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I WANT TO BREAK FREE ☆ old record player - Printable Version

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I WANT TO BREAK FREE ☆ old record player - S. PENDRAGON - 11-01-2020

[ retro to takeover ]

Sophiea had decided that she would go around and try to organize a literature club of sorts, she already had many books but she still needed a larger variety if any of this would work in her favor. Maybe she would get something else to make the club a bit more interesting for all of them, she would begin to walk in the direction of the dump where there was some rubbish that could be fixed. A soft sigh leaving her lips as Archimedes nestled within the fur that was on her back glancing around with widened eyes letting out soft shrieks every now and then, Sophiea having several thoughts jumbled up within her mind as she began to speak to her young owl companion "Does a literature club sound childish to you, Archimedes?" The avian glanced up from preening hosts feathers only for said feathers to ruffle up slightly and tilted his head with a soft hoot. Her whiskers twitched in some thought "Perhaps music will make reading more fun for others... I personally don't enjoy any distractions but, I'll have to take account of other's wants then concentrating on my own."

Continuing further, the Tangler would begin to search for something not enjoying that she had to move around the rubble or let alone grime, it made her grimace with disgust as she exhaled through her maw not knowing what she was looking for exactly. Finally, something caught her attention and with a flap of her wings did she go over to it only to frown at how dirty it was "Archimedes, be a dear and help me lift this out." The owl let out a shriek dripping onto what appeared to be a trumpet of some sort or that's what the both of them believed it was until it wasn't lodged in the other trash around it. Without another thought, Sophiea would start the flight back home with her feathered friend still assisting her. Once the both of them had set it down, Sophiea decided that she would start to work on cleaning whatever this was but sent off Archimedes to find out more about this contraption.

It was a long process but, Sophiea managed to get it cleaned up to the point where it seemed new in a sense. A record player is what it was, Archimedes having returned with a thin disc that he held towards Sophiea, she perked her ears forward with curiosity but took it anyways and inspected it. She had never seen anything like this but she placed it down into its place only to open it, she took a good look at all of the gears "Alright... I just need to fix this and turn this, it should work like it's brand new." She muttered to herself only to flinch back when her claw got stuck for a moment, she closed it up only to listen to the music that began to play. One of Beethoven's classics, she couldn't help but smile at the music that played throughout the town "Oh, this will make a lovely addition, I'll keep it in my room." The last part was more of a mumble, Archimedes let out a shriek before hopping around the record player with curiosity.

"Hm... Perhaps writing letters to that pesky captain and her cousin won't be as boring anymore." She continued to murmur to herself, Soph taking the moment to adjust the ribbon around her neck... Though it was never boring to write to her penpals over in the Typhoon, she quite liked it and it definitely gave her an excuse to stay in her room for as long as she liked. Her letters with Roan were quick and to the point, she often asked him what herbs worked best for certain wounds in turn, she would exchange the best teas that helped with certain issues. Although, whenever she wrote to Goldie... It was different, she felt like she could be more open when she was writing to the other. It was odd but it wasn't unwelcomed. She was lost in her thoughts as Beethoven's symphony would play throughout the town clearing, interrupting the silence that once enveloped it.

Re: I WANT TO BREAK FREE ☆ old record player - wormwood. - 11-01-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Aurum had always been a bit of a book fanatic, something that was easy enough to learn from anyone who had known him for even a little while. Stories had driven him throughout most of his life, giving him a reason to keep on going even when things in the real world were looking dark. Even now, he had a tendency to turn to his books, even when he knew that he should've been resting. He just couldn't help it, though. Just laying around his house and letting his body heal was unbearably boring, and he was sure that without the various novels scattered around his abode, he would've left a long time ago. The mere thought of a literature club probably would've been extremely exciting to the angel, since he was always eager to share his perspective about different stories and what he felt their meanings could've been. Of course, there was always the chance that he would babble on for a bit too long and annoy others, but that probably wouldn't be the case in a group totally built for that. However, unlike Sophiea – or Archimedes, rather – Aurum didn't find the concept of the club itself all that boring. So, he probably wouldn't have gone searching for something to spice it up in the same way that she had.

Sophiea's discovery wasn't by any stretch of the definition a bad thing, however. The record player's music was surprisingly smooth and satisfying, and while Aurum wouldn't have personally put any music on to read with, it wasn't bad. Time would tell if he actually thought it was a good idea for a literature club to have a backing tune – provided he actually got to join any potential club, considering his long bouts of sleeping as of late. Unfortunately, none of this changed the fact that the lion's first exposure to the music truthfully wasn't all that pleasant. One moment, he had just been out on his porch, enjoying the sunlight that was raining down on him and breathing in the fresh air. It had been one of those rare times that he came outside to rest, figuring that it was nice and peaceful enough out that he wouldn't have to worry about his sleep getting interrupted. Beethoven, however, came along to wreck all of that. The music itself wasn't unpleasant, but the sudden noise was enough to cause the former proxy to grumble, scrubbing at his temple with a paw. He eventually sighed and pushed himself up to his feet, figuring there was no use in trying to sleep at the moment. At least not until he could possibly convince whoever was playing it to turn the damn music off.

Long strides eventually brought Aurum over to where Sophiea was sitting, the English woman seeming entirely zoned out along with the music. The angel couldn't even resist the urge to chuckle, more used to seeing a vaguely annoyed or displaced look on Soph's face, rather than a happy one. Reaching one of his broad paws out, he waved it in front of Sophiea's face, questioning curiously, "Sophiea? Am I safe in assuming that this thing is yours?" He flicked one of his broad wings towards the record player, just making sure that it was abundantly clear what he was talking about. He then let his one eyed gaze travel over the old device, taking it all in before he muttered, "I don't even remember the last time I saw one of these things... I'm assuming you got it from the junkyard? Cause, if you did, it's in surprisingly good shape. It was loud enough that it even woke me from my sleep..." His last words were meant to be a subtle jab, but he doubted they would be taken as such. He had never been great with being even teasingly mean to his groupmates, mainly because he cared for them all so much. He didn't want feelings getting hurt, even for something as simple and childish as a joke. In addition to that, he didn't truly mind the music that the record player was putting out. He had never been a classical music enthusiast, but it wasn't hard for him to admit that the Beethoven was soothing, and he might have even been able to sleep through it, if it was just a touch lower in volume. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: I WANT TO BREAK FREE ☆ old record player - Grimm - 11-07-2020

That another might deem unrepairable trash may shine all the brighter than gold to another.

The purpose behind exploration conducted within ruin of rust one he would deem uninteresting, though basis less on boredom. Numerous the occasions in prior days rather disheartening the conclusion to lessons centered about book based teachings, ignited tempers permitted to run rampant. Questioned in gentle tones once time had allowed anger to reach a simmer, of little import the structure nor approach for sealed his lips upon the matter. How might he explain the manner pages swam with multi-hued shapes his mind could not parse as letters, his own understanding limited.

Better to simply ignore the issue as a whole, avoided the novels his father held a great fondness for supposedly shared among others. Notion of assembly entirely devoted to such things blatantly out of his favour, if alone did he hold reasoning, but possibility lay there in obtaining the information in different methods. In time may he ponder such, had the idea come to fruition, other things demanded his attention in this moment.

Few the things that offered entertainment that may last beyond a few fleeting moments, taken Salvia with observing the movement of others. In the shade given off by a building, the purpose he cared little to learn of, many acted as shelter or storage and he held no wish to be caught amongst the belongs of another, he sprawled. Clear his view of the central square most structures surrounded in loose formation, the approach staged by Sophiea and her companion drawing waning attention. Pleasant seemed the idea of a short nap yet aside was the notion set, lifting head as he watched her work commence.

Over contraption does she fret, fixated on each aspect that necessitated attention in the process of repair, slow his rise until straight did he sit. Further movement does not occur, however, dissuaded from approaching for too little did Salvia know of the other, her attitude proven to turn upon a dime. Continued his observation until she seemed to wind down, the approach of her avian companion offering only new questions more than it may answers. As the disc was settled into place abandoned his resting place, a single step conducted before the first notes began. Of the conductor and his work Salvia knew nothing, all the same easy the smile pulling lips back as momentum began, slight the bounce in each step.

"How does it do that." Close crowded the cub, ignored the boundaries of personal space to offer the query to Sophiea even as he inspected the record player with an inexperienced eye, fixated on the manner the disc moved, needle following the grooves smoothly. "Can it play more, is it that—" against record claw lightly tapping and a few notes skipped over with this disturbance "—does it make the noise."
[Image: P2rh8t-VEn5wx.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
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