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are we born this way? [o] power mishap - Printable Version

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are we born this way? [o] power mishap - METEOR - 11-07-2020

After three hours of fruitless hunting on the beach, Quasar returned to the shallow valley emptypawed. He jumped over one of the rocks circling the camp, and his grumblings caused a grey tabby to notice him. The tomcat eyed him oddly when Quasar landed and continued walking without even a hitch in his step. But Quasar never noticed, absorbed in his angry, incoherent rambling.

“How’s that a defensive perimeter—” Quasar hadn’t figured out he was the weirdo, given he had a tiger for a mentor. “—When I can just jump over that? Vaas can too, I reckon. And I’m so tired of hunting aquatic prey when it’s so fucking cold. Oh, training is completed by prey species… no matter what your species is or what you’re good at. Well! I suck at hunting in water. And this shitty cold fucked bullshit is annoying as hell when you’re just sitting still… I want to run and chase something, dammit! Rabbits are easier… if I’d gone looking for rabbits instead of fish, I probably could’ve bagged at least a scraggly old rodent bastard fuck shit.”

Crackles popped in his chest, and Quasar hesitated. He bit his tongue; his diatribe halted. Why did he have such a stupid excuse for a power? The only time it worked when he wanted, he’d nearly killed himself. Besides, lightning was basically useless unless he wanted to explode something. Medusa’s fire and Vaas’s water were more useful. And less dangerous. And why did his lightning only act up when he hated on shit? How could he control his fucking lame ass power when he couldn’t stop thinking about breaking bones?

He gnashed his teeth and growled, faceplanting in the snow. But the cold didn’t cool him down, it only infuriated him more. “I fucking hate this shitty excuse for a fucking season. Who the fuck? Needs? Winter?!?!”

// pls wait for [member=16558]DOVAH[/member] to post + one more reply from quasar! then it's posty posts for all

Re: are we born this way? [o] power mishap - rhosmari - 11-09-2020

It appeared that everyone was getting fancy powers here and there. Some he discovered liked them and others hated them entirely. He personally wasn't sure how to feel about any of them. He never had powers but his brother had them. He had the ability to have a cool shape like he did and he could freezy freeze stuff with his own will. Which he thought was super cool. He never once was envious of anyone that developed powers, he just speculated that maybe he would get is how sooner or later. Or he would just be content without them. Powers didn't make the individual for him and he enjoyed the fact that others were getting them. Maybe he could finally ask for help for some things. But he didn't want to overstep his boundaries either. He was worried about everything really, powers, out of control individuals, if he was doing what he was supposed to do. And this snow. This crazy cold snow. It hadn't been this bad when he had encountered his first Winter. But here it was rather vicious and what food he found which was some bugs here and there he would give to others. Prey like mice and birds he would pass on saying that he had already eaten. Someone else needed it more than he did.

Sighing the vitiligo marked cat would make his way along the shore when he saw the brightly colored canine with his head against the ground. Strange. Was he alright? If he had heard the string of words for the other he would have known better but he didn't and so with a small concerned look in his sunset orbs he would bound over to go and start a conversation. "Hey, is everything alright with you? Um,...the snow has to be a bit too cold to be sticking your head in it like that." He shifted around the canine then, thick tail waving in the air in a bright and friendly manner as he lowered himself a bit more and scooted closer.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: are we born this way? [o] power mishap - METEOR - 11-10-2020

The crackles roared in his ears. Quasar shut his eyelids tightly and boxed his own ear with a paw. But the crackling rose, higher and higher, until each note blended into a single-tone, whirling, high-pitched whistle. Pain beat behind his eyes, two hammers nailing in agony out of sync with each other. And out of sync with his loud heartbeat.

“Leave me alone,” he growled, muffled by the snow. The whistle shrieked in his ears, and he boxed his head again, trying to get it to stop. Why was it acting up now? He couldn’t understand, and the frustration ate him alive. Last time the lightning ate at him, he’d been close to freezing and needed the power to save his incompetent ass, but there wasn’t anyone to fight here… Except for this idiot.

Quasar ripped his head free, and the whistle vanished. Lightning zipped between the fluff on his ears, crackling and popping. His frustration bubbled higher and higher, directionless, seeking nothing but out.

The emotional energy faded out, but with the clarity of mind came clarity of thought, and he realized a split second too late what he’d inadvertently done. He reached forward, chasing the electricity as it surged out at Dovah. But he wasn’t faster than lightning. It wasn’t possible. But he tried, oh how he tried, how he desperately wished!


Re: are we born this way? [o] power mishap - rhosmari - 11-10-2020

Oh. Maybe he should leave him alone. He didn't seemed to be very happy but he also didn't want to leave him like this. Could he even cheer him up though? He didn't know Quasar like Vaas did or like Rhinestone did. A frown pulled at his muzzle as he watched the younger pup squirm against the ground, the growl a clear warning to just go. To just go and mind his own business. But he was never the type to mind his own business. It was always how he got in trouble, how he saw the world as a place where he could travel and dig deeper. Such a bad habit and it was going to prove to him that he should have perhaps kept walking. Perhaps put his cheery disposition in check and change his perspective. "Quasar...a-are you sure?" He wanted to make sure that he had done all that he could for the kid before he did as he was asked. To just leave him alone seemed like a bad thing to do. In the end, life was flipped on its head. He knew about powers, he had seen people getting them and he thought about how amazing they were. Gifts from something he was sure and he knew that Palmclan was stronger for them. After all his brother was stronger for them so why not everyone else too. They could protect those that couldn't protect themselves which was always good to him. Until the powers were turned on them. Devoured them.

He never seen something so fast so blinding. His name was called and it was lie the world slowed. His whole vision was covered by blinding light, heated and hot before it struck him. He had never felt so much pain. It made him gag, his eyes were squeezed shut the pain radiating from the crown of his head and all through his body. He felt like ever cell of his body was on fire. A scream tore from him as he fell to the ground, gasping and rolling as if that would put the fire out. Just out it out. Put it out! "AHHHH!" He tried to open his eyes and see what had happened but the world was a blank expanse, nothing. Just nothing and empty and cold.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: are we born this way? [o] power mishap - RHINESTONE. - 11-11-2020

The camp had been so quiet, before the return of Quasar from his hunting trip. Rhine had been trying to get in some valuable time for rest, his body huddled into one corner of his tiny den. The sickness that had been gripping him only seemed as though it was getting worse, so he had been relishing whatever brief opportunities be had for sleep. Unfortunately, his son's return marked a new rush of noise in the air, ramblings that caused him to snort and lift his head. He could certainly understand the pup's frustrations, but he wasn't sure that quite so many expletives were required. Regardless, the tom got up from his nest, stretching out his aching limbs before he prepared to go outside. Even if Quasar would probably snap at him for it, he could try providing some kind of comfort, or maybe even some advice, if the leader felt like testing his luck. Unfortunately, Rhinestone never got the chance to do so. Instead, there was a sudden shift of silence in the air, before there was a startling screech of DOVAH! from Quasar's lips. Immediately, Rhine's heart sank, and he was stumbling forth from his den and out into the main area of camp.

Unfortunately, when the ruddy feline arrived, he could easily see that he had been too late. Dovah was on the ground, screaming and staring off into space, and Quasar had a horrified look on his face, clearly knowing that he had just done something terrible. Rhine doubted that what had happened was intentional, but he still found himself sputtering as he stumbled forward, "What... what happened...?" He moved over to Dovah, his pale gaze wide and concerned as he lightly touched the other's pelt, trying not to startle him. He doubted that there was too much he could do to provide any comfort, however. Instead, he decided to focus on the issue at hand, his tone reassuring, "Dovah... Dovah, it's okay. Please take a deep breath. You're gonna have help real soon, okay? [member=16248]VAAS .[/member]! Come here! We need you!" His call for the medicine cat was urgent, knowing that the tiger was needed now. However, Rhinestone also had a sinking feeling that there would be little Vaas could do.

Re: are we born this way? [o] power mishap - number nine. - 11-11-2020

Screaming was never a good sign, and that was not something that someone needed to be trained as a bounty hunter for in order to know. Pretty much no matter the circumstances, screaming either meant that something was wrong, or something was about to be very wrong. As usual, that seemed to be the case as screaming came echoing into the sky from Palmclan's camp, causing Number Nine to look up with wide eyes. He had been on the beach, sunbathing and trying to get a bit of warmth into his wings through the chill of the air, but it seemed as though he was needed elsewhere. Or rather, anybody was needed there. Nine wasn't sure of what the exact circumstances were that had let to the frantic yell of Dovah's name and the shrieking that came afterwards, but he heavily doubted that it was anything good. With this in mind, the jaguar abandoned his quest for warmth, taking off into the air and heaving off in the direction of the Palmclan camp. Thankfully, his wings would allow him to get there before too much more chaos transpired.

Sure enough, when Number Nine did arrive on the scene, he found that things had certainly gone to shit. Rhine was trying to tend to an obviously injured Dovah, screaming for their sole medicine cat, and Quasar was standing there shocked, looking like the prime culprit of this whole business. Unlike Rhinestone, who had the utmost faith in his son, Number Nine didn't doubt that a fight could get out of hand, so it wasn't long before he landed just behind Quasar. He then stretched his neck out, aiming to grab the apprentice by the scruff of the neck, and drag him several steps back and away from Dovah. As he did so, he spoke in a gruff tone, flower covered eyes glaring daggers down at the canine, "What the hell did you do, kid? Dovah looks like he got possessed by a damn ghost." Nine honestly didn't mean to be so harsh on Quasar, but he just couldn't help it. Things had ended in someone getting injured, and the bounty hunter found that he just couldn't let things slide. He needed to know what had happened, and what needed to be punished, if anything.

Re: are we born this way? [o] power mishap - METEOR - 11-11-2020

Quasar stood over Dovah, one paw frozen in midair. He wanted to help, but he stared at his own green paw in abject terror. Electricity zapped over the fur, popping softly against his flesh like a purr. But he took no comfort in the noise; he bit the inside of his cheeks, digging into a growing mound of scar tissue lining the inside of his mouth. How could he help Dovah?

“Stop moving! It’s okay! You’re not on fire!” Quasar barked. His words ran together and blended into the whine from his throat. “Dovah, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. So, so sorry, I had no idea… I didn’t mean to do any of this, I’m so sorry.”

His head lowered; he thwacked himself, green paw against green forehead. But the pain didn’t solve anything, only adding to the growing inconveniences, competing for attention alongside his battered ear. Teeth gritted, he opened his eyes and watched Dovah’s writhing, glancing at his electrified paw in obvious distress. He couldn’t do anything, and he hated himself for his own uselessness.

When Rinestonestar came over, Quasar was equal parts relieved and terrified. Dovah needed help, but… the sparkledoggo also feared repercussions. His yellow ears pinned back, and what he wouldn’t give to trade his fucked up power for single-use invisibility. As he internally crunched on what to say, Quasar chewed on his tongue and avoided looking at Rhinestonestar entirely.

“I shot lightning at him. I didn’t mean to, I swear it just… crackled and crackled until it came out!”

He would’ve elaborated more, but Nine grabbed and yanked him away, and his rationality vanished the instant the unwanted contact started. “Let go of me!” Quasar snarled. The crackling in his chest was soft, so faint, but it was his skin that burned. His body thrummed with energy, and he bit his tongue hard enough to taste blood. He thrashed the entire time he was in the air—not in a calculated way for combat, but out of wild instincts.

After Nine set him down, Quasar gnashed his teeth and snarled up at the jaguar. His blue eyes flung wide, and it was clear he hadn’t comprehended a single word Nine had said. NO TOUCHING!!” A growl thrummed in his throat as Quasar snapped his teeth on empty air.

Re: are we born this way? [o] power mishap - rhosmari - 11-11-2020

'It's going to be okay. Stop moving. You're not on fire. He's trying. He was really trying but the pain seemed to vibrate still though his body. Hot and heated, making his limbs twitch. A solid echo of the intensity it had been before but he could hear them. Rhinestone, Number Nine. Quasar. The kid did this to him. He had been trying to help him and he had done this to him. But he said he was sorry, that he didn't meant to do this. That it had just happened. Believe him...right? His breathing felt like his lungs were going to explode and he tried to force his limbs to remain still, his tail thumping against the sand heavily as he bit down onto his own lower lip as if one pain would cancel out another. But nothing could overshadow this and nothing could make the fear of what had happened to him evaporate. It was the moment he realized something that slowly tears began to weld up in usually vibrate sunset orbs. The pupils were stuck wide, not too wide but wide enough and not moving. Not responding to any light or stimulation from the environment. His head turned to the side and then to the other. "Oh no....please...." His voice trembled in desolation and fear as he moved a paw forward. Patting the ground slowly.

"I can't.... I can't...." Panting, and more panting. He couldn't see. There was just nothing, blank and empty. All he knew was a world of color and now it was all gone just like that. Taken away from him. It was cruel. It was unfair. He wanted to cry out again, he wanted to sob, he wanted to curl up into a ball and stay there. He felt as if he was floating in a nightmare but this was his reality and be couldn't just wake up from it. "Rhine...Nine....I-I can't see.....anymore...."

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: are we born this way? [o] power mishap - VASS . - 11-11-2020

Chaos was the tiger's element: before there was water, before there even was a sense of true power in him. Be it physical prowess or the magik that called to him from the north side of camp- Vaas had chaos. It was where he found his calm, his sense of purpose was meant to be in the throws of it: it was what made him a fine warrior. What drove him to fight, to learn, to calm from a strung out day. He returned to his cage and let the lights flicker on, let the music and base rage from the speakers of his cage and simply watch as a crowd drew closer, as a party- chaotic and hectic called to him. As Vaas found peace in the dichotomy.

Vaas slipped from his cage then, where the shouts were drowned, the boardwalk even though part of the clan's border still a distance. But he could hear it, the chirping of birds of a current that was non-natural. Shouts, cries. He was quick to return- grappling the quick fire sack that he had cobbled together of the remnant of herbs that they held. That Vaas had built for himself of what he knew only barely.

In the chaos of the moment, vaas found his peace.

"Rhinestonestar, i need you to work with Quasar. Get him calm now, powers are emotional base." Vaas' voice was curt, in his element. "Nine, i need you here." He really didn't, but he knew that Quasar would benifit from a fimiluar face, not one he didn't particularly like.  Vaas stepped closer towards Dovah. "Dovah, i need your responces for this, so pay attention, alright?" Vaas' voice was like stone, concrete, and he didn't reach out to touch dovah, instead he lowered his head to get a closer look.

Electrical, he needed to check for burns, for their breathing. It was rapid and their body was still flailing. It felt childish, it felt dangerous, but Vaas moved on instict, a gentle touch of dovah to see if any electricity arced from him still before he pulled the fur that covered his own and settling it on dovah's form. The fur covering him entirely including his eyes.

"close your eyes, Dovah. I need yo to focus, do you feel any stinging, burning, and where." One thing at a time, there wasn't something he could do about the eyes at the moment, and there would be time to tell. "Quasar, i need you to talk to me, what happened. take a deep breath, breathe. talk to me hermano. i need you to tell me, you where here."

Around his wrist, the small bracel of water flexed with his own breathing. Not a fleck of ice no matter how frigid the water was to him. It was something to focus on. He knew power, was born around thoese who held it, even if he was still learning to control his own. Vaas was Quasar's mentor damn it. It scared him to see the power the kid already ehld, but the other was so much like him, and his power was so dangerous. THey would... they needed to work on that, eventually.

Vaas thought teaching Quasar how to hunt in the water would keep a damper on his own powers. the current of the water helping not only Vaas control his, but keep what little sparks he had seen on Quasar mostly at bay, there would need to be a lot more done after this. "You just signed yourself up for some breathing exercises, cachorro" It was a breathless remark, a light chuckle form the tiger has he addressed his apprentice. Gods damn, there was gifted, and then there was fucking gifted
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: are we born this way? [o] power mishap - RHINESTONE. - 11-15-2020

Rhine honestly found that he couldn't easily blame anyone for the actions that were currently taking place. It was pretty obvious that Quasar hadn't meant to hurt Dovah, but the leader also couldn't blame Nine for wanting to put some distance between the pair. He also couldn't blame Quasar for not liking that, since it was also obvious the canine was pretty adverse to unwanted touching, as most honestly were. He also couldn't be angry at Dovah, considering the other feline truly was just a hapless victim in all this. Even if Rhinestone had been around since the beginning, he would've seen that Dovah was simply trying to help, in his own naive little way. It was because of this that the ruddy tom spoke calmly, hoping that he could get the situation to de-escalate, "Quasar, I'm sure that you didn't mean to do anything... it's okay. This is just like what everyone else has been going through. It's not your fault that things went wrong..." Rhine couldn't imagine the amount of control it would've taken for Quasar to restrain such power, and he wasn't about to scold the apprentice for it.

Unfortunately, it seemed as though Dovah's situation would not be one easily solved. The male's voice split through the air with an edge of panic, immediately causing Rhinestone's ears to pin back against his skull. Dovah couldn't see? That was more than a little problematic, and the leader prayed that it was temporary, so that the other wouldn't be forced to adjust to an entirely new way of life. With his heart sinking, Rhinestonestar found himself only able to offer up a few paltry words of encouragement, "Dovah... it's probably just temporary, brought on by the shock. I need you to calm down, alright? We don't want you accidentally making things worse." Despite trying to sound like the voice of reason, he found that his tone was weak, causing him to wince. It wasn't that he had an issue with chaos – he had been forced to deal with chaos since the very start of his leadership, after all – but this was something else. Something he couldn't just solve with a bit of dictating.

Thankfully, it seemed as though Rhine wouldn't have to panic for much longer. Vaas came striding in with an air of confidence that filled the feline with relief, a soft sigh leaving him involuntarily. He nodded as soon as he heard the medicine cat's words, speaking as his tail twitched about behind him, "Alright, I'm on it..." Emotional support was something that he knew how to do, for the most part. Turning, he moved closer to Quasar, stretching out a paw and saying in a neutral tone, "We've got you, alright Quasar? Nobody is mad at you. Nobody is mad at anyone. I'm not afraid of you, and you shouldn't be afraid of this, either. It was just an accident, and we all know it. Most of all, I know that you can get it under control, if you just calm down a little and breathe." He knew that his son occasionally had issues with the whole calm thing, but hopefully this would prove to be an exception.