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can you hear my voice up on the moon? ;; open - visitor - Printable Version

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can you hear my voice up on the moon? ;; open - visitor - trojan g. - 10-27-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]If Torsten had really known about the threats of the Pitt, he would have stayed home. Of course he believed that those in the Pitt were bad guys, as he'd been told, but how bad could they be if he had family here? The resemblance was there, and it was obvious. Torsten carried the same tell-tale markings of horns and wings as his brother did, just as many of his siblings did, gained from their mother. Though this was true, Torsten didn't know what Ry looked like, and only hoped that he'd be able to spot him as soon as he saw him, and know that was who he was looking for.

Tired from his walk to the desert that the Pitt called home, Torsten would pin his ears to the back of his head for a moment before reaching up and touching his necklace, a sigh leaving his small frame as he thought of the words that he would need to say to hopefully get someone over to the border. "Hello?" He would call out, ears soon pricking as he listened for someone to come over to him. "I was told I have family here... I just want to meet them." Hopefully they would let him.

Re: can you hear my voice up on the moon? ;; open - visitor - aine. - 10-27-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2e8b57; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I'LL C[color=#36829c]OME BACK WHEN YOU CALL ME
The border had seen a great deal of visitors recently.  To the point the petite Fleshweaver had grown reluctant to go near the border.  But there were some useful herbs, such as aloe, that grew in the desert.  She felt if she was going to be out gathering, she could do her father a favor and walk along the edge of their territory a little too.

Her ears perked.  Hazel hues flickering.  Hesitant.  Family?  Family here?  With salt in the breeze... Aine chewed the inside of her cheek, wings shuffling at her sides as she trotted forward.  She still felt uneasy with pirates, but he only wanted to talk... That was fine.

"... S-salut."  Horns.  Wings.  He wasn't a jaguar but... Ry was her best friend; she knew many of his family had those traits. "You- you... You look a lil like Ry.  Is that- is that who you're looking for?"

Re: can you hear my voice up on the moon? ;; open - visitor - Atticus Roux - 10-29-2020

The male had seen Aine wandering towards a stranger at the border and was reluctant to follow, so he wandered up promptly. Yellow eyes caught on the kitten in the distance. He hesitated, knowing that he was young enough to travel here at that age too, but they were also alone and looked small. The Pitt was a dastardly place. Atticus learned that over time, but his attachments within The Pitt kept him here and he learned there was much more to the place. Even so, his concern remained. The small boy smelled of salt-water, indicating their arrival from The Typhoon. The two groups were long-time enemies and rarely agreed on any terms, especially under previous reigns of The Pitt. Needless to say, seeing a tiny child travel across the sea alone to see 'family' in an enemy clan was frightening.

Atticus paused next to Aine, offering the medic a short glance. She was right. His brow furrowed at the thought of Tygrve and the similarities between this child. Curious, the feline blurted out. "Are you a Roux?" he casually asked. "My name is Atticus Roux, descendant of Selby and Moth Roux of Tanglewood." The Roux family seemed to be in most places, especially within The Typhoon, but he knew there were some outliers like himself within Tanglewood also. No wonder their alliance was so strong.

Nonetheless, he tried not to assume. "What's your name, kid?" the Pittian mentioned, hoping his guess was somewhat right.

Re: can you hear my voice up on the moon? ;; open - visitor - trojan g. - 10-29-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]Worry crossed the male's face as he soon saw the arrival of two members of the Pitt, and for a moment, Torsten regret his decision to come over to seek out his brother, but when he had heard the words spoken by the two, the regret began to melt away. "Yeah!"  The small voice would speak out to Aine in response to her question, "That's my brother, it's what I was told." When Atticus came over, question pouring from his own mouth, the male would simply nod at first. "My name's Torsten, I'm a Roux too, and I'm also a Folie-Mikaelson! I don't think I've met a Moth or a Selby yet, I didn't even know there was family outside of my home. Are you family too?" Standing on his toes in excitement, Torsten would look up to Atticus, ears pricked and eyes wide in hopes for the proper answer. He wished he had brought something to give the others around here, seeing as they seemed so nice so far.

Re: can you hear my voice up on the moon? ;; open - visitor - Atticus Roux - 10-29-2020

A brother? Atticus let out a short 'hm' and nodded. Another cousin within The Typhoon, but he wasn't too surprised. They fucked like rabbits over there. While he was interested in family, he wasn't so fond of interacting with Tygrve, especially after their rough squabble. "Interesting," he mumbled. "Maybe Tygrve will show his face eventually, but I'm not sure." His tone was full of disdain. Aine would clearly know why, seeing the healer had to deal with his wounds afterwards.

A huff left Atticus. Luckily it was a pleasure meeting new family members, minus some exceptions. A child couldn't be so bad, could they? Subtly, a smile tugged at his features. Atticus felt good about this. "Well Torsten, it's nice to meet you," the tabby remarked. "I am your family too, probably your cousin?" He wasn't so sure. He knew Goldenluxury was his distant cousin, so maybe they were too. Atticus liked to think so at least. They really needed a family tree so they could keep track of this mess. Maybe carve it into a literal tree or a scroll? He'd need to think about that.


Re: can you hear my voice up on the moon? ;; open - visitor - T. ROUX - 10-30-2020

Trygve had been rather preoccupied to say the least though he was never far from either Aine or Gael it seemed, the boy taking a deep breath as his ears perked forward at the sound of voices. Aine, Atticus, and an unfamiliar one that sounded rather young which was enough to make the boy frown. He figured that he might as well investigate especially since the smell of the Typhoon was also there, Trygve took a deep breath wondering who it could've been. Eventually, approaching the trio, Ry took the moment to realize that the voice had belonged to the child that had been sitting there. He had known about the relationship of his mother but not this, a frown tugging down at his lips in a bit of thought only to find his voice with a light nod of his head "Hello there..." He greeted a bit awkwardly at first only to continue with a slow nod "Torsten." He rolled his shoulders a bit only to extend a wing out to shield the child from the sunlight.

"Aren't you supposed to be home?" Inquired the draconic jaguar with a small frown though he sounded like a hypocrite seeing that he had also gone to the Pitt at such a young age though, he had his reasons of being here now. This was his home and well, he wasn't thinking of leaving just yet. Or ever, for that matter. His eyes shifted over to Atticus both pupils narrowing into dangerous slits, he disregarded the other in that moment to concentrate on this small sibling of his. "Are you thirsty or hungry? That was a pretty big trip for a little guy such as yourself," He continued feeling less awkward as he interacted more and more with the younger Roux, after all, this was his little brother despite how odd that sounded given how he was usually the younger sibling amongst himself and Roan. A snort left him thinking about his uptight brother, it made him wonder if the guy even took a moment for his new younger siblings. He doubted it but, that was fine since Ry would be more than willing to spend time with em.

"You remind me a lot like myself when I was younger. I was about your age when I first found the Pitt." He continued with a thoughtful lash of his mottled tail though his ears would lower themselves in a moment as he cast a glance over to Aine only to smile at Torsten "And I'm glad I did... Met the sweetest girl," He would slowly rise to his paws aiming to pick up Torsten and set him on his back that way it would be a lot easier to protect Torsten. His whiskers twitched as he added with a shrug "And yeah, Atticus was there eventually too."

Re: can you hear my voice up on the moon? ;; open - visitor - trojan g. - 11-03-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]Watching as those around him spoke, Torsten would nod his head in thought, Atticus's words reaching his ears as they swirled in his head. Cousins? He hadn't been told there were any cousins here, maybe his parents didn't know, that could be the only reason why he wasn't told, right? He would have said something in response had it not been for Ry to soon come over, his own words leaving his maw, some in forms of questions directed at the child.

Shielded from the light, it was easier to see Trygve in full, and see the common things that attached the two together, the draconic blood that seemed to run through the children of Roxanne. "You look kinda like me," He would mumble for a moment, ignoring for now the question of whether he was meant to be home or not. Of course he was meant to be in the Typhoon, he had been told directly not to go anywhere outside of the Typhoon by himself, but he had been so excited by the thought of family he had yet to meet that he didn't think of the consequences when leaving for the Pitt.

When asked if he was hungry or thirsty, the child would simply nod his head at first, brows furrowing as he began to speak. "It's really dry here though, how do you stay not thirsty?" He would ask, head tilting slightly soon after, "And I'm not little, I'm a big boy, and I didn't get hurt all the way here to prove it." He had been lucky, more like, but he wouldn't ever admit that. "How long ago was that, when you were my age? That must have been a long time ago..."