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don't drink the yellow water - open; drinking sea water - Printable Version

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don't drink the yellow water - open; drinking sea water - rhosmari - 10-26-2020

With his days becoming more and more engrossed in the culture of Palmclan he could say he was enjoying himself immensely. Though he had yet to define his own place here all of those he had met so far were spectacularly kind to him. As far as he knew anyway. He appreciated them and with his brother here as well he could live more at ease knowing that he had the best protection out there. After his scolding though he knew better than to wander off and not use their signals again. Though he had forgotten them and felt bad for putting Hircine through all of that stress. With a soft sigh the vitiligo marked tom would make his trek across the beach once again admiring the large force of water before him. He had never seem anything like it before. The biggest he had seen was...a lake he believed it was called and even then it look super tiny compared to this source of water. And that also reminded him that he was thirsty. He hadn't eaten or had any water since he had gotten here. It made him rather aware now that he was watching the water before him. Mmm. Well there was no time like the present right and he was sure there was definitely plenty of water to go around. Just look at all of it!

Here he stood and carefully he advanced toward the shore line. Eyes narrowed slightly and tail high with a a playful twitch. He was rather enthusiastic about this venture to drink some water. Quickly when the waves were pulling out he moved forward and took a few licks but just as quickly his head jerked up in surprise. "Woah! It's salty?!" He looked immediately surprised and confused as he looked back down to the water, taking a few more licks of the liquid to confirm what his tastebuds had told him. It was salty water! But how did that even happen. He sniffed the water as it washed over his legs and then drunk some more because why not. It was the hydration that he needed and he felt what he considered to be better.

[sup]template made by tikki[/sup]

Re: don't drink the yellow water - open; drinking sea water - VASS . - 10-30-2020

Vaas felt the bringing of a chuckle on the edge of his throat at the sight of Dovah's first taste of the water. It was hard not to taste it on the scales of their prey- fish, and while it was a simple conclusion as to where the fish got it, to taste it yourself was... not wise. Not to mention all of the salt, but especially on shore fronts like palmclan. See all the foam on the beaches? was never a good thing, and always present with large presence of sea-life...

Not only was it Dehydrating, but also a little himulating. Never drink from the sea, and at the sight Vaas' chuckle split off into a full on laugh, the tiger laid sprawled out along the beach's edge, paws getting wet as he watched the other with bemusement. "I wouldn't do that if i were you!" the tiger called out, yet still not getting up from his position. He enjoyed the sun, the shallow heat of it for the moment, more than usual. Night's asleep were a lot more sparce, and he felt the need of a nap coming up.

"While there is a whole lot of water there, there is more salt than anything. It's dehydrating, and you'll receive nothing from drinking it." There are tales from his home of stupid non-natives dying of thirst before they ever died of hunger. Lappin' at the water like that, the thought, initially made him frown, but he pushed it aside.
[Image: a.gif]
"take me into your heart , accept me as your savior nail me to the fucking cross and let me be reborn" — an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain .  vaas montenegro ; he who lives to fight demons should be weary he himself does not become one ." it's not like i am fucking crazy — "

Re: don't drink the yellow water - open; drinking sea water - SirDio - 10-30-2020

Manic little beast was the Microraptor, dancing on the coast, playing with the foam on the shore, the shells that she found. She did see Dovah by the shore nearby but wasn't able to see his ridiculous move. It was only when he exclaimed the saltiness of the water that she shot her head up - did he not know what the ocean was? Yea, it was water, but saltwater! A little cry came from her, a laugh that followed Vaas' own. She scampered over to Dovah and tried to headbutt him. "Saltwater bad! It very bad - made me sick!" It was true - she was a bit of an idiot and drank some of the saltwater, ended up being nest ridden for a few days. Then her mind shuddered to Medusa, hearing of what happened to her, and she stared angrily at the ocean. "Hurt Medusa too."

Re: don't drink the yellow water - open; drinking sea water - RHINESTONE. - 11-01-2020

To most, anybody who was caught drinking seawater would probably be seen as an enormous idiot in their eyes. Rhinestone even had to admit that it was a bit ridiculous to actually see such a thing happening right before his very eyes. However, it wasn't as if he couldn't understand it. Not everyone had grown up with the ocean as their front yard, and they probably wouldn't be able to see the downsides of drinking seawater. However, Rhine did have to silently question why Dovah continued to drink from it, even after he had noticed it was salty. Didn't that taste bad? The leader could still remember the few times he had taken in enormous gulps of seawater while he had been trying to master swimming, and that hadn't been a pleasant experience. The sharp and salty taste had always caused him to recoil, no doubt interrupting his own rhythm and driving him to ingest even more of the unpleasant tasting liquid. It had become a vicious cycle at that point, and Rhinestone was very glad that he no longer had to deal with that, since he had swimming down to a t.

The ruddy tom approached a bit more slowly than both Vaas and Drifting Feather, mainly because it seemed as though the pair of them had addressed the immediate issues with what Dovah was doing. Rhine didn't really approve of Drifting headbutting the other feline away from the water, but at least she was small enough that she didn't do too much damage. The leader soon came to a stop beside Vaas, sitting back on his haunches and speaking with a chuckle and a crooked smile, "Vaas and Drifting are right, Dovah. The ocean is definitely nice for swimming in, and it gives nice prey, but it isn't a great source of drinking water. You'll actually just end up making yourself more thirsty then when you started – plus, you'll probably end up heaving it all up later." His words weren't pretty, but they were a fairly certain reality. After taking a mouthful or two of seawater, you probably weren't going to be feeling in tip-top shape.

Re: don't drink the yellow water - open; drinking sea water - number nine. - 11-01-2020

Truth be told, Number Nine himself had only very recently become used to the fact that he was living so near to the ocean. Back in his old home, he had become incredibly used to being in a mostly landlocked territory, and even when he had been living with Lewis, they had their own little home in the middle of the woods. So, living directly on the edge of where land met sea was pretty new and exciting, even if it just meant that the jaguar had a bit of a better view. Despite this, he had never become tempted to try drinking any of the water that was plentiful from the ocean. For one thing, he knew that it was a salty mess, and he didn't want to dehydrate himself. For another thing, he didn't want to make himself sick by ingesting too much of it, since ingesting too much water at all could make one feel sick, but that was especially true of saltwater. It was because of this that Nine didn't really feel any remorse over laughing at Dovah, even if his laughter wasn't actually mean spirited. It was just a bit of snickering as he came to a landing nearby, his paws sinking into the sand as he shook his head from side to side.

The others were certainly right about the water that Dovah had chosen to ingest, but Number Nine decided to offer up his own knowledge, gathered from his time as a bounty hunter, "Like Rhine said, those two are definitely right about seawater not being great for quenching your thirst. Although, you can drink it sometimes. It's just a big complicated process, involving a lot of boiling the water and straining it. Hardly worth it, especially since we're got a freshwater river near the edge of the forest. That'll quench your thirst much better, I promise." Number Nine had actually gone through the process of making seawater into drinkable water once or twice, but it was hardly fun. It took a bunch of extra resources to do, not to mention the fact that you ended up with far less actual water at the end than you would be expecting. Needless to say, Nine had made a habit of packing a water canteen with him whenever he went on hunts after that, not wanting to have to deal with gathering and purifying his own water anymore.

Re: don't drink the yellow water - open; drinking sea water - Grimm - 11-01-2020

Stated, and reinstated where such had been deemed necessary, the relevant information pertaining to the poor decision on the part of Dovah, thus no such repeated information may arise from child. Even lacking such shared tidbits again useless would he be, though held some experiences of his own with the brine that lapped at the shoreline the exact repercussions was not known prior to this instance. Possibly an oversight, or poor retainment of knowledge offered to one too young and with attention easily shifted, one may never know for sure what caused such space.

Unimportant such in this moment, however, as approach was conducted with plodding steps, proceeding events observed with half lidded eyes. For the ocean he had been named, found beyond reach yet alike the bubbling foam that laced the waves, drawn back always. Lead was followed and close did he lean, intent to lap at the tide apparent yet contact was not made, back falling the tabby with a snort that trailed into laughter.

"Silly, no drink, bad taste." Still subject to fitful little bursts of laughter, supposedly entirely amused by his odd little imitation of Dovah as he continued in vain hope to quench a thirst that would only grow worse, towards Vaas did he move. No warning prevailed his sudden launch, destination apparent as tiny paws scrabbled along striped side in a bid to climb atop the reclining tiger, seemingly unbothered with such trivial things as asking permission first.
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I think I’m not quite ready to let you circle the drain. all the things we’ve broken can be puzzled together again, all your sums and your pieces are enough to clean up all the messes you’ve made
code by Wisker