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one foggy night - open; going trick or treating - Printable Version

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one foggy night - open; going trick or treating - rhosmari - 10-31-2020

Re: one foggy night - open; going trick or treating - wormwood. - 11-01-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — Halloween. It was a holiday that Aurum was aware of, but not actually very familiar with. It certainly hadn't been celebrated back in the pride, and only one year's worth of experience hadn't made the purpose of it very clear. All he knew was that most throughout Tanglewood got excited when Halloween rolled around, mainly because they as a group certainly did love their creepy things. Despite this, the lion hadn't exactly put much effort into a costume this year. Rather, all he really wanted to do was go out and enjoy himself for a while, before he went back into his home to sleep for another few days. His injuries were nearly fully healed as this point, which made him think that perhaps, someday soon, he'd be able to stay out without feeling exhausted afterwards. Either way, the former proxy had simply grabbed his winged angel mask, sticking it on over his eyes before he had slipped silently from his house. He had intended to go celebrate on his own, by only visiting a few houses, but Elsweyr's call intrigued him, causing him to glance towards her.

He didn't really know who Elsweyr was, – which was unsurprising, given his recent absence – but she seemed friendly enough. That alone was enough to draw the angel over, the large male shaking out his ruddy mane before he spoke, "I'm not sure I've ever heard it called that before, but... I'll join in on the celebration. It would probably be a good idea for me to get out a little, and give my legs and wings some exercise." He had little doubt that he would be exhausted by the end of this endeavor, but that was alright. It was worth it, if it meant that he could see some friends and cause a few smiles before he collapsed back into a heap within his bedroom. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: one foggy night - open; going trick or treating - S. PENDRAGON - 11-01-2020


It was absolutely foreign to her, she had only read about it being a way to scare away ghouls or demons with dressing up scary or whatnot. She could not recall all of which she read but mostly because she got bored of the subject as a whole so when the young femme heard voices outside it had piqued her interest. She should probably be sleeping but she was much too busy writing back to her penpals that resided within the Typhoon, she glanced over at her lantern that was lit only to pry her window open to get a good glimpse of who was out there. Some cheetah chick and Aurum, it was good to see a familiar face and it was enough to coax her outside as she turned the lantern off and put away her writing for later. Archimedes wasn't far behind as he glides down to the ground only to hop after Sophiea with a few soft shrieks leaving his beak, Sophie pushing the door open to her home only to glance over to Elsweyr and Aurum realizing that the both of them were wearing masks. It was enough to make her snout wrinkle with confusion as she stared at the both of them, Archimedes having been hopping behind her only to stop and hiss at the two of them.

"Ah... What are the masks for?" She began to inquire with an awkward shuffle of her forepaws only to lightly brush a single paw onto her owl companion to try and calm him though to her dismay it was barely working. A celebration? What kind of celebration? She could only imagine what it was but then again, she had only been within Tanglewood for some time and mostly stayed in the safety of her home. Her ears twitched lightly for a moment realizing that she should probably introduce herself, her jaws parted as she spoke after clearing her throat "How rude of me... My name is Sophiea, I have yet to meet you-" She glanced over to the cheetah though her gaze shifted over to Aurum as she continued with a soft snort "And I haven't seen a lot of you, you knob."

Re: one foggy night - open; going trick or treating - Grimm - 11-07-2020

It seemed the company gathered in loose configuration was in a similar situation as to his own, the difference of meaning present behind more rudimentary celebrations and the purpose of prior home enough included the speaker. Lacking the knowledge with which to educate son alike his own baseline upon the day as a whole, may well further stunted due to lack of prior preparation. Befitting their culture as it was pressing other matters, the first Salvia had heard that which piqued interest.

Prior activity was rather readily abandoned, the futile attempts staged to capture the few lightning bugs that flitted about among moths that swirled about artificial light, nothing but a distraction. Looked upon the cheetah with her adornments, again the quiet pondering over their origin and purpose, reverence slow to grow yet apparent in roving eyes looking to each in turn. From thoughts had Salvia been startled when another approached, recognition difficult for a moment when obscured features beneath angelic based mask. Easy the smile that curled lips edges, voice ringing forth and clearing confusion, closer drawn the cub with the realisation.

Intersected his progression, however, slight the figure she cut but only so far did such extend, presence of a note that made her rather impossible to ignore. So too the avian before her, vocalisation seeming to carry no en, cause lost as continued his own steps. Beside Aurum did he finally drew to a halt, silent for a moment for his own questions had been voiced already, except one as it were.

"What do you mean by… Thinning of the veil." Unheard of such concept, nor the fact it may grow insubstantial to such a degree as to necessitate recognition, nor the celebration Aurum spoke of. It was a particular word of Sophiea that caught his attention above all else, more mischievous the grin he turned to his father. "You're a knob," light hearted the words, thought a correct observation stated by other before gaze turned once more to Sophiea, a tad too late the question he asked now once he had revoiced her remark. "What is a knob."
[Image: P2rh8t-VEn5wx.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
code by Wisker

Re: one foggy night - open; going trick or treating - wormwood. - 11-07-2020

NOTHING BESIDE REMAINS — What are the masks for? The question caught Aurum off guard, despite the fact that he didn't know all that much about Halloween himself. It seemed rather unheard of, to not have any idea about how Halloween involved dressing up in different costumes. Holding back a bit of laughter from his shock, the lion answered with a smile, adjusting his own mask to push it up slightly, "Ah, they're costumes! Part of the Halloween tradition. You dress up and go around saying trick or treat to ask for candy. I didn't really have a costume prepared, though, so I'm just using my mask that I got from our traditions." He really didn't mind wearing it for more than just battle, considering Tanglewood didn't actually get into fights all that often these days. It had seen more use during the days of the Tanglewood and Pitt war, but that wasn't to say that Aurum missed those days. He was glad not to have to worry about a fight around every corner, or his beloved friends and groupmates getting grabbed by a vicious enemy.

The approach of Salvia caused Aurum to smile slightly, a chuckle leaving him before he wrapped his tail around his son's back. He didn't answer his son's initial question, mainly because it was directed at Elsweyr, but also because he didn't really know what she had meant either. Perhaps the weakening of the veil between living and dead? The idea of that just unnerved him, causing a faint shiver to run up his spine. Of course, he only found himself wincing more when Salvia echoed Sophiea's words, and he sent a short glare in Soph's direction. He grumbled softly, a sigh leaving him, "Thanks, Soph..." He then turned back towards his child, saying in a more gentle tone, "What a knob is, isn't all that important, I promise. It's really best for you to just not call anybody a knob, okay?" The angel knew that he cursed quite a bit himself, but that didn't mean he wanted Salvia cursing. At least not until he was a bit older. — OF THE MAN WHO WAS BORN AND DIED A KING.

Re: one foggy night - open; going trick or treating - Grimm - 11-08-2020

"Tradition…" The word settled against the curl of his tongue with a gentle weight, familiar if only in fleeting sense. Passage time conducted with no care for those beneath its whim drew ever closer the days of proper tutelage, though such may not undermine the lessons conducted on the culture he upheld by simple decree of his birth. In passing brought up that surrounding the masks, made more pleasant pass time for the basis of how one went about claiming their own, bypassed the purpose pertaining to battle.

Better he knew not of such, the atrocities war had left behind in wake of such cruel savagery a subject best visited upon when matured the mind, such no nightmares but that he may handle and understand.

Chin lifted as another question arose to lips, away was it brushed, however, at the remark spoken beneath breath, exact words indecipherable a small comfort. Their end brought with it a gentle touch, encircling the tufted length of tail Salvia turned to, repressed the desire to shift away from the touch. Soon comfort grew he with how it rested, a slight weight made apparent only as the fine strands at its end grazed his side, once more regarded Aurum as he spoke. Maintained the expression adorning upturned visage as gentle words lead into query, the brief twist of lips wishing to turn down all that betrayed.

"I'm sorry, I won't." Faux the smile he offered before away did his vision slide, fixated on the earth between paws into which claws worked, confusion giving way to disappointment. Known of words he may not speak, when necessary a point made of this on the basis he understood, first slip up not given the to settle and act as a lenient lesson.
[Image: 402atww-RW3l-K.gif]
But I wish I could I could show you more of yourself, I wish I could make you somebody else but I left it way too late, are you stuck in your own ways? you only look at me properly now when you're drunk watching movies. where are you? what happened? I want what we had
code by Wisker