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SOMETHING SENSIBLE ☆ o, responsibilities course - Printable Version

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SOMETHING SENSIBLE ☆ o, responsibilities course - RHINESTONE. - 11-01-2020

It almost felt a bit silly, holding a course on the various responsibilities of those that lived within Palmclan, during such a major event. After all, their entire territory was covered in snow, and they were all scrambling just to find any prey that they could. However, this also meant that such a course was more important than ever. Everyone needed to be able to know how to contribute to the ecosystem of the clan, as well as how they would be able to keep themselves running. It was because of this that Rhine had decided he was going to teach some of the newer members about what they would be expected to do. Of course, he wasn't going to come down on them with an iron fist. Even in times of dire need, there was no need to be an asshole about things. Besides, people like Dovah and Hircine already seemed eager enough to learn about and help out their new home as much as they could anyways, so there was no need for excessive pushing. Rhine just hoped that this wouldn't be too difficult a start, given the circumstances.

It was impossible to ignore the chill on the air as Rhinestonestar made his way in front of the meeting rock, the rust red tom occasionally chewing on the inside of his cheek. He was trying to figure out the best way to start this, his gaze lingering on the piles of snow that still laid within and around their camp. Really, they were just lucky the camp was still standing, buried underneath it all. He shook that off for now, wrapping his long tail securely around himself before he called out, "Anybody is new to Palmclan, or might be more interested in learning about their prospective future duties, please gather around near me." Already a few others began to gather around him, some even having unsure looks in their eyes as they noticed the way their leader was shivering. Rhine tried to ignore that, gritting his jaw with frustration at the involuntary shudders. He stubbornly continued, claws digging into the cold and sandy ground, "I'll be going over a few basic duties that Palmclan warriors are expected to keep up with, as well as the responsibilities of our higher positions. Although, put simply, our main topics will probably be hunting, patrolling, and, currently, keeping up with the weather that we're facing." That last one wasn't exactly the usual, but it was more relevant than ever, unfortunately.

Re: SOMETHING SENSIBLE ☆ o, responsibilities course - Grimm - 11-01-2020

From one present in a role that allowed natural education pertaining to the expectations present in daily life unorthodox the notion of such forward teaching, necessary as it was. In certain terms one may deem the child new, not in the manner of his inclusion among the clan being recent, his third month was steadily drawing to a close as it was, but on the basis of what he knew of it. Of course he knew the very basics, as any child prone to following their curiosity is, satiated those simple and easily answered questions, but such only got him so far.

Rare had grown the times Foam had ventured beyond the enclosed walls of the nursery, acting both as protection from the harsh winds and the snow building up with each passing day there was almost warmth, lost the kitten among piled pelts and blankets. Even so threadbare had grown his patience, little was present in the largely empty space and fewer still were inclined to stay once delivery of food was complete. Restless, and driven to action simply to have some sense of feeling in paws that had grown numb, from his resting place did Foam wiggle with petulant little growls.

Absent Cottontuft, a blessing as she would have halted his expedition before it began, called forth for all capable warriors were needed though her promise to be back in a timely manner had fallen on deaf ears. Unimpeded his approach, and subsequent exit, from the nursery entrance, smothered in frozen particles the shallow valley he looked across. False such, beacon Rhine among the bright hue, drawn forth Foam without second thought.

"Rhi." Familiar the shortened form used as he shifted closer until he may settle atop Rhine's paws, pressing close without realisation others were present, gathering for a reason that he had not acknowledged.
[Image: B03r9ds9-HWWR-1.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: SOMETHING SENSIBLE ☆ o, responsibilities course - METEOR - 11-01-2020

“Alrighty, Dadorito, tell me all the things.” Quasar flopped down in the growing group, his fluffy fur poofed up against the cold. The waverunner honestly had very little idea of what the hell a waverunner did, but, whatever. He and Vaas were just cool beans like that.

Re: SOMETHING SENSIBLE ☆ o, responsibilities course - VASS . - 11-02-2020

Vaas was surprisingly uncharacteristically quiet as he approached, The tiger's striped from appearing from the sides and eyeing his apprentice as he sat down, there was no open smile along his maw, yet there was an open interest flashing in his eyes, even as his continued not to meet anyone's single gaze. Watching Rhinestone's paws rather as he saw down closer towards his apprentice than the actually leader. "An actually lesson from the leader himself, why Rhine you flatter us" Vaas' voice was coy, and he took a moment to debate before he stretched out. Large lithe form laying - curling towards Rhine's from to watch and listen.

In all honestly, Vaas was interested. The fact of the matter that Vaas wasn't raised inside a clan like most other's, though he had plenty of experience with the typhoon, and thus the politics of a clan- what a drag in all honestly they were, but the expectations, and the running of the clan he felt so engaged with, that he actually liked and saw as a family. Well, there was always something to learn.

If Vaas was lucky he could turn this into something a little more as well, Teach the clan about some of the clans that Vaas had knew of when he was within the typhoon. There were a few that they would have to keep an eye on. Through the eyes of a typhooner was very biased yes but Vaas supposed any knowledge he had could - should be public knowledge.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: SOMETHING SENSIBLE ☆ o, responsibilities course - RHINESTONE. - 11-04-2020

The approach of several others caused Rhinestone to relax slightly, even if his body never fully settled these days thanks to the cold. Quasar and Vaas being there meant that at least people were interested in learning, and that was enough for him. Obviously Foamkit's presence was appreciated as well, but the leader had his doubts about how much information the child would absorb. Regardless, he found himself lifting one of his paws from beneath Foam, wrapping one of his front limbs around the boy to pull him close, and into his chest fur. Hoping that his warmth would provide a sort of comfort for the little one who was practically like a third son to him, he found himself muttering, "Hey, Foam... c'mere. You can help me out, alright? You'll be like my little teaching assistant." He then patted the kit on the head, keeping Foam close as he turned back to the pair in front of him. It would be a little awkward, speaking over the child's head, but he could manage just fine.

Chuckling a bit as he heard both Quasar and Vaas, the tom briefly rolled his eyes before speaking, "Yes, well... everyone knowing what they can do to help right now is pretty important, generally speaking." Really, it was always important for everyone to help out, but now that was especially true. Briefly biting down on the inside of his own cheek, Rhine seemed to ponder what to say for a moment before continuing, "The both of you have different duties, generally speaking, as both an apprentice and a warrior. For example, Quasar, your duties are to learn how to fight, hunt, and patrol with Vaas's assistance. As you learn these things, you'll be expected to start doing them on your own – although obviously you'll usually be going with a hunting or border patrol group, rather than entirely by your lonesome. Meanwhile, Vaas, your duties are much the same, except you also have a responsibility to teach Quasar all you know, and you can go out on your own more easily." That wasn't just because Vaas was a warrior, it was also because of his larger size and strength. However, Rhinestone didn't want to fuel his ego too much.

Knowing that both Quasar and Vaas were promoted waverunners, the leader then added on, "However, as waverunners, you also both have extra duties on top of those. Because you've been so active and have contributed to the clan as a whole, you've got extra responsibility. You both can set up patrols with others without having to wait for a senior warrior's approval, and you can also welcome in members before I arrive. I know it's not much, but waverunner is technically just a stepping stone rank. That make sense?" Quasar and Vaas were both active and helpful enough that Rhine didn't doubt they'd both climb further up the ladder before long, but that was for another time. It was best not to overwhelm them with responsibilities, especially right now.

Re: SOMETHING SENSIBLE ☆ o, responsibilities course - Grimm - 11-12-2020

Haphazard after-image seared upon the inner surface of lid, pronounced yet supposedly intangible simply for the fact he seemed the scribble a child might produce with clashing tones given life — rather simply put he had proven, time and time again, incapable of looking at Quasar for long. Minor the issue this presented in prior interaction, few and as far between as they had been, yet his presence populated more days and so accustomed must Foam grow. Almost fixated seemed the child as regarded the other with squinted vision, looked upon in a light steadily brightening.

Numerous the times gifted title had been voiced, lacklustre response or, within more numerous occasions, confusion towards it. Slight the manner smile tugged at mouth, curled edges as attention shifted away. Softened his once largely negative thoughts towards the other, proven not a usurper of affection that may equally be shared, though no further action was made to extend a bridge.

Broken and expanded their loose formation, quiet the sound he voiced in wordless greeting. The urge to once more claim a place atop broad back arose, throne befitting a child with head overly filled with notions of grandeur he may not yet live up to, aside cast as Vaas spoke. Lost the tone, as was his actions of separating yet seemingly drawn to Rhine through placement of his body, the words all Foam found himself caught on. It did come across as an odd occurrence, in times past Rhine had proposed more informal sessions, and had even set about creating a hunting ground of controlled prey, yet such were lessons to be continued later and were known by the older population. This was more general, an introduction to the finer workings.

Interrupted his thoughts as he shifted beneath removal, about drawn limbs that drew him close, unconscious the manner nose pressed into the fur of his chest. Ears flicked as he was addressed, a quiet murmur felt more than heard, back drawing slightly as the words sunk in. The question of what he retained was one often brought up, it did seem he grew more practiced with such as the days wore on and thus he acquired skills befitting his age, the informal approach to teaching him to speak one that hindered. Yet no other way would he allow, picked up what he needed and disregarded what was not, a set up rather bad for it was at his own whim they were chosen to fit one or the other.

With the beginning of the lesson proper the thought to settle beside Rhine rose, it would make it easier for him if nothing else, brushed aside as quickly as it arose. Warm was his place here, pressed close with rust hued coat tickling at his nose, and so cheek pressed to Rhine's chest and he listened quietly. As his first parts wound to a close his chin tilted up, meek for once. "What me." He knew he was deemed a kit, the terminology was lost on him in part for he knew himself as a kitten prior to the introduction of proper title, though not if it entailed anything akin to that Vaas and Quasar may handle.
[Image: ec335e76-272c-416d-849f-d32c24106ea8.gif]
I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker

Re: SOMETHING SENSIBLE ☆ o, responsibilities course - RHINESTONE. - 11-15-2020

What me. The question presented by Foamkit caused Rhinestone to pause, his pale gaze drifting over to the boy who was like a surrogate son to him. In many ways, Foamkit had no duties to speak of, considering his current position as a kit. However, Foam was also advancing fairly fast for his age, and Rhine couldn't deny that promotion had come up a couple of times in his head, even if it was just up to Waverunner. It took him a moment before he spoke, an awkward little chuckle leaving him as he shook his head, "Well, that's an interesting question, Foamkit. I've never actually had a kit ask me that before..." Most of the time, kits around Palmclan were simply instructed by their mothers on how their lives would go until apprenticehood, and while they were always trying to press their limits, they knew how things would go. They would remain in the nursery, play and interact with other kits and members of the clan, and would be taken care of, until eventually they were old enough to be independent. Foam had never had that, considering he had just been left for them to find.

With his tail flicking behind him, Rhinestonestar looked down in thought for a moment before he began to explain, "You're... well, you're a kit. Within Palmclan, kits aren't really expected to do much, since they're still being taken care of by everyone, and still growing. The same is true for you, but it'll only be a couple of moons before it's time for you to be an apprentice. When that happens, you'll move into the apprentice den, and be assigned a mentor, like Quasar has Vaas. For now, your only duty is just to remain safe until then – and hopefully afterwards, obviously. I know it's not terribly exciting, but nobody here wants any kits to get hurt. And I definitely don't want you putting yourself in harm's way." As if to drive his point home, the ruddy feline leaned over, pressing his nose gently to Foamkit's head with a faint smile. He had a loving gleam to his pale blue eyes, and it was clear that he was proud of his son, even if the other was still just a kit. He was proud of all of his family, unable to believe that he had ever gotten so lucky with them.

Re: SOMETHING SENSIBLE ☆ o, responsibilities course - VASS . - 11-16-2020

Structure, it was rare to find. Amidst the chaos of day-to day life of the once Boss of the boardwalk. He found and often enjoyed a similar day: a routine. It was commonplace, it made him reliable and it was one of the few reasons he could see to ever being promoted. He could always be found patrolling near the nights around the boardwalk, he'd spend the mornings within the closer limits of the clan camp. Evenings- and nights especially were either spent hunting within or outside of the borders of the clan. Venturing to strange hunting grounds that held more than simple mice and rodents.

Still, when Rhinestonestar spoke, Vaas listened. It was a simple presence, a soft command of attention. He wasn’t a natural leader, but he was a good one. In comparison to a few of their interactions before the merge, simple curiosity had been sated, but something still hungry and brutal under his pelt demanded the other’s attention. Demanded him look farther than simple roles. It called in the similar sense that he craved home. To carve the same thing here: wretched structure demanding love, demanding family.

Vaas’ own posture was lax, his earlier calm demeanor showing it’s colors before his thoughts ate away at it. A subtle tensing. Muscles clenching and unclenching with a wave: a ripple of muscle. It helped drown his thoughts, the motion of it, he let out a low hum at Rinestone’s words towards him. Until his ears worked at the static- the cotton in them fell out. It wasn’t a surprise that it was Rhine’s voice that cut him completely out of the haze.

Gods, was he that exhausted?

A leery grin stretched across his maw, a lot more bravado put into it than before as his lowered eyelids looked down towards foam. More kind but no less menacing if the other’s presence even came across as a threat anymore, no. He was a common sight now. The tiger of the kitty-clan, the wolf of sheep. A low hum buzzed out of him as he nodded down. “You’re job is to keep the warriors on their toes” It was a less serious response than Rhine’s but it was no less true.

Kits were the easiest to give the job, to be unburdened, without much but the shallow thoughts: they didn’t need to worry about their clanmates safety, didn’t need to fuss over war. No they played the pranks and got into trouble. It was expected, rebellion, playful thoughtlessness. Even though Foamkit in difference was the opposite. Thoughtful and considerate and so very kind in comparison.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: SOMETHING SENSIBLE ☆ o, responsibilities course - METEOR - 12-03-2020

“So, waverunners stand around and look pretty? Guess I already got the color palette for the job.” Quasar huffed and rolled his blue eyes, but he was still grinning like a fiend. Being a waverunner meant Rinestonestar believed in him, which was more than he could say for his real—BRAIN GLITCH!

Quasar glanced at Vaas and shook his head. “Ugh. Don’t encourage him. You warriors might like the trouble, but I have my paws full with apprentice chores and cramming my head with your wisdom, oh great wise mentor.”