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NO TIME FOR LOSERS ☆ therapy - Printable Version

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NO TIME FOR LOSERS ☆ therapy - roan ; - 11-09-2020

The Typhoon could fit a whole lot of trauma in it, that was for sure. Roan would like to say that they seemed almost cursed, but he knew that wasn't true. The other groups seemed to have just as many problems as they did, so perhaps the island as a whole was just cursed? Either way, they really needed something to take the edge off. Something that wasn't drugs, or fighting, or alcohol, as so many within the group had chosen to turn to. Rather, the soothsayer had decided that he was going to focus on the other side of his job as a soothsayer – emotional support. It was harder to keep someone healthy physically when they weren't feeling terribly well mentally, after all. In worse case scenarios, they could even end up intentionally hurting themselves, which was nothing that any of them wanted. When one considered recent events, such as Finnegan's near death experience and Goldie's projections at the tavern, it seemed as though they needed mental health support more than ever. So, despite his own issues concerning mental health, Roan had gathered up all of the studying material he could find, and had hit the books.

Several hours later, once the zombified feline had finished all of his reading materials, he had gone to search for a nice and comfortable blanket, dragging it with him out to the beach. He set the blanket out over the sand, using several rocks to hold it down, until it looked like a great place to have a picnic. However, instead of setting out any food, Roan just placed his pile of books to the side, settling down into a seated position atop the blanket. As his tail came to wrap around his paws, he called out to anyone that was nearby, "Typhooners! If you would like to, please gather around for a group therapy session. I think it would be useful for all of us to get some things off of our minds. Hopefully, it'll end up making us feel a lot better." Although they weren't dealing with anything as major as a war right now, Roan wasn't stupid. He knew that almost no one was at 100% at the moment, and he wanted to change that fact. Or, at least bring them up to a more manageable level.

Re: NO TIME FOR LOSERS ☆ therapy - trojan g. - 11-09-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]Torsten didn't have very much to complain about in his life at the moment. The most traumatic thing he had been through thus far was things that had been frustrating, so not much in the way of the traumatic. If he had known what therapy was, the child likely wouldn't have come at the call of his brother, seeing as it was something that he didn't need. The children were the few that didn't really need it, seeing as most of them hadn't been around long enough to have bad things happen, or they haven't been in the wrong places at the wrong times. Torsten had been lucky like that.

Coming forward however, the child would soon find himself sitting down beside Roan, looking up at the other for a moment before looking back down once more in thought. "What's a therapy?" He would finally ask, head cocking to the side as it once more found its way looking up at the other.