Beasts of Beyond
and a one, a two, a one two three [o] typhoon visitor - Printable Version

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and a one, a two, a one two three [o] typhoon visitor - ROSEMARY - 11-07-2020


Rosemary glided down to the ground winglessly. She touched down a hair outside of PalmClan’s camp; last time, she made the effort of disguising her powers. Today, it was far too cold for such stupid pretenses. If PalmClan’s traditions made their members hate her witchy nature so much, then she’d take her healing and leave this blizzard hellscape behind her.

How could it be so cold? She shivered. The wind cut straight through her white wool sweater, and she alternated hold her paws to her chest. Once she set one down, her body temperature melted the snow. The freezing liquid clung to her paws, and she hopped up to a boulder, shivering all the while, hastily clearing the snow off the top with her forked tail.

At least the cold stone chilled less than the slushy snow. Her teeth chattered, and the witch hoped Vaas’s plea for help was exaggerated. She wanted to leave. Immediately. She wasn’t made for the cold.

“Hello? I heard a PalmClanner named Medusa was having difficulty?” she called. Rosemary peeked her head through the camp’s opening. Her ears flicked against her head—not because she was stressed or scared, but because she was cold. She shivered again. This was much worse than the AE’s bonfire… she hated snow. She didn’t know she hated snow until now, but now she knew she loathed the stuff.

// takes place before stryker's visit !

Re: and a one, a two, a one two three [o] typhoon visitor - Grimm - 11-09-2020

Had her secondary visitation been conducted a short time prior the reaction to such a blatant show of unnatural ability may have begun a more tumultuous response, uproar befitting that against the restricted reality they maintained. Time had a rather beneficial side effect of allowing change, personal growth conducted not on the basis of further understanding but more the necessity of adjustment. Numerous those who exhibited such talents, many bearing a rudimentary control over the raw state of the elements, another name to that list the healer.

Unnatural the frost that clung in dense shroud, the hasty clearing conducted during the early hours reduced to wasted effort as once more filled those meagre holes made in the slowly melting flakes, poor tidings of what awaited the arrival winter waited for ever patiently. Rare had grown his wandering beyond enclosed den, minimal comfort the warmth but better than wading through that which near buried small stature, unknown the cause of his stunted growth. No issue would such present had not the waning sickness brought with it boredom, restless the tap of paws burdened with untapped energy. Idiocy the idea of departing but one he took to, forth venturing without second thought.

Her voice arose in lilting melody, query softened edges sharpened beneath annoyance, indeed unbefitting this place, though it may have been for life as a whole over her own presence alone. Mentioned of Medusa what drew Foam closer, suppressed as best as possible his ceaseless shivering as he looked to her, unabashed the open curiosity in lingering stare. Others bore odd additions, accustomed had he grown to them, different this for brow was adorned with secondary eyes that seemed to perceive as did the original.

Words failed and, instead, a paw damp rose and lightly tapped at his own forehead. Slight the tilt to head once this action was completed, ignored her own questioning for he knew not where the hybrid lingered, her presence duly noted as missing. Another may answer it, for now he merely blinked up at Rosemary, expectant in an answer to the extra eyes.
[Image: ec335e76-272c-416d-849f-d32c24106ea8.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: and a one, a two, a one two three [o] typhoon visitor - RHINESTONE. - 11-11-2020

Even if Rosemary's visit had happened prior to the recent string of power discoveries, Rhine still wouldn't have given her much grief about her show of supernatural abilities. After all, he hadn't been the one to put in the ban on powers within Palmclan, and he had been flip flopping back and forth on whether to remove it entirely as of late. It seemed most natural to do so, considering how many of their own members now bore unique powers that they were unable to rid themselves of. It would've been unfair to banish them from their homes, just because they had discovered something new about themselves. Besides, it wasn't as if the powers weren't useful, as demonstrated by Rosemary at this very moment. Without her powers, she would've been left standing out in the cold, without even an empty surface for her to stand on. Of course, she was technically still standing in the cold, but at least she had something to keep her warm, which was more than most of those who lived within the group could say. Rhinestone was included in that group, especially given his recent sickness.

It wasn't long before the leader eventually came padding up behind Foamkit, briefly flicking his tail against the boy's spine before looking towards Rosemary. He tilted his head curiously to one side, questioning, "Medusa...? She... she has been having some troubles. I don't mind you helping out, but how'd you even find out about it?" The leader knew that Rosemary had made a habit of occasionally lingering around their territory to assist, but it wasn't as if he had sent any messengers out looking for help. He pushed his question aside for the moment, turning in the direction of the forest and raising his voice as much as possible, "[member=16168]Medusa[/member]! Can you please come to camp? You won't have to stay long, we just have a visitor here looking for you!" As he called out, he cringed at the way his voice sounded brittle, and cracked for a moment right in the middle of his statement. The sickness was weakening him in many ways, ways that he wasn't very happy about.

Re: and a one, a two, a one two three [o] typhoon visitor - SirDio - 11-11-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The burning feeling had subsided at Rhine's call. A visitor? She shuddered, but stood up from her spot in the basement of the house and started for camp. A knot had tied itself up in her stomach. Who wanted to see her? A whirlwind of thoughts was settled as she looked at Rosemary. Tilting her head gently, she slowly padded up to her, nodding to Rhine and Foam. "I'm the Medusa you wanted to see? What do you need?" She cringed inwardly at her words. Such formal words from the hybrid. But she ignored the way she spoke as she sat down and coiled her tail around herself, shivering against the cold.


Re: and a one, a two, a one two three [o] typhoon visitor - number nine. - 11-11-2020

A visitor, huh? Number Nine knew of Rosemary, mainly from the Typhoon medic's prior visits, but this one seemed to be a total surprise, given the current reactions of those present. The jaguar couldn't help but want to make his way over, large paws carrying him up beside both Rhinestonestar and Medusa. Foamkit lingered around as well, causing Nine to chuckle as soon as he noticed what the child was doing. Occasionally, the bounty hunter forgot that mutations and powers weren't just commonplace around here. It made sense that the boy would be curious, considering Medusa and Number Nine were probably the most mutated current members of the group – and the hybrid wasn't even really mutated, she was just... well, a hybrid. Despite this, the jaguar truly did hope that Rosemary didn't take Foamkit's brief gesture as an insult. She didn't seem like she was the type who would do so, especially considering Foam was a child, but Number Nine had met some pretty unpredictable assholes in his day.

Focusing back on the subject at hand, Nine glanced between Medusa and Rhine before he found himself chuckling, shaking his head, "You're here to see Medusa? Are you sure? Foam and Rhinestone are the ones who are sick. Medusa here is just a bit of a... recluse, I guess would be the correct term." Nine had no doubt that he would get a glare from Rhinestonestar for acknowledging the other's sickness, but he felt as though it was his duty to do so. There was no way that Rhine would ask for help from Rosemary on his own, so Number Nine just had to hope that the Typhoon medic would show some interest in what was going on, and offer to help. Of course, that was only after the witch addressed... whatever was going on with Medusa. That still sort of confused Nine, considering he had thought Medusa was fine. Emotional, yes, but didn't she kind of have a right to be?

Re: and a one, a two, a one two three [o] typhoon visitor - Grimm - 11-13-2020

To speak aloud the name of the devil was to evoke it. Yet, as small a triviality such was, unnecessary even this where Rhine was concerned.

Light the steps that allowed him traversal of the snow layered incline, the sharp noise each produced enough to divert attention, back ears swivelling. No further action was performed, known the identity of who approached upon the basis of prior experience. Slight the manner back arced into the light touch, the brush of feathered plume chased, vision finally shifting to address other. It seemed he too lacked crucial information pertaining to the exact cause of visitation, rather limited that revealed.

Aside briefly placed the baseless ponderance at the sudden call, forth ringing at a volume that distorted voice he had grown familiar with, breaking without warning. "Rhi bad," gentle the tone employed, words poorly chosen for his meaning was not conveyed, worry seeping through. "Bad snow, make feel icky." Had been there further to his statement the chance for such passed, held tongue as call seemed successful in beckoning forth sought individual. Light the smile that curled the corners of his Louth, mimicked her silent action, though from beneath him did paws slip, caught before chin may make contact.

Grown embarrassed over the little mishap close did Foam draw himself, paws pressing into the tip of his tail, rubbing along the short strands. Halted this movement with the sudden intrusion of laughter, furrowed brows softening as the realisation struck, any positive response quickly replaced by annoyance, pout taking hold. "No sick. For Medusa, me fine." While his own illness seemed minor, and was within comparison to that which plagued Rhine, self inflicted as it partially was, and it was rather well known rejection came easy.
[Image: ec335e76-272c-416d-849f-d32c24106ea8.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: and a one, a two, a one two three [o] typhoon visitor - ROSEMARY - 11-17-2020

[Image: b8HzBLA.png]
The gathering crowd overwhelmed the witch, causing her tail tips to twitch erratically. Her four eyes split and looked for Vaas, but she saw no hint of the tiger. As she looked at the four—a softspoken child, a sick idiot, an odd hybrid, and a bigass plantman—she blinked, rapidly, trying but failing to form the words properly in her head. She didn’t respond to Rhinestonestar until Medusa already came over, and Foamkit beat her entirely to speaking a word.

She squinted at the child. Then she mimicked his gesture with her own paw to her forehead, because she had no idea what he meant. Was he saying she had a big forehead? Well, then he had a bigger one, being a child still growing into his head.

She sighed. The witch sat down and shielded her paws with her tail. Shivering, the wildcat looked down at the four, and tucked her muzzle under her sweater’s collar.

“Vaas came to the Typhoon about Medusa. He was very worried about her. She isn’t the first to—” She paused, grit her teeth against saying Pincher’s name, and burrowed her muzzle deeper into the wool. “—well, she isn’t the first I’ve seen to have difficulties around the sea. But I couldn’t ascertain the root cause of her phobia from secondhand testimony… therefore, I came in person. But I did not realize it would be so cold.”

The tropical wildcat’s whole body contracted in a shiver. She’d only known the desert and jungle as her home, and she had been woefully underprepared for the cold. Rosemary grumbled under her breath, all four eyes squinted against the wind, and nodded in Nine’s direction. “Vaas didn’t mention… perhaps he came before they showed signs. It took me longer than I intended to visit. Time is not… easy. The days bleed together, you know, when you do not like to leave your home.”

Rosemary sighed. The witch disliked knowing she needed to treat three patients, especially in the damned cold, but she would do it. Because it was the right thing to do.

“The snow makes me feel icky, too, child. Does the air sting your lungs? Does it make you cough? What are your symptoms?” She glanced at the adults. Given the child’s limited speech, she anticipated one of them would probably give her a proper symptoms list instead. As for Rhinestonestar, she squinted at him and added, “Are your symptoms the same as him? How much time do you spend with the child?” She wouldn’t be surprised if they had the same thing; illnesses spread fast in cold places, especially if everyone huddled in the same spaces for warmth.

“And, Medusa… do you hear anything that isn’t there? Is the sea a voice or presence in your head? How would you describe this mental funk?”
roleplayed by axiom + template © star

Re: and a one, a two, a one two three [o] typhoon visitor - RHINESTONE. - 11-19-2020

Rhine felt a sense of bitterness spread through him as Number Nine spoke up, but it truly wasn't the warrior's fault. The jaguar had every right to worry about his leader's health, as well as the health of Foamkit, but the tom just hated to be a bother, especially when Rosemary wasn't even their proper medicine cat. Despite this, he knew that it was too late to back out, a soft sigh leaving his muzzle before he spoke, "I was unaware that Vaas did that... I'll have to speak to him later. But I do suppose he probably left before we had symptoms. The cold came rather suddenly, and very recently, with a strong and damaging storm... this isn't our usual weather, even in the winter." He shook his head from side to side, a faint shiver running down the male's spine. Even with his thick pelt, the chill had a way of seeping in, leaving him frozen to the spot and unhappy. As he curled his tail protectively around one of his legs, his pale gaze traveled in the direction of Medusa, wondering how the hybrid would feel about Vaas's actions. Surely she wouldn't appreciate being spoken about to another group, even if it was for help?

Hoping that a fight brought on by good intentions wasn't about to break out, Rhinestonestar focused his attention back on Rosemary. He explained to the Typhoon medic, obviously more willing to give up Foamkit's symptoms, rather than his own, "He's had your standard cold symptoms, I suppose. Sniffling, chills, a bit of coughing, general exhaustion... we've been trying to keep him to the nursery so he can get some rest." Unfortunately, Foam was not a child that allowed himself to be easily wrangled, even when he wasn't feeling in top shape. As he looked over at the boy, Rhine hesitated for a long moment before continuing, "As for myself... I suppose that I've been somewhat the same. Sniffling, coughing, lethargy... although I have been vomiting. And I find myself shivering and feeling heavy a great deal. Still, I'm sure that it's just a cold, fine to pass without much fuss... I spend a decent amount of time with Foamkit, but I'm practically the kit's father." He neglected to mention the general feeling of hunger, knowing that wasn't a side effect of his sickness. Rather, it was a result of him sacrificing his own needs for the good of Palmclan's population.