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soft puppy warm puppy // o, wings discovery - Printable Version

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soft puppy warm puppy // o, wings discovery - Honeypaw - 11-04-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The doberman had not yet adjusted to the cold weather, and she wasn't sure if she ever would. The most she could do was bury herself in blankets, seeking warmth that her fur could not provide. When she awoke, she found herself unusually warm, but also with an aching pain in her back. Her blankets felt much softer than she remembered, too. She slipped out of the blankets, stretching with a yawn. Her back still hurt, the source she assumed was from sleeping in an odd position.

Honeypaw emerged from her den, still groggy as the sun rose. She couldn't shake the feeling that there was still something on her back. She shook herself, as if to shake off a blanket, but the weight wouldn't go away. Slightly more awake and beginning to think logically, she looked towards her back. What she found was light yellow colored feathers, or perhaps better described as a yellow cream color. Were those... wings? Like a bird's wings? She spun around a few times, confirming that she was indeed awake and that those were in fact wings on her back. She flexed them, almost instinctually, her muscles knowing how to move the wings. "Oh," The dog woofed quietly, still trying to process her new reality.

Re: soft puppy warm puppy // o, wings discovery - Grimm - 11-04-2020

To expect that which seems rooted within impossibility beneath the limitations of reality was something one much grow accustomed to, expecting the unexpected a feat few grow accustomed to, however.

Odd this time they found themselves caught within, further complicated with other issues arising, trivial grown such minor occurrences. Later the hour he awoke, plagued by what was deemed a basic cold, the impact an unknown tormenting and ever present as no healer was about to diagnose and tend it, groggy upon that rousal. Slow his departure from heaped upon blankets, a weight he was pleased to be rid of though the heat was still present, skin burning beneath high temperature. Almost relief bypassed parted lips as the snow engulfed tiny paws, brief his thought to lay in the gathered blanket of ivory before it was pushed aside. Better to not risk anything else or Cottontuft would have his head.

Slow the realisation, as was the swivel of his head, Foam caught off guard when another grew apparent in blurred vision. Indeed the hue seemed more befitting cream, straight quills adorned in such pale colour stark against body and background alike, a beacon in the white. Forward did Foam tread, unsure for a moment before words tumbled forth without care. "How did you get em," query arose in light tone, an innocent question centered around his own desire for such frivolous addition, slightly tilted head as addressed the apprentice. "Is pretty." Thoughtless next comment, expression unchanged as on continued his study.
[Image: B03r9ds9-HWWR-1.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: soft puppy warm puppy // o, wings discovery - number nine. - 11-04-2020

Wings were something that Number Nine knew a thing or two about, as demonstrated by the dual pair of white feathered wings that laid on top of his back as he walked. However, he had never been forced to go through the process of growing the actual wings that he possessed. Rather, he had just shifted into this form, and had gotten the wings to begin with. There hadn't been any pain, nor any awkward adjustment period. Well, no awkward adjustment period beyond the one that came with shifting into any new body. Regardless, he had never had an experience like the one that Honeypaw was going through now. Still, he hoped that he could be of some help, even if the apprentice didn't seem as though she was panicking all that much. That was a good sign – meant that she could adjust quickly to change, which was an admirable trait. Of course, it could also just mean she was in shock, with unfortunately seemed just as likely.

Either way, Nine didn't hesitate in soaring down nearby, both pair of wings coming to settle down against his back as he made his way over to Foamkit's side. He was thankfully mostly unmoved by the cold, mainly due to his thick pelt and warm, settled feathers. Letting out a soft chuckle as he heard Foam's question, Nine spoke in his own warm and rumbling tone, "You're... Honeypaw, right? I don't believe we've met properly yet. My name is Number Nine. As you can see... I've got a bit of experience with this." He lifted up one of his larger wings, spreading the feathers wide before he continued, "I'm assuming that you haven't had to deal with this before, though." It was more of a rhetorical question, considering Nine had seen Honeypaw around before, and had very much seen the pup not with any sort of wings.

Re: soft puppy warm puppy // o, wings discovery - RHINESTONE. - 11-07-2020

Mutations were something that Rhine already knew of, although that didn't mean he was terribly familiar with them. He didn't have any of his own, and he didn't particularly want any, since he liked himself the way he was now. However, that didn't mean he was about to be down on anyone who did have some kind of oddity about them, especially since most couldn't even control it. Despite this, he did have to admit that he hadn't been expecting Honeypaw to end up with any sudden and strange mutations. In the back of his mind, he supposed that was a little silly, considering both Quasar and Tree also didn't look terribly normal. Their pelts were testament enough to that fact – most couldn't even tell what was truly the pair's pelts, or what was just various paint or prey stains that they had gotten. He had a habit of shooting a strong glare in the direction of anyone who had a problem with their coloration, since he just saw it as part of what made them unique.

Of course, despite all of this, Rhine certainly hadn't been expecting Honeypaw to grow wings during the middle of the night. When he emerged from his den and spotted the canine standing there, Rhinestonestar paused, clearly shocked by what he saw before him. At first, he hadn't even realized that it was Honeypaw because of the bright and new flashes of gold on her back. He hesitated for a moment before he moved over, his tail flicking behind him as he spoke, "Honeypaw... those are new. Foamkit's right, though. They are very pretty... how do they feel?" The tom lifted his paw briefly, as if he were going to press the pads of his feet lightly against her feathers. However, he quickly placed his limb back on the ground, frowning slightly – it would be rude to just touch them without asking, especially if they were sore.