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how do i live? [INTRO] - Printable Version

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how do i live? [INTRO] - sykes - 11-11-2020

//TW: descriptions of dysphoria

It's safe to say that Ylva does not appreciate being in the spotlight. In the months since their birth they've hung back, watched the others grow and prosper. They were proud of them, their siblings that is; they knew, even now, that they would grow up to one day do very great things. Their mothers had already done them; truthfully, they idolized the two, for they believed quite severely that you could not do any greater thing than be a good mother, and to do that to not one litter but two... Yes, they must be very great.

But it was their time now. They had refrained, previously, from going out into the world and making a name for themself. This was what they were going to do, if only they could flush away the tightness of their chest, perhaps swallow the ball in their throat. Perhaps, even, they could teach themself not to flinch when one of their siblings affectionately called them 'sissy', or someone else referred to them as a girl.

These thoughts of course were what drew them to the water's edge, watching their reflection distort in the waves in a sort of trance. Not even the whooping and the hollering of NPCs behind them could draw them from their somber mood.

They knew that their mothers had noticed. Perhaps, even, so had some others- it was hard to miss, they knew that. The way they flinched, the way bile travelled up their throat when they were referred to as female, the way their face screwed up and they withdrew into themselves... No, they were not doing a very great deal at hiding it. Perhaps, if only they knew why they were so different, why they were the way they were, they would find even a semblance of peace within themselves, perhaps that little voice in their head would finally quiet down, would stop screaming.

If only.
are never loyal

Re: how do i live? [INTRO] - trojan g. - 11-11-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]Torsten hadn't seen his sibling in a while. Of course, they lived together and technically he saw them every day, but outside of the house? Ylva hadn't really ever been seen by anyone.

Torsten walked around outside every day, trying to get further and further out of his comfort zone, make sure that by the time he was old enough to become an apprentice, he already knew the Typhoon's territory inside and out. When he saw Ylva though, Torsten's ears pricked and eyes became wide in curiosity. Running over quickly, the child would attempt to bump into the other, a small playful thing that came from love. "Hi Ylva!" He would begin, smile on his maw as he did so, "Do you like the water? It's really nice, I'm glad you're seeing it finally."

Re: how do i live? [INTRO] - roan ; - 11-12-2020

Roan didn't really know all that much about Ylva, truth be told. He wasn't particularly close to any of his younger siblings just yet, but Ylva was undoubtedly the one that he knew the least about. They tended to keep exclusively to themselves, and seeing as Roan didn't live with his mama anymore, he hadn't really seen them since they were born. It was disappointing, but it wasn't as if the soothsayer could blame them. Although he had been a rather upbeat and extroverted child, he had grown far more reclusive as he had grown up. He could certainly understand the desire to stay in one's own bubble, even if he had been trying to break himself of that habit as of late. Just so that members of his family would stop coming into the temple to "check up on him," when in reality they just wanted to drag him out to some kind of social event. In some cases he ended up grateful for it, but in most cases he didn't. Instead, he just ended up bored and annoyed, waiting for the function to end.

Unlike Ylva, Roan had never really felt any dysphoria in his life, due to the fact that he was cis. However, he had dealt with the feeling of body dysmorphia, particularly lately thanks to his involuntary swap to his current zombified body. It had been lessening in intensity lately, but he still missed his old body, waiting for the day he would be able to shift once again. He particularly missed his wings, considering how easily they allowed him to traverse The Typhoon's territory as a whole. He was thinking of this as he trudged out of the temple with his satchel, going to see what herbs he was able to gather up within the jungle. On his way towards the lush landscape, Roan caught sight of both Torsten and Ylva, pausing in his tracks. He figured he should probably go over, considering he pretty much never saw them outside like this. So, after taking a deep breath, the sewed up feline padded over, clearing his throat, "Ylva...? Wow, I don't think I've seen you since... well, since mama named you. It's nice to see you out and about, like Torsten said." Part of him even considered introducing himself, but he held off on that for now. Surely his mama had told them about him?