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hard to breathe - open; washing up - Printable Version

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hard to breathe - open; washing up - rhosmari - 10-29-2020

[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
It was hard to breathe. Was it always like this? No, no, that wouldn't make sense. But everything hurt and his throat felt so raw yet he couldn't even stop the next torrent of water from leaving his throat and splattering against the golden sands of the beach he had found himself miraculously on. It took him a longer while still to open his eyes and try to at least focus in on the ground before him, the salt from the water stung and he had to blink a few times before actually gathering any sort of information from his eyes. What had even happened? Where was he? Slowly the pitch colored hound would pull his pointed ears forward, listening to the rustling wind and feeling the cold chill that it caused when it raced across his soaked body. Slowly he dragged himself up, pulling his front legs underneath himself. Damn this trembling and how long had he even been out like this, laying like a lump in some forgettable spit of land? His head ached something terrible and his dark grey eyes narrowed before he forced himself to truly stand up. The amount of effort that took was hell on it's own and he struggled to maintain it before he shook his head.

The last thing he could remember was being on that ship. Then a massive storm came out of nowhere and there was nothing but water everywhere. He had never felt so terrified in his life, trying to fight against nature, the waves pummeling him down like he was nothing. The hound grit his teeth before shaking his head and glancing both up and down both sides of the beach where he could see. He didn't  realize that coming here had changed him. Golden markings now adorning his one upon a time pure black pelt. Upper and lower canines now solidly golden. That was not his prerogative. Especially not when be remembered whom had also been thrown and tossed from that very ship. His head shot up like a whip, eyes narrowing against his pain. Damnit. "Where?" He didn't really care if he was alright. The feline was a disaster walking. A nuisance and yet....shit he knew that he wanted him to be okay. Huffing and forcing himself to have some strength he guessed he needed to look but he didn't have to look far because there was a bucket.

One that was oddly turned upside down. Merrick couldn't help but tilt his head to the side and stare at the metal holder. An instinct telling him, begging him to turn it over and with that notion already putting his body in motion he lifted a paw to push the bucket over only to have his eyes offended by the bright orange fur of the one he had been about to look for. His muzzle crunched up immediately and he felt the need to smash his paw down on his head and squish him. Just a little but he restrained himself, trying not to crack his teeth from grinding them so damn much.


Re: hard to breathe - open; washing up - patroclus - 10-30-2020

Re: hard to breathe - open; washing up - rhosmari - 10-31-2020

[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Perhaps he was wrong in wanting him to be okay because the runt is already blabbing his gums a hundred miles an hour. If he had brows they would most certainly be twitching right now. Then again he always had this effect on him, a balance of wanting to throw him into the sun or simply sort of liking him. Heavy on the sort of. Regardless the pharaoh hound watched him and his jaws clench with clear annoyance before he looked away, trying to steady his breathing and access the situation but he could because or Hillian. Turning his grey and rather furious gaze back to the cat he snapped his jaws. "Can you just shut your mouth for a moment you little short dumbass." He frowned deeply but then again that was a normal occurence for him. He never smiled, not even once in front of Hillian and he had to try and refocus his concentration after listening to him go on and on. Pfft, like he would sink like a rock. He knew how to fucking swim. Yet after a moment his mind seemed to catch up with the words the feline had been spewing and slowly his tongue swiped against his own teeth slowly as if he would notice a change.

"Wait, what's wrong with my mouth? What are you even talking about? You know what, nevermind. We need to figure out where the hell we are so just stick close to me." He narrower his eyes on the orange furball before he turned and started to make his wau along the coast of the beach they had washed up on, pushing wood and other debris out of his way as he want. That was when he noticed just what Hillian was talking about. His eyes widened a bit and he stared before his expression shifted into something rather off putting. "Oh....."

Re: hard to breathe - open; washing up - michael t. - 11-03-2020

pills don't help, but it sure is funny!  ☆  ☆  ☆
Newcomers were hardly unusual for The Typhoon, even if it did seem as though things had slowed down recently. Newcomers who ended up on their shores, drenched and disoriented? Well, that was also pretty damn common. It seemed as though about half of those who ended up here did so unintentionally, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Even those that had just washed up on their shore usually ended up enjoying their time in The Typhoon, however brief or long it ended up being. However, Michael was pretty glad that he hadn't ended up within The Typhoon from some unfortunate seabound circumstances. That would've been a disaster, especially since it would've meant that there was even less of a chance of Trevor eventually finding him. That alone was enough to make the bobcat shiver down to his very core, not enjoying the thought. Even if he had once claimed that Trev was only a partner in crime, he knew now that he couldn't live without the coyote, no matter what.

However, that was enough reminiscing for one day, especially given the fact that two strangers were now sitting upon their shores, looking rather confused by their predicament. The dealer would usually let somebody else handle them first, but this time his curiosity drove him over. Well... his curiosity, and the fact that he could see flashes of gold coming from Merrick. It was pretty obvious just how much Michael liked gold, if one was to take even a brief look at the vast collection of jewelry that the thief wore. He was wearing that same glittering jewelry as he made his way over to where Merrick and Hillian were, one of his pet rats also curled loosely around his neck. He had started taking them out with him on walks, so that they could get some "exercise." Really, he just enjoyed the silent company. As his pet rat, Wade, sniffed at the newcomers and chattered away because of their presence, Michael found himself questioning them, "'Ey. The two of you don't look like you've exactly been around here before. Are those the remains of how you got here?" He pointed a paw at the various bits of wood and debris, unable to hold back a small snort.

Short puff of a tail twitching behind him, the dealer then continued on with the usual questions, head tilted to one side, "The two of you got names? 'Cause you washed up on Typhoon territory, and there's a chance you can stay until you get your bearings... if you're nice." He flashed a toothy smile, mischief dancing in his mismatched blue eyes. He usually chose not to mess with newcomers, figuring it wasn't very professional of him, but these two made it hard to resist, especially with their bickering. He'd almost go so far as to compare them to himself and Trevor in the past, but he didn't yet pick up on any overt sexual tension, so that probably wasn't the case. Plus, he was fairly sure if this pair tried to rob anyone, they'd somehow end up losing things, rather than gaining anything from it.
☆  ☆  ☆  gimme, gimme some of that vampire money, come on!