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LOVE SOMEONE NEW ☆ letter - Printable Version

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LOVE SOMEONE NEW ☆ letter - S. PENDRAGON - 11-01-2020


The avian could recall being ordered by their caregiver and he had wanted to stay with her but the face she had said everything that Archimedes understood. With a distressed screech, the owl had taken to the skies and flew through the clouds heading in the direction of the Typhoon recalling when their caregiver had shown him the way there. With ruffled feathers, Archimedes continued their flight with a shake of his cranium holding onto a rolled up letter held together by the ribbon that belonged to Sophiea. The ribbon, she rarely ever removed unless she had plans to clean it or go bathe, so surely, the sight of it would be something concerning or that's what the avian thought anyways. Soon the sight of the Typhoon was within their range, a few more flaps of his wings did the owl take as he glides down only to stretch out his talons to hit the bell. Something he did to alert those of his arrival, Archimedes landed on the sand not very gracefully and stumbled a bit as he screeches.

He had already been here several occasions when delivering letters to both Goldenluxury and Roan though sometimes, Sophiea would arrive to deliver the letter herself to Goldie while Archimedes passed on the letter to Roan. Archimedes glanced behind him with a soft shriek as if hoping to see Sophie's but it didn't seem like she had followed this time. Without another moment of hesitation, the feathered creature flew beyond the gates before landing onto the bay with another shriek. Archimedes glanced around as he hopped around on a single foot with the other being occupied by the letter and ribbon. Of course, he had no idea what was written on the letter itself but hopefully, it would warn the Typhoon of what had became of Tanglewood.

The letter was slightly smudged with ink, the last bit seemed to be rushed writing, something that was rather distasteful to Sophiea seeing as she liked her letters to he presentable. Nonetheless, it read with Sophiea's trademark joking and sarcasm yet with soft undertones of something else...

I hope this letter finds you in good health, captain. I do hope you fix that awful sleep schedule of yours at some point, I am a night owl of sorts but I believe if I stayed up like you did, I'd probably be a lot more grouchy than I usually am and be absolutely unbearable to my knob of a cousin. As for activities and hobbies that I enjoy... I must say that reading and felting are to be rather therapeutic. I adored the fencing me and my brother would do, fencing... Archery is slowly becoming the love of my life, I suppose, even if I probably have to get my own bow and arrows at some point. Eternalknight doesn't appreciate me taking his things for small sessions. So much for a supportive cousin. Writing to you and your grumpy cousin has been rather eventful too, I have become fond of it. It takes up a part of my afternoon though, I don't mind it as long as I have some tea to sip. I recommend chamomile or valerian root tea to help you sleep, both are very lovely.

Now that you know about what I adore to do, why don't you tell me yours as well?

Sincerely Sophiea Pendra--

[ tldr: Sophiea, Goldie, and Roan are penpals. Soph and Goldie having been sending letters to one another these past few weeks. Due to the recent event in Tanglewood, Soph sent away her owl to hopefully warn those in the Typhoon. The only thing is... The letter has no warning and simply is a list of activities and hobbies that Soph loves to do, regardless, her owl [Archimedes] is going to stay in the Typhoon for a while]

Re: LOVE SOMEONE NEW ☆ letter - michael t. - 11-03-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
Michael knew a little bit about the penpal exchange that was going on between Sophiea and various members of The Typhoon. He mainly knew about it in relation to Roan, since he had occasionally been around the temple when one of her letters ended up arriving for the soothsayer. The zombified feline would grumble as usual whenever he received one, but he'd also always go through the trouble of painstakingly writing back in the most legible chicken scratch that he could, so Michael had to figure he enjoyed it. Occasionally, the dealer would ask about what went on in the letters, but it was never anything all that interesting. Various herbal techniques, news between the two groups... he was sure it was all fascinating to Roan, but his eyes just glazed over at the thought of it. Maybe he was just too impatient, or maybe he just enjoyed face to face conversations more than the idea of letter writing. Not that he could very well show his face around Tanglewood. Even with Moth's death – and subsequent return, although he was unaware of that happening – the bobcat still didn't feel wholly comfortable there, so he had made a policy of staying away.

This time, however, Michael ended up coming upon Archimedes before either of the usual letter recipients, startled by the uneasy shriek that the avian let out. Silently, the thief was glad that he didn't have any of his rats with him, sure that they would've bolted off had they been around. His ears briefly pinned down against his skull as he glanced over at the feathered creature, grumbling, "Jeez, alright, alright, I get it... you've got another letter for one of them, right? I'll make sure it gets to 'em. No need to do all the shrieking..." He didn't think the other would actually understand him, considering he was pretty sure Archimedes only knew commands, but he hoped his glare and rubbing at his head would get the point across. Without another word, the feline reached out for the letter, unfurling it just enough to read the first line. As soon as he got to the word captain, he knew which one of them it was for. Tying the ribbon back around it neatly, he glanced towards Archimedes uneasily, before turning and shouting, "Goldie! The bird is here, with a letter for you!" He would've just taken it right to her, but he honestly didn't trust Sophiea's bird not to peck his eyes out. He already had enough vision issues to begin with, and he didn't need that too.

Needless to say, Michael had little to no idea of the content of the letter, beyond that first line. Nor did he know of the hidden meaning behind it that Soph was trying to communicate to Goldie. He didn't make a habit of reading other people's mail, and even if he had, he wouldn't know the subtle signs that something was wrong. Sure, getting cut off at the end of a letter was pretty unusual, but she could've just been in a rush to get her duties done. He didn't know of Sophiea's smaller habits, such as her meticulously neat writing, or the fact that the ribbon that kept the letter tied up was extremely important. They could only hope that Goldie would be able to decipher it.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!

Re: LOVE SOMEONE NEW ☆ letter - bubblegum - 11-05-2020

DEAR FRIEND as you know,  your flowers are withering
your mother's gone insane, your leaves have drifted away.
but the clouds are clearing up
and i've come reveling, burning incandescently,
like a bastard on the burning sea.

With how peaceful things had been as of recent months, aside from one brief instance of hostility, Goldie honestly didn't have much reason to suspect anything had gone askew. Of course, she knew better than to trust the peace for so long. There was always assholes out there and, frankly, she's shocked no one's recently even tried to kill her. Maybe they all finally got the memo that she was a Hell of a beast to take down. The Gods would choose how and when she'd die, and thus far, they'd only demanded her be less reckless; surely a sign that she is still meant to be alive. Nonetheless, it was a good break, even if personal affairs still held her back, kept her down. She has decided as of late, that this would not dictate her life. The guilt, the sorrow, the grief - that was not who Goldenluxury Roux was. There was tragedy, but there was little time to spend dwelling on it. She'd already spent too much time doing so. And soon, they'd get to have a feast together. She could spend time preparing for that, trying new recipes. The pain and hostility all around was not on the forefront of her mind, even if she did continue to make plans in spare time.

When she would arrive to the scene today, however, she would ultimately notice something was off. Not quite yet, of course, considering she would still need to read the letter that was delivered by the familiar Archimedes. The tigress was pulled forward by both the shrieking of the owl, not dissimilar to her former companion harpy eagle, as well as the call of Michael. She gives a nod to the dealer before peering towards the ruffled owl, and lastly to the letter Michael had begun to open for her, gently grabbing at it to glance at it. She didn't plan on reading it in full yet, as she'd rather do so at her desk in the captain's quarters, thinking of her own response at the same time. However, her eyes did travel over to the bottom, where the ink is smudged, and name is cut off.

That was odd.

"Well, I wonder if she ran outta' ink." The captain would wonder aloud for a moment before adjusting her stance, rolling the letter back up. From her quick assessment, it didn't seem there was any warning upon the message - just the oddness at the end. Still a red flag, and she knew she would have to be sure to follow through with double checking they were all doing just fine. "We'll have t' visit our ally in a few days anyway." She continues to think aloud, also as a note, even if he didn't really go to Tanglewood. He was the dealer, and that was partially his job, still, after all. "Thank you, Archi n' Michael."