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She's a Killer Queen! -- Charms! - Printable Version

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She's a Killer Queen! -- Charms! - SirDio - 11-03-2020

The day was filled with the quiet noises of Stheno moving from one point of the island to the next, gathering different things. Sea glass, fangs from venomous snakes, a crow feather, vines, other such things that would confuse anyone who saw such a quiet, serious hybrid doing such things. But as she arrived at her hide with a bucket of everything she had collected, one could realize what she was making. Little charms for some of her chosen favorites within the Coalition!

She was delicate with the entire process of making the necklaces. Punching the holes in the scales, threading the vines through the holes, making the holders for the fangs and sea glass and all that stuff. At the end of it all, she had made charms for [member=16641]CORVUS[/member] , [member=16564]brionne p.[/member] , [member=16075]chaz b.[/member] , [member=2040]ninazu[/member] , and [member=16644]KURAGORI[/member] . She would have to wrack her brain to figure out who else she would have to make charms for, but that was for later. Like stated before, they were a chosen group -- said group could expand or shrink depending on the future.

With a little bag filled with the charms, she started walking around, hoping to find everyone she made charms for. If not, there was always the next day!

Re: She's a Killer Queen! -- Charms! - trojan g. - 11-04-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]Ever since she had washed up on the Coalition's territory, Brionne had began her exploring of the island, trying to make sure she knew where everything was, and hopefully find out where the other groups were one day, so when she was older she could fly over the larger island and see what she could find. Out exploring now, the child had crossed paths with Stheno, interest piqued when she saw the snake creature carrying their own bag of charms. "Hello," The child would greet, soon standing on her toes in an attempt to look at the bag more closely. "What'cha doing?"

Re: She's a Killer Queen! -- Charms! - rhosmari - 11-04-2020

[Image: kadxxPS.gif]
These days he was just spending time watching others, meticulously learning their habits and how they seemed to work with one another. Although as far as he could tell a lot of these misfits didn't work together at all. They seemed to be living in this dump because they had no other choice. Pathetic. Shaking his head a bit he would give out a sigh, the regal black lion taking his time to wander around a bit. He had yet to actually make himself at him. Instead finding it equally just as fine to sleep in the fringes of this run down society under the stars. Though the days were getting dreadfully boring. Horribly so. Until he laid dual toned eyes on her of course. She seemed to be the only one that had a head on her shoulders worth saving. "I'm curious too. What exactly do you have there, dear? They look like imaginative trinkets."

Re: She's a Killer Queen! -- Charms! - SirDio - 11-04-2020

See? It wouldn't take long before someone asked what the hybrid was doing. And to her pleasure, it was two of her chosen favorites. "Hello, little one." She hummed gently to Brionne. She was about to explain her trinkets just as Corvus approached. She felt warmth rise to her face before she forced it away. Instead, she smiled broadly -- an odd behavior. Then again, her entire trinket idea was out of her usual behavior. "I'm rather glad you two asked. I made a charm for each of my chosen favorites out of this group." She rummaged through the bag before pulling out two charms.

The first one she pulled out had a yellow ball python scale, a fang, and a piece of orange sea glass. Gently, she offered it to Brionne. "You two just so happen to be two of those chosen few." She chuckled. The second one had a black snake scale, a crow's feather, and two pieces of sea glass that matched, to the best of their abilities, the dual-colored eyes of Corvus. "If you wish to have them as necklaces, I can get you some longer vines. But they can also function as bracelets or even a little head thing if you want it." She offered Corvus his charm. Pride shined in her silver eyes, marveling at her own work.

Re: She's a Killer Queen! -- Charms! - ninazu - 11-06-2020

Ninazu slipped over, frowning despite the happy occasion. The cauterized wounds from her fight with Aurum itched. If she relaxed, she found herself scratching at the areas, and so she needed to focus on reigning in her base impulses. Ninazu rarely needed to exercise this type of self-restraint, and it didn’t come easily to the lioness.

“I think they make lovely bracelets,” she said, nodding to Stheno. She lifted a paw. Then set it back down. Lifted it again. Then dug her claws into the ground with a grimace. She turned to her side and glared at the healing gashes on her ribs, tempted beyond measure to simply rip off the scabs herself… but, no, then the scars would be atrocious.

Re: She's a Killer Queen! -- Charms! - kinglykingstone - 11-18-2020

Curiosity brought the tired guru forward, his green eyes looking over the gathered wanderers. "Whats goin' on?" asked the southern accented feline, taking in the small charms that were wrapped around a few of those gathered's legs or necks.

His attention was pulled away as he spotted Ninazu glaring at the large scabs along her side. Tsking, he came forward, looking up at the pale lioness. "If ya want, ah may be able to help with the itch, Ninazu, for a short while," he commented, tilting his head to the side. It would be a touch difficult to get something large enough for the wound but, he could do it. Maybe even a soak in salt water would do her some good.

Re: She's a Killer Queen! -- Charms! - SirDio - 11-21-2020

Eyes shifted to Ninazu, a shine in her eyes as she rummaged the bag again. She pulled out another charm; it had a brown snake scale, two fangs, and a piece of light green sea glass. "Thank you, Ninazu. I even made you one. Here." She offered the charm to the lioness, before looking to Chaz as he arrived. "I made charms for some Coaltion members. Here, this one's for you." She pulled out a charm that consisted of a dark brown scale, a fang, and a piece of green sea glass. She handed the charm to the margay, then looked around. With a glance to her bag, she shrugged. "I made one more, but the person who's supposed to get it hasn't arrived yet."