from glancing over his own shoulder.

With a shuffle of his wings – as if he was shaking off Judith's gaze – the lion continued, "As the prince and his brother grew older, he began to feel jealous of all the attention his brother received. He wondered why he suddenly wasn't good enough for them. He wondered why he always had to suffer at his mother's paws. Ultimately, things ended up coming to a head a month before the prince's would be coronation. He was told, then, that he would no longer be crown king. Instead, his younger brother would take up the position. Of course, the prince was so furious, he was almost driven mad..." Just the memory of it was enough to cause anger to flare up in Aurum's chest, although he pushed it down as soon as it came. He wasn't angry anymore, just... remembering. With that in mind, he pushed on, "This madness pushed him to do the unthinkable... he tried to kill his younger brother. He plotted with the nobles of his kingdom that didn't like his brother, and tried to stab him before the coronation could take place. However, in the end, he wasn't able to do it. He loved his little brother too much, and so the other escaped, rushing off into the unknown." He had been so close. The knife in his jaws, Poet's back turned to him. But then... he just couldn't. He remembered all of their time together as cubs, and he hadn't been able to do anything to hurt his brother.

Aurum then closed his eyes briefly, clearly overwhelmed by emotion, before he moved on to the last part of his story, "At that point... the prince felt lost. He no longer knew what his life's purpose was. He grew depressed, and angry, and was eventually thrown from the kingdom by his mother, on threat of death. He was told to go and find his younger brother, or never come home again." Golden paws trudging against unknown earth, leaving the home that he had known for the entirety of his life. Out into the wilderness beyond, not knowing if he would even emerge alive. How frightening it had been, back then, "Eventually, the prince found his brother, in a sweltering and musty swamp that immediately irritated him. The place was known as Tanglewood, and initially, all he had wanted to do was leave. However, as it turned out, ending up there would be the best event of his entire life..." Aurum's gaze gained a glistening edge, tears coming to his eye. He quickly swiped it away, a soft and emotional chuckle leaving him – he really hadn't meant to get so into his own tale.

The finale of the story was definitely the best, at least in his opinion. So, with a broad grin on his muzzle, Aurum soldiered onward, "Not only did the prince end up reuniting with his brother, but he also found an entirely new family within Tanglewood. He found a sister, and a son, and friends who he would never give up for the entire world. Before long, the prince totally forgot about power or how hungry he had once been for it. Instead, he grew to be happy, as long as he knew that those around him were safe, and happy as well. That was better than any throne in the world, at least to him." He then began to chuckle at that point, shaking his head from side to side as he spoke, "As I'm sure you've all already figured out... that prince was me. I'm not entirely sure where I would be now, if it hadn't been for the influence that Tanglewood has had on me. I'm not sure I want to know, if I'm completely honest. If I had to go back and do it all again, I'd probably make all the same decisions – even the poor ones – in order to end up right where I am, right now." Things were far from perfect within Tanglewood at the moment, but that didn't mean Aurum loved it any less. The swamp dwelling group was his home, and he'd continue to sing its praises until his last dying breath. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: patient is the night | story telling - SirDio - 11-13-2020

Icthyovenator   Tanglewood Adult, unconfirmed age Heterosexual Physically hard Mentally strong
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: trebuchet ms; color: #281B7C;"] Stories. Tide had many. Settling down at the group, paying attention to Eternal as he spoke in that funny little accent, she found herself pulled into his tale. As he finished, she let out an approving rumble. "Envy. I know little of it.. Wonderful story, dear knight." She said lowly. Then as Aurum suggested his story, she turned her attention toward the angel.

Aurum's story was just as impactful. Mainly because she too, lost as an heir, in many ways. And yet, she found a place she could start anew. "Another wonderful story. Thank you, Aurum." She smiled against her teeth. Shifting a bit, she looked to the group. "I've got my own if any wish to hear it." As gazes turned to her, she cleared her throat. Oh, life stories...

"This story is more of a life story. From my hatch to my joining in Tanglewood," She drew a heavy breath. Here we go.. "I had hatched on a craggy shore that bordered a vast ocean, under the brilliant gaze of a truly blue moon. I had a strong father and a loving mother, and I had been hatched among many heirs of the ocean. Four sisters, two brothers. We were a great family, royals of the ocean. I played with my brothers, messed with my sisters, looked up to my parents. I was a good kid. But," She shuddered. Pain flashed in her fins.

"We weren't the only royals to call the ocean home. Spinosaurus, a mighty beast, also claimed home there. He would snatch carnivores from his depths, and we called him Depth-Charge. He was the cause of my siblings' deaths. I became an only child, and I was lonely. But things were good, we moved shores." She let out a brief huff, the image of her siblings burned into her head. Shaking her head, she continued. "When I was a teen, I separated from my parents to find my own home. It was rough, I had many battles. Mighty tyrants threatened my every turn, but I managed until I found him." She smiled to herself.

"I called him Mariner. An Icthyovenator like me, young and strong. As we became adults our bond grew, and we had our own clutch of eggs. Five in total. Before the eggs hatched, Depth-Charge had came back, dragged my love into the ocean, a watery grave. In anger and fury, I took Depth-Charge's life. I don't regret it to this day." Anger surged in her. That monster.

"The last saga of this story deals with the hatchlings. My children, whom I loved dearly, more than anything in the world. I taught them to hunt, to fish. We were a good family. But fate deemed me unworthy of good fortune. A pack of Allosaurus, nasty dinosaurs who always hunted in packs, and two Quetzalcoatlus, gigantic flyers, had invaded my nesting grounds." Her voice cracked. "As I fended off the Allosaurus, I was unable to defend my children from those flying beasts. As I chased the pack off, I saw the giants fly away with my children. I have not yet forgotten, nor have I forgiven. I failed as a parent." She sighed.

"But as I traveled, swam the oceans, trudged through marsh and plains, I found myself here. Despite the environment, You have all been welcoming. Even with current events, I find this place a wacky and wonderful land to be in. I wouldn't have it any other way."

She shook her head gently. "Alright I've rambled on enough." She chuckled. She wasn't one to spill life stories, but it seemed fitting!
