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SAVAGE ► bio & tags - Printable Version

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SAVAGE ► bio & tags - charrie graveyard - 11-07-2020

— general
NAME. dollarsigns anarchy
NAME ORIGIN. the symbol used for money, $
SEX. female
GENDER. cisgender female
AGE. 1 year, 3 months / ages on the 10th
GROUP. tanglewood
RANK. member
— no titles
ORIENTATION. panromantic pansexual
— has had a few flings in the past
— no preference for any gender
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. single / not looking
PARENTS. scorn (npc) x unnamed female (npc)
LITTERMATES. no living siblings
— important notes
- her main faceclaim is dolla from darbi. other faceclaims include shuri from black panther.
- she is extremely vulgar and hardly has any sort of filter. will absolutely say curse words without any regard to who is around.
- dolla can shapeshift into her siats form at will. at times, she will sometimes have "fits" where she will shift unwillingly and may behave as if she is feral. it's unknown as to why this happens, even to her.
— she will completely forget all prior relationships when in feral mode. this can be very problematic, as she may attack clanmates without realizing what she is doing.
- she has a few pet crows that sometimes follow her around. their names are killer, kiki, and king.
— king is the leader of a murder, with killer and kiki as his siblings & seconds in command. at dolla's command, he can call for backup from other crows.
— she sometimes refers to killer as "keller" for no particular reason other than many she's met along the way have mistakenly called him this. the nickname just stuck.
- dolla is somewhat nocturnal. she will sometimes go days or even weeks where her sleep schedule will flip, with her sleeping during the day and waking up at night.
— appearance
CURRENT BODY. white and black tabby cat
INJURIES. none currently
AILMENTS. none currently
ACCESSORIES. always seen wearing an orange leather collar when in her domestic feline form. while she is certainly capable of removing it, she refuses to, preferring to leave it on despite what others may think. the only time she ever takes it off is when it needs to be cleaned.
DESCRIPTION. a primarily monochrome colored feline, dolla is fairly unique in her odd coloring. white is the base color of her coat, which may or may not be stained with a bit of dirt or blood from time to time depending on what she is doing and how long it has been since she bathed. on her face and all over her body she has dark black tiger-like tabby stripes. these stripes fade at the middle of her tail and near her wrists and ankles. the tip of her long furred tail is the same color as her stripes, a very dark black color. her ears and tufts are the same, with a small amount of white coloring near her ear tips. in addition to the black stripes on her face, she has a line of gray that starts from the top of her head and extends down the bridge of her muzzle, stopping at her black nose. this gray coloring is also present on her paws, appearing as a sock pattern on each of her four feet. another very striking feature of hers is her bright yellow eyes, which seem to have a bit of orange mixed into their hue. lastly, she will always be seen wearing an orange leather collar, which is slightly worn at the edges.
— personality
BEHAVIORS. prefers to have eyes on all exits and entrances, doesn't like when her back is to a possible escape route, feels uneasy if things don't seem like they are in her control or are unstable, scared of personal relationships, still learning to be loyal to clanmates rather than just herself because of trust issues.
— scared of ambushes and of being trapped, often feels anxious if her back is turned to an entrance.
— doesn't like unstable environments.
— has had many pitfalls in her family life, as well as love and friendship. she is scared to get close to others out of fear of betrayal.
— has major trust issues. she is mostly loyal to herself, but wants to get better about trusting her clanmates.
FAVORITES. her favorites are a bit random, but involve many things in nature.
— crows and dinos are a few of her favorite animals. anything with sharp teeth or claws that can be deemed "badass" would probably fit here too.
— she loves thunderstorms. while some prefer to take cover during storms, she likes walking out into them and hearing the rumbles of thunder.
— dolla doesn't have much preference for colors, but she does like red and green. if she knew what christmas was, it'd probably be her favorite holiday just because of the colors... and the gifts.
— she doesn't have a favorite food. as long as it smells and tastes decent, she'll eat it.
— other
POWERS. can shapeshift into a siats, looks like this in siats form. does not have any other known powers right now.
— her siats form has enhanced night vision and senses, a power that is not present in her feline form.
RELIGION. does not believe in or follow any sort of gods. she could care less about whether she goes to heaven or hell.
FIGHTING. trained to fight from a very early age, dolla is a force to be reckoned with. she is physically hard, but due to manipulation by her father, she is mentally easy. if anyone ever found out her secret, it would not be hard to turn her against even her own clanmates. this is something she is actively working to improve, but it has been a serious struggle to forget.
INVENTORY. an orange leather collar with a silver buckle.
AWARDS. none
ALIGNMENT. she is chaotic neutral. dolla does not typically bow down to authority and will act alone if she has to. she will happily challenge authority and tradition if they do not seem to align with what she believes. in addition, she hates restrictions, believing in free will over law.
— history
code by spacexual