Beasts of Beyond
they say it's the thought that counts / o, rhinestonestar needed - Printable Version

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they say it's the thought that counts / o, rhinestonestar needed - METEOR - 10-27-2020

For a full day, Quasar had labored over transforming a human skeleton into a masterpiece. The apprentice had started in Vaas’s studio, using his own little space there for the messy job of psychedelic splatter art. Acrylic paint stained his vaporwave paws neon and clung to his fur—though anyone unfamiliar with the sparkledoggo likely wouldn’t know where his natural coloration ended and the paint began.

Crimson. Black. Orange. Purple. Green.

The skeleton’s bones almost glowed in full daylight; under a blacklight, the neon explosion figuratively burned corneas. It was a colorful explosion worthy of any price, and Quasar knew exactly who deserved it as a gift.

He’d set up the skeleton in Rhinestonestar’s den, scattered to pieces like it’d been gnawed on by a larger predator. Quasar couldn’t wait to see his dadorito’s reaction. After all, he’d even spray painted the nests’ walls to match.

So he lurked in Palmclan’s camp, drilling hunting poses and crouching. A handful complimented his discipline, but his patience was the real virtue here. And he’d practice his hunting stalk for hours if he had to, if only to catch the exact moment Rhinestonestar saw his Halloween gift.


Re: they say it's the thought that counts / o, rhinestonestar needed - RHINESTONE. - 11-01-2020

Of course, Rhinestone hadn't known exactly what his son was working on when the other had disappeared off with a bunch of human bones. He had obviously been a bit anxious about it, since he didn't want Quasar trying to scare any poor kits, but he also trusted the pup enough not to press him about it. Ever since the other had gathered the remains, Rhine hadn't heard anything about them, and he honestly hadn't been sure whether to be pleased by that fact, or worried by it. As it turned out, it might've been a good idea to be both at once. It was debatable whether or not Quasar had intended to shock his father with his gift, but the tom certainly wasn't expecting anything like it when he stepped into his den that day.

Relaxed strides had carried Rhinestonestar into camp, a plump shrew clenched in his jaws that he deposited into the fresh prey basket, proud to have found it. He noticed Quasar nearby, practicing his hunting positions and form, and he happily flicked his tail in the other's direction, greeting him warmly even without words. Feeling tired from his hunting patrol, Rhinestone then turned and headed into his den, only to go still when he saw the scene before him. He wasn't even sure how to react, his body simply rectilinear and a gasp being pulled involuntarily from his lungs. His pale blue gaze dragged slowly over the walls and his next, lingering occasionally on the bones. A shiver ran up the leader's spine, and he immediately knew who was the culprit. Turning, he headed directly out of his den and towards Quasar, his voice slightly strained as he questioned, "Quasar... what exactly is it that you've left inside my den...? Is this... I never imagined that this was what you planned to do with the bones." The rust red feline's tone wasn't angry, or disappointed. Mostly just... bewildered.