Beasts of Beyond
SHE HOPES I'M CURSED FOREVER ☆ painting claws - Printable Version

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SHE HOPES I'M CURSED FOREVER ☆ painting claws - michael t. - 11-04-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
It would probably be of little surprise to anyone within The Typhoon that Michael cared a decent amount about his own appearance. After all, he was constantly wearing quite a bit of glittering jewelry, and he usually tried to make sure that his dark black fur was neat, even if it all had a tendency to sort of blend together. However, one part of his appearance that tended to go neglected was his claws. That wasn't intentional, however. It was just that it was far harder for him to try painting his own claws, and Rox was pretty busy as of late, what with being quartermaster and all. Everybody needed a break once in a while, though, and what better way to provide her with a break, than to have them exchange nail painting? They usually did it so that they were matching with pink and blue, and Michael had always found it a rather nice tradition - especially considering he had never had siblings to share things with as a kit. Still, the dealer knew it would boring to just have them paint each other's nails as usual, so he decided that he was going to get everyone in on it. Or, at least, everyone who was actually interested in having a little pop of color on them - which he assumed would be most, considering the types that tended to live within The Typhoon.

It had taken a bit of time for Michael to gather up all of the colors that he wanted to use, but eventually he found himself outside of his home, with his usual table set up in front of it. The various colors were all laid out, and Trevor was sitting a few paces behind the bobcat, his own nails painted a deep black color with Michael's help. Sparing a brief smile towards his husband, the dealer then turned and let out a shrill whistle before calling, "If anybody wants their nails to be painted any color I've got here, then feel free to come over here, and I'll try my best to do it." Of course, Trevor's somewhat messy nails were a model of how Michael's technique wasn't perfect, but that was alright - he certainly doubted anybody was actually expecting perfection. As he waited for people to approach, he quickly added on, an amused little smirk playing on his lips, "And Rox, you better get your ass over here! My claws have been barren for weeks! Clearly that's a sign that you hate me!" He knew that he was being dramatic, but he doubted anybody would be surprised by that, Roxie especially included.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!

Re: SHE HOPES I'M CURSED FOREVER ☆ painting claws - ROXANNE R. - 11-04-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
Roxanne certainly had been busy these past few days with her duties and taking care of her kids, she almost didn't have time for herself anymore. Sometimes, she would step outside of her home with her fur an unruly mess and it was often a funny sight but she never stuck around long enough for anyone to say anything to her. She had a bit more duties than she had before when she was an Officer, her ears flicked trying her best not to stress out over the littlest of things but it often didn't give her way.

Though today seemed like it was going to be a different or that's what she hoped, Roxanne perked both of her ears forward at the sound of Michael's voice calling her over and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at the dramatic tone that he decided to take. Walking over with her tail lashing to the sides, the Quartermaster would part her jaws to speak with a playful roll of her eyes "You certainly are more demanding than my kids." The draconic feline would tilt her head to the side only to glance over at Trevor's claws then at her own noticing that most of the nail polish had chipper away.

"I guess I could do your nails," She began only for her eyes to narrow into dangerous pupils as that devilish smirk of hers became present on her face "For the right price, manlet." Of course, she was messing around but who knew if Michael was aware of that but they usually played tricks or messed around with each other on a daily so most likely.


Re: SHE HOPES I'M CURSED FOREVER ☆ painting claws - trojan g. - 11-04-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]Torsten had never had his nails painted. It wasn't out of the fact that he didn't want them painted, it was just that he had never had the opportunity. At the age that he was now, there was no say whether or not he could get them painted, though it seemed as though he would be lucky, since one of the members of the Typhoon that had the power to say yes or no to what he would do would be over where the whistle had drawn him over. Torsten's ears pricked as he listened to the words that were shared between the two adults there already, head tilting to the side slightly as he scrunched his nose in thought. "Nails painted?" He would ask, coming closer so that he could sit beside Roxanne.

He would look over to the colors, quickly standing up and grabbing his favorite - a green - and sitting down with it once more, offering it over to Roxanne slowly. "Can I get mine painted too madre?" He would look up at her, a begging expression on his face.

Re: SHE HOPES I'M CURSED FOREVER ☆ painting claws - Alexandre - 11-05-2020

At the call for his mother, the kitten's ears perked up from their sullen position. Orange hues revealed themselves from underneath his eyelids and looked about eagerly for where Michael's desperate yell came from. Uncurling himself from his tired position, the kitten rolled onto his paws and raised himself into a standing position with a stretch. Light paws padded over towards the group, stopping next to his mother. Horns tilted to the side as he craned his head in curiosity. His eyes scanned the variety of colors laid out in front of him, catching on a light orange and the deep black that Michael had used on Trevor.

Alexandre wandered closer. A gentle paw nudged the two bottles towards himself. "If you will, these please," he begged. The smaller feline wasn't sure whether or not Michael would do his nails, seeing that Roxanne would be preoccupied with his presumably. Either way, he'd accessorize himself... with or without help.

Re: SHE HOPES I'M CURSED FOREVER ☆ painting claws - Simon F.M. - 11-05-2020

If one or more of Diya's direct family were around, you can rest assured that Diya will not be to far behind. Today was no difference, especially considering the Typhoon was made up primarily of her family. She rolled her eyes as she listened to the two adults banter, greeting Michael with a headbutt to the shoulder as she passed him. "I can just feel the sibling love between you two," she teased as she stepped over her children towards the gathered polishes.

Her eyes scanned over the colors as she listened to the others speak, a soft smile on her face as she kept her ears angled towards the others. She finally scooped up a light blue polish and laid next to her two sons. She nuzzled her muzzle against Alex's head. "If it's alright with your uncle, I can do one of you two's nails while your mother does his."

Re: SHE HOPES I'M CURSED FOREVER ☆ painting claws - Alexandre - 11-05-2020

As Diya's large being stepped over Alexandre, he offered a stare. Was that necessary? With a frown, he just sighed and let his rump fall to the ground. Nonetheless, that tone changed. His mother's nose nuzzled against his maw and a light purr reminisced from the kitten. He laid down finally, keeping his polishes close to his chest. Contemplating whether or not he'd like to wait, Alexandre ultimately spoke up. "Can you do mine, please?" he questioned.

The kitten hesitantly pushed his bottles forward. His stomach grew closer to the floor and his hindlegs went back. Afterwards, Alexandre extended his paws forward with his claws unsheathed.

Re: SHE HOPES I'M CURSED FOREVER ☆ painting claws - michael t. - 11-08-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
Truthfully, Michael would've expected nothing less from his sister besides good-natured ribbing, and he immediately felt an amused smirk curling on his muzzle. He stuck his tongue out at her, sharp vampire fangs flashing as he spoke, "The right price, eh? How about I promise not to let my rats loose in your house?" He then paused before adding, a snort of amusement leaving him, "All my rats besides Princess, since I know you like her too much to be angry about that." He let his claws tap lightly against the table before him, until Torsten ended up approaching. The dealer found himself glancing over, but it was his husband who spoke up first, Trevor's gruff voice barking out, "Oh, she should definitely let you get your claws painted! S'not as if it'll hurt ya, and it'd be a double standard for her not to. Green's a great color for it, kid." The coyote then reached out to pat Torsten on the head, nudging Michael gently as he did so.

The dealer then made a soft noise as he felt Diya's nudge against his shoulder, smiling brightly at his fellow vampire before he spoke, "This is how we express our love – jokes and thinly veiled threats." He then shrugged his shoulders, muttering with a casual hum, "I don't mind if you do Alexandre's, Diya. That'll give me time to get mine painted, and then I can do Torsten's. And no, Trev, you can't do Torsten's. Your painting is even more terrible than mine." He glanced back at his husband with a smirk, chuckling when he saw the sour look on the canine's face. Although Trevor said nothing in protest, he did step forward to rest his chin on Michael's head, squishing the thief down as he waited for Roxie to help him.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!

Re: SHE HOPES I'M CURSED FOREVER ☆ painting claws - trojan g. - 11-10-2020

[div style="min-width: 125px; min-height: 125px; border: 1px solid #fef8a9; float: left; background: url(; background-size: cover; margin-right: 5px;"]
[div style="max-width: 500px; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;line-height:16px;text-indent:30px;"]When Diya had come over and spoke, Torsten felt himself begin to rise to his paws, ready to run over to his mother before Alexandre decided to ask about getting his nails painted by her, so he simply stayed where he was, waiting for his turn now to get his nails painted. That was, until Trevor spoke to him, and a smile came to his face. "I like green!" He would burst out at first, tail waving for a moment in contentment, "It's my favorite color, and it looks like turtles."

Head would turn to Michael in turn, and Torsten's eyes would light up. "You're gonna do mine?" He would speak out, smile growing once more, "I can't wait, it's gonna look good right?"

Re: SHE HOPES I'M CURSED FOREVER ☆ painting claws - ROXANNE R. - 11-11-2020

me dejaste, me dejaste en un tango
Roxanne rolled her eyes at Michael's promise only for her to answer with a smirk "How about I promise not to hang you by the ears with cloth pins for even thinking about letting your rats run loose in my house? Ain't I a stinker?" She nudged him playfully before hearing about Princess only to snort quietly with a smirk "What can I say? I love Princess," She enjoyed the other rats too but Princess was her favorite from all the rodents that Michael owned. Then Torsten came up asking if he could his nails painted and the mother would grin with a slow nod of her head "Of course, sweetheart. You'll look absolutely hermoso with a nice green color or perhaps a color to match your horns could look nice too." She glanced over to Trevor with narrowed pupils as her tail lashed to the sides as she grinned rather devilishly "Good to see you out and about, oilbreath."

Eventually, Roxie pricked up to see her girlfriend and her other son, Alexandre, she offered him a soft flick of her tail happy to see that her sons had wanted to get their nails painted. She turned to Michael once more only to playfully roll her eyes as she would say with her forked tongue sticking out "Fiiinnnne, I guess I'll paint your nails." She mused already reaching for some nail polish though she took her time to select one, she wanted to try something new. She fell silent as she went through the nail polish with a soft hum.


Re: SHE HOPES I'M CURSED FOREVER ☆ painting claws - michael t. - 11-12-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
The dealer felt a faint smile come to his face as he watched Trevor and Torsten interact, a soft chuckle bubbling up from him. He always enjoyed it when his husband was out and about, and it only seemed proper for the coyote to interact with his nephews. As if on cue, Trevor responded to Torsten's words, a crooked smile gracing the ragged coyote's muzzle, "Green is definitely a good color. And turtles are pretty cool, too. Sure wish I had a shell sometimes..." He gained a bit of a mischievous look to his eyes, as if he was thinking about the possibilities, and Michael couldn't help but just snort. He couldn't help giggling even further as Trevor turned to Roxie, responding with a smirk, "Nice ta see you around too, lil miss priss. Mikey here told me you got a promotion, so soon enough you'll be barking out orders for the lot of us. Congrats, I s'pose." His congratulations seemed genuine, even if he couldn't help being a bit of a shit.

Michael, meanwhile, just shook his head from side to side, a small smile curling on his face as he spoke to Roxie, "Hey, if you hang me up like that, maybe I'll end up stretching and becoming taller. I certainly wouldn't mind that." Looking towards Torsten next, he nodded, saying with a playful wink in his nephew's direction, "I promise they'll look great. My methods can be a bit messy, but that's alright. That just makes it look more punk." After telling the kit of his plans, the bobcat happily scooted forward to rest his paws up on the table, right in front of Roxie. He extended his claws, looking at the sharp nubs glint in the sunlight as he spoke, "Thank you, oh beloved sister of mine." His tone was joking, but it was also clear he was genuinely grateful.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!