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I need someone to rely on.. Open - Printable Version

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I need someone to rely on.. Open - SirDio - 11-08-2020

[div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Emotional exhaustion was a painful thing. Worse? Being a little lost, and not physically. Being lost in oneself, not knowing where she belonged if she belonged anywhere. In Palmclan, she had a friend group. But she had been physically distant from them ever since she nearly drowned. Avoiding the ocean was paramount now, she did not want a rerun of that. But when the group she made herself a part of had the ocean as part of its identity, then where was home? Where did she fit? Where did she belong? There was just so much troubled water in her mind. Nothing seemed solid or clear anymore.

Passing a fallen tree, she felt its branches stare at her. Meeting the gaze, she felt herself tremble again. She quickly left the tree and ended up at a small stream. Staring at the clear water, her reflection, she felt a rock drop in her heart. She looked.. ugly, in her unblinking eyes. Horrific, forever staring. The arrangement of scales and fur placed upon her face framed the ugliness in all its glory, golden eyes the only pretty thing there. Opening her jaws, she wanted to bite herself. Teeth that felt too large, too strange, too different. Ugly. She was just ugly.

[align=center][color=#0C7805]"Get a load of this monster,
She doesn't know how to communicate.
Her mind is in a different place,
Would everybody please give her a little bit of space.."

Gentle the song she whispered, turning her face away from the reflection. What she would give to be normal, to be just a regular cat or even just a regular snake. If she could've just not been here, had let herself drown. But that was selfish. Her friends would have been hurt by that. So even if she wished to escape from this mental war, she mustered herself to stay alive. Her heart was cracked, no cast set for it. So as she walked away from the stream, she felt herself getting heavier and heavier with pain that wasn't there physically.


Re: I need someone to rely on.. Open - RHINESTONE. - 11-09-2020

Rhine knew what emotional exhaustion felt like, much to his own disappointment. He had been unable to escape it after the hurricane had struck, and he could feel a similar heavy blanket beginning to drape itself over his shoulders once again. It wasn't that Palmclan was completely doomed – they were far from that, really – but their circumstances at the moment were hardly ideal. And with all the rumors that were swirling around, he couldn't help but feel like it was his fault, even with his friends around him to support him. In addition to that, he wasn't entirely sure how to help Medusa, despite how much he cared dearly about his friend. The hybrid had made it clear that she didn't want false reassurances, but the tom really wasn't sure what else he could offer up. He didn't think of her as a freak, and he knew of plenty others who didn't think of her as one, either. How was he supposed to communicate that to her, when she was so dead set on the fact that she was an outcast? That she was abnormal?

Truthfully, Rhinestone didn't know the answer to that question, but it didn't mean he was going to stay away. He wasn't the type to abandon a friend in need, no matter the circumstances. So, after grabbing a couple of plump mice from the dwindling prey pile, the leader had left camp, reluctantly heading into the Twisted Forest. When he neared the abandoned and crumbling house, he was surprised to see that Medusa wasn't there, but there was a scent trail leading away. Tilting his head to one side, the ruddy feline followed after the scent trail, eventually reaching the stream where Medusa was staring downwards, half mumbling and half singing to herself. Rhine winced as he heard the words that left her, teeth briefly sinking further into the pair of mice that he held. When she began to walk away, he quickly strode after her, clearing his throat beforehand placed his prey down to speak, "Medusa, wait... I came out here to make sure that you got some lunch. I thought maybe we could eat together..." Truthfully, he didn't really want to eat, and take food away from others who needed it more, but it was clear from the rough sound of his voice that his sickness was worsening. If he continued to not eat... well, it could end up killing him.

Re: I need someone to rely on.. Open - SirDio - 11-09-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She stopped before he even spoke, apprehensive. More lies? No, no lies. Turning briefly to look at him, she tilted her head. "You sound terrible, Rhine. Have you not been eating properly?"  She said, less questioning and more just demanding with how dead her voice had been. "I don't need to eat often, and it sounds like you need these mice more than me, but... alright, I suppose."
She was pretty sure her skin and scales around her midsection and neck had started to sag slightly, but she didn't feel too hungry.


Re: I need someone to rely on.. Open - Grimm - 11-09-2020

Home —  fractured concept settled upon poorly constructed foundation, faux comfort derived of lacking construct. Where head may find easy rest, or the place heart may find suitable ground to cast roots, definition numerous and contradictory when certain places against one another, a word without meaning, imbued with what it may not contain. Home was that one may of it, framing differing to allow truth in each defined meaning, finding it a challenge within and of itself.

Had he knew her thoughts, been capable of plundering the depths of her mind for such knowledge as her lack of comfort among their tally, similar his own may have been. Different it, as always it would be, alone they in holding opinion bearing a dour note no matter the similarities. Adrift the child, among people who accepted and cared yet not those he sought, half lidded the vision that watched those who set about their work. In particular curiosity one, aside placed duties he tended without much care to personal limitations, taken by other needs, confusion further flamed as retrieved a portion of that which reminded of dwindling supplies.

About head turned, yet none seemed intrigued by the actions Rhine performed with as much ease he proved capable of, unimpeded his rise and subsequent trailing of his steps. Brief the halt Foam conducted before the twisted extension the needle laden trees Rhine took to with ease, comfort there is only on the basis of experience in the depths. Choice beyond him, made before this moment that spun forth in taunt silence, broken his stupor by the undergrowth rustling, parting about his paws. Progress apparent, written in broken twigs and trampled weeds pressed to the earth, time all that is necessary to remove the evidence, further assisted by the brine that laced the dank air.

Side tracked the child for a moment, dominated view by the ruin that resembled a structure to a degree. Lacking his presence upon the sharing of the discovery, and any subsequent visits conducted, wonder subdued curiosity. It was the worry he may be left to his own devices that pushed him once more into momentum, following the temporary trail. The hushed gurgle of water that which first alerted Foam to close proximity, beneath almost swallowed a stilted conversation conducted in quiet tones.

"Medusa." Partially incorrect the pronunciation he had practiced until he grew confident, frown alighting upon pale lips for a moment before overtaken by a shaky smile. Hesitation marking short steps that drew him closer to her, space maintained, choice to bridge that gap left to her. "Missed you." Hushed murmur accompanying downward tilt of chin, claws working into the soil. At irregular intervals had Medusa conducted brief visits to the main camp, it was never enough, however, fond grown the child of the other even as her self perception grew further warped.
[Image: ec335e76-272c-416d-849f-d32c24106ea8.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: I need someone to rely on.. Open - RHINESTONE. - 11-10-2020

Medusa was right, at least in a way. The leader hadn't been keeping himself properly fed, mainly out of a worry for his clan as a whole. In the back of his mind, Rhinestome knew that one feline eating from the prey pile probably wouldn't change things all that drastically. However, that logical part of him tended to simply disappear when he sat within camp, staring at the dwindling pile of prey within the baskets and imagining the mouths that would go unfed if he chose to partake. Usually, his stomach would stop feeling empty at that point, and would instead be filled with a sense of guilt. The tom winced at how easily Medusa managed to pick up on the ragged edge to his voice, brought on by days of coughing and holding back bile. His sickness grew worse the longer that he ignored it, but he dreaded the thought of going to the medicine cat. Vaas would surely notice how underweight he was, and then there would be no way for him to avoid eating any more. With a quick shake of his head, Rhine quickly reassured, "I'm fine, I promise... it's just a small bout of sickness, honestly. It's no surprise, given the weather we've been having. I've been eating just fine." As if to demonstrate, he pulled the mouse that he had brought for himself over, taking a hearty bite of it. His stomach instantly seemed to react, grumbling in a way that was almost grateful.

The scent of another approaching caused Rhinestone to lift his head after that bite, pale blue gaze searching through the trees until he spotted Foamkit moving forward. He opened his muzzle, intent on scolding the similarly sick boy for being out of camp, but then he heard Medusa's name fall from the other's lips. Pausing, the leader only managed to let out a sigh, taking another large bite of his mouse before he spoke, "Hello, Foamkit... he really is truthful, you know. He's missed you. Not that I don't understand." Medusa had legitimate reasons to avoid Palmclan's camp, but that didn't stop himself and others from missing her dearly. Her kindhearted nature and toothy smile was enough to keep them going on bad days, and he knew that Foam had almost seen her like another figure. He hoped that, at some point, the hybrid would be able to conquer her fears and return, so that they'd no longer have to worry.

Re: I need someone to rely on.. Open - SirDio - 11-10-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — There was a pain in her heart as Rhine spoke as if nothing was wrong. A bout of sickness. She scoffed, went to say a swear, but heard Foam arrive, speaking her name, missing her, and she silenced herself. The pain grew worse with their words. Instead of making them worry more, she let out a soft laugh. "Both of you really need to take care of yourselves more. You two are stealing my job!" She laughed off her self-deprecating joke but leaned to nuzzle Foam. "I've missed you too, kid.." She went to grab the mouse that was left for her, though something stopped her. Jaw open partway, revealing her teeth, rows of snake teeth and her misplaced feline fangs upfront. Hesitation hit her. But it confused her. Forcing back the sudden anxiety that hit, she grabbed her mouse and ate it quickly, tongue flicking gently. She didn't feel right. She felt watched now. She felt something ethereal watching her.


Re: I need someone to rely on.. Open - RHINESTONE. - 11-11-2020

It warmed Rhine's heart to know that Medusa was still looking out for them, but he couldn't deny that there was an uneasy feeling in his chest. Was Medusa really worried about them, or was she just using her own anxiety as a cover up for something else? For now, however, Rhinestone decided not to dwell on it. Things had been rough for the hybrid as of late, and the leader didn't want to push her, not when things looked as though they were finally turning good again. So, the tom wasted no time in snatching up the rest of his mouse, a faint purr leaving him at the taste of it and the filling of his belly. He paid no mind to Medusa's eating, mainly because he had no reason to – he had never seen her as different because of what she was. Once he was done with his meal, Rhine settled down into a comfortable sitting position, muttering, "Alright, perhaps I was a little more hungry than I thought... but it's just because I didn't have your fond little reminders to keep me going. I guess I'll have to come out here more often, eh?" He then smiled lightly at her, hoping that she would be able to see the apology in his gaze. The apology for how he had acted before, and the "lies" he had been telling.

Re: I need someone to rely on.. Open - Grimm - 11-13-2020

Feigned ignorance may only allow a flimsy defend, beneath scrutiny falling away with little fanfare. Heavy the prying weight, observed his prior movement and subsequent halt, away turned as though such may be enough. Upward shoulders shifted, a hunch that drew head down, stilled movement that drew his claws through the soil, yet deep still were they buried. Tip of tongue weighed by words, explanation fizzling out as the simmering heat abated, the worry that acted as origin twisted into resignation.

Muffled the words, back ears flicking and attention turned, brightened the smile adorning largely hidden muzzle. A peace offering may it have been, sheepish the quality as he voiced a soft sound, stolen words that threatened to spill forth. Too much was there, a jumble of explanations and pleas sealed behind lips pressed together hard.

"My job." Quiet the words Foam uttered in response to supposed joke, though over his head had it gone with ease. Rather evident that such had begun, the aspects he observed within others taken and made into his own, for better or worse. Into her touch did he lean, request to prolong the moment dying on his tongue even as the derise lingered, attention diverted as Medusa begun her meal.
[Image: ec335e76-272c-416d-849f-d32c24106ea8.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker