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they keep calling me, beckoning >> RAID ON BANDITS! - Printable Version

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they keep calling me, beckoning >> RAID ON BANDITS! - teef - 11-13-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. god of war - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. formerly blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. courting halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, laeglin, sloan and colwyn. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette. (strike is deceased/unknown status)
the pawprints leading to the inn were new, snow freshly packed down by many paws, the moon high above, sharing it's cold light upon the bodies gathering outside of the inn. breath misting around muzzle and whiskers bowed with frost and new ice, blue eyes cutting through the darkness, the kingpin making their own arrival. standing tall and firm in the shelter of the inn, their gaze cut around each member standing before them, their chest swelling with pride, and a fear so deeply set into their bones. they were leading each and every one of these beings into what could very possibly be their death. words trembling in their chest, they turned their head to the sound of approaching pawsteps, ears flicking to stand up, a bag resting at their side. watching as more bodies filed into the courtyard, they gave a low exhale, relieved by the knowledge that their allied group would soon come to their aid. everyone here knew the chances were 50/50 of making it out alive.

taking a deep breath and holding it, the kingpin would pace among their groupmates, ensuring that each and every one of them had some sort of armor, be it leather or metal. pressing noses to shoulders, to heads, grounding their mind, taking in the face of every fighter here, their heart swelling. pausing to help some fighters into their armor, the kingpin would pause, sharing soft words of encouragement to each member there. they committed each face to memory, each name to face and scent to each individual. turning away, they would wait for palmclan to arrive, their jian hitting against their hip, brows drawn together in thought. their own armor rested within the bag near them, to be carried to the battlefield.

they would be the one to lure the bandits out, having planned such a thing out with their groupmates. when the warriors of palmclan would arrive, they rumbled lowly, sitting at the head of the gathered bodies, ready to share the plan for their victory. "everyone! i need your attention up here!", they would roar, gathering the eyes of those present. clearing their throat, they looked once more over everyone, "first of all, i want to say that it does good to see all of you here, friend or family, to help us drive out the enemy. everyone has endured a lot of suffering, and i am proud of you all. this is the last time we will have to fight these individuals, the last time we will have to endure pain and loss at their paws.", they growled, claws digging into the frosted soil beneatht them. "next, i want to let you all know of our plan. i want you to split into two teams: team a and team b. team a will be circling to the back and sides of the bandits' camp. team b will be approaching from the front and from the forest side. i will be leading the charge at the head of team b, and i will be going in solo. i will lure the bandits out from their camp, and once i have drawn them out, i want team a to rush in and force them from their camp. they have made camp between our midlake towers and the coastal forest, in a valley nestled in between, close to the lake. i will circle back and join ranks with team b. team a, i want you to be the heaviest with numbers, and team b with the lightest. team a, you should consist of the swiftest and most nimble fights, with the heavy duty fighters going to team b.", they rumbled out, falling quiet should anyone have any questions. "alithians, i want you to welcome the warriors of palmclan, and our own esteemed guests, into our ranks to fight with us as family members. fight well and fight hard, everyone. dum spiro spero - while i breathe, i hope!", came their final words before going to oversee the teaming up of fighters. once every able-bodied individual had been split up, they would wait, heart beating in their throat, ears drawn back as they exhaled, ready to change bodies to the one to draw the bandits out from hiding.

Re: they keep calling me, beckoning >> RAID ON BANDITS! - SirDio - 11-13-2020


Thin paws and spotted fur were protected with metal and leather on the joints. Birth body, though thin and frail as Asteri may think it to be, was her best choice. Head to the sky, a small prayer sent to the stars. She was fighting for them. No, she was fighting for herself. No, for Alithis! Herself. As Bai spoke she listened, a tune coming to her mind, her throat, threatening to spill. Filing into the a group, she let her voice drift up, gradually getting louder. A song.

"Targets on our backs, Lone survivors last.
They have us in their sights.
No surrender, no trigger fingers go.
Living the dangerous life.

Hey, Hey, Hey. Everyday when I wake;
I'm trying to get up, they're knocking me down.
Hey, Hey, Hey, when I need to be saved,
You're making me strong, making me stand. Never will fall, never will end!

Shot like a rocket up into the sky, nothing can stop us tonight!
You make me feel invincible,
an earthquake, powerful!
Just like a tidal wave, you make me brave.

You're my titanium,
a fight song, raise it up!
Like the roar of victory in a stadium!
Who can touch me cause I'm - I'm made of fire!
Who can stop me tonight? I'm hard-wired!

You make me feel -- Invincible!
I feel- I feel it. Invincible!
I feel- I feel it. Invincible!"

Unknowing of the beat she had begun, a rally she formed, she kept singing. Looking to Bai as she sang, slowly growing quiet as the group roared around her. Slowly their roars became dull yells of rally. Now, she felt invincible. This power at her paws felt palpable, tangible. Fire burned behind those pale blue eyes. This fight was going to be the hardest one yet.

template by orion

Re: they keep calling me, beckoning >> RAID ON BANDITS! - RHINESTONE. - 11-15-2020

A raid. On the whole, Rhinestonestar knew battle, but that didn't mean he enjoyed it. Despite this, he wasn't about to just back down from this particular fight. Altihís Evgenis had already proven themselves to be valuable allies, and although the feline could still feel sickness gripping him, he wasn't about to back out. Once Palmclan's camp had been safely secured, with all of the Alithís children safe and protected, Rhine had guided the attacking force out of camp, and after their escort. With every step, he felt a surge of determination in his chest, pale blue gaze narrowed with anger and a sense of justice. The bandits had done nothing thus far but cause chaos, and drive Alithís from their very home. They had killed those that Bai Shi was close to, and Rhine knew that pain very well. That was why he had pledged himself and his clanmates to this fight, and that was why he felt invigorated, even through the hunger, and the sickness. Needless to say, he knew that he wouldn't be the strongest member of the attacking force, but he didn't need to be. They had members like Vaas and Quasar on their side, who were far larger than Rhine, and had powers to utilize in battle as well.

Once the group reached where Bai Shi was, Rhinestone lifted his voice, a resounding call that left him, echoed in the warriors behind him, "Bai Shi! We are ready to help, no matter what the stakes." His gaze was burning, and he felt a grin upon his muzzle. It had been some time since he had a proper fight, and even with how weak he felt, he also felt ready to make this a good one. Sitting down, the ruddy feline then listened to Bai Shi's plan, his head tilting to one side as he nodded along. The entire concept of it was good, and Rhine didn't see many problems with it. Of course, unexpected complications could arise, as they did with all things, but Bai Shi seemed to be a good strategist. They had clearly thought this through, and Rhinestone wasn't about to go questioning them on their turf. After shaking out his fur, the Palmclan leader then spoke up again, "I'll go with group a. Needless to say, I'm not quite as powerful as some around here." Rhine's fighting skills were nothing to sneeze at, but they mainly only applied when he knew he was fighting others around his own size. In this case, he felt no shame in moving over to the sneaking group, eyes focused on where the bandit camp would be in the distance.

Re: they keep calling me, beckoning >> RAID ON BANDITS! - METEOR - 12-05-2020

"Group A for me, I suppose. Wouldn't want my lightning to fire at the wrong moment and ruin the stealth attack." Quasar finished speaking with incoherent grumbling, lashing his three tails out of sync. Whatever. He sucked at self-control. But he'd still be useful, dammit.


Re: they keep calling me, beckoning >> RAID ON BANDITS! - teef - 12-06-2020

[Image: tumblr_podjm9hxLd1vd3h2u_540.gif]
golden lung dragon & black jaguar w/ vitiligo & platinum silver fox. god of war - ancient. bai shi lynn lingré. proper chinese name is lin bai. prefers lynn if close. they/them. formerly blind. wind element & electric element. firstborn son of jerisidie lingré & current head of family. courting halo mercer. kingpin of alithís evgenis. demiromantic gray-asexual. parent of veris, arvin, leoku, erian, flos, kekhai, evarhi, laeglin, sloan and colwyn. elder brother of ramona and hope, uncle of quennel and cosette. (strike is deceased/unknown status)
eyes sweeping those that had arrived, bowing their head, committing faces to memory. gods help them all in this battle, everyone here was risking their life for this. they could not let them down. they all knew the risks they were taking, but the kingpin wasn't going to let them risk and fail. taking a deep breath, they held it in, smiling as their gaze landed on asteri, listening to her words with a deep growl settling in their chest, "rhinestone, quasar. welcome aboard.", they boomed, sweeping over their faces in their mind, memorizing. they had too many things going on in their mind for this to end well, not at this moment, yet the call for war boomed in their blood. "alright, everyone, move out!", they called out, the jaguar taking the head of the group, shoulders rolling as they took the first steps, pushing down the need to run to the bandits' camp.

heart nearly beating out of their chest, they nodded to rhinestone, moving aside to let him come to the front with them, growling slightly with the excitement of battle impending. claws pricking the snow, they shook their head, licking their lips as the group moved out and deeper into the territory, skin alight with the feeling of eyes upon them. their jian would remain with them, they didn't have full faith in the strength of their legs to get them out of the camp without incident. "rush in if you hear my cry.", they would speak, tail lashing and curling along their back. exhaling a heavy breath, they followed the scent trails of the scouting party, fur on end as they walked, licking down their chest and shoulder fur. cresting the hill before them, their eyes narrowed, claws digging into the snow and ice. setting down their bag of armor, they looked back to the group, surveying the hidden land below, bright sparks of fire indicating the bandits' camp. thankfully, clouds were setting in, covering the moon. eyes flashing in the darkness, they turned their head back to the camp below, waiting for the winds to change the slightest before they moved.

taking a deep breath, the kingpin stood on the lip of the hill looking down upon the coastal forest, between the midlake towers and the forest lay a valley that the group had yet to have re-discovered in their land, a cluster of earthen dens laying in the middle of the valley, small fires set amongst the clusterings. lips drawing back over their teeth, they bared their teeth in a snarl, ears laying back. their armor was beside them, the kingpin having taken a body so different from their regular jaguar or dragon body, one they hadn't taken since sloan was a kit. exhaling, they shook their head, in the body of a fox, tail swishing side to side as they looked at the ranks behind them. they had made a plan, and gods help them all if that plan failed. nodding goodbye to those who stood behind them, they headed down the hill in their fox body, digging their toes into the snow with a low grunt.

approaching the camp after a short trot down the hill, they circled the camp, entering into the main body, eyes slipping over the slumbering bodies, paws itching with the desire to attack. barely daring to breathe, they noted the lack of bodies around to guard, eyes narrowing suspiciously. holding their breath, they scented the air, seeking out a nameless scent, a rich and motherly scent coming from a den up ahead of them, a body of dark reds and browns laying with back to them. trembling, they swallowed, watching as the woman within twisted in her sleep, her breaths becoming ragged as she was tortured by nightmares. wrinkling their nose at the other scents around her den, they nearly lost their bearings, before darting forward and digging knife sharp teeth into the bandit leader's right hip, growling as they shook their head, intending to make her lame before they released her. her scream of pain echoing in their ears, they whined in the depths of their throat, shaking their head to rid their jaws of the yellow ichor that came from the wound they had delivered. turning on their heel, the kingpin would sprint from the camp, dodging half asleep bodies lumbering from their dens, the leader's voice breaking, "catch that fiend!", as she rolled from her den, staggering and favoring her right hind leg. panting, they cursed their luck as they narrowly avoided a pair of snapping jaws that closed around the tip of their tail, tearing away fur. springing up the hill as they evaded the quickly awakening pursuers, they exchanged fox body for jaguar build, streaking up the hill with a fierce kick to the jaw of the wolf behind them. barely pausing to catch their breath, they drew their jian from it's hilt with a booming roar, "ATTACK!", words ringing in the air as they drove off another attacker, grateful for the protection of a nearby npc, allowing them to don their armor in a few quick moments, diving back into the ensuing battle.