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BREAD MAKES YOU FAT ☆ o, apprentice ceremonies - Printable Version

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BREAD MAKES YOU FAT ☆ o, apprentice ceremonies - RHINESTONE. - 10-28-2020

This was really long overdue, if Rhinestone really thought about it. Both Quasar and Tree were of age, and it made sense that they would both receive apprentice ceremonies, as was tradition. After all, couldn't just have them wandering around aimlessly, without anyone to teach them. Despite this, the ceremonies hadn't happened yet, mainly because Rhine had been so stressed out. With everything going on, including Medusa's incident, Halloween events, and a coming storm... it was easy to let things slip through the cracks. However, he was no longer willing to let this remain undone. So, once the afternoon approached and the camp was bustling with activity, the tom leaped high atop the meeting rock, turning and looking at the crowd. A few had already begun to gather, knowing that something was going on. Rhine found himself smiling slightly at this, chuckling before he called out, "Everyone, please gather around! We have a couple of apprentice ceremonies that have gone long overdue, mainly because of my own business. However, I will no longer allow this to continue on without us honoring the new apprentices among us." His pale gaze then searched through the crowd, looking for the pair of brothers that no doubt knew he was talking about them.

Once he had found them, he continued on, his long tail flicking behind him as he began the usual ceremony involved, "[member=16276]quasar[/member], [member=16348]tree.[/member] Will the two of you please step forward? The both of you have reached the age of six months, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day forth, until you have mastered both combat and all forms of prey hunting and earned your positions as warriors, you will be known as apprentices. Are the two of you ready for that responsibility?" He would then wait for them both to answer, a hopeful and proud little gleam in the rust red tom's eyes. Quasar and Tree were only the second and third apprentices he had ever been able to do the ceremony for, and he had a very personal investment in them, considering they were his sons. He was undeniably emotional, even if he was trying to remain professional looking.

( obviously retro to the snow storm / [member=16248]VAAS .[/member] since he'll be mentoring Quasar )

Re: BREAD MAKES YOU FAT ☆ o, apprentice ceremonies - kinglykingstone - 10-28-2020

At his leader's call, the pup came forward, blue ears perking as he made his way forward, eyes on Rhinestone. He started too sit among his clanmates when he heard his name called. He jumped up with a surprised yelp, looking round for his brother, growing distracted as the leader spoke again. Was he in trouble? His ears pinned back as he began too worry. Was he getting kicked out?

Before he could spiral too much, his adoptive father spoke further and Tree's ears once again pricked forward. Apprentices...? He supposed that made sense, though he hadn't been aware they were being added to the customs. He would listen to Rhinestone as he spoke, tail starting to wag slowly. Realizing it was his turn to speak, he would glance at his brother then back up towards Rhinestone. "That sounds really cool!" he barked before tilting his head to the side. "But uhm, Mr Rhinestone Sir, will I have to change my name? Because like, an no off fence, your names are like, totally rad!!! But like, I like my name? It's mine? And like, man, All I have is my name and my brother so like" he paused, seemingly lost as he stared off into the distance. "Anyways... I;m totally down as long as you don't mess with my name? Also who would be my mentor?"

Re: BREAD MAKES YOU FAT ☆ o, apprentice ceremonies - VASS . - 10-28-2020

As a waverunner, Vaas had found the added duties given to him... quite sparse in actuality. Patrolling, hunting, helping out when needed were things he already did; he found himself outside the cage a lot more often than usual, cutting the small amounts of sleep he got to meet with the most of the clan along the beaches and in the twilight secluding himself to the boardwalk. There was always a need of an extra paw in either place, Vaas found splitting his time by the own light's was a gambit to helping out in either place.

Spotting Rhinestone, Vaas found himself walking closer, much before the call for a meeting was heard from the leader. Jade eyes looking past the rust-colored pelt towards the rest of the group that had gathered and he felt a low smile, coming to sit among the back edge of the crowd- due to his height he could see over most, if not all of the other clan mates.

The low cut smile was an honest one, and it sharpened into a grin at the reason for the gathering, choosing to sit and idle out and wait for both of the two named apprentices before he started embarrassing them both. publicly.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: BREAD MAKES YOU FAT ☆ o, apprentice ceremonies - METEOR - 10-28-2020

Quasar arrived a touch late—because he prowled behind intentionally. He was a hair away from leaping on Tree, intending on surprising his skittish brother, when Rhinestonestar called for the meeting. However, he stopped himself; Tree’s flicked back ears and anxious posture caused him to reconsider the pounce.

Then he realized his name’d been called, along with Tree’s, and the pup straightened up. He bounced to Tree’s side, pressing his shoulder into the other for moral and physical support. The sparkledoggo’s tail wagged wildly behind him. He wanted to get out of camp without needing an escort all the time! The child completely missed the details of “responsibility” and “tradition” that apprenticeship meant, but he listened well to the cool parts of Rhinestonestar’s little speech.

“I like my name, too!” he barked after Tree.

He glanced at the boardwalk’s boss, who looked much more like Quasar's ideal self than Rhinestonestar. “I want to keep my name like Vaas! But I also want to be a fucking badass warrior! I’ll be Quasar, master of all hunting techniques and slayer of the wicked!” He, snapping his jaws, grinned around his fangs. “I’m going to eat all the rats in the world once I’m an apprentice, just you watch! I’ll fucking do it!”

Re: BREAD MAKES YOU FAT ☆ o, apprentice ceremonies - rhosmari - 10-28-2020

The only reason why he even realized that something was going on was because Rhinestonestar had called out to the group of already semi gathered individuals. If he hadn't said anything the tom would have quietly gone on super absorbed in watching a dark blue beetle go across the ground. His tail twitching back and forth carefully as if he eas thinking of swiping at it. But his head had jerked up when he had heard the rust colored male's voice, fixing his pink and orange gaze upon the male that led Palmclan. With his attention and curiosity caught he would shift his bag and make his way over, avoiding some of the large animals that he stared at. He wasn't scared so much as super shy to go and talk to them. They were so big. Taking the time to rip his gaze away from Vaas he would then look at Rhine who spoke about honoring some new apprentices that they had. A ceremony. So this had to be super special and important then considering he said that he couldn't keep it away anymore. They deserved it. So then what did it mean to be an apprentice? An apprentice to what? Frankly he was super curious to find out but he wouldn't interrupt the ceremony. Instead he sat down and watched. Chuckling softly at the child's voice talking about how he would kill all the rats in the world.

Both wanted to keep their name. So these ceremonies changed names too? His head tilted to the side and he kept the information tucked in his head as he fiddled with the string that was attached to his bag.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: BREAD MAKES YOU FAT ☆ o, apprentice ceremonies - RHINESTONE. - 11-01-2020

As always, Tree responded to an incoming situation with optimism and excitement – once he realized what was happening – a fact that caused Rhinestone to grin. Also as always, Quasar reacted to the situation with boldness and a bit of a foul mouth, causing Rhine to simply chuckle and shake his head. Smiling down at the both of them, he was quick to reassure them, "Don't worry, the both of you are free to keep your names as they are. If either of you had requested apprentice names, I would've been happy to give them, but I figured you were pretty comfortable with what you have now." Rhine honestly didn't mind the both of them keeping their current names, even if it did earn him a bit of a glare from some of the more traditional members of the group. He just shook their sharp looks off for now, continuing, "As for mentors... well. First, I would like to assign myself as your mentor, Tree. I hope that I can pass down all that I know to you, and be a mentor that you can be proud of." The thought of being a mentor again kind of terrified him, but it excited him as well, especially considering he'd be teaching his own son.

Turning towards both Quasar and Vaas, he then continued with a low and warm chuckle, "As for you, Quasar... I'm going to be assigning Vaas as your mentor. Vaas, I hope that you can pass off all that you know to Quasar, as you have proven yourself a capable and proud warrior of Palmclan, and I trust you." He then dipped his head to the tiger, leaping down from atop the meeting rock to head over to Tree. He leaned down to touch his nose to the newly apprenticed-pup's, feeling an immense glow of pride in his chest. He then flicked his tail for Vaas and Quasar to do the same, as was customary of the ceremony. Even if Rhine didn't stick to all of the set traditions within Palmclan, there were plenty he did still respect, and the apprentice ceremony was one of them.

Re: BREAD MAKES YOU FAT ☆ o, apprentice ceremonies - METEOR - 11-03-2020

Quasar nodded in approval, standing up taller and straighter. Of course Rhinestonestar agreed with them. The Dadorito wasn’t an asshole. That shouldn’t have been a question, but Quasar still hadn’t gotten used to this new normal. Perhaps he never would.

His yellow ears twitched and flicked as Rhinestonestar continued, and he hoped feverishly that the boardwalk’s previous boss would be his mentor. He wanted to be a badass! No offense to the other warriors—Rhinestonestar included—but none of them were as badass as the tiger. When he heard Vaas’s name called, Quasar couldn’t help himself. He immediately cheered.

“Fuck yeah! I got the baddest bastard of them all. Nothing’ll stop me from being the baddest warrior of them all!” Quasar jumped towards Vaas, sprinting as soon as his paws hit the ground, and barely slowed down before he practically attempted to run into the tiger’s face. “Teach me everything you know, Boss! I’m gonna be a badass! I’m gonna wreck the whole fucking shithole world!”

Re: BREAD MAKES YOU FAT ☆ o, apprentice ceremonies - kinglykingstone - 11-07-2020

Tree was satisfied with being allowed to keep his name. The second part of Rhinestone's announcement is what threw him off and had him gazing absently for a moment. Rhinestone wanted to train him? Why would he want to train him? Tree was hardly worth his time, in his own opinion. It just didn't make sense! DId he think he needed extra work compared to say, his brother, so he had to do it himself? Would Rhinestone even have time for him?

He was shocked out of his short burst of thoughts by Rhinestone gently tapping his nose against Tree's. The apprentice would blink dumbly for a moment, unsure of what was going on. Was Rhinestone... greeting him? Shouldn't that have happened earlier? Though, earlier Rhinestone had been up on the rock so he wouldn't have been able to. Yeah, that made sense! "uh, yo?" said the formerly distracted pup before gently bumping his forehead against the feline's in a way of headbutting or greeting. "Thanks?" his tail tucked between his tail as he realized how out of place he felt, how little of the customs he knew added on top of it.

Re: BREAD MAKES YOU FAT ☆ o, apprentice ceremonies - RHINESTONE. - 11-07-2020

All in all, Rhine really should've expected that Tree would be a bit confused by the traditions that went into the apprentice ceremony. After all, the pup hadn't been born within the group, and thus hadn't been raised with all the intricacies of their traditions. So, as the leader's gaze was on Quasar, taking in his excitement and chuckling along because of it, he was caught off guard by Tree's head butting against his. The soft force of it wasn't enough to knock him back, or anything like that, but he still found himself blinking in surprise, briefly disoriented. The ruddy tom then found himself snorting, reaching a paw out to pat Tree gently atop the head before he spoke, "Ah, we'll work on that. Sometimes I forget that you and Quasar weren't just born into the clan." It really was a testament to how easily they had begun to fit in, that he didn't even realize they were originally from the boardwalk most times. Even with Tree's occasionally airheaded attitude, Rhine was excited to have him as an apprentice, since the other was essentially a blank slate for him to impart his "wisdom" on.

Re: BREAD MAKES YOU FAT ☆ o, apprentice ceremonies - VASS . - 11-08-2020

Pride it was a rare thing for him. Vain were the tiger- yes but: rarer still did he ever feel prideful. There were a many reasons he refused to look many beyond those he trusted- those he saw beyond the veil of their paws, met their eyes with sheer trust, confidence.

Vaas' smile was a heady thing, excitement unfurled from the edges of his chest and the tiger's yellowed fangs bear witness to it. Jade eyes looking into seafoam green of his apprentice. Like Quasar he was a rush of emotions, and instead of getting bowled over, Vaas took to paw playfully at Quasar's head as he approached. aiming to keep the smaller of the pair from bowling them both over completely. "Easy there,"

Vaas was quick to mirror Rhinestonestar, his nose coming to met Quasar's own after assurance he were at least a touch calm. "you will learn a great many things," Vaas swore, his own grin bright as he looked towards his apprentice, only passing a glance at Rhine with the same grin. " thank you, for allowing me, rey"
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "