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GAY OR EUROPEAN? ;; o, soccer? - Printable Version

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GAY OR EUROPEAN? ;; o, soccer? - tristitia - 05-13-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Being raised by her parents, Sekai has been raised on instinct, not with  games others had. She was taught to hunt, not how to make tea. Though, this didn’t mean that she didn’t have a developed me. She was quite smart, academically. As for street smarts? That area was a bit lacking.

So, when she had stumbled across a soccer ball in the jungle-ridden island, she didn’t know what it was. Perhaps prey? The lioness got into a hunting crouch, brown tail flicking, as she leapt at it.

© madi

Re: GAY OR EUROPEAN? ;; o, soccer? - CAESAR CIPHER. - 05-14-2018

Contrary to popular belief, Caesar actually had been raised by his parents. They loved him, in fact. They treated him well, they treated him like the son he was; he was never harassed by them, never abused. And yet he ended up being such a careless monster. How? Well, the one thing his parents didn't do was condone his behavior. They brushed it off, claiming it was all an act to scare the King. But oh, how they were wrong. If they had heeded his words, he would have never become the person he did. But he didn't regret it. He was glad his parents never listened to him, because it gave him a chance to show them - and their entire Universe - who was boss.

Did Caesar know street smarts? No, he actually didn't. The demon preferred to attack long range, using powers and abilities. Unfortunately he had no powers here, since they didn't transfer over with him, but they would eventually. Hopefully. Because he certainly didn't enjoy not having his powers. It made him feel weak, pathetic. A weakling. To which he wasn't. However, if he ever got in a fight where he had to fight with his teeth and claws, he would probably lose pathetically. Unlike his brother, Vigenere, he hadn't had physical strength training, and therefore didn't know any moves that would have a proper effect on somebody. Caesar believed that having powers was strength.

Caesar had been out-and-about when Sekai had discovered the soccer ball. He watched her as she leapt at it, an invisible eyebrow raised. "Whaddya think you're doing?" He inquired, although his tone didn't exactly say he was genuinely curious over what she was doing.

Re: GAY OR EUROPEAN? ;; o, soccer? - Kian. - 05-14-2018

ϟ Although unlikely to mention it, Kian had a royal upbringing.  His mother and father loved him, and his siblings very much, and raised them to be princes.  He was given a lot of free reign as a child, free to choose what he wanted to do, what and when he wanted to learn.  While his more studious older brother buried his nose in a book, Kian learned how to had fun.  Consequently, he was far more 'street smart' than 'book smart', though he was far more learned than he appeared oftentimes.  The benefits, after all, of having private tutors.

Much of his free time growing up had been spent outdoors, spending time with friends and getting into trouble.  He had no trouble recognizing a soccer ball then, though he was confused as to where it could have come from.  Perhaps someone on the island liked the game, or it had been washed up, or, he supposed, someone might've taken it as loot, then lost it.  Whatever the case, Kian came to a fast conclusion his young crewmate did not know what it was.  "That's not how you play soccer," the Irishman chuckled, flicking an ear. 

His paws were itching to return to camp, to check on Keona, but he realized that perhaps he was overbearing sometimes.  He could spare a little time seeing what his crewmates were up to.

Re: GAY OR EUROPEAN? ;; o, soccer? - Verdigris - 05-15-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Sekai was not the only one who had been raised in an environment with little games or frivolity to be had. Most of Papercutter's free time in the desert had been spent learning how to fight and hunt, and sparring with the rest of his squad- sports had never been on the docket. (Not like one could easily play ball in the sand anyway, but that was mere semantics.)

  Noticing Sekai attacking the ball, Paper approached carefully, eyeing the ball with one brow quirked. It appeared to be harmless, but he had no idea what one was actually supposed to do with it. He was about to second Caesar when Kian spoke up, referring to it as "soccer." Perhaps "soccer" meant you were supposed to punch the ball, or "sock" it... or maybe it meant something else entirely. "Enlighten us, then," he responded, glancing over at Kian. This was far from the best use of his time, but he was curious as to the rules of whatever this "soccer" was (though he would never admit it).

Re: GAY OR EUROPEAN? ;; o, soccer? - tristitia - 05-16-2018

fate or finality
Lioness The Typhoon Betta tags
Sekai had not heard of Caesar. No, her mind had other, perhaps worse names burned into it. The cub did not need to have her time occupied by some ungrateful tiny Savannah cat or whoever he was. She stopped, nearly popping the ball as she looked towards Caesar. He did not seem disdainful, but he didn’t seem extremely curious. She blinked, and then responded calmly, “It’s... it’s prey, right? I’m trying to hunt it but it really does not want this day to be its last.” She attempted to make a joke, shown by her awkward chuckle.

Hearing the Irishman, Sekai fully got off the ball. Soccer? What was soccer? By the way he said “play,” that meant it was a game. Why would one play games with prey? She prodded it before looking at the cat. Her eyes widened somewhat, though her brows furrowed and combatted this. “What... what is this ‘soccer’ you speak of?” The muddy-colored cub asked.

The cub glanced over at Papercutter. They had somewhat similar childhoods, it seemed, as he had no clue what this “soccer” was either. She scooted somewhat closer to him, offering a small smile. Yeah... time to be enlightened.

//Mobile Sorry!
© madi

Re: GAY OR EUROPEAN? ;; o, soccer? - Kian. - 05-16-2018

ϟ The fae flicked his tail, eyes flickering back towards the direction of camp.  It's fine.  Keona might even pop her head out of the bushes (or leaves, given stature) any second, given her track record for sneaking off.  Explaining soccer had not been on his day's list of expectations.  "Soccer is a sport.  A game.  Have none of you really played it?" Perhaps that was not too terribly surprising.  The crewmates of the Typhoon were from all sorts of places, and, he imagined, all walks of life.  "A lot of us call it football, actually," he offered, though he doubted that would ring any bells either.  Very well.

"Well, the concept of the game is fairly simple.  You have two goals and one ball, and you want to kick the ball into the opposite team's goal.  Each team has a goalie though, and they stay by the goal and try to protect it while everyone else runs around trying to kick the ball or to stop someone else from kicking it, essentially.  Those are the real basic principles at least, we could get a lot more detailed, going into positions and all that, but I've never really cared for those." It was just fun trying to get the ball through the other team.  He'd leave the specifics of positions across the field and the like to the real professionals.  "Usually to play, we'd find an open field, and just mark the goals someway or another.  They're supposed to be nets, but sometimes you have to make due."

Re: GAY OR EUROPEAN? ;; o, soccer? - Verdigris - 05-17-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]As Sekai scooted closer to him, Paper glanced up at her- wait, up at her? He blinked, brows raising. Yes, the lioness was already taller than he was. Granted, lions tended to be several times the size of a jackal once they reached adulthood, but Sekai was only, what, nine months old? With a sigh, he turned his head to face Kian and pushed the matter to the back of his mind.

  As Kian explained the game, Paper listened, then nodded. "Football" made a lot more sense given that the idea was to kick the ball- he had no clue where "soccer" could have come from. A team game, though... perhaps he'd have some skill at that. Such a game could serve as physical exercise, too, so it wouldn't be a complete waste of time. "Maybe we could give it a shot," he said, flicking his good ear. "As a team-building exercise, I mean."

Re: GAY OR EUROPEAN? ;; o, soccer? - Keona. - 05-18-2018

✯ — female. betta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat.  ref. bio.
All Keona heard was 'game', admittedly, but it was enough to drive her out. The tiny betta practically burled straight for her father, her sightless eyes luminous.  She wanted to play a game. Nobody ever played real games with her.  "I play?"

Besides, if it was a team-building exercise too, that made it even better, right?  She did not want to sit out on this one.  Of course, she had no clue the ball was practically over twice her size.  The concept was simple enough to her; she wanted to try.
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