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Willow Tree March -- Visit - SirDio - 10-26-2020


Forever would he be grateful to Lin Bai, a god of war, for their openness and willingness to give him shelter as Winter began to close its grip on the land. It seemed as though winter was grasping at the forest he found himself in. Gently warping tree limbs to make way for his antlers, he found himself feeling crowded within the forest. Bahano caught the scent of a feline who wasn't entirely feline in scent, and he remained on high alert as he approached a crumbling stone house. Wary, even if humans had been gone for so long, he was still wary. He investigated the house before noticing the stone path. Huh. Interesting.

Following the path toward the edge of the forest, he was met with sand and a wide, open ocean. Memories of the catfish goddess and her ever-present wisdom flooded in, and he let out a mournful call. Gods, he missed them, his old friends who he had known since their creation. Tufts of grass died around him, but then sprung to life as he remembered why he even went here - Alithis Evgenis had relations with Palmclan, a group of felines down by the coast. Bahano wished to talk with some of the members and maybe even their leader. Hopefully, they were open to him, even if he was a full-grown bull Elk.

Sticking to the edge of the forest, he stood and grazed. Someone was bound to show up, especially with an Elk in their forests.

Re: Willow Tree March -- Visit - rhosmari - 10-28-2020

Normally he and his brother were used to milder climates that didn't exactly see a lot of snow. But they had gotten some and he liked to think that winter was one of his favorite seasons. It was fun, and he liked to roll around the snow as well as make small snow balls that he tried to push into large boulders. Although he never actually made it that far considering his size but he was still so excited to try it every time. This would maybe be his third winter and he was so pumped for it. He was finding himself getting more and more comfortable as he settled in but he still was a bit awkward and often explored on his own. Even so he kept a smile on his face as he walked across the sands, watching his own paw prints be created behind him. He wondered what he could shape with the sand and frankly he also felt like his plants were growing low. Yet that thought flew out of his had as he lifted up his sunrise eyes to spot a large and grazing creature he had never seen before. "Oh, cool...." The large domestic cooed out in awe as he looked at the elk. He was so large and he slowly crept forward with ears pulled back. He tilted his head a but as he got closer, he's tilting up to look at the massive figure before him.

He had never seen an animal like this but he assumed he was like a deer. Or something close to it. "Hey, umm, you look so amazing. How did you get so big? I mean, Hircine is big too and so is Number Nine but like wow." Dovah tried to keep himself from rambling as he felt that he got on other's nerves with how much he talked bit he was trembling with excitement at meeting a creature like this and his rack was amazing. Maybe that strange mournful cry had come from him? It sounded so sad and he figured he should ask about it as he shifted his small bag against his side. "Um, sorry if I'm being rude or nosey but is everything okay? Um...this is Palmclan by the way and ah...I'm Dovah!"

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: Willow Tree March -- Visit - SirDio - 10-28-2020


Ears flicked as he heard someone speak in the distance, and his head raised to look at the arrival. A feline, domestic, not too small. A soft huff came from him, a patient smile on his face. Elk sightings were probably slim to none here. He turned his body to face Dovah as he spoke, a wondrous tone about him. Once he had finished talking did Bahano speak himself.

"Hello! I suppose you have never seen Elk. The reason I'm as big as I am is that I am a bull elk. Being a god also plays into that. But i am no bigger than the average Elk. Ah- yes, the call. I just was remembering an old friend is all. I am Bahano, God of Nature." He did a small bow, then stood back up. Would Dovah believe that Bahano was a god? if not, it wouldn't hurt him - there were many skeptics in the world.

Re: Willow Tree March -- Visit - SirDio - 10-29-2020

[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #223341;"] Hurricane's growing worry for Medusa had kept him from going out for patrols with other cats - he was always making sure she was warm, safe, well-fed, that sort. Walking the separation of beach and forest, he saw Dovah and... oh sweet lord, that's a fucking ELK. Cautious, he walked up the two, offering Dovah a curt nod. "Hello- You did just say you're an elk, right, sir? I'm Hurricane, a warrior of Palmclan." Then he physically reeled back. This guy was a god??

"You're a god?? There's no way - absolutely no way you're a god!" Bright yellow eyes stared wide-eyed at the Elk, fur instinctively spoofing out to the point his neck fur ended up like an actual lion mane. This guy had got to be joking... right??

Re: Willow Tree March -- Visit - RHINESTONE. - 11-01-2020

It seemed as though Palmclan was getting visitors more often than not these days, not that Rhinestonestar particularly minded it. As long as the visitors were friendly, they were free to explore their lands, and then go about their lives as they so pleased. If they weren't friendly, however? Well... they hadn't run into that scenario just yet, but Rhine was fairly sure the clan could handle it if they ever did. They had plenty of rather large clan members at this point, and most if not all of them were trained for combat. If someone really wanted to come and cause trouble with the normally reclusive clan, then they would be in for a very unpleasant experience, at least in the tom's opinion. Thankfully, Bahano seemed to be one of those souls that wasn't interested in fighting, which was fortunate, considering the other was an elk. While Rhinestone didn't doubt that a group could still take the other down if it was necessary, the leader wasn't looking forward to any injuries caused by such an interaction.

As for the other claiming he was a god... well, it was certainly interesting. Rhine was inclined not to believe him, since the ruddy feline had been taught that the only divine spirits out there were those within Starclan. However, considering Starclan had never spoken to him, even after all this time... it no longer seemed as far-fetched. He chose not to comment on it for now, just coming up next to both Dovah and Hurricane. He gave the both of them small smiles, before turning to their new guest, "Hello Bahano. My name is Rhinestonestar, and I'm the one in charge around here, in Palmclan. Do you have any particular business for coming here, or are you just checking in on us?" The scent of Alithís Evgenis clung to the elk's pelt, which was mostly what caused Rhine to ask the question. After what Bai Shi had told them to be prepared for in their last visit... Rhinestone didn't want to leave any stone unturned. However, the leader was fairly sure that if the bandit raid was happening, Bai would've come themselves, rather than sending a messenger.

Re: Willow Tree March -- Visit - number nine. - 11-01-2020

Yet another visitor on their territory. That was hardly all that exciting on its own, considering the amount of visitors they were prone to getting. What was exciting, however, was just how interesting this visitor seemed to be. Most of the time, when someone came to visit, they were just some kind of average animal. Most of the time, it was also someone like Bai Shi, coming with alliance news or some kind of proposal. This time, however, it was just a wanderer. Not only a wanderer, but an elk. Nine knew elks to be incredibly majestic creatures, and that certainly seemed to be the case when he got a look at the other, even from afar. In addition to that, Bahano was also claiming that he was a god. This was hardly the first time that Number Nine had heard such a claim, but usually those that did say such things were pretty interesting. Even if, on occasion, they were just boisterous assholes too far up their own assholes to see that they were as normal as the rest. However, Bahano didn't give Nine that impression. Or at least, not at first.

Nine came to hover nearby, slowly circling around Bahano and inspecting him, the male's gaze lingering on the other's horns for a while, just to take in how majestic they were. When the winged jaguar eventually came in for a landing, he grinned sharply, saying with a chuckle, "Bahano the god, huh? That's a pretty snazzy title that you've got there... if you're a god, that means you've got special powers, right? You got anything cool that you can show us, to prove it?" Number Nine's gaze had a faint mischievous gleam to it, and the male couldn't deny that he was excited. Even if Bahano just showed off your average dollar store powers, that would still be pretty interesting to watch – and privately laugh at, considering the others would probably be floored. While waiting for a response from the elk, Nine tacked on as well, his tail twitching, "Oh, my name's Number Nine, by the way. No special godhood, just your average bounty hunter and warrior living here in Palmclan." Nine found himself wondering if, in the past, anyone he had hunted considered themselves to be a god. Well, even if they had, that had certainly been proven wrong when he had come around.

Re: Willow Tree March -- Visit - SirDio - 11-01-2020


His eyes settled on Hurricane, an amused smile on his face. Definitely skeptics - that was probably the best part of being a god: being able to prove it. When Rhine showed up, he dipped down in greetings. The leader was this small cat, it seemed. Not the larger, winged feline that showed up. "I do indeed have powers - I would be glad to show you all." With those words, the winds picked up, cold and fierce, making trees bend and bow. He moved his head to one side, and the wind changed direction to where he faced. Then he moved his head to the other side, and the wind followed. Pillars of sandstone were formed around the deity, sand collecting and compressing to make them. He reared on his hind legs and vines sprouted from the sands beneath him, twirling their way up the pillars. Flowers bloomed from them, a rainbow of colors. As he slammed his hooves into the ground, the pillars crumbled and the vines laid like webbing around him, some clinging to his anters where they fought with the already existing foliage. The winds died to a soft breeze, going their destined direction.

"And to answer your question, Rhinestonestar, I had heard that Alithis Evgenis was allied with a neighboring beach group, and I wanted to visit for good curiosity's sake."

Re: Willow Tree March -- Visit - number nine. - 11-04-2020

Shit. This was far from the first time that Number Nine had seen powers in action, but it was certainly one of the more impressive times. He found himself taking a step back as Bahano moved, the elk causing his eyes to widen slightly from behind his ring of flowers. The bounty hunter did have to admit that he had a bit of a vendetta against showing off – far too many of his assigned bounties thought it was fun to fuck around and be cock – but this was an exception. Letting out a low whistle, the jaguar felt a smirk pulling at the edges of his muzzle, tail twitching from side to side as he muttered to Bahano, "That was pretty damn impressive... I think I like my husband's light shows a little better, but I will admit that I'm pretty biased in that department." Lewis wasn't really the type to end up showing off, and Nine knew that. Despite this, there were occasions where he requested it from the other, often with a teasing or challenging tone that showed the larger male the mischief that Nine was cooking up. Bahano, by comparison, seemed far more respectable.

Re: Willow Tree March -- Visit - RHINESTONE. - 11-04-2020

Over time, Rhinestone had begun to grow more used to powers, and what they entailed. In technicality, Palmclan still had a rather open and shut ban on powers, since they had been seen as a gift from somewhere other than Starclan. However, the tom had given up on enforcing that rule quite some time ago, mainly because he didn't feel the need to keep it in place. After all, nobody had tried to kill them all yet just because they had discovered they had powers, and it wasn't as if Starclan was exactly helping them out as of late. Despite all of this, Rhine still wasn't feeling very prepared when Bahano began to demonstrate his powers, pale eyes growing wide as he stared upwards. He found himself stumbling back, a shocked gasp slipping out from his muzzle despite his best efforts. He had seen some more simple uses of powers, but such a display was unheard of to him before.

However, he was quick to recover, not wanting Bahano to think that Palmclan's leader was some weakling. Shaking off his initial shock, the ruddy feline then muttered, "For curiosity's sake... well, I suppose that's fine. After all, we never look down on anyone looking to learn about us. Does that mean that you're a member of Alithís, or were you just passing through when you heard about us...?" If the elk was a member of Alithís Evgenis, then Rhine would probably feel a sense of relief, mainly due to the other's group recent troubles with bandits. After all, having such a powerful supposed "god" on their side would definitely help with fighting those bastards back, right?

Re: Willow Tree March -- Visit - SirDio - 11-04-2020


A rumbling laugh bubbled from the deity, his head bobbing slightly. "Very fair, Nine." He nodded to the larger feline before his eyes settled on Rhine. Such a shocked expression never ceased to make him laugh. "It's fine to be shocked, sir. I have startled many a king and emperor with my power. I consider myself a wandering being for now. I just arrived in this world on Alithis territory. I'm using Alithis as a base of operations and I'll be helping with the bandit issue." His voice hardened a bit with the words of bandits. "With the development of some Alithians, We'll be sure to chase those rascals out. One of the Alithians, a she-wolf, has just learned she can shapeshift." He remembered the fond feeling he had when Asteri told him why she looked so different. Although he could not shapeshift himself, he knew many a god who could.