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ROCKET TO THE MOOON;; open - necklaces - Printable Version

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ROCKET TO THE MOOON;; open - necklaces - trojan g. - 10-27-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]When Torsten had found his stone that he carried around with him, he had found some twine and decided that he was going to wrap it around the small thing to make a necklace. To make sure it wouldn't fall out from where it was, he had wrapped it tight multiple times, making it so the shape of the stone was hard to see, but that wasn't important, it was with him, and wouldn't be falling out, he had made sure of that.

When he had found other stones that he had liked, or stones that made him think of family, Torsten had taken them back to where he lived with his mothers and siblings, and had stashed them away in a pile next to where he slept, and had let the pile stack up until it was about ready to topple over, when he had gathered his twine once more and decided he was going to make necklaces out of them.

Having placed everything in a bucket, Torsten moved outside of his home, where the sun shone bright enough for him to see what he was doing, and sat down, beginning to work. Soon he had a couple necklaces of varying sizes, and as he had worked his tongue had stuck out from his mouth, his face filled with concentration.

Re: ROCKET TO THE MOOON;; open - necklaces - Keona. - 10-27-2020

keona sibéal ní faoláin.
the typhoon.
the blind dealer.
[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #2a4971; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 2px;"]Idir brí is idir muir, Tá mé i dtiúin
The petite wildcat had a single necklace.  A seashell shaped into a flower.  A gift.  It was the only jewelry, the dealer ever wore.  She simply found little point in adorning herself with much.  Unnecessary.  But she did like her necklace.  Very much.

Keona still enjoyed little things like seashells.  Rocks that were entirely smooth under her tiny paws.  She may not know what color they were, but she enjoyed the way they felt.  Little reminders of the sea.

She might've passed by Torsten had her ears not caught the slight sounds of movement.  She paused, curious.  Quiet as he was, she suspected he was probably very focused.

"Aloha," she offered up softly, reluctant to interrupt the other's workflow.  "What're you up to?"

Re: ROCKET TO THE MOOON;; open - necklaces - roan ; - 10-28-2020

The only piece of jewelry that Roan really cared for was the quartz earring that was pierced through his right ear. Even then, he only really cared about it because it signified him as a healer, something that he prided himself on, even through all the hardships it brought him. It wasn't as if he was his uncle – he had never fawned over fine jewelry, nor had he lost his mind at a particularly shiny bit of rock. However, this didn't prevent the soothsayer from approaching when he noticed what Torsten was doing. After all, it would've been rude, ignoring his little brother when the other was trying to put together a touching gesture.

So, the zombified feline came padding up beside Keona, lightly flicking his tail against his half-sister's spine in order to let her know he was there. He then spoke to Torsten, his head cocked to one side as he inspected the various different sizes of necklaces that lay before him, "Hey, Torsten... are you planning to hand those out around the group? I'm sure that people will appreciate them." Most within the Typhoon would know how rude it would be to refuse the gift of a child that was Torsten's age, so Roan didn't worry about his feelings being hurt. Of course, that was as long as he avoided trying to give one to Aphra – Roan didn't put being a bitch about a stone necklace past her.

Re: ROCKET TO THE MOOON;; open - necklaces - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 10-29-2020

To be quite honest, Finn wasn't all that interested in jewelry. While he knew it was one of their traditions to have a charm earring when they got older, he would much rather prefer a bracelet or necklace if he had to choose. So, whenever he found any jewelry on his shell hunts, he often gave it away. Perhaps this would change if he felt some sort of sentimental value for them? At the moment, Finnegan had no clue how to answer that question.

Walking along, he noticed the small group forming around his brother, deciding to see what they were up to. Sitting down beside Roan, the black and gray tom would peer at Torsten's supplies, head tipped. "What'cha up to, Tortie?" Finn would ask in a silly tone of voice, something that was slightly out of character for the child. Necklaces huh? Well... since it was his brother, maybe he would take one if he was offered a chance, even if it was something he didn't normally like. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt one of his siblings' feelings, after all.

Re: ROCKET TO THE MOOON;; open - necklaces - Simon F.M. - 10-29-2020

Diya had watched her son leave their home with a bunker, a soft chuckle leaving her as she let him go on about his day. It wasn't until she heard other voices that she headed outside, swinging the door open and sticking her head out.

"Oh hello!" she greeted, fully leaving as she let the door close behind her. So, he was making necklaces? A smile came to her face, a paw lifting to the two necklaces tucked against her fur. One, a beaded necklace mirroring the one her mother had worn. The other the product of traditions from a home long past.

"how are you, Keona, Roan?" she asked as she moved to sit behind Finnegan, aiming to wrap a paw around him and pull him close. She would rasp her tongue over her son's head, grooming the fur to be flat. "hello, mon nounours", she said softly before lifting her head to look up at the center of attention. "And you, ma tortue, what are you up to?

Re: ROCKET TO THE MOOON;; open - necklaces - trojan g. - 10-29-2020

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 45%; font-family: times new roman;font-size:13px;text-align:justify;text-indent: 30px;"]Torsten had no way of knowing which necklace was for who until they came close to him, and that was when he decided who would get one if they wanted one, though some would be getting necklaces whether they liked it or not. Tongue quickly retreated back into his mouth as his concentration was broken, and Torsten would look over to those who had come to him, ears pricked as he listened to the words they spoke, smile on his maw as his chest soon puffed out. "I'm makin' necklaces for crewmates!" He would proudly boast, nodding his head in response to Roan's question.

"I wanna give necklaces to others that I know, like you guys, so I got my nice rocks, and I started wrapping the string around them and then made the string bigger so that the adults could wear the necklaces, and some smaller for the bettas." He would have continued had he not been interrupted by Finnegan and Diya coming forward at the time. Without thinking about it, the small boy would quickly stand up, grabbing four of the necklaces he had already made, quickly attempting to place one over Finnegan's head while at the same time trying to place a paw gently on his nose for a second before turning to the adults around him placing one in front of each of them before sitting back down. "Now we can all match if we want to! And they're wrapped up real good so the rocks won't get lost."

Re: ROCKET TO THE MOOON;; open - necklaces - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 11-02-2020

Purring as his mouth licked his head, Finn would smile up at her. "Hi, momma." The beta would greet the she-cat, tiny tail flicking. Then, as Torsten bounded forward, he had no time to react as a necklace was placed around his neck, nose booped during the process. Letting out a squeak of surprise, Finnegan shook his head, looking down at the shiny rock now hanging down by his chest. Lifting with a paw to get a better look, the child turned back to his brother. "It looks great, Tortie, thanks! I'll wear it forever." Finn said encouragingly. Ok ok... he had to admit, this necklace was the coolest he had ever received yet. Why, you ask? Because his brother made it. Nothing could beat a homemade gift, that's for sure. "What kind of rock did you get, momma?" He would ask, looking back up at Diya with curious eyes.

Re: ROCKET TO THE MOOON;; open - necklaces - roan ; - 11-03-2020

Roan's first assumption on what the other was doing had been right, but that wasn't a bad thing. It was nice to see Torsten out and interacting with everyone, and he would never discourage his brother from showing a bit of kindness to other members of the group. Roan found a small smile curling on his muzzle as Diya approached, his stitched up tail flicking beside him as he spoke to her, "Hey Diya... I'm doing alright. Tired... but that's the usual." He was less tired as of late, considering he had Rosemary to help him out, but he still had his duties to attend to. He had always been a bit of a workaholic, something that had a tendency to run in his family – he could only hope this wasn't a sign that Torsten would be one too.

Refocusing his attention towards the necklaces, he let a small smile quirk at the edges of his muzzle as he pulled the necklace close, and into his paws. He ran the pads of his paw lightly over the stone, a hum leaving him before he slipped it on. The soothsayer then purred, the firm weight of the rock against his chest fluff, "Thank you, Torsten. It's very pretty, and it helps me accessorize along with my bag." He motioned briefly at his herb satchel, which sat against his hip as usual. He then suggested, his gaze flicking towards the beach, "You should also be sure to give one to our uncle, Michael. He's a big fan of jewelry, so I'm sure he'd appreciate it. And your other mama too, of course." Not that either Michael or Roxie really needed more jewelry, but this piece had sentimental value.

Re: ROCKET TO THE MOOON;; open - necklaces - Simon F.M. - 11-04-2020

Diya nodded as Roan responded, a pleased smile on her face. While she didn't like that he was as tired as always, it was good to hear that he had help. She would return her attention to the two boys before her, a smile on her face as she watched Torsten hand out the necklaces. She scooped hers up with a paw, holding it in front of her face and examining the heart shaped rock as it glinted in the sun. "Thank you, dear," she would say as she pulled it over her head and let it rest gently between her other necklaces.

At Finnegan's question, she angled her head down a touch more to look at him and raised the stone out her thick fur. "I'm not entirely sure what kind of stone it is but, it looks a bit like a heart, doesn't it?" she stated, looking at it a moment longer before allowing it to settle. "What did you get?" she asked, not having seen it before his brother placed it on him.

Re: ROCKET TO THE MOOON;; open - necklaces - Alexandre - 11-05-2020

At the sound of his sibling's voice, followed promptly by his mother's, the kitten slunk over curiously. Alexandre pulled up next to Diya, attempting to lightly rub his side against her as he passed, and wandered closer to Finnegan. His head lowered to look at his necklace. Orange hues observed the contents in interest. His gaze surveyed the necklace in it's entirety, impressed by the craftsmanship, and looked back up to Torsten with a light smile. "Looks elegant," the feline added elegantly. Deep down, he wished for one, but Alexandre kept his mouth shut and quietly observed.

Pulling away from Finnegan's vicinity, he went to sit down next to Diya and settled down onto the floor. Even if the others walked away, he would like to observe his brother's work. Alexandre was dearly invested already.